03 Oct 2014
FLY October/November Events Notes
Dear Maplers,
These are the events that you can participate in:
1. Autumn Attendance Event (Event Date: 5/10/2014, 0900hrs – 20/10/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
2. [Halloween] Gamsper Event (Event Date: 15/10/2014, 0900hrs – 4/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
3. Everyone needs one good moustache (Event Date: 15/10/2014, 0900hrs – 11/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
4. November Attendance Event (Event Date: 21/10/2014, 0900hrs – 5/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
5. Take on Zakum in Rock-Paper-Scissors! (Event Date: 29/10/2014, 0900hrs – 11/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
6. The Nut Event (Event Date: 29/10/2014, 0900hrs – 24/1/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
7. The Sweetest Attendance Event (Event Date: 6/11/2014, 0900hrs – 21/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
8. [Murgoth Dungeon] Beauty and the Beast (Event Date: 29/10/2014, 0900hrs – 25/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
Note: Event dates may be subjected to changes
1. Autumn Attendance Event (Event Date: 5/10/2014, 0900hrs – 20/10/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )

• Characters must be level 13 or higher to participate in this event
• Click on the star icon

• For this attendance event, you are required to kill 200 monsters within your level range
Reward List:
• Day 1: Power Elixir

• Day 3: Chaos Scroll 100%

• Day 5: Additional Potential Scroll 60%

• Day 7: Lucky Day Scroll

• Day 9: Special Potential Scroll

• Day 11: 2 Star Equipment Enhancement Scroll

• Day 14: Unique Potential Order 50%

2. [Halloween] Gamsper Event (Event Date: 15/10/2014, 0900hrs – 4/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
• Character must be level 13 or higher
• To begin, click on the star icon

• Once Gamsper has finished his explanation of the event, he will give you Kid Ghost’s Mark

• Double click on Kid Ghost’s Mark

• Gamsper has also provided you with a ghost pain gauge to help you keep track of your ghost paint collection.

• Gamsper event will require you to complete daily quests to get a stamp on gamsper’s attendance board for rewards

• There are 4 different daily quests which you may get randomly

• This quest requires you to collect 9999 drops of ghost paint which is tracked by your ghost paint guage. Ghost paint drops will be gained automatically overtime but it is extremely slow. Faster ways of getting ghost paint drops are to play Rock,Paper,Scissors with other players. Or find a Mysterious Ghost Paint Tube


• This quest requires you to play Rock,Paper,Scissors with other players 3 times

• This quest requires you to collect 30 Ghost Paint Tube


• This quest will require you to look for Bully Jack

• Bully Jack

• Mysterious Ghost Paint Tube

• Once you have completed gamsper’s daily quest, return to the stamp board to claim your reward

• Obtain enough daily stamps to get Gamsper’s Gift Box

• Also, when you have enough ghost paint in your ghost paint guage, don’t forget to dress up gamsper by clicking on these buttons below

• Here are a few samples of how you can dress up Gamsper!

3. Everyone needs one good moustache (Event Date: 15/10/2014, 0900hrs – 11/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
• Characters must be level 13 or higher
• To begin, click on the star icon

• To get the daily stamp and your daily moustache reward, you will be required to kill 200 monsters within your level range
• You get to choose your moustache on Day 1, Day 8 and Day 15
• To further improve your moustache, you can collect Moustache Comb

• Bring them to Carlton’s moustache shop to exchange for more moustache rewards

4. November Attendance Event (Event Date: 21/10/2014, 0900hrs – 5/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )

• Characters must be level 13 or higher
• To begin, click on the star icon

• Cassandra requires you to kill 200 monsters within your level range
Reward List:
• Day 1: Power Elixir

• Day 3: Chaos Scroll 60%

• Day 5: Lucky Day Scroll

• Day 7: Chaos Scroll 100%

• Day 9: Special Potential Scroll

• Day 11: 2 Star Equipment Enhancement Scroll

• Day 14: Golden Hammer 50%

5. Take on Zakum in Rock-Paper-Scissors! (Event Date: 29/10/2014, 0900hrs – 11/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
• Characters must be level 13 or higher
• To begin, click on the star icon

• To play Rock-Paper-Scissors with Pipsqueak Zakum, you must first collect Rock-Paper-Scissors Ticket

• Once you have obtained a ticket

• Once the game starts, you have to select Rock, Paper or Scissors. If you do not select any, it will randomly choose 1 for you.

• Every win will give you a choice to continue playing again for a combo-win or to get the reward. The higher your combo-win, the better your rewards. Higher rewards, higher risk.

• However, if you lose, to continue getting the combo-win, you will need to pay some extra tickets. Otherwise, you have to start from the beginning. You will also lose the chance to get the rewards when you choose to start from beginning.

• If the stage ends in a draw, you will play the same stage again.

6. The Nut Event (Event Date: 29/10/2014, 0900hrs – 24/1/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )
• Characters must be level 13 or higher
• To begin, click on the star icon

• Click on the Participate button to begin this event

• You can also get Nut Coin

• These Nut Coin can be used at Roasty the Nut Coin Shop. You can find him in town.

Edit 29/10/2014 @ 1807hrs :
• Nut Coins

• Monsters will drop Nut Case

7. The Sweetest Attendance Event (Event Date: 6/11/2014, 0900hrs – 21/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )

• Characters must be level 13 or higher
• Click on the star icon

• You will be required to collect 30 Sweet Honey

Reward List:
• Day 1: Power Elixir

• Day 3: Nut Coin

• Day 5: Additional Potential Scroll 60%

• Day 7: Nut Coin

• Day 9: 8-Slot Storage Room Coupon

• Day 11: Nut Coin

• Day 14: Character Slot Expansion Coupon

8. [Murgoth Dungeon] Beauty and the Beast (Event Date: 29/10/2014, 0900hrs – 25/11/2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8) )

• Level requirements: 75 and above
• To start, click on the Star icon and activate the quest [Murgoth Dungeon] Beauty and the Beast
• You will receive a Murr Murr Summon Scroll after completing the tutorial.
• Use the scroll to be teleport to the Murr Murr Dungeon.
• You can enter the dungeon in 1 vs 1 Solo mode, or 3 vs 3 Party mode; each mode is limited to 3 times entry daily.
• Once you are inside, race against your opponent(s) to find the 3 Soul Shards first
• The shards can be obtained from Treasure Chests which may appear in a room upon clearing all the monsters inside it
• The dungeon challenge is concluded once a person or party succeeds in collecting the 3 Soul Shards
• You may obtain useful items from the Treasure Chests to help you complete the dungeon faster
• Collect as many points as you can and exchange them with items from the Murr Murr Summon Scroll!
– MapleSEA Administrator