03 Sep 2014
FLY Patch Notes
Be prepared to soar with MapleSEA with the coming of the FLY Patch! Curious to know what’s coming for this upcoming patch? Read on!
• Explorer Revamps: Dual Blade & Cannon Shooter
• Resistance Hero Reorganization
• Other Job Rebalances
• Cross World Party Quests
• Guild System Revamp
• Lion King Castle Expansion
• Smart Riding Area Expansion
• New Themed Dungeon, Dimension Library
• In-game Changes/Revamps
• FLY September Events
Dual Blade & Cannon Shooter Revamps

The wait is finally over! Sharpen your blades and reload your cannons, because the Dual Blade and Cannon Shooter classes have returned, better and stronger than before!

Return of the Resistance

The original Resistance classes have also received a reorganization!

Other Job Rebalances

Cross World Party Quest
The Party Quest Entrance area has been revamped with the introduction of the Cross World Party Quest. A total of 4 Party Quests have been converted into Cross World Party Quests, and their access has been changed as well.
You can now clear these Party Quests through the Cross World Party Quest portal, which can be accessed via the normal Party Quest Entrance room or the Dimensional Mirror. The Party Quests available is set to change every few weeks, so keep an eye out if you’re looking to do a specific Party Quest!

Cross World Party Quest Requirments:
• Level Requirement: 50+
• Maximum Party Level Gap: 20 (The maximum level difference between the highest and lowest level party member cannot be more than 20)
• Number of Party Members: 4
• Number of Attempts per day: 5
Cross World Party Quest Restrictions:
• Equipment changing is not allowed, you are advised to prepare your equipment beforehand
• Your Use and Etc slots will be temporarily emptied, and will be returned upon completion of the Party Quest
• You will be provided with some consumables (e.g potions, ammo) to help you out in the Party Quest

Cross World Party Quest Rankings:
• Register your party in the ranking boards with the fastest time possible!
• Ranking time will only be recorded if there were no changes made to the party during the Party Quest
Party Quest Points:
• Collect Party Quest Points and use them to purchase items from the Party Quest Shop NPC. You can purchase items such as Party Quest Equipment, Special chairs as well as the Party Quest themed Damage Skin!

Guild System Revamp

The Guild Window UI has been revamped!
Guilds have been revamped with the following changes:
• Guild levels and size have been increased
• More Guild skills have been added
• There is no longer a need to consume mesos to purchase and use Guild skills, however the meso cost for starting a guild has been significantly increased
• Players can now use the Guild UI to search and request to join a Guild
Flag Race Event
If you’re part of guild, and is at least level 55, why not take part in the Flag Race to win SP for your guild?
• Accept the Invitation that appears above your character’s head (12pm, 7pm & 9pm)
• The Event can be cleared 3 times a day
• Rankings will be reset every Monday at midnight
• Each race participated will not be in the same map
So get your guildmates together and bring glory to your guild!
Introduction of the Rose Garden (Lion King’s Castle Expansion)

The Lion King’s Castle has been expanded with the introduction of the Rose Garden!
To begin the series of quests related to the Rose Garden, simply complete the quest “Is There Any Hope?” from NPC Ifia at the Roof of the Fifth Tower of the Lion King’s Castle.
NPC Cecilia, the Gardener will have tasks for you to clear the storyline quest as well as daily quests, which are available upon completion of the Rose Garden storyline quests.
Complete them and see if you can collect the following accessories!

The accessories come with a set effect as well:

Complete the daily quests for a set number of times and NPC Cecilia will reward you with a medal!

Smart Riding/Auto Pilot Area Expansion
The Smart Riding/Auto Pilot function has been expanded to 3 other continents: Edelstein, Mu Lung Garden and Nihal Desert.

You will now be able to purchase the Smart Mount Flight Permit as well whenever you’re within these continents to enjoy using the Auto-Pilot function. No more getting lost in these maps!

New Themed Dungeon, Dimension Library

Upon reaching level 100, a quest will appear in your Lightbulb notifier on the left column. Select the quest “[Dimension Library] Visit the Dimension Library” to proceed.
After which, head towards the ‘Grand Athenaeum’ via the Dimensional Mirror to begin the series of quests for the Themed Dungeon.

Complete the episodes of stories that are related to the Maple World and obtain rewards such as medals and a special pendant!
In-game Changes
Soul Weapon UI
Don’t you hate it when you have to collect 1000 souls just so that you can use that monster skill? Sometimes the skill doesn’t do enough justice after all that effort of collecting monster souls!

Dont fret! From today onwards, the Soul Weapon system has undergone a revamp!
• Monster Skills now consume alot less amount of souls (approx. 250 soul consumption per skill)
• Monster Soul names have been standardized as follows according to the bonus stats it provides:
- Mighty: Strength bonus stat
- Deft: Dexterity bonus stat
- Enlightened: Intelligence bonus stat
- Lucky: Luck bonus stat
- Robust: HP bonus stat
- Tranquil: MP bonus stat
- Sharp: Weapon Attack bonus stat
- Runic: Magic Attack bonus stat
- Piercing: Ignore Defense bonus stat
- Bane: Boss Attack bonus stat
- Augmented: Random bonus stat + Stronger Monster Soul skill

If you click on the “Soul Collector” button in your Monster Soul window, this Soul Collector Book window will appear! Inside is a list of Monster Souls where you can have a choice store the Monster Souls you have obtained. Complete the collection to unlock a ‘Hidden’ image! On top of that, your Monster Soul Mastery Level will be raised to level 2!
Jaguar Mounts – Wild Hunter
A new Jaguar mount is in town!

The Armored Crimson Jaguar comes with an added 20% Damage Reduction as well as Status Resistance when mounted!
Caught too many Jaguars? Need to switch your Snow White for the Armored Crimson but not willing to wait for the next spawn cycle? Don’t worry! The Wild Hunter Instructor NPC will now also offer help in allowing all Wild Hunter characters to swap between their captured Jaguars!

Icon Notifier

The Icon Notifier column on the left has been reorganized!
• Lightbulb : All quests part of the Storyline or Theme Dungeon (permanent contents) will be listed in here
• Star Icon : All system event related quests can be found here
• Book Icon : Miscellaneous permanent event contents (e.g Running Attack, Hekaton, Root Abyss) will appear here.
Keyboard Settings

Now, whenever you reset your keys, you will get to choose between two types of settings, the old default settings or the new settings.
Weapon Category Classification

Always confused as to what type of scroll can be used on your weapon? Worry no more! With the exception of Katanas and Fans, all weapons are now labelled accordingly as to whether they are one-handed or two-handed for your convenience!
Return of the RED Coin Shop

The RED Coin Shop has returned. The shop will last until 28th September 2014, 2359hrs (GMT +8).
Stay tuned to our web news for upcoming things in October!
• PvP Boss Arena
• Murr Murr’s Dungeon
For FLY Cash Shop Update Notes, please visit here.
For FLY Event Notes, please visit this link.
For Download links (Manual Patch/Full Client download), please visit this page.
– MapleSEA Administrator