16 Jan 2013
Game Client Update on 16th January 2013 - Events

Dear Maplers,
The following events will be activated on 16th January 2013, 0900hrs to celebrate the Game Client Update
1. [System Event] Mu Lung Dojo Revamp (Event Date: 16/01/13, 0900hrs – 13/03/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
3. [System Event] Daily Gear Giftaway (Event Date: 16/01/13, 0900hrs – 31/01/13, 2359hrs (GMT +8))
4. [System Event] New Year’s Gift Boxes (Event Date: 16/01/13, 0900hrs – 31/01/13, 2359hrs (GMT +8))
7. [System Event] Dual Blades Reborn (Event Date: 16/01/13, 0900hrs – 06/02/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
8. [Download] v1.27 Game Client Update
1. [System Event] Mu Lung Dojo Revamp (Event Date: 16/01/13, 0900hrs – 13/03/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
With the coming of Year 2013, So Gong have decided to have a revamp for his Mulung Dojo!
Below are the changes that So Gong made to his Dojo:
- There will now be 3 modes available (normal, hard and ranked). You can attempt normal mode at level 90, hard mode at level 120, and ranked mode at level 130.
- You can now enter each of the 3 modes 3 times per day.
- There are 10 stages in normal mode and 20 stages in hard mode.
- Difficulty of monsters have been lowered.
- EXP given for clearing monsters in normal and hard modes have been increased. Upon clearing normal and hard modes, you will receive EXP for clearing.
- Mu Lung Dojo reward items have been massively revamped.
- You can accumulate Mu Lung points in hard mode, and your ranking will be decided based on the points you obtained in a week, you can receive rewards based on your rank.
- You’ll receive a buff that increases the chance of Mu Lung Lucky Shot (A lucky bonus item that gets you additional points in the Mu Lung Dojo Hard Mode) dropping if you enter the Dojo every day.
- Hard mode Mu Lung points will be reset on a weekly basis.
- Hero’s Gloves, Mu Gong’s Gloves, and So Gong’s Gloves’ potential options and stats will no longer be applied in Mu Lung Dojo
- Duration for Hero’s Gloves, Mu Gong’s Gloves, and So Gong’s Gloves have been increased from 1 to 7 days.
- Mu Gong’s Belt duration increased from 7 to 15 days.
- Mu Gong’s Belt scroll has been added. Mu Lung Dojo monsters will drop it at a set chance.
That’s not all! To celebrate this revamp, So Gong has made all Mu Gong’s Belt to be Epic on reveal! during the event period.
Good news for everybody! The Golden Temple have been converted to a Theme Dungeon!
You have to be at least level 130 and have accepted or completed the “Noi More Tourist” quest from the Maple Mailbox before the Golden Temple icon will appear in the Mirror of Dimension
Just like other Theme Dungeon, there will be a series of quests for you to complete and at the end of the quests lies new rewards!
3. [System Event] Daily Gear Giftaway (Event Date: 16/01/13, 0900hrs – 31/01/13, 2359hrs (GMT +8))
Gaga is feeling generous in 2013 and have decided to give everyone free Cash Items!
1)The giftaway includes decorative items, effects and Nametag rings.
2)All items have a duration of 7 days
4. [System Event] New Year’s Gift Boxes (Event Date: 16/01/13, 0900hrs – 31/01/13, 2359hrs (GMT +8))
Gaga is not the only one feeling generous this 2013! Even the monsters of Maple World are feeling generous too!
You will find monsters in most towns with a “Click” placards.
Click on the monsters and they will drop a New Year’s Gift Box.
The New Year’s Gift Box contains restorative items and trait EXP items, Secret Recipes, and a buff.
1)The boxes are given on a first come, first served basis.
2)You are only able to open 20 boxes per day.
3)The boxes can only be opened during the event period.
Besides having events for existing Maplers, we will also be having an event to welcome new Maplers!
During the event period, new accounts created will be given the following items are level 10 and level 30.
Level 10
Level 30
1)The prize will be directly credited into your Cash Shop inventory if you are eligible.
2)Each account is limited to one level 10 prize and one level 30 prize.
6.[System Event] Back to old School Maple (Event Date: 16/01/13, 0900hrs – 06/02/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
Oh no! An earthquake cause the Mirror of Dimension to teleport people into wrong maps! Cassandra needs your help to find out whats wrong with it and to fix it.
By using the Mirror of Dimension, you will be able to enter the Crack in the Dimensional Mirror
Entering the Crack in the Dimensional Mirror will bring you to Maple World in the past.
By helping the citizens of the past Maple World, you will be able to obtain Old Maple Coins.
By collecting coins and going to Inkwell, you will be able to exchange the coins for variousMaple Items.
7. [System Event] Dual Blades Rebirth (Event Date: 16/01/13, 0900hrs – 06/02/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
The Dual Blades are finally back! With the return of the Dual Blades, we have prepared various events specifically catered for both new and old Dual Blades!
i) To kick-start, all newly created Dual Blades will receive a quest a quest A New Blade Rises from the Maple Mailbox.
Upon accept the quest, you will be given a Gift For new Dual Blades.
Opening the Gift For new Dual Blades. will give you the following items:
1)The Spirit Pendant has a duration of 30 days.
2)The Gift For new Dual Blades. will only last for 7 Days, so remember to open it before it expires!
ii) At level 10, 2 new quest will be triggered. SP Rest Scroll and Double Edged Destroyers.
After accepting the Double Edged Destroyers. quest, you will receive the following items.
The Dueling Dual Blades is a buff coupon that increases you Max HP/MP for 30 minutes. The higher your level, the higher your Max HP/MP will be increased. It can be stacked with other buffs. It does not disappear from the inventory after use, and it can be used as much as you desire at 30-minute intervals within the event period. It will expire when the Dual Blades Reborn events end.
The Equipment Boxes will be given every 5 levels from level 10 to 40 and every 10 levels from level 40 to 70.
Aside from the buff coupon and the equipment boxes, you will also receive 1.5x EXP Coupons, Scrolls for Katara for ATT 60% Scrolls for Dagger for ATT 60% and Chaos Scroll 60% at specific levels.
The Double Edged Destroyers is a repeatable quest which will appear in your Maple Mailbox everytime you gain 5 levels.
Below is the list of rewards that you can receive at the different levels:
1)The SP Reset Scroll will expire after 3 days if you do not use it.
2)You cannot receive the reward for a lower level after you level up, so make sure to collect your rewards while you can! For example, you cannot collect the Lv.20 reward once you reach Lv.21.
3)When you are Lv.100 or higher, you can do the quest once, regardless of level.
4)The Dueling Dual Blades buff coupon will be received once, at whichever level you first collect a reward from this event.
5)All rewards are untradable.
iii) There will also be rewards given whenever you job advance from 2nd to 4th job. Rewards includes a Mask and a Medal for each job advancement.
For example at 2nd job advancement, you will receive the following items:
iv) At level 50, you will receive a special ring call the Dual Blade Ring.
v) Then at level 75, you will receive a quest Heaven Splitter quest. Accepting this quest will reward you with the following 2 equipments.
vi) Beside all of the above, you will also be receiving different Special Mastery Books at different levels.
Below is a list of Special Mastery Books that you can obtain at the specific levels.
vii) Last but not least, for those Dual Blades mastery books that are not longer in use, you are able to change it by talking to the Maple Administrator.
1) Each of the options will allow you to change different books.
8. [Download] v1.27 Game Client Update
Manual Patch
Note: Players are advised to patch only after 15th January 2013 0900hrs (GMT +8) otherwise the client might be rendered unable to enter.
From v1.24 – v1.27(DVD Client)
[Asiasoft] Manual Patch v1.24 – v1.27
[4Shared] Manual Patch v1.24 – v1.27
From v1.25 – v1.27
[Asiasoft] Manual Patch v1.25 – v1.27
[4Shared] Manual Patch v1.25 – v1.27
From v1.26 – v1.27
[Asiasoft] Manual Patch v1.26 – v1.27
[4Shared] Manual Patch v1.26 – v1.27
-Maple Administrator