16 Jan 2013
Game Client Update on 16th January 2013 - Patch Notes

Dear Maplers,
The following are the patch notes for 16th January 2013, 0900hrs client update.
1. [System Changes] Game Changes
2. [Mini Theme Dungeon] Spiegelmann’s Gonzo Gallery
1. [System Changes] Game Changes
Weapon & Armor Shops Revamp

Good news for one and all! More items have been added to the the Weapon & Armor Shops in town!
You will now be able to purchase level 40 and below items from the Weapon & Armor Shops in Victoria Island.
That’s not all! You can now also purchase level 50 to 60 items from the Weapon & Armor Shops in Ossyria Continent.
Magic Stones Revamp
The Magic Stones that allows easy movement within the Orbis and Eos Tower have been revamped.
Orbis Tower: Magic stones have been added to 1st, 10th, and 20th floors. You’ll be teleported to other magic stone locations if you pay a set fee. You can choose to use Orbis Rock Scroll instead of paying the fee.

EOS Tower: Magic stones have been added to the following floors: 1, 10, 31, 35, 66, 70, 91, and 100. You’ll be teleported to other magic stone locations if you pay a set fee. You can choose to use Eos Rock Scroll instead of paying the fee.

Scroll Seller Revamp
The various Scroll Sellers have decided to move in the year 2013! All 4 Scroll Sellers have decided to migrate into the towns after staying in the wilds for so long!
You can now find Barun in Orbis, Tulcus in Kerning City, Vega in Ludibrium, Norman in Leafre

Monster Park Revamp

Monster Park monsters’ HP have been reduced. Number of monsters appearing for stages has been increased. Monster Park entrance ticket drop rate has been doubled.
Also, Special Monsters have started spawning in Monster Park, these monsters have a chance to drop epic grade or higher items when defeated.

Besides being able to obtain epic grade or higher items, when these Special Monsters are defeated, you will be teleported into a Hidden Treasure Vault upon clearing all the stages.
With the Hidden Treasure Vault, more Special Monsters awaits you.

Defeating this monsters will reward you with a Box of Greed. What lies within the box is a mystery that you will have to discover on your own…

Silent Crusade Revamp
The revamped Silent Crusade will have some of the current level 75 and below quests have been removed or modified. At the same time, 22 level 120+ quests and 10 level 120+ Silent Crusade monsters have been added.
There is also a new UI specifically made for Silent Crusade.

The default hotkeys for this UI is < and >. Within this UI, you can find the information info and location of the monsters you have to hunt and you will be able to access the Silent Crusade from anywhere.
The quests in Silent Crusade have been divided into 4 chapters and you can now immediately receive your reward for clearing all monsters in the chapter from the UI
Temple of Time Revamp
A new NPC, Johanna have been added to the map Three Doors

Some Temple of Time maps and resting spots have been removed and shortcuts have been added. Topography of some of the maps within the Temple of Time have also been changed. Starting level and completion requirement have been changed for some quests and some quests can now be automatically started and ended.
2. [Mini Theme Dungeon] Spiegelmann’s Gonzo Gallery
Spiegelmann’s Gonzo Gallery is a new 1-person mini theme dungeon for players level 50-120.

Within the gallery, Spiegelmann is showcasing some of his most proud works but there is a secret behind those paintings.
Why not go explore and find out the secrets yourself?!

By completing the quests that Spiegelmann gives you, you will be able to uncover the secret and earn some nice rewards!
In the city of Azwan, as efforts of liberation spread through Maple World, its corrupt conqueror Hilla, has finally appeared to defend her control over the territory!

Challenge Hilla by talking to Medina.

There are 2 ways to challenge Hilla, the Normal mode, for those level 120 and above and the Hard mode, for those level 170 and above.

Defeat Hilla and stand a chance to obtain the following items:

The [Pet Box] Dark Soul has a chance for you to obtain the following item:

When creating Dual Blade, you can now select the gender and exclusive hairstyle and cosmetic item will be provided.

Below are the changes to the skills of the Dual Blade class.
- Side Step : New passive skill that increases base Avoidability.
– Bandit Slash : New skill that allows you to swing your dagger quickly to attack multiple enemies in the front.
– Shadow Meld : New passive skill that allows you to dodge at a set chance and increases ATT for 1 second upon successful dodge and allows you to land critical hit at 100% chance.
– Toxic Venom : New skill that upgrades Venom and allows poison to be stacked.
– Dual Wield Expert : New passive skill that increases Dagger and Katara Mastery, ATT, Accuracy, and Avoidability.
– Flash Jump : Changed to 1st job skill. Movement range increased.
– Selt Haste : Changed to 1.5 job skill. Master Level changed to 10.
– Tornado Spin ( : Changed to 1.5 job skill. Master Level changed to 15. Damage and attack range increased. Also, the dash feature has been removed. Skill will now be used upon pressing the skill key.
– Katara Booster : Changed to 2nd job skill. Duration increased. Master Level changed to 10.
– Fatal Blow : Master Level changed to 20. Damage increased.
– Slash Storm : Attack count increased to 3.
– Flying Assaulter : Changed to 2.5 skill. Damage, attack count, and Stun chance increased. Also, you no longer have to have Self Haste activated to use the skill. Jump required has been decreased.
– Upper Stab : Attack range, damage, and max enemies attacked increased.
– Flash Bang : Blindness chance increased.