04 Aug 2020
Game? GAME! GAME SHOW! Highlight Notes (v197)
Dear Maplers,

Missed out some of your favorite conventions due to staying at home? Well fret not! As we bring the gaming convention to you! Breath in the competitive atmosphere of the
Game? GAME? GAME SHOW! during your visit to the gaming arena!
1.1 Brain God
1.2 Western Gunslinger
1.3 Winter Castle Downhill Match
1.4 Guess the Sound of Nature with Hatbi
1.5 Hidden Catch
1.6 Winter Castle 30-player Dice
1.7 Maple Music Festival
G3 convention… yeah.. We’re a different consonant.
Event Duration:
Season 1: 5th August 2020, (After Patch) ~ 18th August 2020, 2359hrs
Season 2: 19th August 2020, 0000hrs ~ 25th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Click on the
G3 Envelope Icon on the left side of the screen

Triple G yo! You’ve been invited to participate in the hottest gaming convention of the year! Compete with other Maplers and finally say the 3 magical G words: Git… Gud… Grub.
Game Points & Coins
The G3 Gauge will be used for Gamers players to keep track of their G3 Points that can be earned from various events within the G3 event!
G3 Points will automatically be converted into G3 Coins which can be used in the G3 Coin Shop to purchase goodies~ with RGB..
Every 100 G3 Points is 1 G3 Coins. (100:1)
The daily limit for G3 Points varies depending on the season:
Season 1: 20,000 Points (200 coins)
Season 2: 40,000 Points (400 coins)
G3 Coin Shop
I knew I should have come on the 1st day… There’s only XXL & XS left.
Spend G3 Coins obtained from various events in the G3 Coin Shop.
Items’ duration vary and will be stated in the item description
Item tradability and restrictions are stated in the item description
Items on sale in the Coin Shop may have different purchase limits depending on the item. Limits may be applied on a daily basis, quantity per character, or a limited quantity of purchases per world. Players are advised to check the limits of the items they wish to purchase and purchase them on the correct character
Brain God
Master of my own mind...
Event Duration: 5th August 2020, (After Patch) ~ 18th August 2020, 2359hrs
How to Start: Complete the main introduction quest and wait for invitations.

A brainstorming event where Maplers pit their knowledge against one another to see who will come out on top! Put your mind to the test with Brain God!
Invitations will only appear at the 15th minute of every hour (xx:15)
Invitation will appear throughout the day (0000hrs ~ 2359hrs)
Upon reading the entire guide quest, you may receive the Brain God Badge.
➢ You may access the guide quest via
NPC Gym Cat in the event map
Answer the questions correctly and obtain points! Move towards A or B to select your answer.
Beware of a few tricks up the Researcher’s sleeves! Move fast, precise and accurately!
Even in the case of an incorrect answer, there will be a chance to earn more points. All participants will be able to vote for who they think will survive! If their guess is correct, additional points will be given.
You may participate in the event as many times as you want.
➢ If you have reached the maximum daily point limit, you may still participate but you will not receive any points.
Western Gunslinger
Reach for the skkkkkkky...
Event Duration: 5th August 2020, (After Patch) ~ 18th August 2020, 2359hrs
How to Start: Talk to NPC Game Master Jun & queue for a match

Flicks and clutches all around! Think you can shoot and move faster than your opponent? It’s time to prove it in a multi-player pvp mini-game! Out shoot & maneuver your opponents and be victorious!
Upon reading the entire guide quest, you may receive the Western Gunslinger Badge.
➢ You may access the guide quest via
NPC Game Master Jun in the event map
Talk to NPC Game Master Jun to queue for a match.
Upon entering the map, you will immediately put on the ‘cowboy/girl suit’.
The match will begin as soon as you are matched up with 3 other players.
Whilst in the map, you will not be able to see your chat box or access any other functions.
In the event that you would like to leave early, you may do so by clicking on the exit button on the right.
➢ However, you will forfeit any points obtained if you decide to do so.
At the start of the game, all 4 players will start out at the top.
Each player will have to shoot the tile that the opponent is standing on to make them fall.
You will obtain 1 point for each player that falls.
➢ If you fall together , neight will get points.
In the case of a ‘DRAW’, the player will be rounded down to the lower rank.
➢ Example: if all 4 players fall at the same time, all 4 players will be ranked 4th.
You will get points according to what place you ranked:
➢ 1st: 4,000 Points
➢ 2nd: 2,500 Points
➢ 3rd: 1,500 Points
➢ 4th: 1,000 Points
You may participate in the event as many times as you want.
➢ If you have reached the maximum daily point limit, you may still participate but you will not receive any points.
Winter Castle Downhill Match
Event Duration: 5th August 2020, (After Patch) ~ 18th August 2020, 2359hrs
How to Start: Complete the main introduction quest and wait for invitations.

Vroom! Prepare for the race of the year! Speeding downhill in the thick snow while collecting points & avoid trees, yetis, pepes and obstacles… What could go wrong?
Invitations will only appear at the 45th minute of every hour (xx:45)
Invitation will appear throughout the day (0000hrs ~ 2359hrs)
Upon reading the entire guide quest, you may receive the Downhill Match Badge.
➢ You may access the guide quest via
NPC Sylvia in the event map.
Each match will last 1 minute 30 seconds.
Compete with up to 3 players.
While in the match, avoid obstacles & monsters by jumping.
➢ If you do collide with an obstacle or monsters, you will lose your speed but you will not lose the points obtained.
The longer you avoid colliding with obstacles or monsters, the faster your snowski will go.
The match will end when the time limit is up.
You may participate in the event as many times as you want.
➢ If you have reached the maximum daily point limit, you may still participate but you will not receive any points.
Guess the Sounds of Nature with Hatbi
Do... Re... Mi?
Event Duration: 5th August 2020, (After Patch) ~ 18th August 2020, 2359hrs
How to Start: Talk to
NPC Hatbi

It’s time to flex your music senses~! Listen carefully to the melody and repeat it back to Hatbi! Don’t fret if you didn’t get it right as such as life… music goes on~
Upon reading the entire guide quest, you may receive the Stonewind Story Badge.
➢ You may access the guide quest via
NPC Hatbi in the event map.
Upon starting the event, the BGM will be muted so that the melody can be played.
Random notes between 7 notes will be played. After that, simply repeat the same melody by clicking on the keys on the xylophone UI.
You may only listen to the melody again ONCE per stage.
If you are correct, the game will proceed to the next stage. If not, you will remain on the same stage but a different melody will be played.
Upon completing the 4th Stage, you will be able to receive your reward of 5,000 G3 Points.
Upon completing the 4th stage, you will be given an option to continue to the challenge mode.
While in challenge mode, you will not be able to listen to the melody again.
Participating in challenge mode will not give any additional points.
You may participate in this event ONCE PER DAY.
Hidden Catch
Sharp Eyes… ACTIVATE!
Event Duration: 19th August 2020, 0000hrs ~ 25th August 2020, 2359hrs
How to Start: Complete the main introduction quest and wait for invitations.

Able to tell what’s missing or different under duress? Time to find out! Compete with other Maplers and we shall see if you do have an eye for details!
Invitations will only appear at the 15th minute of every hour (xx:15)
Invitation will appear throughout the day (0000hrs ~ 2359hrs)
Upon reading the entire guide quest, you may receive the Hidden Catch Badge.
➢ You access the guide quest via NPC Spiegelmann in the event map
Click on differences you spot in the images to earn Event Points!
Each stage will last for 2 minutes.
For each wrong guess made, a life point will be deducted. You have 2 lives for every stage!
Should all 3 players have depleted their life points, the game will end and all players will be sent back to the exit map.
The same will end when 5 stages have been played or when players have lost all their life points.
Earn point rewards every time you spot a difference!
➢ Obtain 200 points for every correct answer in stages 1 to 3.
➢ Obtain 400 points for every correct answer in stages 4 & 5.
➢ Obtain bonus points upon clearing each stage:
↪ Stage 1: 300 Points
↪ Stage 2: 600 Points
↪ Stage 3: 900 Points
↪ Stage 4: 1,200 Points
↪ Stage 5: 1,500 Points
You may participate in the event as many times as you want.
➢ If you have reached the maximum daily point limit, you may still participate but you will not receive any points.
Winter Castle 30 Player Dice Battle
Show me the money!!
Event Duration: 19th August 2020, 0000hrs ~ 25th August 2020, 2359hrs
How to Start: Complete the main introduction quest and wait for invitations.
Dice Battle! Roll the dice and largest number wins! But whatever you do, don’t jinx the dice~
Invitations will only appear at the 45th minute of every hour (xx:45)
Invitation will appear throughout the day (0000hrs ~ 2359hrs)
Upon reading the entire guide quest, you may receive the Dice Master Badge.
➢ You access the guide quest via
NPC Dice Master Jun in the event map
While in the event map, simply roll the dice and pray~
The ranking board will list players from largest number to smallest.
Each round will end when the time limit is up or if all players have rolled their dice.
Players may leave the match at any time but any points obtained will be forfeited.
Depending on your placing each round, you will receive a different amount of points.
➢ 1st Place: 3,000 Points
➢ 2nd Place: 1,500 Points
➢ 3rd Place: 1,000 Points
➢ Other: 100 Points
You may participate in the event as many times as you want.
➢ If you have reached the maximum daily point limit, you may still participate but you will not receive any points.
Maple Music Festival
Event Duration: 19th August 2020, 0000hrs ~ 25th August 2020, 2359hrs
How to Start: Talk to
NPC Joe in the event map

Awww yes… What is a convention without a concert? Take your rhythm to the next level with DJ Remixes of classic Maple BGMs and dance your heart out
like Megalovania~!
P.S For maximum enjoyment of the Maple Music Festival, turn on your BGM!
Upon reading the entire guide quest, you may receive the MMF Rhythm Game Badge.
➢ You access the guide quest via
NPC Maggie in the event map
You may now select the concert stage that you would like to participate in.
Depending on the difficulty of the stage, the amount of points obtained will differ.
Easy Difficulty:
Henesys Stage: DJ Pia
Ariant Stage: DJ Sand Bandits
Medium Difficulty:
Temple of Time Stage: DJ Pink Bean
Kerning City Stage: DJ JM
Hard Difficulty:
Sleepywood Stage: DJ Sleepy Brothers
Survive the obstacles from the beats of the DJs and be rewarded!
The longer you survive, the more G3 Points you will be rewarded!
Players will start with 10 lives and lose a life whenever colliding with the obstacles.
You may participate in the event 5 times per day.