29 May 2012
Legends: Mercedes Patch Notes

Dear Maplers,
The following events will be activated on 30th May 2012 to celebrate the launch of the Mercedes Class
1. [System Event] Mercedes Welcome Party (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 17/06/12)
2. [System Event] Legendary Ore (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
3. [System Event] MapleSEA 7th Anniversary Carnival (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
4. [System Event] Dual Raid: Balloon Hunt 2 (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
5. [System Event] Collect Lucky Cakes! (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
6. [System Event] Find Legendary Coin Cakes! (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
7. [System Event] Rock-Paper-Scissors (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
8. [System Event] The Party Quest Seven (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 08/08/12)
9. [System Event] The Monster Park Seven (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 08/08/12)
10. [System Event] The Battle Mode Seven (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 08/08/12)
11. [System Event] Magic Music Box (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
12. [System Event] Hot Time Events
13. [Gachapon] Gachapon Update
14. [Download] Legends: Mercedes Patch
1. [System Event] Mercedes Welcome Party (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 17/06/12)
To celebrate the arrival of the Mercedes class, all Mercedes that reaches Level 30 by 17th June 2012, 0900hrs (+8 GMT) will be entitled to a FREE PERMANENT Legends Balloon Cash Item.

To receive the free permanent, player must log in to their character that they wish to receive the permanent Legends Balloon Cape.

Click on the OK button to receive your permanent Legends Balloon Cape.

• Do note that the Legends Balloon will be credited into the 1st character that enter the Cash Shop. If the character that you used to enter into the Cash Shop possessed a unique Cash Shop Wardrobe, you won’t be able to transfer the Legends Balloon onto another character within the same Maple ID.
Update as of 20/06/12
The Mercedes Legend Balloon will be credited to all eligible players on 20th June 2012 and will be available till 27th June 2012. After which, the Balloon will not be claimable.
• Update as of 30/05/12
One FREE character creation slot given to ALL Maple ID for the launch of the Mercedes class.
2. [System Event] Legendary Ore (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
Prove to NPC Cassandra that you are a true hero of MapleStory by changing the Legendary Ore into a Legendary Gold ore.

You will receive a Legendary Ore when you accept the quest.

The Legendary Ore will transform into a Legendary Gold ore when you stay logged in for 30 minutes.

Head back to NPC Cassandra to receive 1 of the Legendary Awards

3. [System Event] MapleSEA 7th Anniversary Carnival (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
Approach NPC Cassandra and collect your own 7th Anniversary Diary to keep track of all the events that are happening!

Double click on the 7th Anniversary Diary to keep track of your current 7th Anniversary progress.

Complete all 10 quests within the event period and be rewarded with a Maple Joyous 7th Anniversary Supreme Medal

Please note that the quests inside the 7th Anniversary Diary gives out 7th Anniversary Coin

The 7th Anniversary Coin can be use to exchange for the Maple Beryl items, Joyous 7th Anniversary Scrolls and the Joy Bird Feather.
Player can exchange their 7th Anniversary Coin with NPC Inkwell located in the Free Market Entrance.
Maple Beryl items

1 of the many Joyous 7th Anniversary Scroll available for exchange

Joy Bird Feather

Maple Rising Star Event
Cygnus, Valerie and Lilin are taking part in the Maple Rising Star competition this year. Who will emerged as the winner for this competition?

Support your favourite character by joining their individual fan club. Activate different quest available inside the 7th Anniversary Dairy to train them up for this competition.

Click on the “Rising Star” tab inside the 7th Anniversary Dairy to check up on their training progress.

Complete enough quests and earn the favor of your favorite star to receive a Fan Club Balloon!

4. [System Event] Dual Raid: Balloon Hunt 2 (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
• Form a party of 3 and approach NPC Gaga to participate in the Balloon Hunt event!

• Player from each team will have to hit the MapleStory balloon located in the middle of the map.

• Player can use the spring board located on the 2 side of the map to assist them to hit the MapleStory balloon located in the middle of the map.

• Various items will be dropped from the mobs which can be used for strategical game play.

• Collect the Charge +1 item to charge up the battery’s gauge. The team will then be able to stand on the middle platform to hit the MapleStory balloon easily.

• The 1st team to finished hitting the MapleStory balloon wins the game!

• Reward of random Maple Item will be given out randomly.

5. [System Event] Collect Lucky Cakes! (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
Receive a Legends Awards Coin by collecting 50 Lucky Cakes and give them to NPC Cassandra.
Money can’t buy happiness, but these cakes sure can cheer NPC Cassandra up!

For 50 Lucky Cakes that you trade with NPC Cassandra, she will reward you with a Legends Awards Coin.

6. [System Event] Find Legendary Coin Cakes! (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
Be rewarded with a special gift when you stumble upon any Legendary Coin Cakes

As the Legendary Coin Cakes are pretty rare, you are required to collect 30 of them.
NPC Cassandra will reward those who can bring the required amount of Legendary Coin Cakes with a Legendary Coin Cake Buff.

7. [System Event] Rock-Paper-Scissors (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 01/07/12)
Do you have what it takes to be a Rock-Paper-Scissors Master? If you have it all, then you are the right person NPC Gaga is looking for.

But before you can proceed to play Rock-Paper-Scissors with NPC Gaga, you will need the right playing pieces.

After you have collected the correct playing pieces, you will be allowed to challenge NPC Gaga.

You will receive a Score Card from NPC Gaga if you have successfully collected the 60 playing pieces.

Double-click on the Score Card to check your daily progress of playing Rock-Paper-Scissors with NPC Gaga. Each day you will unlock different rewards.

If you clear all 8 days of playing Rock-Paper-Scissors with NPC Gaga, you will be rewarded with a prestigious trophy.

Good luck and have fun!
8. [System Event] The Party Quest Seven (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 08/08/12)
From 30/05/12 to 08/08/12, complete any 7 Party Quest in a day to receive Legends Awards Coin!

Note: Please be informed that player are required to complete 7 party quests in a day instead of 5 as mentioned in the NPC chat dialogue.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
9. [System Event] The Monster Park Seven (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 08/08/12)
NPC Spiegelmann is putting together a HOT event. From 30/05/12 to 08/08/12, complete the Monster Park dungeon for 7 times in a day and you will receive the Legends Awards Coins!

10. [System Event] The Battle Mode Seven (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 08/08/12)
Not to be outdone by the rest, NPC Rosette is giving out Legends Awards Coins to player who participates in any Battle Mode for 7 times in a day.

11. [System Event] Magic Music Box (Event Date: 30/05/12 – 27/06/12)
Click on the following link for more information on the Magic Music Box event!
12. [System Event] Hot Time Events
The Hot Time Events are coming!
Stay tuned for more updates!
• Hot Time Event 1: [Update on 8th June] : First Hot Time will commence at 9th June 2012, 1430hrs(+8GMT)
• Hot Time Event 2: [Update on 18th June] : Second Hot Time will commence at 23rd June 2012, 1430hrs(+8GMT)
• Hot Time Event 3: Coming Soon!
• Hot Time Event 4: Coming Soon!
• Hot Time Event 5: Coming Soon!
13. [Gachapon] Gachapon Update

Stand a chance to win new rewards from the Gachapon machine near you! Check on the below image for the new update available after the Gachapon Update on 30th May 2012.

14. [Download] Legends: Mercedes Patch
-MapleSEA Administrator