04 Apr 2012
Legends: Prelude Patch Notes
Dear Maplers,
As we get nearer to the arrival of the Legends patch, here are what you can expect from the Legends:Prelude Patch v1.15.
1. [System Event] Duel Raid: Balloon Hunt (Event Period: 05/04/2012 – 25/04/2012)
2. [System Event] Easter Event (Event Period: 05/04/2012 25/04/2012)
3. [System Event] Find the Treasure Map (Event Period: 05/04/2012 01/05/2012)
4. [System Event] Happy Day! (Event Period: 05/04/2012 15/05/2012)
5. [System Event] The Lost Snipe (Event Period: 18/04/2012 15/05/2012)
6. [System Event] Family Loyalty Forever (Event Period: 18/04/2012 15/05/2012)
7. [System Event] Gaga’s New Business (Event Period: 18/04/2012 15/05/2012)
8. [System Event] Golden Temple (Event Period: 05/04/2012 30/05/2012)
9. [Gachapon] Gachapon Jackpot
10. [Gachapon] Gachapon Update
11. [Cash Shop] Cash Shop Update
12. [Download] v1.15 Full Client & Manual Patch

1. [System Event] Duel Raid: Balloon Hunt (Event Period: 05/04/2012 25/04/2012)
Form a party of 3 and approach NPC Gaga to participate in the Balloon Hunt event!

Player from each team will have to hit the MapleStory balloon located in the middle of the map.

Player can use the spring board located on the 2 side of the map to assist them to hit the MapleStory balloon located in the middle of the map.

Various items will be dropped from the mobs which can be used for strategical game play.

Collect the Charge +1 item to charge up the battery’s gauge. The team will then be able to stand on the middle platform to hit the MapleStory balloon easily.

The 1st team to finished hitting the MapleStory balloon wins the game!

Reward of random Maple Item will be given out randomly.

2. [System Event] Easter Event! (Event Period: 05/04/2012 25/04/2012)
Mad Bunny: “Time flies! I am back again this Easter!”
NPC Mad Bunny need help with his mischievous plan for Easter this year!
New Event Quests!
Easter : Easter Basket (repeatable once a day)
Easter : Mad Bunny’s Easter(Yellow) for level 8 to 29 characters (repeatable once a day)
Easter : Mad Bunny’s Easter(Green) for level 30 to 69 (repeatable once a day)
Easter : Mad Bunny’s Easter(Red) for level 70 and above (repeatable once a day)
Reward of Easter Basket ,
Easter Charm and EXP will be given when completed the quests!
Easter : Golden Egg (repeatable every 2 hours)
Rewards for Easter : Golden Egg
Level 8 to 29 : Random EXP or a chance to get Bunny Disguise I
Level 30 to 69 : Random EXP or a chance to get Bunny Disguise II
Level 70 or above : Random EXP or a chance to get Bunny Disguise III

3. [System Event] Find the Treasure Map (Event Period: 05/04/2012 01/05/2012)
NPC Cassandra need your help to find the missing Pirate King’s Treasure Map Pieces so that she can start her big adventure!

Starting from 5th April 2012, record your progress in the Treasure Map Book on a daily basis to receive your participation rewards!

Once you have completed a task, it will be updated in your overall Event’s window.

Good luck!!

4. [System Event] Happy Day! (Event Period: 05/04/2012 15/05/2012)
There are more reasons to stay home during the weekends in the month of April and May 2012. For 6 weeks, the Maple Administrator will be giving out 3 types of Happy Items to all players.

Look for the Maple Administrator to receive the quest to obtain your free weekend’s rewards.
Have a good time training with your family and friends during the weekends!

5. [System Event] The Lost Snipe (Event Period: 18/04/2012 15/05/2012)

Snipe miss flying with his friends and required your help to bring him back into the skies again. In order to fly again, Snipe will need to be at the highest end of the Jump Stand. However, the path to bring Snipe back to the Jump Stand are covered by thorn bushes. He needs your help to drop him down at the top of the Jump Stand before he can fly again.
Activate “Help a Snipe” quest from NPC Gaga

Snipe will request your help to take him up to the Jump Stand within a certain time duration.

You will have to drop the ETC item “A Lost Snipe” onto the top of the Jump Stand.

Once succeeded, Snipe will appear on the top of the Jump Stand.

Talk to The Lost Snipe and complete the quest.

6. [System Event] Family Loyalty Forever (Event Period: 18/04/2012 15/05/2012)
Mark your daily attendance with the Maple Administrator for 7 days and 14 days to receive the Loyalty Medal.

Mark your attendance for 7 days;

Mark your attendance for 14 days;

7. [System Event] Gaga’s New Business (Event Period: 18/04/2012 15/05/2012)
To cash in on the popular Monkey that follow around the new “Cannoneer Job”, NPC Gaga has a new business plan on hand.
From 17th April 2012 till 15th May 2012, NPC Gaga needs your help to recover the stolen Monkey Dolls from the monsters.

Recover 30 Monkey Dolls for “Find My Monkey Dolls!” quest and be rewarded with the following 2 items.

That’s not all! For every Monkey Dolls which you recover during the event period, you will be able to receive other cool rewards from NPC Gaga!
-Dear Maplers, the number of special potential scroll received on the 7th day should be “1” instead of “3”, we would like to apologize for the text error made.

8. [Gachapon] Golden Temple (Event Period: 05/04/2012 30/05/2012
The Golden Temple is BACK! From 5th April 2012 till 30th May 2012, player may access into the Golden Temple map through the Mirrors of Dimension.

Talk to NPC Chan to access into the different Goblin Cave available for players of different levels.

However, player are required to purchase the Golden Temple Ticket from the Cash Shop, in order to access into the different Goblin Temple maps.

Good luck and have lots of fun training inside the Golden Temple!

9. [Gachapon] Gachapon Jackpot
Starting from 5th April 2012, stand a chance to win a RARE Jackpot item from any of the Gachapon Machine!
There will be a winner of the Gachapon Jackpot in each of the 5 world, for each month. So the more Gachapon Ticket you play, the higher the chances of you hitting the Gachapon Jackpot!
The Gachapon Jackpot item for the month of April is.
Chaos Horned Tail Necklace (+2)

Good Luck!

10. [Gachapon] Gachapon Update
The following items will be available at all Gachapon Machines!

11. [Cash Shop] Cash Shop Update
Mild Surprise (1)
Mild Surprise (11)
Average Surprise (1)
Average Surprise (11)
Huge Surprise (1)
Huge Surprise (11)
Golden Stamp
Silver Stamp
Pink Yeti
Small Slackers
Pink Bunny
Pink Heroine Ribbons
Pink Heroine Overall
Pink Heroine Shoes
Golden Temple Ticket (1)
Golden Temple Ticket (11)
Pink Yeti pet has the same skill as the Alien pet.
Mild, Average and Huge Surprise boxes will be available from 5th April 2012 to 18th April 2012.
The prices for the following items will be revert back to their original price.
Vicious’s Hammer 12,500 Maple Cash
Scissors of Karma 12,000 Maple Cash
Platinum of Scissors of Karma 15,000 Maple Cash
The following items will be removed from the Cash Shop after the Cash Shop Update
99 Maple Cash Sales
Gold Master Key
Silver Master Key
Chair Gachapon Ticket
Persian Cat
Persian Cat’s Fish

12. [Download] v1.15 Full Client & Manual Patch
V1.15 Full Client
V1.15 Full Client
Manual Patch
Please kindly take note to only start doing the manual patching after 05th April 2012, 0600hrs (+8 GMT) so as not to interrupt your game play before the Game Client Patch.
1. After downloading the manual patch file, double-click on the patcher -> Select the folder where the game is installed.
2. For most users, the default folder is C:\Program Files\wizet\maplestory.
3. *If you receive an error (canvas.dll is corrupt), please download the new client.
4. *If you receive an error (maplestory.exe not found), please select the correct folder.
Manual Patch
From v1.12 v1.15
[4Shared] Manual Patch v1.12 ~ v1.15
[GameFront] Manual Patch v1.12 ~ v1.15
[ZippyShare] Manual Patch v1.12 ~ v1.15
From v1.13 v1.15
[4Shared] Manual Patch v1.13 ~ v1.15
[GameFront] Manual Patch v1.13 ~ v1.15
[ZippyShare] Manual Patch v1.13 ~ v1.15
From v1.14 v1.15
[4Shared] Manual Patch v1.14 ~ v1.15
[GameFront] Manual Patch v1.14 ~ v1.15
[ZippyShare] Manual Patch v1.14 ~ v1.15
MapleSEA Administrator