12 Nov 2015
M.I.B Event Notes for November 2015
1. M.I.B Codename: Defrost Series of Events
2. Sengoku Reborn Events
3. Lady Blair’s Dream Express
4. Freud’s Diary: The Onyx Ring
1. M.I.B Codename: Defrost Series of Events
MIB Codename: Defrost – Frozen & Hot Hero

Event Period: 11th November 2015, 0900hrs ~ 26th January 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum level requirement: Level 33+
• Accept the quest ‘[Event] MIB Frozen Hero? Hot Hero?’ from the MIB Coin Icon. After accepting your quest, you will be determined whether your account is COLD or HOT by checking the nametag given to you, located at the left side of your character IGN
Rewards will also be given out according to the respective conditions of the account:
Hot Hero
• Condition: Maple accounts that are active from 16th September 2015, 0600hrs – 11th November 2015, 0600hrs (GMT+8)
• Items Obtained: ‘Passionate Hot Hero’ title and Frozen Hero’s Energy skill
Returning Frozen Hero
• Condition: Maple accounts that are inactive from 16th September 2015, 0600hrs – 11th November 2015, 0600hrs (GMT+8)
• Items Obtained: ‘Returning Frozen Hero’ title and an Ice Hat Coupon
Overnight Frozen Hero
• Condition: Maple accounts that are newly created during the event period
• Items Obtained: ‘Overnight Frozen Hero’ title and an Ice Hat Coupon
Hot and Cold Special Effects & Bonuses
• If you are a Hot Hero, you will obtain the Frozen Hero’s Energy skill, which can be casted near a Frozen Warrior
• Upon a successful casting, the Frozen Hero will receive a buff from the Hot Hero’s skill, while the caster will receive a Cold Box
• If you have a Frozen Hero in a party, you will gain a 5% additional EXP boost!
• You can stack the EXP boost by inviting even more Frozen Heros, but the boost will be capped at 20%
MIB Codename: Defrost – MIB Briefcase
Event Period: 11th November 2015, 0900hrs ~ 8th December 2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum level requirement: Level 33+
Keep an eye out for MIB briefcases which are dropped from hunting monsters within your level range! There’s a bunch of items to be obtained such as M.I.B coins, which can be used for purchasing items in M.I.B Coin Shop!
MIB Codename: Defrost – Best Friends Forever
Event Period: 11th November 2015, 0900hrs ~ 26th January 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum level requirement: Level 33+
Do you wanna be the best of friends? Accept the quest ‘[Event] MIB Want to be Friends’ from the M.I.B Coin Icon to begin your journey.
Participation Conditions
• Head around Maple World and look for your significant other Hero
• Establish your friendship by being account buddies
• After which, you can then become Best Friends by right clicking the other player and selecting the ‘Best Friend’ option
• Only Account Buddies can be Best Friends
• Once registered, you cannot add any other players to be your Best Friend
• Best Friends are on account level,
Rewards: MIB Coins, Hot and Cold effect (when the BFF are close to each other), can proceed to the following quest, ‘[Event] MIB When Colds Meets Heat’
MIB Codename: Defrost – When Colds Meets Heat
Event Period: 11th November 2015, 0900hrs ~ 26th January 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum level requirement: Level 33+
• Upon completing the ‘M.I.B. Want to be Friends’ quest, accept the quest ‘[Event] MIB When Colds Meets Heat’ from the M.I.B Coin Icon
• Agent I will be giving you a leveling quest depending on your level, which upon completion will net you and your best friend with some rewards
• Rewards: Friendship Glowing Stormy Growth Secret Remedy and Friendship Glowing Gift Box
• Friendship Glowing Stormy Growth Secret Remedy can only be used by players between level 100-199
MIB Codename: Defrost – Road of Guildmates
Event Period: 11th November 2015, 0900hrs ~ 26th January 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum level requirement: Level 33+
• Aside from friends, guilds will also be apart of the M.I.B event participation
• Accept the quest ‘M.I.B. Road of Guildmates’ from the M.I.B Coin icon / NPC Heracle from the Guild Headquarters
• The quest will be completed once you join a guild, it is also accepted if you are already part of a guild
• Rewards: Silver Guild Word Bubble Ring (30 Days), Guild Contribution Pouch
MIB Guild Benefits! (Daily)
• Accept the daily quest ‘[Daily] Guild Benefit!’ from the M.I.B Coin icon / NPC Heracle from the Guild Headquarters
• The participant must have a guild to accept/finish the quest
• Obtain the required Contribution Points to finish the quest
• Rewards: MIB Coins, Contribution Pouch
• Daily Quest can only be done once per day during the event duration
Guild Boosts
The following Guild bonuses are in effect during this event period as well:
• Maximum daily Contribution is doubled from 5,000 to 10,000
• Cost of expanding guild member slots is halved
• All newly joining members after this patch will receive double the initial Contribution from 500 to 1,000
• Guild Support items (G Potions and Guild’s Blessings) will be given out daily instead of every Monday during the event period
MIB Codename: Defrost – Operation Name: Crash!

Event Period: 11th November 2015, 0900hrs ~ 26th January 2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
• Between 1pm to 10pm each day, a Giant Ice Cube may spawn in Henesys or Leafre. Fight together with everyone to defeat it!
• You can only use the Normal Attack button to hit the Giant Ice Cube. When successfully defeated, it will drop Ice Cube Gift Pouches (which you can open for prizes), M.I.B. Briefcases, Scroll Traces, mesos, and potions.
• If you fail to break it, the Ice Cube will disappear and you will need to wait for another one to spawn again
MIB Codename: Defrost – Maple Contents Book
Event Period: 11th November 2015, 0900hrs ~ 26th January 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum level requirement: Level 13+, Zero must complete Chapter 2 to participate
You can access the Maple Contents Book by clicking the Maple Content Book icon. Here, you can see many different contents of MapleStory! Each content has 3 stages to clear, each one providing its own reward upon completion:

If you complete every single content, you will gain 200 M.I.B Coins!
MIB Codename: Defrost – Attendance Check Event
Event Period: 11th November 2015, 0900hrs ~ 15th December 2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum level requirement: Level 33+
Click the Calendar Icon to get a prompt indicating an available Attendance event and its guide
Once per day during the event period, Cassandra will stamp on your attendance after you helped her with her request. Tangyoon will ask you to defeat 300 monsters on your level range and gain 30 Star Points by playing Star Planet Games for her attendance event quests.
MIB Codename: Defrost – Return of Korean Folk Town
Event Period: 25th November 2015, 0900hrs ~ 12th January 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum level requirement: Level 33+
Korean Folk Town has returned although not the entire area but you’ll be able to visit the town and do the quest by accepting the quest ‘Korean Folk Town Returned’ from the the M.I.B Coin Icon
Complete Daily Quests once a day per character during the event duration to receive rewards such as special tickets to access some games to get mesos, Scroll Traces, M.I.B. Coins and etc.
You can purchase items from NPC Mr. Noh using M.I.B. Coins.
2. Sengoku Reborn Events
Event Period: 11th November 2015, 0900hrs ~ 29th December 2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Mightier Sengoku Powers (For Existing Sengoku Characters)
• Sengoku Characters created before 11 November 2015 are eligible for this event.
• Accept the series of quests to collect Sengoku Ki from monsters within your level
• Obtain special class related Sengoku medal, ring, badge and weapon scrolls
Important Notice: Only one existing Hayato and one existing Kanna can participate per account
Promise of Strength (For Newly Sengoku Character)
• Create a new Hayato or Kanna within the event period to participate
• Training your characters to reach certain levels will be reward you with a level-appropriate set equipment
• You will also receive a Sengoku Badge at Lv. 60, Sengoku Ring at Lv. 100, Sengoku Medal and 1,000,000 mesos at Lv. 140
• You will also receive 2 1.5x EXP Coupons and 30 Power Elixirs once a day.
• Even if you have old existing Hayato or/and Kanna characters doing the Mightier Sengoku Powers event, you can still create new Hayato or Kanna characters to participate in this event. However please note that only one newly created Hayato and one newly created Kanna can participate per account

3. Lady Blair’s Dream Express

Season 1 Event Period: 11th November 2015 ~ 17th November 2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
• For a limited time during the event period, you will be able to transfer most cash items between your characters within the same world.
Just follow these simple steps:
1. Enter the Cash Shop.
2. Pick an eligible item you would like to transfer to a different character, and ensure that it is in your Cash Inventory/Wardrobe.
3. Right-click the item.
4. Click the ‘Transfer’ button.
5. Select the recipient of the item from the drop down.
6. Click the ‘OK’ button.
The selected item will now appear in the other character’s Cash Inventory/Wardrobe the next time you login to that character.
• You can only transfer cash items between characters in the same world.
• All jobs are able to transfer cash items between each other.
• Cash Item Tranfer between two Explorers will still be the same as they already share their Cash Inventory
• There are a few items that are not able to be transferred
- Shop Permits and Hired Merchants
- Friendship and Couple items
4. Freud’s Diary: The Onyx Ring
Event Period: 25th November 2015, 0900hrs ~ 15th December 2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum Level Requirement: Level 33+
Freud’s Diary Quests
• [Freud’s Diary] How I Met the Ring
- Pre-quest that leads on to other Freud’s Diary Quests.
• [Freud’s Diary] I wonder about the Onyx Ring!
- A guideline for Freud’s Diary Quest
• [Freud’s Diary] The Ring and I
- Upon accepting the quest, you will receive a Closed Magic Pouch.
- You will need to hold the Closed Magic Pouch for 30 minutes (Do not log out!)
- You will be rewarded upon submitting the quest.
- This quest can be repeated 4 times per day.
• [Freud’s Diary] Anello’s Daily Training
- Talk to NPC Anello and complete one of his five training courses per day.
- The training courses clear count will reset on Thursday at 0900hrs
• [Freud’s Diary] Ring’s First Growth/Second Growth
- Follow Anello’s instruction to grow the ring.
• [Freud’s Diary] Anello’s Weekly Goal
- Every week, you will receive different goals set by Anello
- Complete them to receive rewards