11 Mar 2014
[Updated] March 2014 Content Update and Event Notes
Dear Maplers,
As the Sengoku Era comes to a close, a new era approaches!

Black, the new Pink!
A new boss encounter has been introduced into MapleSEA!

Boss Name: Black Bean
Location: Gold Beach Resort
Recommended Level to Challenge: Minimum 70 & above
Difficulty: ??
Party Size Limit: Party, 1-6 Characters
Daily Entry Limit: 5 times/day, resets every midnight
Known Attack Skills: Summons Blue/Red Water Bombs, Tornado Traps, causes ‘Drenched’ debuff effect
Known Loot: Black Bean Accessories, exclusive scrolls for Black Bean Accessories
• To begin the hunt for Black Bean, simply initiate the quest “[Black Bean] Gold Richie Junior’s Distress” from the Lightbulb Icon Notifier on the left side of the screen to be warped directly to the Gold Beach Resort.
Masters’ Road
Deep in the Perion in Twilight, rumors of supernatural beings have made its appearance, in a land known only as the Masters’ Road.
The Shrine Elder Shaman has beckoned forth all mighty Maplers to come visit, and undertake the challenge of the Labyrinth of the Masters’ Dungeon, an eternal maze of no ends.

A Shrine Guardian awaits challengers of the Labyrinth deep within another dimension. Maplers will be required to obtain a specific amount of Panel Pieces in order to access the hidden dimension.
These Panel Pieces can be dropped by the various monsters found deep within the Labyrinth.
As the Labyrinth is empowered by the presence of the Shrine Guardian, Maplers are advised to travel with companions. A bonus Party Play Zone is in effect within the walls of the Labyrinth.
Boss Name: Shrine Guardian
Location: Dimension of the Guard
Recommended Level to Challenge: Required minimum Lvl of 200
Difficulty: ??
Party Size Limit: Solo Entry
Daily Entry Limit: Require Panel Pieces per entry (30 Alphas/Deltas/Etas/Kappas, 10 Betas/Epsilons/Thetas/Lambdas, 5 Gammas/Zetas/Iotas/Mus)
Known Attack Skills: Summons Totems, Lightning Area Attack, Electric Globes
Known Loot: ??
Will you be able to take on the Shrine Guardian?

• To begin, Maplers can simply select the quest “To the Masters’ Road battlefield” upon reaching 200 to be warped directly to the map.
Coin Collector, Coinbebe

Coinbebe, the exotic Coin Collector has arrived in MapleSEA!
Coinbebe is looking to trade players for their old unused coins from past events and will be exchanging them for Recycle Coins. Each coin will have its own trade value (e.g Justice Coins will be traded with a rate of 5:1 while Season2 Coins are traded for a rate of 3:1)
Recycle Coins can be used in the Recycle Coin Shop to purchase an assortment of items including class Mastery Books, Scrolls, Legend Maple and Season2 Equipment and Recycle Equipment.
Recycle Equipment
Recycle Equipment mainly take the form of the newbie class equipment from most classes e.g Luminous (both Dark & Light versions), Aran, Phantom, Knights of Cygnus (Old & New), Kaiser, Xenon, and more! So if you’ve always wanted to collect all the newbie equipment from the different classes, this is your chance to do so now!
Clearing the daily quest given by Coinbebe, “Coinbebe’s Lost Recycle Chips” will earn you a Coin Machine.
Coin Machine
Maplers can fuse current in-game coins available (e.g Sengoku Coins, ES Coins, Clover Coins) using the Coin Machine to obtain a Recycle Chip.
• Coins that are listed by Coinbebe for a direct exchange for Recycle Coins cannot be fused in the Coin Machine.
Meanwhile, the following system event is currently ongoing in-game:
[System Event] Daily Sengoku Coin Grab
- Event duration: ongoing from 13th November 2013
– Minimum level requirement: 20
– Quest Initiation: Daily Sengoku Coin Grab from the Sengoku Icon Notifier

As the end of the Sengoku Era approaches, Maplers can still log in each day and complete the quest found in the Sengoku Event notifier

[System Event] Luminous’ Return
Until 26th March 2014, Luminous classes created during this period of time will receive assistance while leveling up!
Level 30: Lvl 30 Equipment Box
Level 50: Luminous Ring, Lvl 50 Equipment Box
Level 60: Lvl 60 Equipment Box
Level 70: Lvl 70 Equipment Box, 1 x Special Mastery Book
1.5X Exp Coupons to be given out at every 5 levels between levels 50 to 100!
[System Event] Xenon’s Return
Until 2nd April 2014, Xenon classes created during this period of time will receive assistance while leveling up!
Level 30: Lvl 30 Equipment Box
Level 50: Xenon Ring, Lvl 50 Equipment Box
Level 60: Lvl 60 Equipment Box
Level 70: Lvl 70 Equipment Box, 1 x Special Mastery Book
1.5X Exp Coupons to be given out at every 5 levels between levels 50 to 100!
• For the class return events, Maplers are advised to retrieve your assistance rewards at the levels stated above.
System Events for March 2014
The following systems will also be available during the month of March:
1. Special Weekend Event (12th March 2014 ~ 8th April 2014)
2. Picnic Basket Event (12th March 2014 ~ 26th March 2014)
3. Spring Event (12th March 2014 ~ 26th March 2014)
4. Premium Mini Dungeon (12th March 2014 ~ 9th April 2014)
5. White Day Event (26th March 2014 ~ 9th April 2014)
• Event dates may be subjected to changes
1. [System Event] Special Weekend Event
- Event duration: 12th March 2014 ~ 7th April 2014 2359hrs
– Minimum level requirement: 13
– Quest Initiation: Calendar Icon Notifier on left side of screen
Take the daily challenge to receive a ‘stamp’ on your Attendance Board. Upon receiving stamps on specific days, you will be able to select the ‘Get Reward’ option to obtain the reward for the following day.
There will be 2 seasons of Attendance for this event, the duration of each season are as follows:
Season 1 > 12th March 2014 ~ 25th March, 2359hrs
Season 2 > 26th March 2014, 0900hrs ~ 7th April 2014, 2359hrs
Rewards will be given out to Maplers who have completed marking their attendance on the 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, and 14th.
The following rewards are given out for completing specific number of days for each season:
1 Day: Weekend Special Ring <1>
4 Days: Weekend Special Ring <2>
7 Days: Weekend Special Ring <3>
10 Days: Weekend Special Ring <4>
12 Days: Epic Potential Scroll 100%
14 Days: Weekend Special Ring <5>
• All Weekend Special Rings have a duration of 2 weeks upon retrieval
• You are advised to collect your Season 1 rewards before 25th March 2014, 2359hrs. Rewards will be forfeit once Season 2 begins.
• Each season lasts for exactly 14 days. If you missed one day, there will be no way to earn the lost attendance mark. Maplers are advised not to miss more than one day if they wish to obtain all rewards during one season
• Each Attendance Board is tagged to one Maple ID
• You can clear the daily attendance quest with any character, however the attendance mark will only be registered once per day.
• Rewards can be claimed by any character within the same Maple ID
2. [System Event] Picnic Basket Event
- Event duration: 12th March 2014 ~ 25th March 2014, 2359hrs(+8 GMT)
– Minimum level requirement: 10
– Quest Initiation: Picnic Basket Icon Notifier at left side of screen
Each day, assist Cassandra with daily tasks and be rewarded with a picnic food item, as well as a Picnic Gift Box. There are various rewards that can be obtained from the Picnic Gift Box such as scrolls and consumables.
If you are lucky, Cassandra might reward you with a Golden Packed Lunch while helping her to complete the daily tasks.
With the picnic food item given, click on the Picnic Basket icon to see a puzzle-like window. Get 5-in-a-rows by placing the picnic food items in their respective slots. Golden Packed Lunches will be considered as a wild card and can replace any of the picnic food items to assist you to get 5-in-a-rows faster.
Each time you clear a row, you will receive a reward from Cassandra, for a maximum of up to 3 times. Upon clearing 3 rows, Cassandra will also give you a bonus reward – a Picnic Pendant.
• NPC Cassandra will offer to trade your picnic food items at an exchange rate of 2:1. However, kindly take note that the picnic food item received will be random, therefore there will be instances where you will receive the same food item back again.
3. [System Event] Spring Event
- Event duration: 12th March 2014 ~ 25th March 2014, 2359hrs(+8 GMT)
– Minimum level requirement: 13
– Quest Initiation: Star Icon Notifier
Daily 1.5x EXP Coupon
Each day, Maplers can obtain a 1.5x EXP Coupon from the Star Icon Notifier, which will expire if not consumed within 30 minutes upon collecting the item.
The 1.5x EXP buff will last for an hour.
Spring Gift
Each day, Maplers will be given a Maple Special Value Pack Box from the Star Icon Notifier.
Within this box, you will obtain the following:
• World Map Warp Drive – Works similar to a Hyper Teleport Rock! (lasts for 1 day)
• Basic Value Pack Gift Box – Random rewards to be obtained from within!
4. Premium Mini Dungeon
From 12th March 2014 ~ 8th April 2014, 2359hrs the Premium Mini Dungeon (PMD) will reopen with better rewards and never before seen weapons!
What are the features of Premium Mini Dungeon?
• Requirement level : Level 1 ~ Lv 250
• Over 11 Dungeon Maps!
• Various weapons and boxes drop
• A variety of Chair drops!
• Single / Party mode available. (You only need to buy 1 Party Coupon to bring your whole party in!)
• Increase exp bonus on requirement kill counts.
• Talk to NPC Rechanuni for rewards.

How to enter into the dungeon?
• Take your Maple Mini Dungeon Ticket

• Find NPC Lepree

• When you hunt monsters in PMD, you will earn Clover coins

• Find NPC Rechanuni

• A variety of PMD Boxes

5. [System Event] White Day Event
- Event duration: 26th March 2014 ~ 8th April 2014, 2359hrs
– Minimum level requirement: 13
– Quest Initiation: Star Icon Notifier on left side of screen
Here’s hoping that you have a sweet tooth, because White Day Candies will be dropping all over Maple World!
Candy Points Challenge
Take the challenge to see how many candy points you can obtain during the whole duration of the event!
Rewards will be given out whenever you achieved the following amount of Candy Points:
5000 Points: Suspicious Cube x 1
10000 Points: Suspicious Cube x 1, Resurrection Flame (110) x 1
15000 Points: Suspicious Cube x 1
20000 Points: Suspicious Cube x 1, Resurrection Flame (110) x 1
30000 Points: Suspicious Cube x 1
40000 Points: Epic Potential Scroll 50% x 1
50000 Points: Resurrection Flame (140) x 1
55000 Points: Additional Potential Scroll 60% x 1
60000 Points: Additional Potential Scroll 60% x 1, Miraculous Chaos Scroll 60% x 1
65000 Points: Additional Potential Scroll 60% x 1
70000 Points: Additional Potential Scroll 60% x 1, Miraculous Chaos Scroll 60% x 1
80000 Points: Additional Potential Scroll 60% x 1
90000 Points: Epic Potential Scroll 50% x 1, Additional Potential Scroll 60% x 1
100000 Points: Resurrection Flame (140) x 1
White Candy Gift Shop
The Gift Shop can be accessed via the Star Icon Notifier. You can purchase a variety of items with the points collected such as White Day Accesories, Golden Hammer 50%, Special Potential Scrolls, Mystery Mastery Books, Mystery Mastery Book Synergizers and many more!
If you purchase the White Day Accessories, a quest will be made available for you to obtain a special title!
Stay tuned to our webnews for more updates during this season! Happy Mapling!
Updated as of 12th March 2014, 1100hrs
• Updated more information on events
• Removed the large space in the PMD table exp
– MapleSEA Administrator