29 Jul 2014
[Updated] Post R.E.D. Patch Notes : ReZENeration
Let us welcome the return of ZEN to MapleSEA, this time faster and stronger, and he will stop at nothing to fight against the evil Emperor of Darkness to avenge his father’s death.
This Patch notes will cover the following :
• Revamped Content : ZEN
• Seasonal Content : Half Root Abyss (30/07/2014 ~ 0900hrs 20/09/2014)
• Seasonal Content : Maple High School (0900hrs 20/08/2014 ~ 2359hrs 30/09/2014)
• Seasonal Content : Giant Mushroom Crusade (0900hrs 20/08/2014 ~ 2359hrs 02/09/2014)
• Game Changes and Bug Fixes
• Guide to downloading and patching MapleSEA
For Event Notes, please visit this link instead.
For Cash Shop Updates, please visit this link.
ZEN : The Return
ZEN is the child of Zhi Jun, the Commander of the Hongwu Troupe. Having great expertise in the martial arts, Commander Zhi Jun was responsible for protecting the safety of the Sunyao Emperor.
The story begins from an ordinary training day for ZEN. ZEN was training very hard, hoping that one day he would be as powerful as his father. Zhi Jun assigned his trusty assistant, Suha, to train ZEN.
After a long period of training, ZEN returned home thinking that his skills had improved significantly. However, he could not find any signs of Suha nor the Commander at home. At that instant moment of his panic, Suha appeared with serious injuries.

Suha did not tell ZEN what had happened but asked him to hide immediately, but all ZEN could think about was his father and rushed out to look for him. Once outside, he discovered that the Palace was in total chaos. Suddenly, he heard sounds of a huge fight in the distance, and ran toward the source, thinking that his father would be there.

Upon reaching the scene of combat, ZEN saw his father fighting a figure that looked like the Emperor. The Emperor seemed like he was being controlled by an unknown dark force. Realizing that Commander Zhi Jun was too powerful for him, the Emperor thought that ZEN would be a better target instead. Seeing that his son’s life was in danger, Zhi Jun used himself to shield ZEN from the Emperor’s attack.

Commander Zhi Jun was severely injured from the attack and could not continue with the battle. Sensing that his son was in a grave situation, Zhi Jun ordered Suha to escape with ZEN. Knowing that ZEN was unwilling to leave without his father, Suha had to lie to ZEN saying that the Commander will join them later.

When they reached the boat, Suha confessed to ZEN that his father had died during the battle and tasked her to give a chest to ZEN. Suha said that within the chest, ZEN will be able to obtain the power needed for revenge and that it was up to him to keep it safe.
As the boat sailed away, they encountered a horrible storm in the sea and the boat almost sunk. Luckily, they ran into Kyrin and she rescued ZEN and Suha.
Surviving the fate of death on the sea, ZEN’s journey to avenge his father’s death begins….
ZEN belongs to the Explorer: Pirate class. In this revamped version, the ZEN uses a Gun as his main weapon, and a Martial Fist as his secondary weapon. His primary stat is Dexterity. Although he is an Explorer, his Cash Wardrobe cannot be shared with other Explorers or characters.
Character Progression
The character’s journey starts at Level 1, and like all other Explorers, goes through a series of Job Advancements, the first one being at Level 10, second advancement at Level 30, third advancement at Level 60 and fourth advancement at Level 100.
Features and Differences from existing Zen
• In this patch, ZEN’s HP growth formula was reorganized and adjusted
• All passive and buff skills have been replaced
• All attack skills have been replaced except for the following which have been revamped :
- Dragon Destroyer (old name: Octo Cannon)
- Dragon Volution (old name : Dartle)
- Panda Earthquake (new effect added)
- Dragon Immolation (old name: Regret of the Proud Dragon)

• Uses secondary weapon Martial Fist
• Secondary weapons can be purchased from NPC Neville at Leafre
• Newer and flashier animations
• Faster movements
• Able to use Core Aura System. Read about it here.
• Adjustments have been made in gameplay for the hybridization of main and secondary weapon wielding.
• As overall skills are improved, there is a decrease in ZEN’s Somersault’s range. This change was necessary for balance.
Hyper Skills
• New active hyper skills have been added
• Secondary passive skills have been revamped
ZEN Skill List

- Note : Skill names may be subjected to further amendments and corrections. All skill names are correct at the time of preparing the patch notes.
Half Root Abyss (30/07/2014 ~ 0900hrs 20/09/2014)
• This is a quest for players above Level 100 who have completed the Root Abyss pre-quest.
• You will be able to access a new training ground after completing a series of quests as below :
Quest Progression :
[Half Root Abyss] Summons from Alicia
[Half Root Abyss] Abyss Road
[Half Root Abyss] The Little Chick Dreams of Flying
[Half Root Abyss] Chick that Sends Shivers Down your Spine
[Half Root Abyss] Ladies need to put on makeup
[Half Root Abyss] Defeated Auntie
[Half Root Abyss] Very Familiar Enemy
[Half Root Abyss] Strategic Retreat
[Half Root Abyss] Ultimate Weapon
[Half Root Abyss] Half
[Half Root Abyss] Final Objective?
[Half Root Abyss] Incomprehensible Reason
[Half Root Abyss] Everything is Resolved
The new portal can be found at the top center of the Root Abyss map.
Once the chain quests are completed, you may re-enter the Half Root Abyss map to access the new training grounds. The level of the mobs and EXP gain will depend according to your character’s level.
The training grounds are split to Levels 100-120, Level 121-140, Level 141-160, and last but not least, Level 161 and above.
There will be three “rooms” for you to choose from :
Chaos Baby Banban’s Room
Chaos Makeup Room
Chaos Pierre the Hun’s Room
Maple High School (0900hrs 20/08/2014 ~ 2359hrs 30/09/2014)
Enter the Event Map through the Dimensional Mirror and initiate the daily quest named [Maple High School] The New Kid from Boss Kumi . If you are not teleported into the school compound, click on Boss Kumi again and select “Send me to the school…”.
Once inside, talk to Boss Kumi to receive aNormal Red Leaf High Entry Key. Enter the portal to the right to begin a series of stages (13 in total). After clearing each stage, talk to the NPC in the respective rooms where you will be asked to add Friendship Points to your chosen “NPC character” as shown in the image below.
You will be able to progress to the next stage after adding Friendship Points. Using a combination of Friendship Points and Mesos, you will be able to purchase special Badges from the shop NPC Five Pillars of Heaven. Note that the items sold in the shop will consume your Friendship Points when purchased, so be sure to add your points to your preferred “friend” carefully!
Note : As this is a daily quest, you will only receive one entry key from Boss Kumi.
You will be able to enter multiple times by purchasing more entry keys from the Cash Shop : Maple High School Entry Key (for date of availability, please stay tuned to Cash Shop Update news).
Giant Mushroom Crusade (0900hrs 20/08/2014 ~ 2359hrs 02/09/2014)
▪ This quest is opened to all players of levels 13 and above.
▪ The quest is available by invitation, with the first instance being at 1600hrs, followed by 1700hrs, 1800hrs, 1900hrs, 2000hrs and the last one being at 2100hrs.
▪ After accepting the invitation, you will be teleported to the Event Waiting Map.
Note : If you do not get any invitation, you can still initiate the quest by clicking theat the side of the screen, and activate the quest Giant Mushroom Crusade.
Another alternative to getting the quest is by clicking on the Event Listand click to participate in the Giant Mushroom Crusade event.
▪ You and other players will be waiting at the entrance map. It will take approximately 1-5 minutes for the quest to begin.
▪ If you wish to leave the map before the event, click on NPC Star.
▪ The fight begins when the Giant Mushroom appears.
▪ You can only attack using the Normal Attack key. All other skills will not work in the event map.
▪ You will attack from the top lane. If you drop to the bottom, you will be able to get back up again. Jump skills will not work in this map. You have one chance to redeem yourselves and get back up to the top lane, which is by purchasing a Giant Mushroom Challenge Coupon for 10,000 mesos from NPC Star after you have fallen. This coupon can only be used once during the entire event.
Among the rewards that can be obtained from the box
Game Changes and Bug Fixes
▪ Root Abyss Set drop rate increased.
▪ Veracent Kerberos reset count bug fixed.
▪ Display and alignment of Running Machine Chair fixed.
▪ Damage overcap resulting in disconnection also fixed.
Guide to downloading and patching MapleSEA
If you are new to MapleSEA and if this will be your first time downloading and playing MapleSEA, please download the Full Game Client here.
If you are a returning player, and have not played MapleSEA for quite awhile (2 months or more), we recommend that you also redownload the entire game client as linked above.
For current existing players, all you have to do is run your game client after the patch maintenance is over and let the auto-patcher do it’s work. It’s that simple! For the more tech-savvy players, you may start to download the manual patch, but remember that if you install it before the patch date, you will not be able to login into the game.
Download links
Important : Please be informed that we practice updating our download links from time to time depending on which host is able to cope better with the required bandwidth. If you are copying these links to a third-party site to share with others, bear in mind that the links you have posted will not be available should we perform URL updates on our end.
Manual Patch
Version 140 to 142 Version 140 – 142.2
Version 141 to 142 Version 141.2 – 142.2
Version 142.1 – 142.2 (replace your Maplestory.exe file with this)
Full Client RAR
Latest Full Client as of 30th July 2014 (Version 142.1)
Full Client split RAR files
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Note : You will need a file archiver and data compression unpacker utility such as WinRAR to open the files with the extension *.rar
If you encounter any error messages, please refer to the common problems listed below, and how to resolve them.
Common error messages encountered by players :
1. ijl15.dll error
2. Wrong version of client
3. Hackshield error
4. Handle is invalid
5. *.wz file is corrupt
Error 1 : ijl15.dll error

Cause : Maplestory executable file is not in the correct folder.
Solution : Please make sure that your Maplestory.exe icon is located inside your Maplestory folder and double click the file from there. Do not double click the file from the Desktop, or any other folders.
Error 2 : Wrong version of client

Cause : The version of your game client does not match the current live server version.
Solution : Please make sure that your game client is Version
Error 3 : Hackshield error

Cause : Name of Maplestory executable file is incorrect.
Solution : Make sure that your exe file is called Maplestory.exe and not Maplestory(1) or Maplestory(2) or any other names.
Error 4 : Handle is invalid

Cause : Incorrect client version while patching
Solution : Please see solution for Error #2
Error 5 : *.wz file is corrupt

Cause : (any).wz files corrupted
Solution : Reinstall the entire game client
Cause #2 : Using the wrong manual patch version
Solution : Download and run the correct manual patch
If you are experiencing massive lags while playing the game, kindly download this tool at the following link below:
Run the file as Administrator, after that kindly email or IBox to us, the saved report.txt file when completed. This diagnostics will help us identify the cause behind the lag and latency that you may be encountering.
Happy Mapling!
Update on 27th August 2014
Updated information regarding Friendship Points when purchasing the different Badges in the Maple High School.
– MapleSEA Administrator