02 Mar 2015
[Updated] Post Sengoku Era 2 / Pre KOC Update Notes

Patch Version : v146.1
Full Client Download Link : Click here
Manual Patch Download Links :
Click on either of the following links according to the version that you are upgrading from
• v144 -> v146
• v145 -> v146
It’s a new start to a new year! 2015 not only marks the year of MapleSEA’s 10th Anniversary, but it is also the year of new beginnings and start-overs. This January, we bring you a renewed ardour into your journey with MapleSEA with the return of Kanna and Hayato, ever stronger and better. Not only that, there is also a great line-up of exciting new events for everyone to join in and have fun! Belated greetings for 2015 everyone! Happy New Year!!
Kanna and Hayato Reborn
• Kanna Skill Revamp
• Hayato Skill Revamp
New Events
• Mr. Lee Airlines : - Temporarily Suspended. Click here for more details. -
• Mystic Gates Return : 28/01/2015, 0900hrs ~ 24/02/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
• Break the Safe Event : 18/02/2015, 0900hrs ~ 21/02/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
• Delicious Lunch Event : 18/02/2015, 0900hrs ~ 10/03/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
• Zombie Survival Event : 18/02/2015, 0900hrs ~ 10/03/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
• OX Quiz Event : 18/02/2015, 0900hrs ~ 17/03/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
• Flame Wizard Preparatory Events : 04/03/2015, 0900hrs ~ 10/03/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
• Coinbebe Returns : 04/03/2015, 0900hrs ~ 10/03/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Kanna Skill Revamp

- Moved to 4th Job window
1st Job

- Movement Speed: +5
2nd Job

- Healing amount reduced from 90% to 50%

- Skill Mastery Level increased from 15 to 20
- Skill calculations adjusted accordingly per level
- No changes to values at max level

- Skill Mastery Level reduced from 20 to 15
- Skill values adjusted accordingly per level
- Summon duration reduced from 40 to 38 seconds
- Cooldown reduced from 60 to 50 seconds
3rd Job

- Skill mastery level increased from 15 to 20
- Skill calculations adjusted accordingly per level
- No changes to values at max level

- Skill mastery level reduced from 15 to 10
- Skill calculations adjusted accordingly per level
- Cooldown reduced from 20 to 15 seconds

- Added option of recovering 60% HP upon death of Boss monster
- Added cooldown between usage: 4 seconds

4th Job

- Skill mastery level reduced from 20 to 15
- Skill calculations adjusted accordingly per level
- No changes to values at max level

- Skill mastery level reduced from 20 to 15
- Skill calculations adjusted accordingly per level

- Healing amount reduced from 100% to 97%

- Nullify Magic chance reduced from 50% to 48%

- Mana Cost: 60, Damage: 900%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Number of Attacks: 6, +20% continuous damage for 120 seconds, Cooldown: 500 seconds
Hayato Skill Revamp

- Damage: 120%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Number of Hits: 1

- Renamed as “Summer’s Blade”
- Moved to 4th Job window
1st Job

- 1st, 2nd & 3rd strike damage has been reduced from 70%, 80%, 100% to 60%, 70%, 90% respectively
- MP Cost has been reduced from 11 to 9

- Damage reduced from 100% to 75%
- MP Cost reduced from 100 to 8
2nd Job

- 1st, 2nd & 3rd strike damage has been increased from 100%, 120%, 140% to 110%, 130%, 150% respectively
- MP Cost has been reduced from 18 to 14
3rd Job

- MP Cost has been reduced from 24 to 22
4th Job

- MP Cost has been reduced from 32 to 31

- Skill Icon renewed

- Damage increased from 190% to 210%

- Renamed as “Eye for an Eye”
- Skill can now be toggled On/Off
- Added Max Enemies Hit: 3

- MP Cost: 100, Damage: 1500%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Number of Attacks: 6, 15% Damage Increased for 120 seconds, Cooldown: 300 seconds
Mr. Lee Airlines

Event Duration : - Temporarily Suspended. Click here for more details. -
Level Requirement : Level 13+
Event Initiation : Accept quest ‘[Mr. Lee Airlines] Maldoves Vacation Package’ from

• Speak with Mr. Lee to move to board his plane, flight MR133, to Southern Beach.
• Unfortunately, the plane encounters mechanical difficulties and is forced to crash land.
• Passengers who have crash landed on the deserted island must search for one of the following in order to escape from the island : Jet Boat, Submarine or Gyrocopter
• A number of dangerous situations take place randomly while you are searching.
• Once you find your damaged escape vehicle, you must complete the requirements that will fix it.
• If you die, or get off the island but did not manage to escape entirely, you will be returned to the airport. You will not be able to return until the quest resets at midnight.
• If you escape successfully and return to Maple World, you can get rewarded for your troubles.
• This event is repeatable on a daily basis, once a day.
Rewards that can be obtained upon completion of the quests in Mr. Lee Airlines Event :



One of the following, depending on which method was used to escape:



• Monsters on the island will scale according to your character’s level
• Some monsters, particularly the area boss, will require you to hang around for a while upon clearing the normal monsters in the map, as per instructed in the zone
Mystic Gates Return

Event Duration : 28/01/2015, 0900hrs ~ 24/02/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement : Levels 75+
Event Initiation : Accept the quest “[Silent Crusader] Mystic Field Reappearance” from NPC Doctor Moon in any of the Mystic Fields – Henesys, Leafre, Pantheon
• Mystic Field Bosses have returned once again!
• Whenever the Mystic Field Boss is about to appear, a notification appears in the chatbox to alert players about their incoming presence
• Different Mystic Field Bosses will appear in each of the Mystic Fields at the mentioned channel(s)
• Collect the Mystic Boss Pieces when you defeat them:

• Consume the Mystic Boss Pieces to get cool items such as:
- Special Mystic Boss medals
- Spell Traces
- Unique Mystic Boss Equipment (see below)

• Mystic Field Bosses are only available on weekends
• There is a 5-second timer to collect the Boss Mystic Pieces upon a successful kill
• However, if you missed it, you can still obtain the item from NPC Doctor Moon under the Misc. option before the next Mystic Boss spawns
• Mystic Boss will despawn if not killed within the limited time given (approx. 5 minutes before next round of Mystic Boss spawns)
Break the Safe Event

Event Duration : 18/02/2015, 0900hrs ~ 21/02/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement : Level 33+
Event Initiation : Accept the quest “[Event] Gold Richie’s Safe” from NPC Gold Richie in Henesys or the

• Attempt to Break Open the Destiny Vault with the correct combination and obtain the reward inside!
• Each breaking attempt will consume one Gold Richie Figurine
• Gold Richie Figurines can be obtained from monsters in Maple World (drop level restriction rules apply)
• The following rewards will be available each day, the following order:

• The Destiny Vault is located only in Henesys, near the Ardentmill entrance
• The Destiny Vault is only open at certain periods of the day, check the timer located on the vault
• Upon a successful break, the player’s IGN will be displayed across the World
• The next item on the list will be prepared in 30 minutes after the previous item has been successfully taken
• Drop Level Restriction Rules:
- for characters below level 150, monsters between 10 levels below and 20 levels above
- for characters at level 150 and above, any monsters above level 150
Delicious Lunch Event

Event Duration : 18/02/2015, 0900hrs ~ 10/03/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement : Level 13+
Event Initiation : Accept the quest “Make [Delicious Lunch]” from NPC Maple Administrator
• You will be asked to prepare 4 different kinds of lunch.
• To prepare the lunchboxes, you will need to hunt for ingredients and materials from monsters, and cook.
• The results of the lunchbox will be random based on the ingredients used in your cooking.
• Head to the Picnic Ground via the quest “[Delicious Lunch] Back to the Picnic Ground” and turn in the four lunchboxes
• Depending on the type of lunchboxes served, the 4 NPCs will rate you accordingly:
- If its bad, prepare to defend yourselves! The NPCs will attack you
- If its averagingly okay, nothing happens
- If its really good, you will receive a badge! Subsequent successful turn-ins allows you to obtain upgraded badges
• Keep on serving good lunchboxes to Chief Stan and eventually obtain

• Keep on serving good lunchboxes to Lania and eventually obtain

• You will most likely not create the same lunchbox again with the same ingredients used in the previous combination
• You are required to complete all related quests from NPC Chief Stan before being able to move on to completing quests from NPC Lania
• If you wish to remove a lunchbox, take note that they can be consumed as a buff consumable
• You can only create a maximum of 50 lunchboxes per day, craft them wisely!
Zombie Survival Event

Event Duration : 18/02/2015, 0900hrs ~ 10/03/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement : Level 20+
[Zombie Survival] The Outbreak
Requirement: Lv.20 or above
• Accept “[Zombie Survival] The Outbreak“ through the

• You will become infected with the Zombie Virus if you are not already infected.
• You may use the Basic Vaccine to cure yourself or let the infection turn you into a zombie.
• Talk to the Disease Control Agent in the Event Hall to receive additional information about the event.

[Zombie Survival] Regular Check-up
Requirement: Lv.20 or above, Complete “The Outbreak”
• Click on the icon above your character’s head at 30-minute mark of every hour.
• Check your virus infection status through Regular Check-ups.
• Your “consecutive normal record” will increase if you are not infected.
• If you are infected, your “consecutive normal record” will be reset.
EXP based on your character’s level.
Note: Completing the check-up multiple times will eventually increase the amount of EXP gained, regardless of the results.The maximum number of Check-ups that can be completed is 150 times.
[Zombie Survival] The Final Day
Requirement: Lv.20 or above, Complete “The Outbreak”
• Accept the quest “[Zombie Survival] The Final Day“ through the

• Players can view their progress towards each reward at anytime during the event.
• You can receive your reward anytime during the event if you have the requirements completed.
Pass the Regular Check-ups with a consecutive normal record of 30 times:
- Neville, the Legend (M) (Untradeable) and Neville’s Heart (All Stat +5, MaxHP +100, 9 upgrade slots, Untradeable once equipped).

Become a Zombie 30 times without curing the virus:
- Clobber (M) (Untradeable) and Clobber’s Heart (All Stat +5, MaxHP +100, 9 upgrade slots, Untradeable once equipped).

Cure the virus with vaccines 100 times:
- Disease Control STAR (F) (Untradeable) and STAR’s Heart (All Stat +5, MaxHP +100, 9 upgrade slots, Untradeable once equipped).

• You may only choose one reward.
• Each Android and Heart set from the Zombie Survival event cannot be used with any other Android or Heart.
OX Quiz Event

Event Duration : 18/02/2015, 0900hrs ~ 17/03/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement : Level 33+
Event Initiation : At every 50th minute, accept the Invitation that appears on the character’s head
• How well informed are you? Think you have the knowledge of everything?
• Take part in the OX Quiz!
• Depending on how many questions you answered successfully, you will be able to obtain rewards such as

• You can obtain a variety of items from the Lucky Bags, such as Carrot Coins, HP/MP consumables & Traits consumables
• Invitations are only available between 0700hrs ~ 2200hrs (GMT +8)
• There will be a total of 20 Questions
• A maximum of 100 players will be moved to the participation map, you may not be able to enter if there are too many players taking part at the same time
Flame Wizard Preparatory Events

Event Duration : 04/03/2015, 0900hrs ~ 10/03/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement : Level 33+
Event Initiation : Accept the quest “[Flame Wizard Fanclub] Please Find The Oz Dolls” from the Lightbulb Icon Notifier
• Oz’s Fanclub is in town
• They seem to have some trouble, assist them and get rewarded!
• Upon receiving the related quest item, you can only pick one choice to progress on to the next part of the quest
• Who’s that Flame Wizard above? What is that fiery fox-like creature behind it?
Coinbebe Returns

Event Duration : 04/03/2015, 0900hrs ~ 10/03/2015, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement : Level 33+
Event Initiation : Accept the quest “[Chair Seller]Welcome Back, Coinbebe” from the Lightbulb Icon Notifier
• Coinbebe has returned once again, this time he can be found in the Henesys Game Zone (head to Henesys park and go all the way to the right too enter the Game Zone)
• This time he comes peddling his collection of exotic chairs, some of which you have never seen before in-game!
• Been saving all that mesos and don’t know what to do with them? Why not take this time to buy whatever chairs that he has in store!
• The categories of items displayed cycles upon each perusal, there is a fee you need to pay if you with to cycle your category choices
• Each category of item has its own set price, with the cheapest going for 50,000,000m
– MapleSEA Administrator