10 Jun 2014
R.E.D. : Back to Zero - Events Notes
Dear Maplers,
These are the events that you can participate in:
1. Start a Zero! Event (Event Duration: 11/6/2014, 0900hrs – 15/7/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
2. 2014 Maple Achievements Season 2 (Event Duration: 11/6/2014, 0900hrs – 23/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
3. 9 Anniversary Present King (Event Duration: 11/6/2014, 0900hrs – 24/6/2014, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
4. Summer Attendance Event Season 2 (Event Duration: 25/6/2014, 0900hrs – 8/7/2014, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
5. Mysterious Ice Box Event Season 2 (Event Duration: 4/6/2014, 0900hrs – 23/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
6. Mysterious Ice Box Event Season 3 (Event Duration: 25/6/2014, 0900hrs – 14/7/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
Note: Event dates may be subjected to changes
1. Start a Zero! Event (Event Date: 11/6/2014, 0900hrs – 15/7/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)

For each chapter of the Mirror World story that is completed, you will receive RED Coin

The ring is only usable for characters level 130 and above.
2. 2014 Maple Achievements Season 2 (Event Date: 11/6/2014, 0900hrs – 23/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
By clicking on the trophy icon on the left side of the screen, you will begin the achievement quest.

After accepting the quest, click on the trophy icon on the left side of the screen again to view the achievement objectives.
Complete the mentioned achievements and be rewarded with Special Titles and a Medal!
Achievements to complete:
•Mirror Master
Requirement: Complete chapter 4 of the Mirror World
Title obtained: Battle Monster Rookie

•The Dog Next Door
Requirement: Get 1st place in Maple Bingo 5 or more times
Title obtained: B.I.N.G.O!

• Put some ice on it
Requirement: Use 20 Mysterious E Ice Boxes
Title obtained: Ice Revolution

• One Day at a Time
Requirement: Participate in the attendance check event for 5 days
Title obtained: Evolution Attendance King

• Diving into RED
Requirement: Complete 4 Red Season 2 achievements
Reward: “In red summer” Medal

3. 9 Anniversary Present King (Event Date: 11/6/2014, 0900hrs – 24/6/2014, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)

• Minimum level requirement: 13
• Quest Initiation: Click on the Calender Icon at the left

Its that time again and Cassandra is rewarding active Maplers with many rewards! Once per day during the event period, Cassandra will stamp on your attendance after you helped her with her request.
Attendance Rewards:
Day 1:
• 1 × 9th Anniversary Coin

Day 3:
• 3 × 9th Anniversary Coin

Day 5:
• 1 x Additional Potential Scroll 60%

Day 7:
• 1 x Golden Hammer 50%

Day 9:
• 20 × 9th Anniversary Coin

Day 11:
• Special Potential Scroll

Day 14:
• Unique Potential Order 50%

4. Summer Attendance Event Season 2 (Event Date: 25/6/2014, 0900hrs – 8/7/2014, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
• Minimum level requirement: 13
• Quest Initiation: Click on the Calender Icon at the left

Its that time again and Cassandra is rewarding active Maplers with many rewards! Once per day during the event period, Cassandra will stamp on your attendance after you helped her with her request.
Cassandra will ask you to collect Rugged Pink Fan

Attendance Rewards:
Day 1
• 10 x Power Elixir

Day 4
• 1 x Red Coin

Day 5
• 5 x Red Coin

Day 7
• 1 × 60% Additional Potential Scroll

Day 9
• 10 x Red Coin

Day 11
• 2 Star Equipment Enhancement Scroll

Day 12
• 70 x RED Coin

• This attendance event lasts for exactly 14 days. If you missed one day, there will be no way to earn the attendance mark. Maplers are advised not to miss any day if they wish to obtain all rewards.
• Each Attendance Board is tagged to the entire Maple ID
• You can clear the daily attendance quest with any character, however the attendance mark will only be registered once per day.
• Rewards can be claimed by any character that shares the same Maple ID
4. Mysterious Ice Box Event Season 2 (Event Duration: 4/6/2014, 0900hrs – 23/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)

The Mysterious Ice Boxes have been changed! The R has been replaced by an E.
And they will look like this:

All you have to do is to search for one of these, double click it and receive the rewards within!
Maplers are advised to consume the Mysterious Ice before the 23rd of June 2014 to prevent the loss/expiry of items.
5. Mysterious Ice Box Event Season 3 (Event Duration: 25/6/2014, 0900hrs – 14/7/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)

The Mysterious Ice Boxes have been changed!
And they will look like this:

All you have to do is to search for one of these, double click it and receive the rewards within!
Maplers are advised to consume the Mysterious Ice before the 14th of July 2014 to prevent the loss/expiry of items.