13 May 2014
R.E.D : A New Dawn - Events Note
Dear Maplers,
The following events will be activated on 14th May 2014, 0900hrs (+8 GMT).
1. [System Event] Maple Marble Returns! (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 30/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
2. [System Event] RED Attendance Event 1 (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 27/5/2014, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
3. [System Event] Mysterious Ice Event Season 1 (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 2/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
4. [System Event] RED Summer Time Events (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 2/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
5. [System Event] Mesoranger Season 2 (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 7/7/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
6. [System Event] Summer Achievement Event (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 27/5/2014, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
7. [System Event] Maple Bingo Event (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 30/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
Note: Event dates may be subjected to changes
1. [System Event] Maple Marble Returns! (Event Date: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 30/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
– Minimum level requirement: 13– Quest Initiation: Click on the 9th Anniversary Icon

Have you ever played a board game called “Monopoly”? Now you can have fun with other players with MapleSEA’s very own version of Monopoly!
Everyday during the event from 10am to 10pm , simply accept the quest “Maple Marble Survival Battle!” and you will be put into a queue to play with 2 other players!

Objective of the game
▪ Players need to obtain the highest score after 10 minutes, or to be the last person surviving.
▪ Points can be increased or decreased via various actions that occur in the game.
How to Play?
▪ Similar to Monopoly, each player will take turns rolling the dice by clicking on the ‘Roll’ button in the middle of the board.
▪ After rolling the dice, you will move according to the amount shown.
▪ You will then have multiple options depending on which spot that you have landed on:
1. If the spot is unoccupied by any player (designated by the background of that unit), you may choose to train the monster and own it.
2. If the spot is already owned by another player, your Heart points will be deducted according to the monster’s attack power, and you may then choose to attract and take over the ownership of the monster. The background color will change accordingly to your color if the takeover has succeeded.
3. If the monster was already owned by you, you may choose to upgrade the monster’s power. Doing so will cost Heart points but the monster’s attack will increase greatly.
▪ If you land in any of the corner spaces marked with a question mark ‘?’, there will be 4 possible actions that you can take (decided randomly)
1. A shield will be granted to you (shown beside your character portrait). This shield grants you from one attack from another player’s monster.
2. Your monsters will be highlighted and you may pick any of the monsters that you currently own. The chosen monster will be upgraded.
3. All opponent’s monsters will be highlighted and you may pick any of those monsters. The chosen monster will be converted to your possession.
4. You may pick any spot on the board and your character will instantly move to that spot.
▪ Other special spots on the board to take note of:
1. White potion : Adds Heart points and score
2. Bomb : Deducts Heart points and score
3. Moon Bunny : Take control of this as soon as you can for some cute yet deadly power!
4. Corner spot at bottom right : Pass this spot for a free 100 Heart points and 100 score!
The game can be attempted 10 times daily, and 9th Anniversary Coins will be awarded based on your performance. Everyone will be awarded a different amount of coins so don’t give up no matter what! Even if your opponent has left the game, stay on as the game will still continue!
1. Players that leave or disconnect halfway during the game will not receive any rewards.
2. If any opponent disconnects or leaves, the system will replace the disconnected players with an AI player and the game will proceed normally.
2. [System Event] RED Attendance Event 1 (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 27/5/2014, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
– Minimum level requirement: 13– Quest Initiation: Click on the Calender Icon at the left

Its that time again and Cassandra is rewarding active Maplers with many rewards! Once per day during the event period, Cassandra will stamp on your attendance after you helped her with her request.

Rewards will be given out to Maplers who have completed marking their attendance on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th and 14 day
1st Day: 10 x Power Elixir
3rd Day: 1 x Double Orange Mushroom 30-Day Coupon
5th Day: 1 x Additional Potential Scroll 60%
7th Day: 3 x RED Coin
9th Day: 10 x RED Coin
11th Day: 1 x Chaos Scroll of Goodness 50%
14th Day: 50x RED Coin
• This attendance event lasts for exactly 14 days. If you missed one day, there will be no way to earn the attendance mark. Maplers are advised not to miss any day if they wish to obtain all rewards.
• Each Attendance Board is tagged to the entire Maple ID
• You can clear the daily attendance quest with any character, however the attendance mark will only be registered once per day.
• Rewards can be claimed by any character that shares the same Maple ID
3. [System Event] Mysterious Ice Event Season 1 (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 2/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
Lirin thought of a great way to celebrate the coming of the RED!
She has hidden many R.E.D! alphabets in ice together with some hidden rewards!
All you have to do is to search for one of these, double click it and receive the rewards within!

Maplers are advised to consume the Mysterious Ice before the 2nd of June 2014 to prevent the loss/expiry of items.
4. [System Event] RED Summer Time Events (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 2/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
– Minimum level requirement: 13– Quest Initiation: Maple Mailbox icon at the left and select the Participate in the Summer Time Event and [RED] Delight!! Coupon to Double the Experience Everyday
To celebrate the coming of RED, the Maple Administrator have decided to be super generous and will be giving several items to Maplers both daily and for every 30 minutes of being online!
First up, Maplers will be able to receive TWO 2x EXP Coupon just by completing the [RED] Delight!! Coupon to Double the Experience Everyday quest found in the Maple Mailbox!

The EXP Coupons will expire at the stroke of midnight (0000hrs +8 GMT) on the day it was claimed.
Up next, the Maple Administrator have decided to reward all Maplers who have been active in the game once every 30 minutes! By clicking on the Clock Icon on the left side of the screen, you will be able to see how long more till you can obtain the reward.

After the 30 Minutes is up, you will be able to receive the gift.

Upon clicking on the RECEIVE GIFTS button, a roulette will start and you will be given an item randomly.

The Gifts has a 1 Day expiration. Please consume the item within 24 hours to prevent loss of items.
5. [System Event] Mesoranger Season 2 (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 7/7/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
Earth Defense Corps is under attack by Alien Grey’s huge space robot!
Fortunately, Dr. Kim has managed to complete the MesodizerX Machine in the nick of time and plans to use it against Alien Grey! All he needs now is a dedicated team of pilots for the MesodizerX & the Mesorangers are the perfect choice!
There will be a couple of ways to be selected to pilot the MesodizerX Machine:

After being selected to join the fight, you will be in the cockpit of the MesodizerX Machine. Here are some images and tips to be the best MesodizerX pilot!

1. Text notification to let the player know which color Mesoranger he/she is, and to select the difficulty.
2. Difficulty selection. Normal and Hard modes can only be unlocked after achieving a ‘S’ or ‘SS’ grade in the previous difficulty. If no mode is selected after a short while, the game will select Easy mode automatically by default.
3. Main playing area where the arrows will appear.

4. Boss’s HP bar and the time left to defeat it.
5. Special Move gauge. This gauge will fill up according to the amount of arrow keys that are successfully entered.
6. Arrow keys that will appear. The icons will go from right to left and Mesorangers will be required to press the corresponding arrows when they reach the black circle. Icons with a long bar attached to it means that the button has to be held down until the bar finishes.
At the end of the fight, a results screen will appear as follows:

Your rank will be shown on the results screen, together with the ranks of other Mesorangers that played together with you. If you have achieved a rank of ‘S’ or ‘SS’, the next difficulty level will be unlocked for you to try! And of course, higher difficulty levels will provide better rewards!
All Mesorangers will be awarded with RED Coins, Light Messoranger Box and Messoranger’s Box based on their performance for each time they participate in the fight, and bonus prizes based on whether or not they have defeated Alien Grey’s giant robot!
Note: Each character can attempt the “Let’s Go Mesoranger” event for up to 10 times a day.
6. [System Event] Summer Achievement Event (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 27/5/2014, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
Introducing the new Achievement Event! By clicking on the trophy icon on the left side of the screen, you will begin the achievement quest.

After accepting the quest, click on the trophy icon on the left side of the screen again to view the achievement objectives.

Complete the mentioned achievements and be rewarded with a Special Title and RED Coins!
7. [System Event] Maple Bingo Event (Event Duration: 14/5/2014, 0900hrs – 30/6/2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
– Minimum level requirement: 13– Quest Initiation: Bingo icon at the left and select the Let’s Play! Maple Bingo!

Players may manually enter a queue by accepting the quest “Let’s Play! Maple Bingo!” After entering the queue, an icon will appear at the side of your screen and the system will automatically match you with other players that are in the queue as well.
Once the Bingo starts, all you have to do is to select a number on your card in an attempt to form 5 lines.

First Place: 5 RED Coins
Second Place: 2 RED Coins
Third Place: 1 RED Coin.
-MapleSEA Administrator