14 May 2014
R.E.D. : Thief Class Skill Changes
Dear Maplers,
Here are the changes for thief class!

Use in the middle of a jump to jump even further. Jumping distance increases as the skill level increases. Can also be used with the jump key.

Hides in the shadows. With Dark Sight active, you can neither attack nor be attacked.

Temporarily increases Movement Speed and Jump for all party members. Increases maximum Movement Speed permanently.

Leave mark of assassin by certain rate when attacking the enemies. When the enemy with mark is attacked once again, daggers are thrown to attack the nearby enemies.

Throws an exploding shuriken to damage the target and nearby enemies.

Solidifies the wind to damage and knock back enemies.

Doubles the attack speed of your weapon. Must have a Claw equipped.
Skill Removed

create shadow copies and throw daggers with the copies to the enemies up front

Throw 3 throwing stars simultaneously.

Temporarily summons the Dark Lord’s throwing star. Party members nearby will reflect enemy damage. Cannot reflect more than half of the enemy’s Max HP.

Effect of recovery item such as potion is increased. However, not applicable for the items which recovers by % such as elixir. In addition, critical min damage and max damage are increased.

Damage is increased#. Also, daggers and MP are not consumed in certain rate, and the currently using dagger is recharged by 1#.\n(But, number of recharged dagger cannot exceed the maximum available number) If experience dagger skill effect in invoked in addition, next attack hits as critical. (Critical is applied even in the spirit jabelin mode, but no dagger recharge.) required skill : spirit jabelin Lv. 5 or higher
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Reinforce the mark of assassin to increase the chance of leaving mark, damage, number of daggers thrown.

Attack up to 6 enemies and provoke them to make unbumpable. Provoked enemies will have small EXP earned and increased item drop chance, and the effect halves for boss.necessary skill : fake lv 10 or higher

Masterfully unleash four throwing stars.

Deploy magic square and decrease attack, movement speed, and defense of the enemies entering the sqaure. In addition, deliver additional damage permanently when hunting boss monster.

Wristband weapon’s mastery level, physical attack, max critical damage increased. necessary skill : Jabelin masterry Lv. 10 higher

Calls in a horde of friends to set the stage on fire.

By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.

Showdown challenge’s damage increased

With showdown challenge, increase the number of attacking monster

Increase EXP earned and item drop rate from the enemies provoked with showdown challenge

Makes the boss catch purge area

Summons four daggers that combine into a huge, destructive dagger.

glaze dagger with deadly poison causing bleeding. Increase physical attack for a certain period of time and deliver continuous damage to the enemy hit by the dagger.

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Skill Removed

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For every certain period or for every attack, continuously increase critical rate.

Attack the subject in a very fast speed

Attack several enemies fast, and with certain rate, steals one item and potion to instantly recover HP or MP from the enemy. Can still one item and potion from each item and can keep trying until a sucess. Upon taking the potion stolen from the boss, HP and MP are fully recovered and physical attack increases from a certain period of time.

Maximizes Weapon Attack power.

Using a Shield will increases Physical and Magic DEF, as well as Avoidability and Physical ATT.

Uses Mesos to absorb up to 50% of the damage taken. Amount of Mesos consumed is based on Skill Level and damage reduction rate.

Uses Mesos to absorb up to 50% of the damage taken. Amount of Mesos consumed is based on Skill Level and damage reduction rate.

Renewed effect
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Attack enemies by moving 1-meso coins dropped nearyby. However, mesos which other person has the priority cannot be moved.\nnecessary skill : #cpick pocket lv 1 or higher#

Approach the enemies with a blazing speed to deliver damage and knock back. In addition, meso on the ground are pushed toward the movement direction.

Overwhelms enemies with supersonic slashes.

Increase the amount of mesos that drop. Skills that use mesos become more efficient.

For a certain period of time, meso is dropped with attacking the enemies. More meso is dropped when skill is higher.\n#con/off skill# which is activated when skill is used and deactivated when resued.
Temporarily summons the Dark Lord’s throwing star. Party members nearby will reflect enemy damage. Cannot reflect more than half of the enemy’s Max HP.

Continuously attack enemies’ vital point for huge damage. After first 3 attacks, excersise assassination skill once more for a powerful critical blow. hiding status is lifted after a critical blow is delivered. when used under hiding status, assassination’s damage increases. In addition, when used with 5 accumulated killing points, more powerful damage is delivered..

Critical growing in enhanced. In addition, permanently increase critical max damage

When skill is used, cut several enemies twice in a fast speed and stun them with certain rate. In addition, permanently enhance all attack skills.

deploy smoke grenade around oneself. all party members in the range of smoke grenade are not damaged during the lasting period, and damage is reduced in case of attack which damages in proportion to one’s max HP. In addition, critical damage increases for the enemies entered inside smoke.

By keep awakening shadower’s instinct through continuous assaissinations, increase attack power and learn how to penetrate enemies’ defense. As passive, can collect killing point when attacking the enemies, and attack can be reinforced by consuming collected points.

Mastery level on large blade and physical attack, min critical damage are increased. necessary skill : large blade mastery level 10 or higher
Calls in a horde of friends to set the stage on fire.
By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.

Toss a coin for good luck.

assassination’s boss attack increased

meso explosion’s defense ignorance chance increased

Skill Removed

Skill Removed

Skill Removed
- MapleSEA Administrator