04 Feb 2014
Return of the ZEN
Dear Maplers,

ZEN has returned once again!

Betrayed by the Empreror, ZEN was forced to flee away from his hometown at his father’s request. Brought in by the leader of the Explorer Pirates, Kyrin, ZEN begins to train hard and vows to avenge his father.

Combining the ways of the Pirate with the art of the Hongwu fighting technique, ZEN specializes in using the gun as a main weapon. Although equipped with a weapon catered for ranged attacks, ZEN is also able to strike enemies from up close with skills such as the Dragon Wing Attack, Violent Impact and Fist of the Truth Seeker.

The secret of ZEN’s power however, lies hidden beneath the Treasure Box that was gifted to him upon completion of his training.
Aside from that, ZEN joins the Sengoku Era classes with the release of their Hyper Skills!
ZEN’s Hyper Skill information
Active Skills

MP Cost: 300
Damage: 800%
Max Enemies Hit: 8
No. of Attacks: 5

MP Cost: 100
Duration: 60 seconds
Damage: +10%
Max Damage: +5000000
Cooldown: 120 seconds. Skill only applies to Explorer Classes within the party.

MP Cost: 300
Duration: 180 seconds
Max HP: +40%
Status/Elemental Resistance: +15%.
Damaged Reduction: +15%
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Passive Skill Boosts

• ZEN will be made available for creation from 5th February 2014
– MapleSEA Administrator