12 Nov 2013
[Updated]Sengoku Era Event notes
Dear Maplers,
The following events will be activated on 13th November 2013, 0900hrs (+8 GMT).
3. [System Event] Login and Win! (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 04/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
5. [System Event] Happy Little Paint (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 27/11/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
6. [System Event] Maple Marble (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 25/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
8. [System Event] Party Quest Master (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 04/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
The following events will be activated on 20th November 2013, 0900hrs (+8 GMT).
10. [System Event] Post Season Event (Event Date: 20/11/2013, 0900hrs – 11/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
The following events will be activated on 27th November 2013, 0900hrs (+8 GMT).
11. [System Event] Monster’s Message (Event Date: 27/11/2013, 0900hrs – 11/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
Note: Event dates may be subjected to changes
1. [System Event] Final visit from Wind and Spark (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 26/11/2013, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
Wind and Spark have decided to offer their wares one last time to Maplers for 2 more weeks!

They will be found in the Event Map and players are recommended to take this final chance to purchase their items before they bid their final farewell on 26th November 2013 at 2359hrs.
1. Players are advised to utilize their Season 2 coins before 26th November 2013 at 2359hrs.
2. Any unused Season 2 coins will not be reimbursed and may not be exchanged for other coins.
2. [System Event] Daily Sengoku Coin Grab (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 06/05/2014, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
With the arrival of the Sengoku Era, players at level 20 and above can log in each day and complete the quest “Daily Sengoku Coin Grab” from the Sengoku Event notifier at the left side of the screen.

The Sengoku Shop will also be available during these dates, and features the Shiro Set and Kuro Set for level 30 and level 100 characters respectively.

1. All Equipment sold in the Sengoku Shop will be Season 2 items except the following items: Shiro Fan , Kuro Fan , Shiro Katana , Kuro Katana.
3. [System Event] Login and Win! (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 04/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
Aside from the free Sengoku coin each day, look out for the quest “Login and Win!” from the event icon in order to receive a free Daily Gift Box , 1.5X EXP Coupon and Self Protection Charm!
Daily Gift Box can be opened to obtain items such as 2-Star Enhancement Scrolls , Personality Trait potions , and Lucky Day Scrolls.

1. Daily Gift Box will have an expiry date of 1 day.
2. All Daily Gift Box must be opened before 04/12/2013 , 0859hrs (+8 GMT) and no reimbursement will be provided for unused boxes.
3. Self Protection Charm will be consumed upon death and have an expiry date of 7 days.
4. Any Safety Charms bought from the Cash Shop will be consumed first before the Self Protection Charm.
4. [System Event] Hayato Launch Event (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 03/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
All newly created Hayatos during the event will receive bonus equipment to support them during their journey!
Every 10 levels (level 10,20,30,40,50,60, and 70), a quest will be available via the Sengoku Event notifier
1. Each quest will only be valid for 10 levels and will be removed if it is not accepted before the next quest becomes available. (Example: Level 10 quest will be valid until level 19 , Level 20 quest will be valid until level 29, etc.)
5. [System Event] Happy Little Paint (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 27/11/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
Cassandra has taken up a new hobby, painting! However, she has run into a tiny problem and needs help from everyone!
To start helping Cassandra, speak to her and accept the quest “Happy Little Paints-1”. She will then task you to search for a bucket of paint from the Cash Shop. There will be a total of 5 similar quests from Cassandra asking you to find a specifc color of paint, and each quest will be given on the next day after completing the previous quest.

Each time you help Cassandra, you will be awarded with different prizes!
Day 1: 20 Power Elixers
Day 2: Cassandra’s Buff
Day 3: Face Accessory (7 days) , Unpainted Masterpiece Chair (1 day)
Day 4: Spring Frog Hat (7 days) , Sort of a Painting Chair (7 days)
Day 5: x5 Sengoku Coins , Paint Slinger Medal (Perm) , Ultimate Masterpiece Chair (Perm)

6. [System Event] Maple Marble (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 25/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
Have you ever played a board game called “Monopoly”? Now you can have fun with other players with Maplestory’s very own version of Monopoly!
Everyday during the event from 10am to 10pm , simply accept the quest “Maple Marble Survival Battle!” and you will be put into a queue to play with 2 other players!

Objective of the game
▪ Players need to obtain the highest score after 10minutes, or to be the last person surviving.
▪ Points can be increased or decreased via various actions that occur in the game.
How to Play?
▪ Similar to Monopoly, each player will take turns rolling the dice by clicking on the ‘Roll’ button in the middle of the board.
▪ After rolling the dice, you will move according to the amount shown.
▪ You will then have multiple options depending on which unit that he/she has landed in:
1. If the spot is unoccupied by any player (designated by the background of that unit), you may choose to train the monster and own it.
2. If the spot is already owned by another player, your Heart points will be deducted according to the monster’s attack power, and you may then choose to attract and take over the ownership of the monster. The background color will change accordingly to your color if this is done.
3. If the monster was already owned by you, you may choose to upgrade the monster’s power. Doing so will cost Heart points but the monster’s attack will increase greatly.
▪ If you land in any of the corner spaces marked with a question mark ‘?’, there will be 4 possible actions that you can take (decided randomly)
1. A shield will be granted to you (shown beside your character portrait). This shield grants you from one attack from another player’s monster.
2. Your monsters will be highlighted and you may pick any of the monsters that you currently own. The chosen monster will be upgraded.
3. All opponent’s monsters will be highlighted and you may pick any of those monsters. The chosen monster will be converted to your possession.
4. You may pick any spot on the board and your character will instantly move to that spot.
▪ Other special spots on the board to take note of:
1. White potion : Adds Heart points and score
2. Bomb : Deducts Heart points and score
3. Moon Bunny : Take control of this as soon as you can for some cute yet deadly power!
4. Corner spot at bottom right : Pass this spot for a free 100 Heart points and 100 score!
The game can be attempted 10 times daily, and Sengoku Coins will be awarded based on your performance. Everyone will be awarded a different amount of coins so don’t give up no matter what! Even if your opponent has left the game, stay on as the game will still continue!
1. Players that leave or disconnect halfway during the game will not receive any rewards.
2. If any opponent disconnects or leaves, the system will replace the disconnected players with an AI player and the game will proceed normally.
7. [System Event] Party Quest Completion (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 04/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
Each day during the event, 3 Sengoku Coins will be awarded after completing party quests for 5 times.
Party quests eligible for the event:
▪ Moon Bunny’s Rice Cake
▪ First Time Together
▪ Dimensional Crack
▪ Remnants of Goddess
▪ Romeo & Juliet
▪ The Ice Knight’s Curse
▪ Forest of Poison Fog
▪ Lord Pirate
▪ Dragon Rider
▪ Resurrection of the Hoblin King
▪ Kenta in Danger
▪ Escape
1. Any combination of party quests can be completed for the 5 times daily clear count.
2. Only players above level 30 will be able to receive the quest.
8. [System Event] Party Quest Master (Event Date: 13/11/2013, 0900hrs – 04/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
In addition to the daily Party Quest event, players over level 120 will be able to attempt to be the Masters of Party quests! Begin by clicking on the Sengoku Event notifier and accepting the quest “Party Quest Master Challenge”
Upon completion of the event, 40 Sengoku Coins will be awarded, as well as a Sengoku Party Quest Master medal!
The following party quest must be completed 5 times each:
▪ Remnants of Goddess
▪ Lord Pirate
▪ Romeo & Juliet
▪ Forest of Poison Fog
▪ Dragon Rider
▪ Resurrection of the Hoblin King
▪ Kenta in Danger

1. Only players above level 120 may accept the quest.
2. The specific party quests must be completed before rewards can be obtained.
3. Sengoku Party Quest Medal is permanent and will not expire.
4. The Party Quest Master event can only be done once per character.
9. [System Event] Maple Monster Collection (Event Date: 20/11/2013, 0900hrs – 04/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
While roaming around in Maple World, Cassandra has found a monster collection card but she is unable to locate the pieces to complete it.
To begin helping Cassandra, click on her Event notification icon at the side of the screen. All quests related to this event can be received from the icon as well.

Cassandra will occasionally provide quests for you to complete, which will randomly award you with Monster statues and Cassandra’s Collection Box, which can be opened to obtain Advanced Equipment Enhancement Scrolls , Superior Jewel Boxes , Advanced Potential Scrolls , and various Accessory Scrolls.

1. Casandra’s Collection Box has a minor description error and the box must be opened before 4th December 2013 0859hrs (+8 GMT). No reimbursement will be provided for any unused boxes.
If you are lucky, you might even get the Special Orange Mushroom Collection Statue, which can be placed anywhere in the collection card to speed up your collection!

After obtaining statues, simply drag them into the proper slot in the collection card. Prizes will be awarded for each horizontal , vertical , or diagonal row of 5 pieces formed in the card (example shown in image).

Each line formed: 10% Clean Slate scroll , Mysterious Jewel Box
Bonus prize : Special Potential Scroll , Cassandra’s Collection Pendant

1. Collection Card will be considered as “completed” after completion of the 3rd line.
2. Collection Card will reset after receiving the prizes for 3 completed lines and all remaining statue pieces will be taken away by Cassandra.
3. Collection Card can be repeated after reset and all prizes can be received again.
4. Bonus prize will only be given after receiving the Clean Slate Scroll & Mysterious Jewel Box prizes.
10. [System Event] Post Season Event (Event Date: 20/11/2013, 0900hrs – 11/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
Its the baseball season , and Dehos wishes to be a part of it! However, he has a tremendous fear of baseballs..
Every 20minutes , the quest “Maple Post Season!” will be available from the Event icon. Accept the quest to save Dehos from the falling baseballs!

Depending on your final score, your rewards will differ:
- Less than 100 points : No rewards
- 100~249 points : x1 Post Season Box , x1 Cheering Balloon
- 250~399 points : x2 Post Season Box , x2 Cheering Balloon , x2 Sengoku Coin
- 400 points and above : x3 Post Season Box , x3 Cheering Balloon , x4 Sengoku Coin
NPC Dehos wishes to invite you along to watch the game with him, but he needs your help to bring along some snacks! Hunt monsters around your level to obtain Post Season Spicy Chicken.
After giving the Post Season Spicy Chicken to Dehos, he will award you with a Post Season Box and Cheering Balloon.
Post Season Box can be opened to obtain items such as Personality Trait Potions , Advanced Equipment Enhancement Scroll , and Play Baseball with Orchid.

Cheering Balloon can be used to purchase 2x EXP coupons, as well as Titles from NPC Dehos to show your support for the various baseball teams in Maple! All titles will come with +5 to all stats and +5 WA and MA.
2x EXP coupons will have a cost of 20 Cheering Balloons , must be used within 24hours from purchase and will last for 30 minutes upon consumption.

1. All boxes must be opened before 11/12/2013 , 0859hrs (+8 GMT) and no reimbursement will be provided for unused boxes after the event has ended.
2. NPC Dehos will only be around until 10/12/2013 , 2359hrs (+8 GMT). Maplers are advised to use all their Cheering Balloons before this time.
11. [System Event] Monster’s Message (Event Date: 27/11/2013, 0900hrs – 11/12/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
To celebrate the launch of Sengoku Era, monsters all over Maple World are in a nostalgic mood and will be dropping letters again to form the phrase “Happy Season 2”.

Collect the 12 characters and give it to Maple Administrator and she will give you the “Devil’s Dice” box as a reward. Random rewards including equipments and scrolls can be obtain from the box.

1. All dice must be opened before 11/12/2013 , 0859hrs (+8 GMT) and no reimbursement will be provided for unused dice after the event has ended.
Updated as of 13 Nov 2013 , 0950hrs (+8 GMT)
▪ Switched the typo error between Shiro and Kuro’s set level in the Sengoku Shop.
▪ Added further details on the timing of NPC Dehos and the X2 EXP coupon for Post Season Event.
Updated as of 14 Nov 2013 , 1630hrs (+8 GMT)
▪ Added information on the level requirements for Daily Sengoku Coin Grab.
▪ Replaced “her” with “Maple Administrator” in the Monster’s Message event to prevent confusion.
Updated as of 18 Nov 2013 , 1600hrs (+8 GMT)
▪ Added information on Sengoku Shop items.
-MapleSEA Administrator