08 Jan 2014
Sengoku Era January 2014 Event Notes
Dear Maplers,

More system events are coming your way during the Sengoku Era from 8th January 2014!
1. Daily Sengoku Coin Grab (ongoing from 13th November 2013)
2. Attendance Check Challenge (8th January 2014 ~ 4th March 2014)
3. Defeating Demons (8th January 2014 ~ 29th January 2014)
4. Sengoku Remedial Class (8th January 2014 ~ 29th January 2014)
5. 2014 New Year Events (15th January 2014 ~ 5th February 2014)
6. Chinese New Year, Year of the Horse Event! (22nd January 2014 ~ 5th February 2014)
7. Treasure Hunting Event (22nd January 2014 ~ 5th February 2014)
– Events that begin on 8th January 2014, will be in effect after the Game Client Update
– Event dates may be subjected to changes
1. [System Event] Daily Sengoku Coin Grab
- Event duration: ongoing from 13th November 2013– Minimum level requirement: 20
– Quest Initiation: Daily Sengoku Coin Grab

Don’t forget your daily free Sengoku Coins in-game! Players can log in each day to complete the quest found in the Sengoku Event notifier

2. [System Event] Attendance Check Challenge
- Event duration: 8th January 2014 ~ 4th March 2014, 2359hrs(+8 GMT)– Minimum level requirement: 13
– Quest Initiation: [Attendance] Attendance Check Event from NPC Cassandra/Lightbulb Notification

NPC Cassandra has made her own New Year resolutions, and one of them is to help players who actively login to the game during the beginning of the New Year. Maplers can participate by marking their attendance each day by assisting NPC Cassandra with a daily task.
There will be 4 ‘Attendance Seasons’ for this event, and the duration of each season are as follows:
Season 1 > 8th January 2014 ~ 21st January 2014, 2359hrs
Season 2 > 22nd January 2014, 0000hrs ~ 4th February 2014, 2359hrs
Season 3 > 5th February 2014, 0000hrs ~ 18th February 2014, 2359hrs
Season 4 > 19th February 2014, 0000hrs ~ 4th March 2014, 2359hrs
After accepting the initiation quest, whenever you click on the Calendar icon located at the left side of the screen, you will see a window similar to the one below:

Rewards will be given out to Maplers who have completed marking their attendance on the 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, and 14th.
Rewards For Each Season:
2nd Day: Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 20%
5th Day: Additional Potential Scroll 60%
8th Day: Lucky Day Scroll
11th Day: Epic Potential Scroll 50%
14th Day: 5 Star Enhancement Scroll

• Each ‘season’ lasts for exactly 14 days. If you missed one day, there will be no way to earn the attendance mark. Maplers are advised not to miss more than one day if they wish to obtain all rewards during one ‘season’
• Each Attendance Board is tagged to the entire Maple ID
• You can clear the daily attendance quest with any character, however the attendance mark will only be registered once per day.
• Rewards can be claimed by any character that shares the same Maple ID
3. [System Event] Defeating Demons
- Event duration: 8th January 2014 ~ 29th January 2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
– Minimum level requirement: 10
– Quest Initiation: [Defeating Demons] Defeat the Sengoku Era monsters from Lightbulb Notification
Demons from the Sengoku Era have spawned in Maple World! Dear Maplers, you are called upon to assist Princess Sakuno in defeating the demons and banish all evil away!
However, before you can proceed on to face the demons, you will be required to assist Princess Sakuno to restore the Witch’s Jewel first by searching for the 7 Witch’s Jewel Fragments via the quest [Defeating Demons]Searching for the Witch’s Jewel Fragment.
These fragments can be found from Spirit Stones dropped by monsters that are between 11 levels below and 21 levels above the character’s level. In order to be able to identify the Witch’s Jewel Fragment you will need to obtain the Witch’s Aura, which is provided by Princess Sakuno upon accepting the quest [Defeating Demons]Searching for the Witch’s Jewel Fragment.
However, not all Spirit Stones identified are actually pieces of the Witch’s Jewel Fragments…

As you assist Princess Sakuno to collect the fragments, you will be rewarded with various items such as Sengoku Android(s) and various scrolls.

Upon restoring all the jewel fragments, Princess Sakuno will seek your assistance in defeating the demons via the quest [Defeating Demons] Defeat the demons in the Sengoku Era!!!.

…and perhaps, Princess Sakuno may even reward you with the Witch’s Jewel itself for your assistance.

• You can only search for the Witch’s Jewel Fragment(s) while the Witch’s Aura is on you.
• The Witch’s Aura cannot be sustained by any character for more than an hour; the Witch’s Spirit will be summoned if Aura is sustained longer than stated period of time.
• While the Spirit is summoned, Maplers can activate the quest [Defeating Demons] Witch’s Blessing, to receive a buff, Blessing of the Witch (+30 WA/MA, lasts 30 minutes).
• The quest [Defeating Demons] Witch’s Blessing resets every 1 hour(s).
• If you leave the Maple World (whether intended or not), both Witch’s Aura and Witch’s Spirit will disappear and the character will be in a cleansed state when re-entering Maple World (relog).
• If you have the Spirit summoned but have yet to find the Witch’s Jewel Fragment, you will need to cleanse the character by re-entering Maple World (relog) and then taking the quest [Defeating Demons] Receive the Witch’s Aura.
• While you can find more than one Witch’s Jewel Fragment, the related quest [Defeating Demons]Searching for the Witch’s Jewel Fragment can only be cleared once a day.
4. [System Event] Sengoku High School
- Event duration: 8th January 2014 ~ 29th January 2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
– Minimum level requirement: 13
– Quest Initiation: New Sengoku School from NPC Boss Kumi (Event Map)
For more information regarding the Sengoku High School event, refer to the link below:
5. [System Event] 2014 New Year Events
- Event duration: 15th January 2014, 0900hrs ~ 4th February 2014, 2359hrs
– Minimum level requirement: 13
– Quest(s) Initiation: Look for the Coloured Pouch icon located at the left side of the screen
Keep an eye out for the following events found in the Colored Pouch icon!
[Celebrating 2014] Happy 2-0-1-4!
Celebrate the season by helping the Maple Admin to collect the Numbers 2, 0, 1 and 4 and you will be rewarded with a New Beginning Box!
You can obtain items that boosts your profession traits exp, Unidentified Love Letters and of course, more Sengoku Coins!

[Celebrating 2014] Cassandra’s Blessing
With her new resolution in place, NPC Cassandra has also decided to join in and provide Maplers with buffs!
Simply accept her quest from the Coloured Pouch icon and receive either one of these buffs for the day!
[Celebrating 2014] New Sun Rising
Dear Maplers, assist the Mistress Moon Bunny with retrieving Young Suns that she accidentally released into Maple World! These items can be found from monsters that are between 11 levels below and 21 levels above the character’s level.

Upon returning her the items, she will reward you will a Sunrise Badge Box. Within this box you can receive a Sunrise Badge that contain random stat bonuses added.

[Celebrating 2014] Collect the Golden Horse

Hunt for the Golden Horse from monsters that are between 11 levels below and 21 levels above the character’s level and talk to Cassandra for a reward whenever you have obtained 1000 points!

Rewards that can be obtained from the quest:
• Potential Scroll
• Equip Enhancement Scroll
• Chaos Scroll 60%
• Golden Hammer 50%
• Scroll for Armor Att 15%
• Scroll for Armor Magic Att 15%
• Advanced Equip Enhancement Scroll
• Special Potential Scroll
• The quest [Celebrating 2014] New Sun Rising will refresh every 10 minutes upon completion
6. [System Event] Chinese New Year, Year of the Horse Event!
- Event duration: 22nd January 2014, 0900hrs ~ 4th February 2014, 2359hrs
– Minimum level requirement: 13
– Quest Initiation: An invitation in the form of a White Envelope will appear on top of character’s head at timed intervals
Monsters in Maple World will be dropping transformation potions. These potions serve a purpose for players.

At every 10th, 20th, 30th and 40th minute of each hour, an invitation will be sent across Maple World. Players who receive such invitations will find a white envelope appearing on their character’s head.

You will be placed with other Maplers in a waiting lobby before being sent over into the challenge map.
For this challenge all you have to do is to avoid being in contact with the monsters in the map. Remember the potions you’ve obtained earlier? You need to consume them and stay alive for 1 minute in the challenge map. While transformed if you come in contact with one of the monsters, you will lose the transformation. You will need to react quickly and consume the potion again, otherwise you will be forfeited if you come in contact while non-transformed.
The catch to this challenge? Stay alive and remain as the minority color in the map to win.

Winners will obtain the Black Horse Gift while the losers will obtain the White Horse Gift.

Rewards that can be obtained from the Black Horse Gift:
• Black Horse Ring (Category: Ring)
• Black Horse Doll (Category: Pocket Slot)
• Black Horse Badge (Category: Badge)
• Personality Traits Exp Items
• Power Elixir x 20
• Sengoku Coin x 3
Rewards that can be obtained from the White Horse Gift:
• White Horse Ring (Category: Ring)
• White Horse Doll (Category: Pocket Slot)
• White Horse Badge (Category: Badge)
• Personality Traits Exp Items
• Power Elixir x 20
• Sengoku Coin x 1
Try your best to remain as the minority color horse to win the challenge! Because the equipment obtained have set effects when worn together:

• Winners will always be determined by the least number of a colored Horse in the challenge map (e.g if you have 3 Black Horses and 1 White Horse, the player transforming as the White Horse will win)
• Players not transformed when the time is up will be forfeited
• If the number of colored Horses are tied, although it is a draw, all players will still be counted as a loss.
• If you happen to be the only surviving Horse, you will also be forfeited at the end of the challenge.
7. [System Event] Treasure Hunting Event
- Event duration: 22nd January 2014, 0900hrs ~ 4th February 2014, 2359hrs
– Minimum level requirement: 13
– Quest Initiation: Obtain item “Hints of Treasure” from monsters in Maple World

Keep an eye out for such items while you are hunting monsters that are between 11 levels below and 21 levels above the character’s level. Upon receiving one, use the item and it will explain show you an unknown location, which you will need put your Maple Knowledge to the test.
An example can be seen below:

Use the best of your Maple Knowledge to locate where the treasure is buried. When you have found the location, use a Treasure Detector in the area to see if you have nailed it. If you have done it successfully, a success notification will appear on top of the character’s head.

The rewards obtained depends on how fast you are able to locate where the hidden treasure is buried.

Rewards that can be obtained from the Treasure Box:
• Chaos Scroll 60%
• Incredible Chaos Scroll 60%
• Advanced Potential Scroll
• Innocence Scroll 20%
• Advanced Equip Enhancement Scroll
• Clean Slate Scroll 10%
• Lucky Day Scroll
Rewards that can be obtained from the Mysterious Treasure Box:
• Chaos Scroll 60%
• Incredible Chaos Scroll 60%
• Advanced Potential Scroll
• Innocence Scroll 20%
• Advanced Equip Enhancement Scroll
• Clean Slate Scroll 10%
• Lucky Day Scroll
• 3 Star Enhancement Scroll
• Unclaimed Scroll for Ring for ATT 10%
• Unclaimed Scroll for Ring for ATT 30%
• Unclaimed Scroll for Ring for ATT 60%

• The Treasure Detector can only be purchased from the Cash Shop
• Mysterious Treasure Boxes will be obtained as a reward if you found the location of the buried treasure within the first 10 minutes.
• If you leave Maple World (whether intended or not), you will require another Hints of Treasure if you wish to continue searching for the treasure at the current location
• However, the timer will not be reset when you choose to search at the last incomplete location
• When opening the Mysterious Treasure Box you will also receive a 2x EXP buff that lasts for 30 minutes. There is no buff received when opening the normal Treasure Box
Stay tuned to the web news for more Event details! Happy 2014 and Happy Mapling!
– MapleSEA Administrator