29 Jan 2014
[Updated] Sengoku Era January 2014 Event Notes 2
Dear Maplers,

The following system events are still currently ongoing in-game:
• 2014 New Year Events (until 5th February 2014)
• Chinese New Year, Year of the Horse Event! (until 5th February 2014)
• Treasure Hunting Event (until 5th February 2014)
• Attendance Check Challenge (until 4th March 2014)
The following system events will be activated during the Sengoku Era from 29th January 2014 onwards:
1. Daily Sengoku Coin Grab (ongoing from 13th November 2013)
2. Helium Balloon Garden (29th January 2014 ~ 11th February2014)
3. Sengoku Duel Event (29th January 2014 ~ 26th February 2014)
4. Valentine’s Week Events (7th February 2014 ~ 20th February 2014)
5. Pink Bean Gachapon (12th February 2014 ~ 26th March 2014)
6. Class Reopening Events (12th February 2014 ~ 2nd April 2014)
– Event dates may be subjected to changes
1. [System Event] Daily Sengoku Coin Grab
- Event duration: ongoing from 13th November 2013– Minimum level requirement: 20
– Quest Initiation: Daily Sengoku Coin Grab

Don’t forget your daily free Sengoku Coins in-game! Players can log in each day to complete the quest found in the Sengoku Event notifier

2. [System Event] Helium Balloon Garden
- Event duration: 29th January 2014 ~ 11th February 2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)– Minimum level requirement: 10
– Quest Initiation: Praying to the Horse Balloon! from the Star Icon Notifier
Help NPC Jia Jia burst the Horse Balloon that has appeared in the Horse Balloon Theme Park.
To get to the Theme Park, Maplers can simply access it via the Dimensional Mirror from towns.

You will need to feed the Horse Balloon with Helium Beads in order to get it to burst.

The beads will drop off monsters that are between 11 levels below and 21 levels above the character’s level.
Upon popping the balloon, you there will be alot of Horse Balloon Gifts littered on the floor. Pick them up quickly and open them, because there is only a limited amount to be obtained!

Items obtainable from the Horse Balloon Gift:
• Profession Traits Exp Consumables
• Onyx Apples
• Swiss Cheese
• More Sengoku Coins
It doesn’t take much effort to pop the balloon,

so make sure you gather as much beads as you can and pop it before someone else does!

• You can only obtain one pouch at a time on a character
• There will be a 1 minute interval between opening of pouches
3. [System Event] Sengoku Duel Event
- Event duration: 29th January 2014 ~ 26th February 2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)– Minimum level requirement: 10
– Quest Initiations: [1vs1 Duel] Single Combat with Mouri Motonari | [1vs1 Duel] Single Combat with Kenshin Uesugi | [1vs1 Duel] Single Combat with Takedashingen from the Star Icon Notifier
The warriors of the Sengoku Era are brandishing a challenge! They are looking for Maplers who are worthy enough to lead their clans!
Once a day, you can engage these warriors for a round of challenge. You will be up against them via combat by hand – Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Win them in a first-to-three match and be rewarded with a Sengoku Gift Box each time you triumph!

Items obtainable from the Sengoku Gift Box:
• Profession Traits Exp Consumables
• HP/MP Consumables
• Sengoku Coins
• Sengoku Command Post (chair)
However be warned, every time you lose, you will be subjected to a punishment – the haircut humiliation:

But do not fret, and do not give up – such punishments will only be temporary. Keep on challenging these warriors, for each triumph gets you closer to obtaining these rewards:

Req. Lvl: 0
Stats: Weapon Att/Magic Att: +1, Speed/Jump: +10
Winner of the [Name] Clan
Req. Lvl: 0
Stats: All Stats: +1, HP/MP: +30, Weapon Att/Magic Att: +3, Speed/Jump: +10
Champion of the [Name] Clan
Req. Lvl: 0
Stats: All Stats: +3, HP/MP: +50, Weapon Att/Magic Att: +5, Speed/Jump: +10
Once you have gained complete victory and these warriors have deemed you worthy to lead their clan, you will be given a final reward – a title befitting of a Grand Master of a clan, as well as the Clan’s Command Post.

Req. Lvl: 0
Stats: All Stats: +5, HP/MP: +100, Weapon Att/Magic Att: +7, Speed/Jump: +10
So challenge these warriors today!
• Please be reminded to reset your hair by 25th February 2014, 2359hrs. There will be no compensation for players who did not revert their characters’ hair during the event.
4. [System Event] Valentine’s Week Events
- Event duration: 7th February 2014 ~ 20th February 2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)– Minimum level requirement: 13
– Quest Initiation: Risky Bet from the Star Icon Notifier
Do you think you have what it takes to be the Valentine Casanova?

First Valentine’s Week (7th February 2014 ~ 14th February 2014)
Cassandra will be the judge of that! She will task 3 NPCs to look for you during the first Valentine’s Week in order to see whether you are able to gain their favor in a short time.
During the first Valentine’s Week, depending on your gender, there will be 3 NPCs that will be looking to test your capabilities of love! Will you be able to gain their favor in time?
If your character is male, NPCs Clara, Lirin and Irina will be looking for you. Keep an eye our for NPCs Liang, Faro and Nineheart if your character is female!
You will need to repeatedly complete tasks set by these NPCs in order to gain their favorability.

NPCs Clara and Lirinwill task you to collect 30 Valentine’s Gold Coins respectively. Irina will require you to defeat 300 monsters for her.
NPCs Liang and Faro will also task you to collect 30 Valentine’s Gold Coins respectively. Nineheart will require you to defeat 300 monsters for him.
Get as much favoribilities as possible!
Second Valentine’s Week (14th February 2014 ~ 20th February 2014)
During the Second Valentine’s Week, the NPCs that you have worked hard getting favors for will evaluate your efforts. Depending on how much favors you have obtained, the NPCs will refer your status as the following: Loved, Friends, Breakup.
Based on the amount of favors you have obtained, you will receive either one of the following cards from the NPCs:

Friends: You will receive a Green Valentine’s Card.
Lovers: You will receive a Red Valentine’s Card.
Return these cards to Cassandra and depending on how well you’ve performed, she will reward you with either one of these gloves!

Not only that, you will also be rewarded with a
Meanwhile, all the fuss during the first Valentine’s Week has left quite a mess in Maple World. Help NPC Cassandra clean up by collecting the leftover Chocolate Pieces that monster have picked up via the quest “Chocolate recycling of Valetta”

Upon completion, Maplers will be given a choice to select their reward box:


Items obtainable from the Re-use Gift Box:
• Dark Scroll(s) for Weapons & Armor
• Scroll(s) for Armor STR/INT/DEX/LUK
• Potential Scrolls
• Advanced Potential Scrolls
• Melting Cheese
• Reindeer Milks
Items obtainable from the Re-use Scroll Box:
• Assorted Chocolate Re-use Glove Scrolls (Att, Mag Att, Str, Int, Dex, Luk, MP/HP, Def/W.Def, Acc/Avd)

So, will you manage to be a Valentine Casanova? Or end up as a Miserable Valentine?
Updated as of 14th February 2014 0945hrs (+8 GMT)
Please be informed that the title rewarded along with the bracelets are not permanent. We apologize for the mistake in the information displayed.
5. [System Event] Pink Bean Gachapon
- Event duration: 12th February 2014 ~ 26th March 2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)– Minimum level requirement: 13
Click on the link below for more information for this event!
Pink Bean Gachapon Event Mechanics
6. [System Event] Class Reopening Events
- Event duration: 12th February 2014 ~ 2nd April 2014, 2359hrs (+8 GMT)
Missed the creation of the classes from Season 2? Worry no more because they are back for creation!
For a month after re-opening for creation, there will be quests appearing in the Star Icon Notifier at set levels to lend you assistance to the respective classes! So keep an eye-out for these quests as you level up!
Kaiser’s Return: 12th February
For one month, until 12th March 2014, Kaiser classes created during this period of time will receive assistance while leveling up!

Level 30: Lvl 30 Equipment Box
Level 50: Kaiser Ring, Lvl 50 Equipment Box
Level 60: Lvl 60 Equipment Box
Level 70: Lvl 70 Equipment Box, 1 x Special Mastery Book
1.5X Exp Coupons will also be given out at every 5 levels from level 50 all the way up to level 100!
Angelic Buster’s Return: 19th February
For one month, until 19th March 2014, Angelic Buster classes created during this period of time will receive assistance while leveling up!

Level 30: Lvl 30 Equipment Box, Potential Scroll for Purple Soul Ring
Level 50: Angelic Buster Ring, Lvl 50 Equipment Box
Level 60: Lvl 60 Equipment Box, Potential Scroll for Blue Soul Ring
Level 70: Lvl 70 Equipment Box, 1 x Special Mastery Book
1.5X Exp Coupons to be given out at every 5 levels between levels 50 to 100 as well!
Luminous’ Return: 26th February
For one month, until 26th March 2014, Luminous classes created during this period of time will receive assistance while leveling up!

Level 30: Lvl 30 Equipment Box
Level 50: Luminous Ring, Lvl 50 Equipment Box
Level 60: Lvl 60 Equipment Box
Level 70: Lvl 70 Equipment Box, 1 x Special Mastery Book
1.5X Exp Coupons to be given out at every 5 levels between levels 50 to 100!
Xenon’s Return: 5th March
For one month, until 2nd April 2014, Xenon classes created during this period of time will receive assistance while leveling up!

Level 30: Lvl 30 Equipment Box
Level 50: Xenon Ring, Lvl 50 Equipment Box
Level 60: Lvl 60 Equipment Box
Level 70: Lvl 70 Equipment Box, 1 x Special Mastery Book
1.5X Exp Coupons to be given out at every 5 levels between levels 50 to 100!
So if you missed them, this is a good time to create them!
– MapleSEA Administrator