23 Feb 2021
Full Moon Party Event Notes (v202)
Spring'up Maplers!
It's Spring time and Ellinel is holding a partayyyy wooohooo~ Best part is... YOU'RE INVITED!! <3
1. Fairy Bros’ Golden Carriage
2. Ellinel Full Moon Party
2.1 Moonlight Enhancement Store
2.2 Cotton Candy Workshop
2.3 Find Moon Candies with Principal Ivana
2.4 Star Balloon Pop
2.5 Magic Cane
2.6 Moon Star Reversi
2.7 Jumping Unicorn
2.8 Potion Pyramid
2.9 Moonlit Night's Giant Wisp
3. Pixie Mom's Concern
4. Haste Plus
5. Spiegelmann's Lucky Box
6. Zen Free Job Transfer Event
7. Sunday Maple
Fairy Bros' Golden Carriage
Fairy Tales... for days~
Event Duration: 20th January 2021, After Patch ~ 25th May 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Click on the
Fairy Bros Icon via the Star Notifier
Round 3! And it’s the longest one yet! Login daily and enjoy a variety of limited edition rewards as well as the highly anticipated Unit Damage Skin! (The english one..) simply by coming online everyday~!
Login everyday for 1 hour and click on the Complete button to receive your stamp.
Receive 2 stamps when logging in on weekends!
Login time will be recorded across the same Maple ID and will only be counted while on characters Level 101 or higher.
The timer will not reset in the event of disconnection or a character change but will reset daily.
A special Golden Pass may also be used at a cost of 3,000 Maple Points to collect previously missed stamps. There is no limit to the amount of Golden Passes that can be used.
Players will be able to receive their rewards upon collecting a certain number of stamps.
Rewards can only be claimed once per MapleID.
Ellinel Full Moon Party
It's Party timeeee~~
Event Duration: 24th February 2021 (After Patch) ~ 4th April 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for
[Full Moon Party] Special Invitation from Ellinel Fairy Academy quest in Star Notification.
Faries of Ellinel are holding a Full Moon Party~!! Can you imagine what kind of drinks they offer?
Don't try THEY DON'T! They only offer rewards for those who help'em out!
Click the Shiny GO sign to enter the event map.
Candy System
There are 3 kinds of Candies throughout the entire party.
Moon Candy
➢Daily Limit : 200
Cotton Candy
➢Daily Limit : 100
Star Candy
➢Daily Limit : 130
Each of the candy can be obtained via the events and can be used to purchase various items from the event coin shops.
Moonlight Enhancement Store
Eye to buff your gears? You are at the right store!
Event Duration: 24th February 2021 (After Patch) ~ 4th April 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Completed [Full Moon Party] Special Invitation from Ellinel Fairy Academy
How to Start: Talk to NPC Wizard Kudi in the event map.
Currency : Moon Candy

Note : Item's Duration, Tradability, Purchase Limit and Functionality are stated in the item description so please read before making any purchase.
Cotton Candy Workshop
Cash Items, Mounts, Androids, You name it! They are all there~
Event Duration: 24th February 2021 (After Patch) ~ 4th April 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Completed [Full Moon Party] Special Invitation from Ellinel Fairy Academy
How to Start: Talk to NPC Fairy Uni in the event map.
Currency : Cotton Candy

Note : Item's Duration, Tradability, Purchase Limit and Functionality are stated in the item description so please read before making any purchase.
Find Moon Candies with Principal Ivana
Here Moonies moonies where are you..... OMG COW PUNS!!
Event Duration: 24th February 2021 (After Patch) ~ 30th March 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Completed [Full Moon Party] Special Invitation from Ellinel Fairy Academy
How to Start: Look for [Full Moon Party] Find Moon Candies with Principal Ivana quest in Star Notification.
You can farm Moon Candies through various ways every week. That's not all! It gets easier every week!

Star Balloon Pop
Poppy Poppy Poppy Poppy Poppy Poppy Poppy oh~
Event Duration: 24th February 2021 (After Patch) ~ 30th March 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Completed [Full Moon Party] Special Invitation from Ellinel Fairy Academy and aquired 200 Moon Candies for the day.
How to Start: Talk to NPC Fairy City for [Full Moon Party] Star Balloon Pop quest in the event map

Pop it, pop it and Smack it!
Players may enter the event map via NPC Fairy City on the right side of the event map.
There are a total of 11 stages from left to right.
➢On each stage, a number of Star Balloons and 1 Unicorn Balloon will be there to pop it.
➢You can skip to the next stage if you desire, but ideally you would go for the eaiset ones first because thats where most of the points are.
➢The further to the right, the harder to pop the Star Balloons and Unicorn Balloons.
Players can receive up to 1,300 points per day per world.
➢1 Star Candy = 10 points
➢Players may receive Star Candies on multiple characters per day as long as the total Star Candies does not exceed 1,300 points.
➢For Example: If Character A received 1200 points, Character B can only receive up to 100 points regardless if the score reached can give more than 100 points.
If players are not satisfied with their score, they may choose to attempt it again before claiming their Star Candies.
If players have completed and received their daily reward, they may still attempt the round again but they will not be provided with any rewards.
What's the Star Candies for you may ask? If you have 2,000 Star Candies in hand, you can exchange one of four Ellinel Growth Potions. Don't worry they're safe to drink. F3
IMPORTANT NOTE : Please note that you can only obtain ONE of the Ellinel Growth Potion PER WORLD.
Example : If you have purchased Ellinel Growth Potion 2 (200~219), you can no longer purchase Ellinel Growth Potion 1 (200~209), Ellinel Growth Potion 3 (200~229) or Ellinel Growth Potion 4 (200~239).

Magic Cane
No, not the one that your secondary school teacher used but the one that grows your character's level.
Event Duration: 24th February 2021 (After Patch) ~ 30th March 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Completed [Full Moon Party] Special Invitation from Ellinel Fairy Academy
How to Start: Talk to NPC Fairy Paini quest in the event map

Spend 200 Moon Candies to level up randomly according to the character's level.
Levels gained are from 1 to 10 additional levels.
The lower the character's level, the the higher the chances of getting more levels.
You can only participate this event if your character is between level 141 to 199.
You can only do this ONCE A DAY on weekdays and TWICE A DAY on weekends.
The limit will reset at midnight daily.
Tips : You can check the probability of your character on getting the each additional levels.
Moon Star Reversi
Ahh... Good 'ol Reversi~
Event Duration: 24th February 2021 (After Patch) ~ 16th March 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Completed [Full Moon Party] Special Invitation from Ellinel Fairy Academy
How to Start: Talk to NPC Fairy Eponi quest in the event map

You know the rules... but I'm just gonna say again~
Both players will play as either Wing the Fairy or Rowan the Fairy.
The objective of the game is to either reduce the opponents HP to 0 or to have a higher HP than the opponent at the end of the timer, or when the board is full.
A piece can only be played on the board if the player has at least 1 piece between the opponent’s and their own piece.
Should a move not be made before the timer runs out, a piece will be played automatically at random.
Should any player miss too many turns, the session will be forfeited and the non-active player will not have any Cotton Candy awarded.
Should players be removed from a match due to inactivity or intentionally leaving the match, they will be restricted from joining additional matches for a set amount of time.
Earn Cotton Candies by playing! Points obtained will be based on time elapsed during the mini game and your final position. So take your time!
If the daily Cotton Candy limit is reached, you will not earn anymore Cotton Candy from the event. However, you will still be able to participate in the event.
Jumping Unicorn
Event Duration: 24th February 2021 (After Patch) ~ 16th March 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Completed [Full Moon Party] Special Invitation from Ellinel Fairy Academy
How to Start: Accept Invitation above head between 10:00am and 11.00pm, during 00:15 / 00:45 of every hour

Enter the mini-game through an invitation
that comes at the 15th and 45th minute of every hour, from 10:00am to 11:00pm every day.
No entry limit so play away!
You may not receive an invitation if you are connected to a non-normal field, instance map or village map.
You can receive the invitation without limit if you exit the minigame without collecting the rewards.
Jump around for 1 minute to collide and collect the items
Whenever you jump again within 5s after your first jump, your jump power will increase by 10%.
Jump power recovery if jump interval is more than 5 seconds
Collecting the Fairy get you points that detemines your Cotton Candies gained.
➢Petal Tinker Fairy : 10 Points
➢Leaf Tinker Fairy : 50 Points
➢Moonlight Tinker Fairy : 100 Points
100 Points = 1 Cotton Candy.
Potion Pyramid
This pot cannot be used on your equipment. F3
Event Duration: 17th March 2021 1000hrs ~ 30th March 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Completed [Full Moon Party] Special Invitation from Ellinel Fairy Academy
How to Start: Talk to NPC Fairy Eponi quest in the event map

Potion Pyramid will start out with an empty Pyramid playboard and each player will be provided with a set of potion block randomly. However… only 1 can command the Giant Pot.
All potion blocks must start from the lowest row of blocks and can only be placed on top of the same type of block. This does not apply to the Giant Pot.
Best of three rounds, players with the most potion blocks played will win.
Players will be automatically penalized if you allow autoplay for more than 3 times.
If the daily Cotton Candy limit is reached, you will not earn anymore Cotton Candy from the event. However, you will still be able to participate in the event.
No entry limit so pot away!
Moonlit Night's Giant Wisp
Event Duration: 17th March 2021 1000hrs ~ 30th March 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Completed [Full Moon Party] Special Invitation from Ellinel Fairy Academy
How to Start: Accept Invitation above head between 10:00am and 11.00pm, during 00:15 / 00:45 of every hour

Enter the mini-game through an invitation
that comes at the 15th and 45th minute of every hour, from 10:00am to 11:00pm every day.
Fly and avoid, it's really that simple!
Collect Candies filled with luck, while avoiding projectiles fired by Giant Wisp!
Collecting Candies filled with luck will award you points! Check your ranking on the side of the screen.
Your movement might be restricted for a short amount of time if you are hit by projectiles.
3 Rounds will be played every invitation.
1 round = 1 minute
Earn rewards every time you finish a Giant Wisp Round!
➢1st Place: 50 Cotton Candies
➢2nd ~ 10th Place: 50 Cotton Candies
➢11th ~ 20th Place: 30 Cotton Candies
➢21th ~ 30th Place: 20 Cotton Candies
➢31st ~ 50th Place: 10 Cotton Candies
Please note that you will not be able to earn more Cotton Candies upon reaching the daily limit of 100 Cotton Candies.
Pixie Mom's Concern
Mamma mia, here I go again~
Event Duration: 3rd March 2021, 1000hrs ~ 16th March 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest (Zen cannot participate)
How to Start: Look for [Pixie Mom's Concern] Pixie Mom's Request in the Star Notification.
Upon completing the introduction quest, you will be shown the UI as above.
There are 3 type of Energy to be known, Star Pixie's Energy, Lunar Pixie's Energy and Luster Pixie's Energy.
You can only rescue Pixie ONCE A DAY which resets at midnight.
All unused Energy will be reset to 0 after minight if not use so please use it ASAP!
You will be rewarded handsomely for rescuing the pixie daily.
Daily pixie rescue reward is selectable.
That's not all sweetie! If you rescued all 9 pixie at least ONCE, Pixie Mom will reward you an amazing title! ([Pixie Mom's Concern] No more worries!)
All Stats +25
Def Ignore +15%
Boss Dmg +15%
HP/MP +1,000
EXP +15%
My my, how can I resist you~
Haste Plus
I am Speed
Event Duration: 17th March 2021, 1000hrs ~ 6th April 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for [Haste Plus] Hunting Speed Haste Event! in the Star Norification
Coming back fast aren't we? You know the drills y'all! Grind away for your a-moo-zing rewards!
No pain no gain they say! True enough the week mission is now defeat 99,999 level range monsters this round!! No time to waste! Chop Chop!!
During the event, several haste benefits will be applied server-wide:
➢ Elite Monsters spawn rate will be increased.
➢ Rune Spawn Cycle & cooldown will be decreased.
➢ Rune EXP Buff effect has been doubled!
➢ Number of daily sudden missions increased from 3 to 6.
➢ Polo & Frito’s Portal will appear more often.
➢ Flame Wolf EXP has been increased.
➢ Boss Party Formation Buff has been increased.
Daily missions can be completed in any order regardless of completion sequence.
Daily missions will last until 2359hrs everyday and the progress will be reset upon midnight.
All unclaimed Haste Mission rewards will also be voided if not collected by 2359hrs.
Complete all 6 daily Haste Missions in a day and a hidden mission will be unlocked.
Haste Boosters will be available for use every time a daily Haste Mission is completed.
Players can only accumulate 6 Haste Boosters a day and will be reset if not used by 2359hrs.
Upon activating the Haste Boosters, special Haste Monsters will be spawned for 100 seconds at the player’s level range.
The Haste Booster can only be used in a monster field within the player’s level range.
Haste Boosters cannot be used if:
➢ There are no Haste Boosters left.
➢ In Event or special maps (Kritias, Mirror World, Instanced Maps etc).
➢ The map that is not within the level range.
➢ There are Elite Bosses present.
➢ Other players have their boosters enabled.
Daily mission progress and completion will be character-bound.
Weekly hidden missions can only be completed ONCE per world.
Weekly hidden mission progress will be world-bound.
Spiegelmann's Lucky Box
Please note that your LUK stats does not affect the luckiness of the reward quantity.
Event Duration: 24th March 2021, 1000hrs ~ 6th April 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for [Spiegelmann's Lucky Box] 9 Lucky Boxes in the Star Notification
Lucky 9 Box.. What could go right? =)
Hunt 2,000 level range monsters daily to open 1 of the 9 boxes to get lucky rewards. ([Spiegelmann's Lucky Box] Today's Lucky Box)
You can only complete the quest ONCE PER DAY PER WORLD and the daily limit resets after midnight.
Opening all the 9 Boxes will allow you to select 3 of the 9 Rewards below ONCE. ([Spiegelmann's Lucky Box] Spiegelmann's Special Gift)
You are really lucky we can show you how the Cash Items look like. F3
Cash Items from the Hat, Overall and Weapon Exchange Coupon are Untradable and Permanent.
Zen Free Job Transfer Event [Extended]

Event Duration: since 11th November 2020, extended till 6th April 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: 4th Job & Above Zen Characters
How to Start: Click on the [Zen] A special opportunity given only to Zen characters! Quest via the Star Notifier

A Zen-pecial opportunity has arrived! Enjoy a free job change and other goodies if you decide to participate in this free job transfer event!
Zen characters must complete 4th Job Advancement to participate
Zen characters can only change to the following jobs:
➢ Captain
➢ Viper
➢ Cannon Master
Upon changing jobs, Zen characters will also be given the opportunity to convert their equipped items to the respective job
➢ Only
EQUIPPED Primary, Secondary Weapons & Emblems will be converted. Any unequipped weapons/emblems will not be converted.
➢ Only Fafnir, Absolabs & Arcaneshade primary weapons will be converted
➢ Only 4th Job, Princess Nou, Kuro/Black & Maple Treasure secondary weapons will be converted
➢ Emblems will be changed to the Golden Maple Leaf Emblem
➢ Any potential/spell traced stats will be transferred to the new weapon
➢ Bonus stats will be converted and changed to the respective jobs
➢ Tradability of the original item will be retained
Zen characters can receive additional goodies via the [Zen] A special gift for you quest after changing jobs
➢ If the character is below level 199, they will receive a
Tera Burning Booster (Untradable & 7 day expiry)
➢ If the character is above level 200, they will receive a
Typhoon Growth Potion (Untradable & 7 day expiry)
➢ All players who participated will be able to receive
20 Suspicious Cubes &
3 Crimson Resurrection Flame Coupons (Both Untradable & 7 day expiry)
➢ All players who successfully job transfered will also receive a
Name Change Coupon (Untradable & 7 day expiry)
Existing Zen V Skill Cores will be changed to the respective job (Not including the new 5th job skills)/li>
Job specific enhancement cores will be dissolved and returned in the form of Core Gemstones
Depending on the Core level, the number of Core Gemstones will differ
Players will receive the Core Gemstones upon completing the [Zen] A special gift for you quest
Sunday Maple
Springy Sunday~
First Sunday: 28th February 2021
30% off Star Force Enhancement Cost (Superior equipment excluded)
Additional 200 Moon Candies given when you've hit the daily limit. (Please check in Star Notification on the day.)
Second Sunday: 7th March 2021
Monster Park Clear EXP +50%
Additional 200 Moon Candies given when you've hit the daily limit. (Please check in Star Notification on the day.)
Third Sunday: 14th March 2021
100% extra chance for new Monster Collection registration
3 Monster Collection Mysterious Momons given (Please check in Star Notification on the day.)
Additional 200 Moon Candies given when you've hit the daily limit. (Please check in Star Notification on the day.)
Fourth Sunday: 21st March 2021
Polo and Frito's bounty hunt EXP x2
Defeat Flame Wolf EXP x2
Additional 200 Moon Candies given when you've hit the daily limit. (Please check in Star Notification on the day.)
Fifth Sunday: 28th March 2021
1+1 enhancement for Star Force Enhancement below 10 star
50% off Spell Trace enhancement cost
50% off Ability Reset cost
Additional 200 Moon Candies given when you've hit the daily limit. (Please check in Star Notification on the day.)
Sixth Sunday: 4th April 2021
Rune EXP Buff effect +100%
Combo Kill Orb EXP gain +300%
~~~ End of Event Update Notes~~~