05 Sep 2012
The Enchanted Forest Patch Notes
Dear Maplers,
The following events will be activated from 6th September 2012 onwards to celebrate the launch of The Enchanted Forest Patch!
1. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT] The Enchanted Forest : Prologue
2. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT] The Enchanted Forest : Protecting Merlion (Merlion Defense) [Daily Event]
3. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT] The Enchanted Forest : Endless Tower [Daily Event]
4. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT] The Enchanted Forest : The King of Rock Paper Scissors [Daily Event]
5. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT] The Enchanted Forest : The Hat [Daily Event]
6. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT] The Enchanted Forest [GM Event] : Flip the Coin
7. [System Event] Maple High School Event(Event Date: 03/10/12 2359hrs[GMT+8] – 31/10/12 0859hrs[GMT+8])
8. [System Event] Capture the Alien Event (Event Date: 06/09/12 – 03/10/12)
9. [System Event] Triple-Tri-Trio Event! (Event Date: 06/09/12 – 03/10/12)
10. [System Event] Eliminate Eregos (Event Date: 06/09/12 – 03/10/12)
11. [System Event] Random Beauty Coupon Event (Event Date: 19/09/12 – 03/10/12)
12. [System Event] Welcome New Maplers! (Event Date: 19/09/12 – 03/10/12)
13. [System Event] Cassandra’s Spring Flower Festival (Event Date: 03/10/12 – 17/10/12)
14. [System Event] Lost Miwok Artifacts! (Event Date: 03/10/12 – 17/10/12)
15. [System Event] Help a Snipe (Event Date: 03/10/12 2359hrs[GMT+8] – 31/10/12 0859hrs[GMT+8])
16. [System Event] Halloween Event (Event Date: 03/10/12 2359hrs[GMT+8] – 31/10/12 0859hrs[GMT+8])
17. [Bugs Fixed] Bugs Fixed!
18. [Download] : The Enchanted Forest Patch
1. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT] The Enchanted Forest : Prologue

The Enchanted Forest Prologue
Gaga : Phew…No one was talking about me.
Gaga : Recently, I got lost in the woods one day and after walking for some distance, a rabbit dressed in a suit appeared!
Gaga : The strange rabbit led me to a mysterious hidden forest! It seemed like a beautiful forest. Can I trust you?
Gaga : You believe my story, don’t you? Would you like to meet the strange rabbit? You can travel to the Enchanted Forest via the Mirror of Dimension.
Magic Hat : A bunny in a suit?! You must be looking for Bunny Merchant. He sells various goods at Enchanted Forest.
Magic Hat: Stay awhile, walk down with me down this magical journey and I will show you the Rose!
Once you have found the strange bunny, speak to him and he will tell you about the Rose which you can get throughout your journey in the Enchanted Forest!
You can also check with this white bunny how much Rose you have gained in the progress of trying out the various quests and even purchase some of the items or Maple Points using Rose!
So what is this Rose all about in The Enchanted Forest Patch?
It’s a whole new Event Point System implemented exclusively for our MapleStory service and can only be obtained from The Enchanted Forest map only.
• You can exchange Rose for Maple Points or any other items in the Rose shop that run in the same way as Legend shop.
• The only difference is that you will be using Rose to buy the items instead of Legend Coins.
• Maplers will be able to earn Rose upon completing the exclusive quests and Events in The Enchanted Forest.
• Rose is shared within Maple account.
• All Enchanted Forest exclusive quests can only be completed by 1 character within their Maple account daily.
Rose can be exchanged for great items and even Maple Points(Similar as Maple Cash!) via Bunny Merchant!
With the introduction of Rose conversion to Maple Points, you can now use both Maple Cash and Maple Points system in the Cash Shop!
2. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT] The Enchanted Forest : Protecting Merlion
Exclusive content that no other services would have seen or played before has arrived only to MapleSEA! Defend Merlion from Poseidon to earn Rose!
Maplers can travel to The Enchanted Forest using the Mirror of Dimension.
Level Requirement
Lv 30
Help the Merlion
There will be 2 parts of the quests available for Maplers to participate in this system event.
You can find The Caterpillar boy in The Enchanted Forest map for this challenge!
How to Play
• At the very first time, you need to complete “Help The Merlion 1” first in order to proceed with “Help The Merlion 2”. Once you have completed both the “Help the Merlion 1” and “Help the Merlion 2”, both quests would be available the next time you want to continue saving Merlion
• You can complete the 2 quests only once per a day.
• Large Stone and Strong Powder will drop from all the monsters.
Quest 1 : Help the Merlion1
Talk to The Caterpillar boy in The Enchanted Forest map for this challenge!
Level Requirement
Lv 30
Collect Large Stones x 100 to complete the quest.
Quest 2 : Help the Merlion2
Talk to The Caterpillar boy in The Enchanted Forest map for this challenge!
Level Requirement
Lv 30
Collect Strong Powder x 100 to complete the quest.
[Poseidon is coming!]
Talk to The Caterpillar boy in The Enchanted Forest map for this challenge!
You can find The Caterpillar boy in The Enchanted Forest map for this challenge!
How to Play
• You can participate only 1 per a day.
• Requirement : Solo based.
• Total 20 waves of monsters.
• Once defeated, Maplers have to wait till the next day to start the quest again.
• Each wave completed earn 100 Rose.
• Poisedon will deduct ALL available Life if it reaches Merlion.
• Completing 20 wave, Maplers will receive an additional 500 Bonus Rose!
- Example:
- If you clear 18 waves with 825 points remaining, you should receive 1882 Rose. (18 waves x 100) + (825 points / 10) + (bonus = 0)
- If you clear the full 20 waves with 825 points remaining, you should receive 2382 Rose. (20 waves x 100) + (825 points / 10) + (bonus = 500)
Maplers can use their points to gain these buffs and play more tactically.
• There will not be any reimbursement of Rose due to unexpected disconnection of any reason.
3. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT]The Enchanted Forest : Endless Tower
Many challengers who attempt the endless tower have yet to return, as time goes by.. the tower is known as Endless Tower..
To begin the Endless Tower Event, you must talk to NPC Magic Hat.
After you have accepted the Endless Tower challenge, you will be ported into a map which look like the Orbis Tower.
How to Play
• Player will have to defeat all the monsters in every floor and keep climbing up to a higher level within the 20 minutes time limit.
• The numbers displayed on the top right of the screen are the Best Records which you have achieved.
• You will get 4 Rose per monster kill.
• If you die during middle of the game before the time out, or you face timeout, then following UI will popup to show your record.
• You can play as many times as you want in Endless Tower, but you can only receive the Rose points from Endless Tower 1 times per day.
So you should carefully consider the timing of receiving the Rose. If you decide to receive the Rose point, click “Receive Now” and if you are not ready to get the most Rose points from 1 attempt, press “Receive Later”.
• If you press “Receive now” you will be moved to Enchanted forest and will see a pop up message showing your current Rose balance.
• You can still re-enter Endless Tower but you will not be able to receive any Rose for that day anymore once it is redeemed.
• There will not be any reimbursement of Rose due to unexpected disconnection of any reason.
4. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT] The Enchanted Forest : The King of Rock Scissors Paper [Daily Event]
King of the Rock Scissors Paper Bunny Merchant in Enchanted Forest itch for some real challengers to win him badly as there is no worthy opponents in Enchanted Forest at the moment!
Some challenge isn’t it? Prove Bunny Merchant wrong and win Rose everyday but on one condition…if you managed to win him 2 out of 3 times and only in 1 attempt everyday!
Choose your choice properly and beat King of the Rock Scissors Paper Bunny Merchant!
How to Play
• You can participate in The King of Rock Scissors Paper event once per day.
• Play a rock paper scissors with the Bunny Merchant and achieve Rose by winning Bunny Merchant more than 2 times out of 3 daily.
• There will not be any reimbursement of Rose due to unexpected disconnection of any reason.
5. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT]The Enchanted Forest : The Hat [Daily Event]
Magic Hat often forgets where is his hat and is asking all Maplers to help find it!
Talk to Magic Hat to help him!
30 minutes later, it will turn into Shiny Crystal!
How to Play
• You can participate in The Hat event once per day.
• Just hold the Water of Hope in your inventory for more than 30 minutes and return to Magic Hat.
• There will not be any reimbursement of Rose due to unexpected disconnection of any reason.
6. [EXCLUSIVE CONTENT] The Enchanted Forest : [GM Event] : Flip the Coin
To begin Flip the Coin event, player can click on the Envelope above their character’s head when Game Master activates it!
Once you clicked on the envelope, you will be ported into the Flip the Coin event map.
At any point of time, if you wish to quit the game, you can interact with “The Caterpillar Boy” and leave the game.
How to Play
• There will be 10 rounds of flipping coins per play.
• You need to choose and stand either Magic Hat platform with the Blue Flag or The Caterpillar Boy platform with the Red Flag at every round, if player did not stand in their desired side, it will not be registered and will be automatically kicked out of the event map.
• If the NPC you have chosen shows on the coin tower, you will get a chance to play the next round.
• If you fail (the NPC you have chosen doesn’t show on Coin Tower), you will be automatically kicked out from the event map and re spawn in Enchanted Forest and receive the amount of Rose earned based on the rounds.
• After the 10th round( if you safely can guess all 10 rounds), like as above you will be kicked out from the event map and be moved to Enchanted Forest and received the maximum amount of Rose earned which is 50,000 Rose!
• Please check our Official Website at for more information for this event!
• Maplers in free market, party quest entrance, party instances, all instances and Ardent Mill map will not receive the “Event Envelope Prompt” if the Game Master is running the event.
• During game play, you cannot enter Cash Shop or change channel.
• If you quit or disconnected in the middle of the game, you won’t be able to receive any rewards (Rose) and there will not be any reimbursement for loss of reward (Rose) due to unexpected disconnection of any reason.
7. [System Event] Maple High School
(Event Date: 03/10/12 2359hrs[GMT+8] – 31/10/12 0859hrs[GMT+8])
Maple High School have arrived for a limited time from 3rd October 2359hrs (GMT +8) to 31st October 2012 0859hrs (GMT +8), and the staff need your help! Step into this new premium mini-dungeon and complete quests to strengthen your friendship with the NPCs in attendance. Gain Friendship Points with 4 of the heavenly stars in the school! Sharpen those pencils! The classroom just got more and more dangerous!
How to Play
• Requirement: Your character must be Lv.10 or above. The dungeon is solo-based only.
• NPC Boss Kumi will be in Event Map. Talk to her to go to her homeroom class.
• You can venture deeper into the school for free once per day. Subsequent entries each day will require the use of a Maple High School Key, available only in the Cash Shop. Each key will be consumed after one use.
• The goal is to get as far into the school as you can before time runs out!
• After completing each room’s challenge, you will be awarded Friendship points.
• You’ll be able to choose which of the Four Pillars of Heaven you want to apply earned Friendship Points toward.
[Update 06/09/2012 1135 hrs (GMT+8)]
• Please be informed that there will not be any free entry to the school daily. We sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding caused.
Maple High School Entry Keys
Simply go to the Event Map and look for Boss Kumi (Homeroom Teacher) to take the quest! More entries require a special key only available from the Cash Shop
• The Badges of Joe Joe, Hermoninny, Little Dragon, and Ika each provide different kinds of stats.
• Each Badge is a unique equipped item, so you won’t be able to have two of the same Badge equipped at the same time.
• All Purchased Badges are not tradable and PERMANENT!
[Update as of October 4th 1100hrs (GMT+8)]
• Please be informed that the Badges obtained are tradable as shown in the screenshots below and we sincerely apologize for the confusion caused
• Players are advised to use their Maple High School Keys before 31st October 2012, 0859hrs[GMT+8], no reimbursement will be made for any unused keys after the event.
• Joe Joe: DEX
• Hermoninny: INT
• Little Dragon: STR
• Ika: LUK
Note : Friendship points is not shared within Maple account.
• There will not be any reimbursement for loss of reward due to unexpected disconnection of any reason.
8. [System Event] Capture the Alien Event
(Event Date: 06/09/12 – 03/10/12)
Evil aliens are on the loose over the whole of MapleSEA AGAIN! Vavaan the Space Detective requires the help of all Maplers once again to assist him in capturing all these aliens that are roaming around in almost all towns!
How do I capture the aliens? And using what?
• Look for NPC Vavaan located in the Event Map to receive the quest.
• You will receive 1 use slot item, Capture-the-Alien-Ball.
• Hit the aliens in towns to make them weak enough to be captured.
• Move near the alien and use Capture-the-Alien-Ball to held it captive inside the ball. (Hint: Item can be set under key settings)
• Exchange the Captured Alien Ball with Vavaan and receive [Milky Way Star]
• Open up [Milky Way Star] and receive surprise rewards including Star over a Tree Chair!

[Update as of 7th September 2012, 1500hrs(GMT+8)]
At the end of the event on 3rd October 2012, Top 3 Characters of Each World in alien capturing will receive the following prizes:
1st Place : 68,888 MAPLE POINTS
2nd Place: 48,888 MAPLE POINTS
3rd Place : 28,888 MAPLE POINTS
9. [System Event] Triple-Tri-Trio Event!
(Event Date: 06/09/12 – 03/10/12)
Triple-Tri-Trio Event is back! From From 6th September to 3th October 2012, an extra bonus EXP will be given for every 3rd monster you kill!! Gear up with your strongest equipments and start hunting today!!
The longer you stay in game, the more bonus EXP you will receive for the 3rd monster hunted.
10. [System Event] Eliminate Eregos
(Event Date: 06/09/12 – 03/10/12)
Eregos has returned! Seek him out in the Maple World and hunt for the Evil Spirit Box!
Minimum Requirement: Level 15 or higher

You will be able to obtain the following items from the Evil Spirit Box:
• Pet Equipment ATT/Magic ATT Scroll 60%
• Special Potential Scroll
• Weapon ATT/Magic ATT 60%
• Accessory Attack/Magic Attack Scroll 15%
• Accessory Stat 60% Scroll
• Chaos Scroll 60%
• Random level based weapon
• Random level based armors
• Trait Consumption Items
• Reindeer Milk
• Sunrise Dew
11. [System Event] Random Beauty Coupon Event
(Event Date: 19/09/12 – 03/10/12)
Want a new look? Why not try out the new Special Beauty Coupon! When using the Special Beauty Coupon, Skin, Eyes and hair will be randomized. Most of the Monsters do drop the Special Beauty Coupon, so hurry and party with your friends and relative to hunt this amazing coupon.
12. [System Event] Welcome New Maplers!
(Event Date: 19/09/12 – 03/10/12)
If you are new in joining us as a big family starting from 19th September to 3rd October 2012, we would love to make your journey with us a delightful one!
Besides meeting new friends, you will get rewarded for job advancement completed for your character!
Check out the details below!
1. First Job Advancement
This marks the first job accomplishment of your character. Rewards will be given to let you experience scrolling, identifying potential of your item and try out our magnificent mount! We hope you love them!
• Magnifying Glass (Basic)
• Dark Scroll for One Handed ATT 40% for WA or MA (According to job)
• 10 Days Mount Coupons (Either Pink Bear, Yeti or Nightmare)
2. Second Job Advancement
Wow, you have advanced progressively and we really want to congratulate on your perseverance.
Sending you a 10 Day Pet to keep you company during your training session and assist in collecting Mesos from monsters.
Take a look of the pets that we have for you! Monkey, will you able to get your dream pet?
3. First 10 Friends
Do you have a bunch of friends training with you by now? If not, we want to motivate you in meeting new friends and get rewarded at the same time!
Buddy up 10 Maplers and get 1 X VIP Teleport Rock free! What does the VIP Teleport Rock do? Oh trust me, it helps a lot in getting around in our Maple World.
• Mercedes, Demon Slayer, Cannon Shooter and Dual Blade characters will not get any rewards due to character creation restriction.
• Old accounts with newly created characters or existing beginner characters will not get rewards too as the event only applied to new accounts.
• Resistance classes will have their own different scrolls of rewards (According to job.)
13. [System Event] Cassandra’s Spring Flower Festival
(Event Date: 03/10/12 – 17/10/12)
Starting from 3rd October to 17th October 2012, just by completing a simple quest from NPC Cassandra an extra buff will be awarded. Furthermore this quest is repeatable and as long as the required items have been submitted to NPC Cassandra, NPC Cassandra will just automatically cast an buff onto the character.

Note :
• Cassandra’s Buff will overwrite any existing similar buff.
• Cassandra’s Buff will disappear upon log-out.
14. [System Event] Lost Miwok Artifacts!
(Event Date: 03/10/12 – 17/10/12)

NPC Kopee Relicseeker needs help searching for the Lost Miwok Artifact!
Complete the quest In Search of the Miwok Artifact and you will be rewarded with 3 new rewarding quests!
• The Legendary Tribal Ring: Circle of Ancient Thought (repeatable after 5 minutes)
• The Legendary Tribal Ring: Circle of Ancient Strength (repeatable after 5 minutes)
• Soft and Cozy Chief’s Chair (repeatable)
15. [System Event] Help a Snipe
(Event Date: 03/10/12 2359hrs[GMT+8] – 31/10/12 0859hrs[GMT+8])

Snipe miss flying with his friends and required your help to bring him back into the skies again. In order to fly again, Snipe will need to be at the highest end of the Jump Stand. However, the path to bring Snipe back to the Jump Stand are covered by thorn bushes. He needs your help to drop him down at the top of the Jump Stand before he can fly again. However, this time round, it is slightly different with more challenges!
There are 3 different type of Jump Quest maps, but user can’t choose the map.
They will be just moved to each map in order of arrival.
* If you don’t complete the quest in normal way, you can be kicked out from the map.
Map 1 : Thornbush Leading to Jump Stand
Map 2 : Playground of Lupin Leading to Jump Stand
Map 3 : Jumping Board Leading to Jump Stand
• Activate “Help a Snipe” quest from NPC Gaga

• Snipe will request your help to take him up to the Jump Stand within a certain time duration.

• You will have to drop the ETC item “A Lost Snipe” onto the top of the Jump Stand.

• Once succeeded, Snipe will appear on the top of the Jump Stand.

• Talk to The Lost Snipe and complete the quest.

Rewards given randomly each attempt!
• White Potion
• Mana Elixir
• Power Elixir
• Ice Cream Pop
• Red Bean Sundai
• All Cure
• Elixir
• Equip Enhancement Scroll
• Palm Tree Beach Chair
You will get the following reward if you complete the quest for 10 times.
• Increasing range of ATT and Magic may differ from -2 to +2 at every try.
• Expiry days : 30 days
16. [System Event] Halloween Event
(Event Date: 03/10/12 2359hrs[GMT+8] – 31/10/12 0859hrs[GMT+8])
The Haunted Mansion is back! However, there is a little suspense this time.
To get the attractive rewards, one must get to the bottom of the mystery by completing all the daily chain quest.
How do I get to the Haunted Mansion?
1. To accept the invitation to Haunted Mansion, click on the Light bulb on your character head.
2. Go to the Haunted Mansion through Mirror of Dimension.
Quest Details
– “The Last Halloween Night” quest will only be activated the next day after the completion of Day 1 to Day 13 quests.
• Marriage System has re-released again in MapleSEA! Channel 3 will be the only channel to enter Amoria Wedding Village!
Note : You will be automatically ported to Channel 3 Amoria Wedding Village if you clicked on NPC Hera in various maps.
• Harp Seal Pet command have been fixed!
• Seal Chair have more effects and animations too when there is more than 5 Seal chairs together! For more information on the reimbursement on the removal of seal chair please refer Here
• All missing NPCs have returned!
• Follow the Lead quest is now available for all pets.
• Quick move function in all towns have been fixed!
• Nett Pyramid Rewards have been fixed to give the correct rewards.
• Pam’s Song will not work with Legendary Spirit skill and Vega’s spell. Same as other services.
18. [Download] The Enchanted Forest Patch
-MapleSEA Administrator