19 Sep 2017
Zest and Zeal Event Notes (v170)
Dear Maplers,
Get ready to show your Zeal for MapleSEA with the many events lined up this Autumn! (Just kidding, it’s forever Summer, just a Summer with a breeze!) Current event notes only depict part of the events happening this month, so stay cool and keep your eyes peeled for even more events coming your way!
Table of Contents
1. Maple World Club!2. Sunday Maple Benefits
3. Moon Bunny Thanksgiving Challenge
4. Thanksgiving Coin Shop
5. Absolute Palate
6. Abundant Fall Benefits
7. Maple Rainbow Challenge
Ever felt bored and lonely in Maple? Join a Maple Club! The critters from God of Control have each set up their very own Maple Club showcasing their own strength. Join clubs and gain benefits by obtaining Closeness points!
Duration: 20 September 2017 (After Maintenance) – 26 September 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest [Event] Now Recruiting! Join Clubs! from the Star Icon on the left of the screen.
Event Mechanics
- Occult Club Activity: Find and kill 2 invisible ghosts.
- Occult Club benefits:
→ Skill Level 1 (2000 points): Ignore Monster Defense & Boss Damage increased by 10%
→ Skill Level 2 (5000 points): Ignore Monster Defense & Boss Damage increased by 15%
→ Skill Level 3 (8000 points): Ignore Monster Defense & Boss Damage increased by 20%
- Muscle Club Activity: Kill 1 Elite Monster OR 500 Level Range Monsters.
- Muscle Club benefits:
→ Skill Level 1 (2000 points): Attack/Magic Attack & Speed/Jump increased by 10
→ Skill Level 2 (5000 points): Attack/Magic Attack & Speed/Jump increased by 20
→ Skill Level 3 (8000 points): Attack/Magic Attack & Speed/Jump increased by 30
- Runescope Club Activity: Activate 3 Runes.
- Runescope Club benefits:
→ Skill Level 1 (2000 points): Rune EXP buff duration increased by 100%
→ Skill Level 2 (5000 points): Rune EXP buff duration increased by 100% and Rune EXP buff bonus increased by 50%
→ Skill Level 3 (8000 points): Rune EXP buff duration increased by 100% and Rune EXP buff bonus increased by 100%
Association Activity Rewards
- One of the following medals:
→ Rune Historian
→ Club Trainer
→ Ghost Investigator
Note: Level Range Monsters for hunting monsters refer to monsters between -20 and +20 of your character’s level with no exceptions for monsters above a certain level.
Enjoy various special benefits on selected Sundays during this patch!
Please take note that Sunday Maple Benefits starts at 0000hrs and ends at 2359hrs.
First Sunday: 24 September 2017
Second Sunday: 1 October 2017
Third Sunday: 15 October 2017
*Note: We apologize for the inaccuracy of the information provided.
Fourth Sunday: 22 October 2017
Fifth Sunday: 29 October 2017
Sixth Sunday: 5 November 2017
Help Daddy Moon Bunny retrieve his thanksgiving food which was stolen by monsters, and he will reward you greatly with Persimmon Coins.
Duration: 27 September 2017 (After Maintenance) – 17 October 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest, [Thanksgiving] Moon Bunnies’ Dinner Mission, from the Star Notifier > Thanksgiving event icon.
Event Mechanics
- 2nd Completion: Persimmon Coin x 10
- 3rd Completion: Persimmon Coin x 15
- 4th Completion: Persimmon Coin x 20
- 5th Completion: Persimmon Coin x 50
- 5th Completion: 2x EXP Coupon x1 (30 min)
- 2nd Completion: 2000x Field Meso drops based on level
- 3rd Completion: 3000x Field Meso drops based on level
- 4th Completion: 4000x Field Meso drops based on level
- 5th Completion: 5000x Field Meso drops based on level
2++ Beef Set, Sweet Apple/Pear No.5 and Honest Rice can be obtained from level range monsters.
Note: Level Range Monsters for item drops refer to monsters between -10 and +20 of your character’s level, and if you’re above level 150, any monsters above level 150 will count.
Duration: 27 September 2017 (After Maintenance) – 17 October 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest from the Star Icon on the left of the screen
Not sure where to spent the coins Daddy Moon Bunny gave you? Spend them at the Thanksgiving Coin Shop that Mommy Moon Bunny opened! She can be found at Henesys, or in the Event Map. Find her with Persimmon Coins to purchase scrolls, mounts, chairs, damage skins and more!
You can also trade in previous V coins at a 5:1 ratio for more persimmon coins!
Here’s a sneak peek of the goods that Mommy Moon Bunny has brought in:
Born a natural chef? Always thought you could do better than contestants on TV on a cooking show? Here is your chance to prove yourself! Prove your Legendary Cooking skills to Gordon Romsay Freeman and attain the very best Chef Rank out there!
Duration: 27 September 2017 (After Maintenance) – 17 October 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest from the Star icon > Absolute Palate icon on the left of the screen
Event Mechanics
- Ellinia
- Perion
- Kerning City
- Lith Harbor
- Ereve
- Rien
- Orbis
- El Nath
- Ludibrium
- Korean Folk Town
- Aquarium
- Leafre
- Mu Lung
- Ariant
- Magatia
- Edelstein
- Haven
- Pantheon
- Nameless Village
- Chew Chew Village
- Lacheln Downtown
- Spirit Tree
- Momijigaoka
Absolute Palate Rewards
- Cuisine Hats
- And much more!

Respective Tiers’ Ingredient Boxes can be obtained from level range monsters.
Note: Level Range Monsters for item drops refer to monsters between -10 and +20 of your character’s level, and if you’re above level 150, any monsters above level 150 will count.
Enjoy the Thanksgiving season this fall with special gifts and benefits!
Please take note that Saturday Fall Benefits starts at 0000hrs and ends at 2359hrs.
2017 Thanksgiving Box
Duration: 3 October 2017 0000hrs – 6 October 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Upon logging in, the 2017 Thanksgiving Gift Box will be credited to your inventory automatically, and it can be transferred within the account.
Note: If your inventory is full, you will receive a prompt on the right of your screen. Please empty 1 USE slot before logging into the game again.
First Saturday Fall: 30 September 2017
Second Saturday Fall: 7 October 2017
Third Saturday Fall: 14 October 2017
How has your journey in MapleStory been like? Bored of events that require you to do things you don’t like for rewards that you don’t like? Cassandra is here to change that and spice up your Maple journey with a few challenges! Pick a mission of your choice and complete it during the event period to obtain gifts of your choice!
Duration: 11 October 2017 1000hrs – 17 October 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest [Event] Challenge! Maple Rainbow! from the Star icon on the left of the screen
Event Mechanics
- Challenge! Master of Patience!: Hold the Locked Rainbow Box for 20 minutes
- Challenge! Help Ribbon Pig Find Its Home!: Using the clue in Ribbon Pig Necklace, help ribbon pig find its home
- Challenge! Grow Orange Mushroom!: Grow Orange Mushroom using Rainbow dew from Level Range Monsters**
- Challenge! Elite Monsters!: Defeat 3 Elite Monsters
- Challenge! For the Guild!: Obtain 500 Guild Contributions
- Challenge! Mine and Gather!: Gather materials from veins and herbs 50 times
- Rainbow Power Buff (30 ATT/MATT, 15% Critical Rate for 15 minutes)
- Loot Fountain (Increases item drop rate by 30% for 20 minutes)
- Fatigue Recovery Potion (Recovers profession skill fatigue by 70)
- Enhanced Rainbow Buff (20% Boss Damage, 20% Ignore Monster Def for 15 minutes)
- Meso Drop x2 Coupon (15 minutes)
- 2x EXP Coupon (15 minutes)
Do what you want to do, and obtain rewards that you want!
* Note: Level Range Monsters for hunting monsters refer to monsters between -20 and +20 of your character’s level with no exceptions for monsters above a certain level.
**Note: Level Range Monsters for item drops refer to monsters between -10 and +20 of your character’s level, and if you’re above level 150, any monsters above level 150 will count.