15 Nov 2017
NOVA Event Notes (v171)
Dear Maplers,
No patch is complete without events, and in NOVA, we have a large variety of events lined up for you to enjoy! The current event notes depict events happening in November. Stay tuned for more events in December!

Table of Contents
1. Sunday Maple Benefits
2. Mega Burning Project
3. Beyond NOVA
4. Take N
5. NOVA BOX & Coin Shop Season 1
6. Splash Link
7. Water Tank Mount with Overflowing Mesos
8. Have fun at Gshaaaa Park!
9. Puss-in-Loots
Sunday Maple Benefits are back again! This NOVA, our Sundays are packed with fun and more fun. So sit tight and enjoy!
Please take note that Sunday Maple Benefits starts at 0000hrs and ends at 2359hrs.
First Sunday: 19 November 2017
Second Sunday: 26 November 2017
Third Sunday: 3 December 2017
Fourth Sunday: 10 December 2017
Mega Burning Project has returned, once again!
Enjoy 1+2 Level Up all the way to Level 130!
Duration: 15 November 2017 (After Patch) ~ 28 November 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Newly Created Characters, excluding Cadena. Character must be selected as the Burning Character upon creation.
Event Mechanics
What is Mega Burning Project?
Burning Project is an event where characters can enjoy leveling at triple the normal amount!
You will also receive various gift boxes on your burning character!
After selecting to burning your character at the character creation screen, accept the quest [NOVA] 1+2 Level up! Mega Burning Project! on the Star Notifier on the left to receive the following:
• Mysterious Secret Box
→ Open it up to receive a Snail Roon Pet!
• Lv. 30 Equipment Box
→ You can open this box once you reach Level 30 to receive relevant equipments for your character!
• Legendary Secret Box
→ This box can only be opened once you reach Level 100, to receive a Level 100 Set Equipment!
• Keep on Burning Title Coupon
→ This coupon can only be opened once you reach Level 130, to receive a Keep On Burning Title, which consist of awesome stats for 14 days!
Stay hot and burn on!
Push past your limits this NOVA and get to 200!
Create a new character and get to Level 140, and receive rewards up to Level 200!
Duration: 15 November 2017 (After Patch) ~ 28 November 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Newly created character after the patch on 15 November 2017, Level 33+
How to Start: Accept the quest [NOVA] Push Past Your Limits NOVA! from the Star Icon on the left side of the screen.
Event Mechanics
Push past your limits on a new character!
Get to Level 200 to receive all the rewards!
How does it work?
• Create a new character.
• Get to Level 140, and accept the quest [NOVA] Challenge! Beyond NOVA!
• Complete the mission available for you at Level 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, and receive your rewards!
Important: Only one character newly created in the NOVA (v171) patch can accept the mission. You may not forfeit a mission that has already been accepted. The mission chain from Level 140 through 200 is deemed as a single challenge.
Missions and Rewards
Reach Level 140 and Clear Monster Park: Otherworldly Battleground (Level 135-144), to receive the Limit Breaking Box 140.
Open the Limit Breaking Box to receive the following:
• Limit Breaking Growth Potion 140
• Miracle Circulator Coupon
• Select Tab 4 Slot Coupon
• Cadena Mask Coupon
Reach Level 150 and Clear Monster Park: Forbidden Time (Level 145-154), to receive the Limit Breaking Box 150.
Open the Limit Breaking Box to receive the following:
• Limit Breaking Growth Potion 150
• 1000 Maple Points Coupon
• 3000 Spell Traces
• World Map Teleport [7 Days] Coupon
• Select Tab 4 Slot Coupon
Reach Level 160 and Clear Monster Park: Ruined City (Level 160-169), to receive the Limit Breaking Box 160.
Open the Limit Breaking Box to receive the following:
• Limit Breaking Growth Potion 160
• Special Medal of Honor x5 Coupon
• Select Tab 4 Slot Coupon
Reach Level 170 and Clear Monster Park: Dead Tree Forest (Level 170-179), to receive the Limit Breaking Box 170.
Open the Limit Breaking Box to receive the following:
• Limit Breaking Growth Potion 170
• 3,000 Maple Points Coupon
• Select Tab 4 Slot Coupon
• Cadena Black Secondary Weapon Box: contains Black Transmitter and Epic Potential Scroll 100%
Reach Level 175, to receive the Limit Breaking Box 175.
Open the Limit Breaking Box to receive the following:
• Damage Skin - Limit Breaking
• 10 NOVA Buff
• 3 2x EXP Coupon (15 Min.)
Reach Level 180 and Clear Monster Park: Watchman's Tower (Level 175-184), to receive the Limit Breaking Box 180.
Open the Limit Breaking Box to receive the following:
• Limit Breaking Growth Potion 180
• Golden Hammer 50%
• Select Tab 4 Slot Coupon
Reach Level 185, to receive the Limit Breaking Box 185.
Open the Limit Breaking Box to receive the following:
• 10 Star Force Enhancement Coupon
• 3 2x EXP Coupon (15 Min.)
Reach Level 190 and Clear Monster Park: Knight Stronghold (Level 190-199), to receive the Limit Breaking Box 190.
Open the Limit Breaking Box to receive the following:
• Limit Breaking Growth Potion 190
• 3,000 Maple Points Coupon
• Innocent Scroll 60%
• Select Tab 4 Slot Coupon
Reach Level 200 and Clear Monster Park: Spirit Valley (Level 200-209), to receive the Limit Breaking Box 200.
Open the Limit Breaking Box to receive the following:
• 5,000 Maple Points Gift Certificate
• Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%
• Select Tab 4 Slot Coupon
• Do note that you have to complete the previous mission in order to proceed to the next.
• Zero characters are not eligible to take part in this event.
• Event missions can only be completed ONCE per Maple ID.
Enjoy Mapling and take NOVA!
An event with a simple concept: 1. Stay online, 2. Complete Missions, and 3. Be rewarded!
Duration: 15 November 2017 (After Patch) ~ 19 December 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest, [N] Take N Event Notice, from the Take N icon on the left of the screen.
Take N Daily Login Rewards

• Accumulate playtime and complete missions to receive Everyday Take N Boxes!
• You can obtain up to 4 tiers of Everyday Take N Boxes daily.
Mission and Rewards
Everyday Take N Tier 1: Activate 2 Runes + Accumulate 30 minutes playtime.
Reward: Everyday Take N Boxes (30 Min), which consist of the following:.
→ 50 Mileage
→ The Owl of Minerva (1 Day)
Everyday Take N Tier 2: Clear Polo / Frito Missions once + Accumulate 60 minutes playtime.
Reward: Everyday Take N Box (60 Min), which consist of the following:.
→ 50 Mileage
→ [1-Day] Mr. Wang's Storage Wagon
Everyday Take N Tier 3: Participate in Elite Boss Battle once + Accumulate 120 minutes playtime.
→ Reward: Everyday Take N Box (120 Min), which consist of the following:
→ 200 Mileage
→ Super Megaphone (3 Days)
Everyday Take N Tier 4: Participate in Flame Wolf once + Accumulate 180 minutes playtime.
Reward: Everyday Take N Box (180 Min), which consist of the following:.
→ 200 Mileage
→ Miracle Circulator (3 Days)
→ RED Cube (1 Day)
Please note that the playtime timer will not continue to the next tier until the respective quest is complete and the reward is obtained.
Take N Accumulative Login Rewards

• Accumulate Everyday Take N Boxes during the event period to receive Accumulative Take N Boxes!
• There are 4 Tiers of Accumulative Take N Boxes, depending on the amount of Everyday Take N Boxes received.
Requirements and Rewards
Accumulate 12 Everyday Take N Boxes:
Reward: Take N 1st Box, with the following items:
→ SEA Royal Face Coupon (3 Days)
Accumulate 32 Everyday Take N Boxes:
Reward: Take N 2nd Box, with the following items:
→ Ga-cha-pon Ticket x7 (3 Days)
Accumulate 64 Everyday Take N Boxes:
Reward: Take N 3rd Box, with the following items::
→ Power M Point Recharger
→ RED Cube x6 (3 Days)
→ Carved Golden Seal Coupon
Accumulate 96 Everyday Take N Boxes:
Reward: Take N 4th Box, which contains a special 15 Star Enhancement Unique Dominator Pendant
Please take note of the following information for this Special Potential Pendant Item.
→ Scrolled with 70% Spell Traces of Main Stat (Xenon can choose between STR, DEX, LUK) x5
→ Fixed potential based on Main Stat: Primary Stat 15% + Critical Rate 6% (Xenon will receive 9% All Stats instead of 15% Primary Stat)
→ Cannot use scroll of any form.
→ Cannot transfer using the Todd's Hammer.
→ Cannot be traded.
→ Cannot use cube to reset its potential.
NOVA will be incomplete without its very own Coin and Coin Shop!
Season 1 Coin Shop Duration: 15 November 2017 (After Patch) ~ 19 December 2017, 2359hrs
NOVA Box Drop Duration: 15 November 2017 (After Patch) ~ 27 February 2018, 2359hrs
NOVA Boxes
• Kill Level Range Monsters to obtain rare NOVA Boxes!
→ Level Range Monsters are monsters between -20 and +20 of your Character's Level.
• NOVA Boxes will be automatically consumed upon loot to award 1

• You can obtain up to 60

NOVA Coin Shop

Manon (or what seems to be Manon dressed up for Winter) has opened a shop to sell goodies during this NOVA patch in Major Towns. Be sure to catch the exclusive Cosmos Ring sold in the Coin Shop!
Furthermore, you can now access the shop from the Star Notifier > NOVA Shop Icon on the left side of your screen. The NOVA Coin Shop accepts

Want to train but lazy to find your own map and a party? Splash Link is here to save the day! With Splash Link, you can hunt in a map with up to 10 other Maplers, each hunting your own monsters. What could go wrong with bonus EXP and party buffs?
Duration: 22 November 2017 (After Maintenance) ~ 19 December 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 100+
How to Start: Accept the quest, Come visit [NOVA] Splash Link!, from the Star Notifier on the left of the screen.
Event Mechanics

- Talk to Cassandra in Henesys or Leafre, or accept the relevant quest in the Star Notifier to move to the Splash Link Entry Map!
- From the Entry Map, you can check out more information from Cassandra, or enter the hunting map.
- In the hunting map, talk to Cassandra and summon monsters with
NOVA Coins! You can summon 500 monsters with 10 NOVA Coins.
- Summoned monsters will remain without time limit, disconnections or leaving the map for a short break will not affect the monsters spawned.
- Monsters in Splash Link will award 120% EXP.
- Amount of monsters that can be summoned per day depends on the character level:
- Level 100 ~ 119: Up to 500 monsters
- Level 120 ~ 139: Up to 1,000 monsters
- Level 140 ~ 159: Up to 1,500 monsters
- Level 160 ~ 179: Up to 2,000 monsters
- Level 180 ~ 199: Up to 2,500 monsters
- Level 200 and above: Up to 3,000 monsters
- You can adjust the monster summoned by talking to Cassandra.
- All party members can enter the same Splash Link hunting map upon entry. However, party play is disabled in Splash Link.
- Splash Buff Time occurs for a short while every 30 minutes.
- During this period, mobs will stop spawning.
- A buff zone is created at the top of the map, and when a party buff skill is used, all characters in the buff zone will receive the buff.

Dead poor with flies settling in your Mesos Inventory? Or rich enough to lavish yourself with premium items? No worries! With this event, the rich doesn't get richer, and the poor gets richer (even if by a little)!
Duration: 22 November 2017 (After Maintenance) ~ 19 December 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest, [NOVA] Water Tank Mount with Overflowing Mesos, from NPC Kemdi in Henesys or Leafre.
Event Mechanics
- Players can choose to get on the Water Tank in Henesys or Leafre
- To use the Water Tank, a fee of 100,000,000 mesos is required, and an additional 200,000,000 mesos will be used in the Water Tank with Overflowing Mesos. That's a total of 300,000,000 mesos to use the Water Tank!
- Upon any player getting on the Water Tank, a message will be broadcasted before the Mesos are spewed out after 30 seconds.
- Mesos will be sprayed at regular intervals.
- The player riding the Water Tank can choose to increase the amount of Mesos sprayed by pressing the NPC chat/SPACE key.
- In case of disconnection or dismount, the player's avatar will be controlled by AI and the remaining mesos will be sprayed out at its normal interval.
- Mesos Sacks from the Water Tank can only be looted by using the "Pick Up" key manually.
- Up to 10,000,000 mesos can be acquired by each character per day from this event.
- Up to 6 players can be on the Water Tank at the same time in a single World. Only 1 Water Tank can be used at the same time per channel.
- Players have to wait for 10 minutes before using the Water Tank again.
- Players who have used the Water Tank at least once will receive the Meso Fountain Chair.
- The chair will have a display that reflects the total amount of mesos that the player has "donated" to other players.

Did you hear that? That is the sound of... ice cold F. U. N! Charge Gshaaaa Energy and gain Gshaaaa Ice to cool down in this hot and humid weather!
Duration: 22 November 2017 (After Maintenance) ~ 19 December 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest, [NOVA] Have fun at Gshaaaa Park! , from NPC Kemdi in Henesys or Leafre.
Event Mechanics
- A Gshaaaa Energy gauge will be available on the bottom right of the screen.
- You can obtain 1
Gshaaaa Ice for every 100 Gshaaaa Energy collected.
- Gshaaaa Energy can be obtained by:
- Staying in major towns: Generates 3 Gshaaaa Energy every 10 seconds.
- Picking up event items dropped by Level Range Monsters:
Gshaaaa Tube (10 Gshaaaa Energy) &
Beach Ball (50 Gshaaaa Energy)
- Maximum amount of Gshaaaa Energy that can be obtained daily is 10,000.
- Upon using
Gshaaaa Ice,
NOVA Coin and EXP will be awarded.
- There is a rare chance that you can obtain the Gshaaaa Ice Headband Coupon when using
Gshaaaa Ice! This coupon is tradeable!
Meow? Meow meow meow meow meow meow!? Meow meow..? Meow. Meow meow meow meow meow.
(Translation: Human? Are you interested in how I maintain absolute balance!? Wait, why not..? Come here. I'll teach you the secret techniques of true balance.)
Design your own cat teacher that teaches you how to "balance" with Puss-In-Loots!
Duration: 29 November 2017 (After Maintenance) ~ 19 December 2017, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest [Event] The Story of Puss-In-Loots from
Event Mechanics
→ Zakum
→ Horntail
→ Hilla
→ Pierre
→ Von Bon
→ Crimson Queen
→ Vellum
→ Von Leon
→ Arkarium
→ Magnus
→ Cygnus
→ Kawaoong
- Adventurousness: Clear contents from the following list 2 times!
→ Monster Park (Level 105+)
→ Nett's Pyramid (Level 80+)
→ Dimension Invade (Level 140+)
→ Ghost Park (Level 125+)
→ Bounty Hunter Polo and Frito
- Endurance: Defeat 500 monsters within your character's level range!
→ Boldness Balance Box, containing 100 Mileage coupon and 3 Mysterious Meso Pouch.
→ Cat Face effect for customizing your Puss-In-Loots.
→ 15th mission completion: Puss-In-Loots Medal
- Adventurousness
→ Adventurousness Balance Box, containing Polo & Frito Admission Ticket and Monster Park Reborn Free Admission Ticket.
→ Cat Pattern effect for customizing your Puss-In-Loots.
→ 15th mission completion: Damage Skin - Puss-In-Loots
- Endurance
→ Endurance Balance Box, containing 2 2X EXP Coupon & 2 Drop Rate 2x Coupon (15 Min).
→ Cat Accessory effect for customizing your Puss-In-Loots.
→ 15th mission completion: Puss-In-Loots Ring
→ Boss Damage +5% granted on the Summon Puss-In-Loots set-up item.
- Completed 10 "Boldness" daily missions
→ Boss Damage +10% granted on the Summon Puss-In-Loots set-up item.
- Completed 15 "Boldness" daily missions
→ Boss Damage +15% granted on the Summon Puss-In-Loots set-up item.
- Completed 5 "Adventurousness" daily missions
→ Physical/Magic ATT +5 granted on the Summon Puss-In-Loots set-up item.
- Completed 10 "Adventurousness" daily missions
→ Physical/Magic ATT +10 granted on the Summon Puss-In-Loots set-up item.
- Completed 15 "Adventurousness" daily missions
→ Physical/Magic ATT +15 granted on the Summon Puss-In-Loots set-up item.
- Completed 5 "Endurance" daily missions
→ Critical Damage +5% granted on the Summon Puss-In-Loots set-up item.
- Completed 10 "Endurance" daily missions
→ Critical Damage +8% granted on the Summon Puss-In-Loots set-up item.
- Completed 15 "Endurance" daily missions
→ Critical Damage +10% granted on the Summon Puss-In-Loots set-up item.
→ Additional reward for completing the quest 5 times: Puss-In-Loots Whisker
→ Additional reward for completing the quest 10 times: Puss-In-Loots Hat
→ Additional reward for completing the quest 15 times: Puss-In-Loots Tail