16 May 2018
ARK Event Notes (v176)
Dear Maplers,
To celebrate the release of the vengeful and

Table of Contents
1. ARK Coin Shop2. Maple Discovery
2.1 Discovery View Point3. Sunday Maple
2.2 Discovery Ocean
2.3 Discovery Field
2.4 Discovery Rink
2.5 Discovery Desert
2.6 Discovery Polar
2.7 Discovery The Sky
2.8 Discovery Weather
2.9 Discovery Treasure
2.10 Discovery Arena
2.11 Discovery Wildlife
4. ARK Sugar Time & Reverse My MapleStory Sugar Time
5. Spring Valley Golden Tree
ARK Coin Shop Duration: 16 May 2018 (After Patch) ~ 3 July 2018, 2359hrs
Duration: 16 May 2018 (After Patch) ~ 26 June 2018, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest from the [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have You Explored? from the Star Notifier on the left side of the screen.
Event Mechanics
ARK Points can be converted into ARK Coins which you can use on the ARK Coin shop for those awesome items & chairs that you can match with your
For every 100 ARK Points, you can convert it to 1 ARK Coin by simply hitting on the shiny GET button. There’s no limit to the amount of ARK Coins you can receive! However, there is a daily limit of 20,000 ARK Points per character. (This applies to all of the Discovery events). The exception to the rule would be special Sundays *wink*
Oh look at that VIEW!
Duration: 16 May 2018 (After Patch) ~ 26 June 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have less than 20,000 ARK Points (Accumulated) or 40,000 ARK Points for Sundays
• Must have accepted required quest [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have you Explored? How to Start: Click on the Discovery Map (in the star notifier icon) and click on the View Point Icon, the Red Icon with Binoculars
Event Mechanics
Return to Maple Island and see the Maple Tree of Beginnings! In this map, you’ll be able to collect ARK Points to exchange for ARK Coins that you can use in the ARK Coin Shop!
Note: You’ll be able to obtain 3 ARK Points every 10 seconds and with a maximum of 20,000 ARK Points per day.
Note: You must be at least level 105 to enter this map. You’ll be able to obtain EXP every 10 seconds dependent on your level up to a max of 8 hours per day.
Who says fishing is boring?
Duration: 16 May 2018 (After Patch) ~ 26 June 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have less than 20,000 ARK Points (Accumulated) or 40,000 ARK Points for Sundays
• Must have accepted required quest [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have you Explored? How to Start: Accept quest [Discovery] Discovery Ocean, then click on the Discovery Map (in the star notifier icon) and click on the Ocean Icon, the one with waves
Event Mechanics
How to fish?
• When you’re out in the ocean, watch for the shadow/silhouette of the fish on the surface.
• Once you are right above it, click on the fishing rod icon on the right of the screen or hit the Spacebar
• Stay in the sweet spot when battling the fish! Too weak, and the hook will come off.. Too hard, and the line will snap.
• Once you’ve caught the fish, you can continue fishing till your storage is full. Head back to the pier to deposit your fish!
Party Up?
• Up to 4 players may join forces (in a party) to catch a variety of fish within the time limit
• Catching fish will give you Fishing Points & increase your fishing level.
- For every 1,000 Fishing Points, you can get 1 ARK Point
- You can get a Maximum of 20,000,000 Fishing Points per character per day
• Upgrade your boat based on the total number of Fishing Points you have collected!
- You will be able to upgrade your Speed & Storage for fish
• The higher your fishing level, the higher tier fishing spots you may go
The event also brings special & daily missions that you can complete to obtain ARK Coins & ARK Points. There’s even a special mount if you completed all missions and become the Ruler of the Sea!
It’s not my field… Its our field <3
Duration: 16 May 2018 (After Patch) ~ 29 May 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have less than 20,000 ARK Points (Accumulated) or 40,000 ARK Points for Sundays
• Must have accepted required quest [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have you Explored? How to Start: Accept quest [Discovery] Discovery Field
Enjoy farming mobs on a daily basis? Can't wait to hit the level cap? Already hit the level cap but still farm mobs for their sweet drop
Event Mechanics
Simply just do what all players do when their out in mobs maps... Farm mobs! However, you can get extra points depending on what you ‘hunted’ or what you used as listed below:• Hunting monsters within level range (1 point per mob)
• Collect Combo Kill Orbs (10 points per orb)
• Use Runes (50 points per Rune)
• Hunt Elite Monsters (80 points per elite mob)
• Hunt Elite Bosses (120 Points per elite boss)
Do note that you can only earn a maximum of 20,000 Points per day per character. (40,000 Points on Sundays)
Duration: 16 May 2018 (After Patch) ~ 29 May 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 100+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have accepted required quest [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have you Explored? How to Start: Accept quest [Discovery] Discovery Rink, then click on the Discovery Map (in the star notifier icon) and click on the Orange Icon with the Star above Ariant.
Event Mechanics
• In the hunting map, talk to Cassandra and summon monsters with ARK Coins! You can summon 500 monsters with 10 ARK Coins.• Summoned monsters will remain without time limit, disconnections or leaving the map for a short break will not affect the monsters spawned.
• Monsters in Discovery Rink will award 120% EXP.
• Amount of monsters that can be summoned per day depends on the character level:
- Level 100 ~ 119: Up to 500 monsters
- Level 120 ~ 139: Up to 1,000 monsters
- Level 140 ~ 159: Up to 1,500 monsters
- Level 160 ~ 179: Up to 2,000 monsters
- Level 180 ~ 199: Up to 2,500 monsters
- Level 200 and above: Up to 3,000 monsters
Is it hot in here or is it just me?
Season 1 Duration: 16 May 2018 (After Patch) ~ 23 May 2018, 2359hrs
Season 2 Duration: 6 June 2018 (After Maintenance) ~ 12 June 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have less than 20,000 ARK Points (Accumulated) or 40,000 ARK Points for Sundays
• Must have accepted required quest [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have you Explored?
Event Mechanics
Joining the Discovery Desert• During the event period from 1000hrs to 2345hrs, you'll receive a BINGO Invitation on top of your character's head every 15th and 45th minute of the hour.
• You can participate in the Discovery Desert an unlimited amount of times per day as long as you have collected less than 20,000 ARK Points that day! (40,000 for Sundays)
How to play BINGO?
• At the start of the BINGO game, 1 Bingo Board with numbers will pop up.
• When Kemdi calls for numbers on the top of the screen, simply click on the respective numbers on your Bingo Board to circle it!
• Form a straight line diagonally, horizontally, or vertically and hit the BINGO button to win!
ARK Points will be awarded based on your rank.
• Each BINGO session will have 3 rounds, so do not leave until the very end!
Based on your ranking. ARK Points will be awarded as follows:
• 1st Place: 3,000 ARK Points
• 2nd-5th Place: 2,000 ARK Points
• 6th-10th Place: 1,000 ARK Points
• 11th-20th Place: 800 ARK Points
• 21st-30th Place: 600 ARK Points
• Participation: 300 ARK Points
I would like to play a game... In the cold!
Season 1 Duration: 23 May 2018, 1000hrs (After Maintenance) ~ 29 May 2018, 2359hrs
Season 2 Duration: 13 June 2018, 1000hrs (After Maintenance) ~ 19 June 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have less than 20,000 ARK Points (Accumulated) or 40,000 ARK Points for Sundays
• Must have accepted required quest [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have you Explored?
Based on the number of correct answers given. ARK Points will be awarded as follows:• Basic Participation: 500 ARK Points
• 0 Correct Answers: 0 ARK Points
• 1 Correct Answers: 100 ARK Points
• 2 Correct Answers: 200 ARK Points
• 3 Correct Answers: 300 ARK Points
• 4 Correct Answers: 400 ARK Points
• 5 Correct Answers: 500 ARK Points
• 6 Correct Answers: 600 ARK Points
• 7 Correct Answers: 700 ARK Points
• 8 Correct Answers: 800 ARK Points
• 9 Correct Answers: 900 ARK Points
• 10 Correct Answers: 1,000 ARK Points
• 11 Correct Answers: 1,200 ARK Points
• 12 Correct Answers: 1,400 ARK Points
• 13 Correct Answers: 1,600 ARK Points
• 14 Correct Answers: 1,800 ARK Points
• 15 Correct Answers: 2,000 ARK Points
• 16 Correct Answers: 2,200 ARK Points
• 17 Correct Answers: 2,400 ARK Points
• 18 Correct Answers: 2,600 ARK Points
• 19 Correct Answers: 2,800 ARK Points
• 20 Correct Answers: 3,000 ARK Points
It’s not flying~ It’s falling! WITH STYLE!
Duration: 30 May 2018, 1000hrs (After Maintenance) ~ 26 June 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have less than 20,000 ARK Points (Accumulated) or 40,000 ARK Points for Sundays
• Must have accepted required quest [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have you Explored?
How to Start: Accept quest [Discovery] Discovery Sky, then click on the Discovery Map (in the star notifier icon) and click on the Blue Icon with a Cloud
Enjoy gliding through the sky in maps such as:
• Ludibrium
• Leafre
• Ariant
• Edelstein
• Orbis
Event Mechanics
• Double tap your arrow keys to perform a ‘dash’ to speed up your character for the launch!• Hit your space bar to jump and glide~ If you gliding level is high enough, you may even jump in mid-air!
• Hit the fans at the bottom for a boost!
• Once you hit the ground, you’ll gain Sky Points based on your distance travelled which can be used to upgrade your ‘parachute’ and to also exchange them for ARK Points!
• Along the way, you may hit things that will give you ARK points as well as give you a boost while gliding through the air~
Special Missions
Discovery Sky also brings you a variety of Special & Daily missions which you can do! Complete all of the special missions and you can get a Permanent Parachute Riding Mount!
Snowing in Ariant??
Duration: 30 May 2018, 1000hrs (After Maintenance) ~ 12 June 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have less than 20,000 ARK Points (Accumulated) or 40,000 ARK Points for Sundays
• Must have accepted required quest [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have you Explored?
How to Start: Accept quest [Discovery] Discovery Weather Hoping it could snow in hot maps such as Perion and Ariant? Or rain in El Nath? Now you can control the weather with this awesome yet simple Discovery event!
Event Mechanics
• Simply just do what all players do when their out in mobs maps… Farm mobs! For every 200 level range monsters that you hunt, you’ll trigger 1 of 5 stages of weather in exact order below:- Stage 1: Snow
- Stage 2: Rain
- Stage 3: Windy
- Stage 4: Fog
- Stage 5: Sunny
• For each stage, you’ll be given an EXP buff & Attack/Magic Attack buff for 30 seconds
• With that, you will also be able to obtain ARK Points for each mob you defeated. The number of ARK Points is dependant on which stage it is.
• If you have reached stage 5, worry not! The stage will reset and start again from stage 1 until you have hit the maximum ARK Points that you can earn!
• However, do note that you can only earn a maximum of 20,000 Points per day per character. (40,000 Points for Sundays)
Arr~ There be treasure in Davy Jones Locker!
Season 1 Duration: 30 May 2018, 1000hrs (After Maintenance) ~ 5 June 2018, 2359hrs
Season 2 Duration: 20 June 2018, 1000hrs (After Maintenance) ~ 26 June 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have less than 20,000 ARK Points (Accumulated) or 40,000 ARK Points for Sundays
• Must have accepted required quest [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have you Explored?
How to Start: Accept quest [Discovery] Discovery Treasure
Based on the number of correct answers given. ARK Points will be awarded as follows:1st Place: 2,000 ARK Points
2nd to 5th: 1,500 ARK Points
6th to 10th: 1,000 ARK Points
11th to 20th: 500 ARK Points
21st to 30th: 300 ARK Points
31st onwards: 100 ARK Points
This is but just a flesh wound!
Duration: 13 June 2018, 1000hrs (After Maintenance) ~ 26 June 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have less than 20,000 ARK Points (Accumulated) or 40,000 ARK Points for Sundays
• Must have accepted required quest [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have you Explored?
How to Start: Accept quest [Discovery] Discovery Arena, then click on the Discovery Map (in the star notifier icon) and click on the Arena Icon, the Orange Icon with a Star above Edelstein.
Event Mechanics
• Similar to Maple Union, you will only have control of your own character and the AI will control the rest of your team.• You can assign/register up to 5 characters (including the one you control) and you can set them to different battle modes!
- Attack
- Defend
- Dynamic
• Based on their own stats and equipment, your characters will be given a battle stat.
• You will automatically start off with 1,000 Arena Points
• Spend at least 15 minutes or more inside the Arena, and you will get your Ranking for the day
• After that, you’ll be allowed to exchange Arena Points for ARK Points (Limited to 10,000 Points per day per world)
• If you’re offline, players will still be able to battle your team and your team will defend your fort based on their Battle stats.
• You can also upgrade your base with your Battle Rank!
Special Missions
We also bring special missions with Arena! (Note that these quest are once per world) Complete these missions and you’ll be able to earn ARK Coins!DISCOVERY WILDLIFE
The parrot says whaaaat?
Duration: 13 June 2018, 1000hrs (After Maintenance) ~ 26 June 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have less than 20,000 ARK Points (Accumulated) or 40,000 ARK Points for Sundays
• Must have accepted required quest [Discovery] How Much of Maple Have you Explored?
How to Start: Accept quest [Discovery] Discovery Widlife Start

Event Mechanics
• To ‘level’ up your parrot, you have to simply hunt level range monsters that will drop Berries!• Each time you pick up a Berry, you’ll automatically be given 50 ARK points
- However, you can only obtain a maximum of 20,000 ARK Points a day (40,000 on Sundays)
- Additionally, there is no limit to the number of berries you can loot or use in a day.
• As you feed berries to your Parrot, the colour of the parrot will gradually turn into that colour as you level it up.
• You will still be able to keep and use your parrot for 2 weeks after the event has ended, before it flies off and returns back to wildlife.
Sunday Maple Benefits are back this May & June!
First Sunday: 20 May 2018
Second Sunday: 27 May 2018
Third Sunday: 3 June 2018
Fourth Sunday: 10 June 2018
Fifth Sunday: 17 June 2018
Sixth Sunday: 24 June 2018
To celebrate the release of ARK, we bring you not just one, but TWO Sugar times to sweeten your Maple Life! Log in and join us in both ARK Sugar Time & Reverse My Maplestory Sugar Time, where staying online gets you sweet rewards!
ARK Sugar Time: 23 May 2018, 1200hrs ~ 2359hrs
Reverse My Maplestory Sugar Time: 23 June 2018, 0000hrs ~ 2359hrs (Updated 21 June 2018, 2012hrs)
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest from the Sugar Time icon on the left side of the screen.
Event Mechanics
• You will be able to start accumulating the timer for the boxes starting from 1200hrs (0000hrs for Reverse My Maplestory Sugar Time) on that day.• Stay online on between the event period, and receive ARK Coins, 2X EXP Coupons and a chance to win up to 1,000,000 Maple Points!
• For every 30 minutes for up to 120 minutes you are connected, rewards can be obtained!
• The playtime will be cumulative up to 120 minutes, upon which the timer will pause until all rewards have been claimed.
• You can participate in both ARK & Reverse Sugar Time up to 5 times per MapleID.
• Each reward can be obtained by clicking on the “Get” Button on the UI.
ARK Sugar Time
• 60 Minutes: ARK Coin x10 + 2x EXP Coupon (15mins)
• 90 Minutes: ARK Coin x10
• 120 Minutes: ARK Sugar Coin Box + ARK Sugar Box
ARK Sugar Box Contents:
• ARK Sugar Box*: Rewards 500 Mileage with a chance to receive jackpot rewards such as Maple Points, up to 1,000,000.
• ARK Sugar Coin Box: Rewards more and more ARK Coins the more it’s used.
Reverse My Maplestory Sugar Time
• 60 Minutes: ARK Coin x10 + 2x EXP Coupon (15mins) + Reversal Box
• 90 Minutes: ARK Coin x10
• 120 Minutes: Sugar Coin Box + Sugar Box + 2x EXP Coupon (15mins)
Reversal Box Contents: (Updated 20 June 2018)
There are 5 types of Reversal boxes which you can get each time you pass the 60 minute mark. (i.e 1st time = Pet box, 2nd time = Beauty box etc...)
• Pet Box: Gold Dog Pet & its respective pet equipment, along with a chance to obtain other jackpot rewards such as the Miracle Lucid Pet Package.
• Beauty Box: December Royal Face & ARK Royal Hair Coupon, along with a chance to obtain other jackpot rewards such as the Dragon Master Hair Coupon (M)
• Item Box: ARK Coin x100, along with a chance to obtain other jackpot rewards such as the Legendary Absolabs Weapon Box
• Money Box*: 500 Mileage, along with a chance to obtain other jackpot rewards such as 1,000,000 Maple Points
• Assorted/All-in-one Box: Either ARK Coin x100, or any of the 4 Reversal boxes again!
Sugar Box Contents:
• Sugar Box*: Rewards 500 Mileage with a chance to receive jackpot rewards such as Maple Points, up to 1,000,000.
• Sugar Coin Box: Rewards more and more ARK Coins the more it’s used.
**Note: If Mileage cannot be obtained directly due to settlement or Maximum Obtained Mileage or various other reasons, Mileage Bundles will be awarded in the form of a Consumable item. 1 USE item slot is required to open the ARK & Reversal Sugar Box.**
Isn’t it almost June already? How is it still spri... *whack*
Duration: 13 June 2018, 1000hrs (After Maintenance) ~ 26 June 2018, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept introduction quest [Gold,Gold,Grow] Complete the Farm. Use the teleport rock in the USE tab whenever you want to return to the event map
Event Mechanics
• Upon accepting the quest, you will receive a teleport rock and a Title that shows the amount of plants that you have harvested.- Collect Dews that drop from level range monsters!
- Click on the pot and select the flower/plant you want to grow
• As you complete quests, you’ll be able to unlock more pots to grow more flowers/plants
• Consuming the first 4 plants will give you Golden Leaves that will allow you to ‘lighten up’ the Maple Tree in the background!
• After the first 4 plants, each time you consume plants/flowers from the pots will give you a buff (15 mins) depending on which pot you grew the plant from! Buffs you can receive are as follows:
- All stats +15
- ATT/MATT +10
- Critical rate +10%
- Dmg on boss +10%
- And more!
• Additionally, you can obtain Research Coins from growing plants and completing event achievements that can be used on the Spring Valley Coin shop for some goodies~
Event Achievements
Of course we didn’t forget about the achievements! By completing these, you can get additional research coins that can be used in the Spring Valley Coin Shop! There are a total of 4 Event Achievements that can be access/checked via the NPC in the event map!The Golden Tree
• The Golden Tree consists of 5 stages. For each stage you need a total of 9 ‘Golden Leaves’ in order to level it up!• However, you can only obtain and use 4 Golden Leaves per day which resets at midnight every day!
• Each time you manage to level up the Golden Tree, it’ll get ‘Golden’ and will also give you some juicy prizes.
As we mentioned in the Golden Tree, each time you level it up you will get a nice reward as follows:• 1st Stage: 3x EXP Coupon (15 mins) - 7 days
• 2nd Stage: 100 Mileage
• 3rd Stage: Golden Tree Medal
• 4th Stage: Core Gem Stone x10 + Trait Boost Potion x2
• 5th Stage: Golden Damage Skin