12 May 2018
ARK Patch Notes (v176)
Dear Maplers,
Table of Contents
1. V Care
2. Dimension Library: Shadow Alchemist
3. Moras Daily Quest
4. New Job: Ark (Available from 23 May 2018)
5. Esfera (Available from 7 June 2018)
6. System Updates
A plethora of upgrades and improvements to the V Advancement and daily quests!
Daily Quest Improvements
Arcane River Dailies
The overall duration spent on Daily Quests will be decreased, with the rewards remaining the same.
Road to Extinction

Amount of daily quests requested by Rona will
decrease by 1 with the completion of the next Arcane River Area's story quests.
After completing Chew Chew Island story quests, 4 Daily Quests will be requested, with the final quest awarding 4
Arcane Symbols.
After completing Lacheln story quests, 3 Daily Quests will be requested, with the final quest awarding 5
Arcane Symbols.
After completing Arcana story quests, 2 Daily Quests will be requested, with the final quest awarding 6
Arcane Symbols.
After completing Moras story quests, 1 Daily Quest will be requested, with the final quest awarding 7
Arcane Symbols.
Hungry Muto
Immediate completion has been added to Hungry Muto. You can opt to complete Hungry Muto immediately and
receive rewards based on the highest score you have received on the same day. Immediate completion will be available upon completion of the next Arcane River Area's story quest.
After completing Lacheln story quests, up to 1 round of Hungry Muto can be completed immediately.
After completing Arcana story quests, up to 2 rounds of Hungry Muto can be completed immediately.
Dream Breaker
Immediate completion has been added to Dream Breaker. You can opt to complete Dream Breaker immediately and
receive rewards based on the highest score you have received on the same day. Immediate completion will be available upon completion of the next Arcane River Area's story quest.
After completing Arcana story quests, up to 1 round of Dream Breaker can be completed immediately.
After completing Moras story quests, up to 2 rounds of Dream Breaker can be completed immediately.
Spirit Savior
Immediate completion has been added to Spirit Savior. You can opt to complete Spirit Savior immediately and
receive rewards based on the highest score you have received on the same day. Immediate completion will be available upon completion of the next Arcane River Area's story quest.
After completing Moras story quests, up to 1 round of Spirit Savior can be completed immediately.
Kritias Daily Quests

The overall duration spent on Daily Quests will be decreased, with the rewards remaining the same.
Total amount of daily quests have been decreased from 5 to 3.
Rewards for the first daily quest have been increased to 1,200 Half Magic.
Rewards for the second daily quest have been increased to 1,800 Half Magic.
Rewards for the last daily quest remains the same.
Haven Daily Quests

The overall duration spent on Daily Quests will be decreased, with the rewards remaining the same.
Total amount of daily quests have been decreased from 5 to 3.
Reward quest Reward for constant requests will now give 3
A-Grade Energy Cores.
Each quest will now award increased EXP of 10,000,000 upon completion.
Drop rate of Steel Drill from Georg for Collect necessary items has been slightly increased.
The amount of monsters required to complete Defeat the Enemy Georg has been decreased from 12 to 8.
Fallen World Tree Daily Quests
Number of monsters required for Cleanse Fallen World Tree - Lower has been decreased from 300 to 100.
Each quest will now award increased EXP of 10,000,000 upon completion.
Maple Union Daily Quests
Spawn rate of Golden Wyverns has been slightly increased.
V Changes
V Matrix Improvements
The Matrix Points System has been added.
1 Matrix Point will be obtained per level, after V Job Advancement has been completed.
Matrix Points can be used to enhance Core Slots.
Each Core Slot can be enhanced up to 5 times with Matrix Points.
Each enhancement costs 1 Matrix Point.
Enhancement Cores that are enhanced via Matrix Points will receive effects on all 3 skills in that single Core Slot.
The maximum level for Enhancement Skills is now 60.
The maximum level for V Skills is now 30.
Special Cores will not receive effects of Matrix Point Enhancements.
Invested Matrix Points can be reset at a cost of 1,000,000 mesos.
All currently equipped V Cores in the V Matrix for all characters will be unequipped.
Position of cores can now be adjusted by clicking and dragging them to the desired slots.
Mesos can now be used to unlock Core Slots early. A maximum of 2 early slots can be unlocked. The mesos cost for unlocking Core Slots differs based on the slot that is being unlocked. Slots unlocked will not snowball regardless of the player levelling to unlock the slot normally.
Enhancement EXP for levelling Cores will no longer be lost when using previously enhanced cores as materials for enhancing new cores.
Arcane Catalyst
A new item, the
Arcane Catalyst has been added.
Arcane Catalyst can be bought from Lieutenant Mr. Pancho, the Maple Union Coin Shop, for 300
Union Coins.
Arcane Catalysts can be used on Arcane Symbols to convert them to an Unstable State.
Unstable Arcane Symbols are reset to Level 1.
Unstable Arcane Symbols will lose 20% of its growth experience.
Unstable Arcane Symbols can be traded within the account.
Unstable Arcane Symbols cannot be equipped.
Attempting to equip an Unstable Arcane Symbol will prompt the conversion of an Unstable Arcane Symbol to a normal Arcane Symbol.
The character converting the Arcane Symbol must have completed the relevant questline to obtain the Arcane Symbol.
The character converting the Arcane Symbol must not have the same Arcane Symbol in their inventory or have the same Arcane Symbol equipped.
The converted Arcane Symbol stats will be changed to match the converting character's main stat.
V Advancement Changes
Timer when clicking on the 3 Arcane Stones has been completely removed.
Fill the 3 Arcane Stones with EXP to activate them.
New conditions have been added for V Advancement: At least 100 Star Force, with at least 10 or more Star Force on the equipped Weapon.
Simplified Arcane Symbol Acquisition Daily Quests
It will now be easier to obtain Arcane Symbols regardless of the player's ability to complete daily quests.
Hungry Muto Easy Mode has been added. 1
Arcane Symbol: Chew Chew Island can be obtained regardless of clear time.
Buck Up! Bonus Dream Coins have been added. Clearing the lower levels of Dream Breaker will enable you to receive additional
Dream Coins from Rank 1 Dream Breaker statue.
- Clear Floor 3, 13, or 23 for 5 additional Buck Up! Bonus
Dream Coins
- Clear Floor 4, 5, 14, 15, 24, or 25 for 4 additional Buck Up! Bonus
Dream Coins
- Clear Floor 6, 16, or 26 for 3 additional Buck Up! Bonus
Dream Coins
- Clear Floor 7, 8, 17, 18, 27, or 28 for 2 additional Buck Up!
Bonus Dream Coins
- Clear Floor 9, 19, or 29 for 1 additional Buck Up! Bonus
Dream Coin.
Buck Up! Bonus Spirit Coins have been added. Obtain additional Buck Up! Bonus
Spirit Coins based on the total coins earned
- Obtain a total of 1 ~ 3 coins to obtain 2 additional Buck Up! Bonus
Spirit Coins
- Obtain a total of 4 ~ 8 coins to obtain 1 additional Buck Up! Bonus
Spirit Coin
- Please note that Buck Up! Bonus
Spirit Coins cannot be obtained from Immediate Completion of Spirit Savior.
Road to Extinction Hidden Hunting Ground Changes
Map Layouts of the following maps have been changed slightly and now have increased spawn rates.
Oblivion Lake: Hidden Lakeside
Flame Zone of Extinction: Hidden Flame Zone
Cave of Rest: Hidden Cave
Torrent Area Bait Changes
Baits that appear in the Torrent Area have now been changed to match runes. They will now spawn under the same conditions as runes, last for the same duration, and have the same effects as runes. Evan's Link Skill
Rune Persistence will now affect Baits.
New Monster Park Map - Road to Extinction

A new area has been added to the Monster Park Dungeons. This dungeon can only be accessed upon completion of the Arcane River: Road to Extinction Arcane Symbol quest.
Arcane Force is required to deal full damage in the Monster Park Dungeon.
Other Changes
Elite Boss & Bounty Hunter changes
Monsters in Bounty Hunter portals and Elite Bosses will now have their HP and Experience scaled accordingly to the maps they appear in.
The number of monsters and the speed at which the monsters spawn in Polo's Guarding the Castle Wall mission have been increased.
New Bounty Hunter Mission: Stormwing Habitat has been added. In this map, you can kill monsters that give a lot of experience. Spot and kill the Stormwing in the map to extend the time that you can stay in the map.
Polo and Frito Admission Tickets can now only be used in maps with appropriate Level Range Monsters
Ark Innocence Scroll
A new scroll has been added to the Equipment Enhancement UI. The Ark Innocence Scroll
resets all options except for the
Potential, Additional Options, and Star Force Enhancement of the equipment.
Burning Field
Burning Fields will no longer reset to Burning Stage 1 after Server Checks.
Level Range Monster Notice
A notice will now appear upon attacking and killing monsters
outside your Level Range.
A forgotten friend, an unforgettable sacrifice. Step into the shoes of the Shadow Alchemist and find out more about Nine's "Shadow".
Available from 16 May 2018, after patch.
Fistful of Moonlight can be obtained upon completion of Dimension Library Episode 5: Shadow Alchemist.
Receive Arcane Symbol: Moras from Daily Quests!
New Quests
A new short questline has been unlocked after completing Moras story quests. Complete them to unlock daily quests!
You can obtain 3 daily quests a day. Quests can be swapped out for another quest. Receive bonus

Arcane Symbol: Moras upon completion of all daily quests.
A descendant of the High Flora race, he once served as a soldier in the military; fighting for what he believed to be a worthy cause, a war for peace in the chaotic world of Grandis.
Barely escaping a Spectre's usurping, he awoke years later in the barren desert wasteland of Verdel. Remembering only his name, he now struggles to find his true self and suppress the evil within.
Little did he know that it was all an elaborate scheme for Spectres to take over the world.
Ark will be available from 23 May 2018 onwards (after maintenance).
Key Attributes
- Faction: Flora
- Class: Pirate
- Main Stat: STR
- Weapon: Knuckle (2 handed)
- Secondary Weapon: Abyssal Arm
- Maple Union Attacker Unit Member Effects: STR +10/20/40/80/100
New Area: Verdel
Ark will begin his journey in an unforgiving desert shelter, Verdel.
Ark Skills
Ark switches seamlessly between his magical Flora form and the Fearful Spectre form to unleash his wide range of unforgiveable powerful skills. Join Ark with his epic journey of uncovering his faded friendship memories of who he was once!
Ark's V Advancement will only be available from 30 May 2018 onwards (after maintenance).
Ark can also learn
Pirate Common and
Flora Common V Skills.
Flora Common skills can be learnt by all Flora.
What's next after Moras' painful trip down memory lane? Enter Esfera on Jean's cue and with Ollie's assistance.
Level Requirement: 235+
Quest Pre-Requisite: Completed
Moras Daily Quests once.
How to Access: via Closed Area 4, or Maple Guide (Level 230) > Esfera.
Esfera, the Sea of Beginnings, will be available from 7 June 2018! (after maintenance)

After discovering the secrets the Swamp of Memories holds, a group of strangers show up at the deepest parts of the Closed Area.
The journey towards the Black Mage continues, led by Ollie and his entourage's charge.
The Maple Alliance's promised assistance!
Basic Information

• The Sea of Beginnings, Esfera, is split into 4 regions as follows:
Where Life Begins, Base Camp, Mirror-Tinged Sea and Mirrored Light Shrine.
• As story quests are completed, more regions of the area will be unlocked.
• Esfera Fields require 560 / 600 / 640 Arcane Force in its respective regions.
• Upon completing the storyline, receive a
Throne of Light chair

• Similar to previous Arcane River regions,
Core Gemstones and
Arcane Symbol: Esfera (Story Quests must be completed) can be obtained through monster drops in this region.
Game Related
New Achievements have been added.
Dream Breaker personal best records and Dream Points has been reset.
Von Leon's The Knight's Magic Scroll quest can now be completed once per day.
You can now liberate the Cursed Kaisereum multiple times via NPC Edea. The first liberation is free, whereas subsequent liberations will cost 100,000,000 mesos each.
The Guild UI can now be opened while in Damien.
Maximum number of Damage Skin slots has been increased from 20 to 25.
When changing damage skins, prompts will now appear if the current damage skin is not saved.
When using a new damage skin, prompts will now appear if the damage skin is already saved in the damage skin storage.
The maximum amount of character slots per account has been increased from 42 to 43. An additional Character Slot can be obtained by purchasing the Character Slot Expansion Coupon from the Cash Shop for free.
The rate of obtaining Awakening Stamps and Elite Boss Soul Shards from Rare Treasure Boxes from Elite Bosses has been decreased.
Suspicious Cube rewards from Rare Treasure Boxes will now reward multiple cubes.
Heliseum has been added to the Maple Guide (Level 90)
The animation when double jumping on mounts has been changed such that it does not look awkward (with the exception of Wild Hunter's Jaguar Leap)
New skill Magic Circuit has been added to Illium's Beginner Skillbook.
Mileage redemption has been changed from up to 7 days to the current day it is earned.
- Earned Mileage must be converted and redeemed at the Cash Shop on the same day before 2359hrs.
- Unsettled mileage will expire on 0000hrs of the next day.
- When attempting to quit the game, if there is Mileage to be settled in the Cash Shop, a prompt will appear.
Rune of Asteria can now be used when an Elite Boss is on the map. The effect will not activate, but the EXP buff and Liberated Rune effect will be activated.
Quality of Life Changes
Multiple Level 1 Arcane Symbols with Growth EXP of 1 can now be combined all at once.
- Arcane Symbols can be combined up to the maximum growth of the currently equipped symbol.
- Item locked/Sealed Arcane Symbols cannot be combined nor enhanced
Pendant of the Spirit will now preserve the time it is worn for upon disconnection from the game.
- The timer will only be preserved if reconnection is done within the same day (before 2359hrs GMT+8).
- Timer will reset if it is unequipped, expires, or replaced.
Quest categories will now be shown in alphabetical order in the quest list. Individual quests will now be sorted by completion time in the Completed tab.
NPC Names will now be displayed upon hovering over NPCs in the quest window.
The location of the health bar of a monster will now be displayed in a different location if the original location of the health bar is outside the map.
Maple Achievements can now be sorted by "Completed" or "Incomplete" status.
The pop-up showing the mesos cost for resetting Hyper Stats or upgrading Arcane Symbols will now have thousand seperators to improve readability.
The Reverse Appearance Coupon is now sold in major General Shops and from NPC Big Headward in the Friends Story School Uniform Shop. A Reverse Appearance Coupon can be used to revert the appearance of any equipment that was previously changed from the use of a Fusion Anvil.
The location of Runes or Baits will now appear in the Mini-Map.
Max item stack per slot has been increased for Android Coupons, Mount Coupons, Golden Apple Piece, and MVP Potions.
Hair and Face information can now be seen from the Cash tab of the Equipment window and in the Character Info Equipped Item List window.
Known Fixes
Fixed an error where Angelic Buster’s equipment set effects did not apply correctly when using certain Cash equipment.
Fixed an error where entering the Cash Shop with the Maple Union window open would sometimes leave it open.
Fixed an error where the wrong BGM was played in certain maps.
Fixed an error where Ultimate Dark Sight incorrectly increased damage instead of Final Damage
Fixed an error where Bahamut would not attack even after an enemy has been attacked with Teleport Mastery.
Fixed an error where Shadower could use Shadow Veil without a weapon equipped.
Fixed an error where Vipers could not see certain equipment if they were equipped when using Transform.
Fixed an error where Buff Freezers did not correctly work with the Hyper Passive effect of Cannon Master's Monkey Militia
Fixed an error where Luminous' Ray of Redemption's heal effect did not apply in Ursus.
Fixed an error where some attacks could still knock the character back even while using Body of Steel.
Fixed an error where Paladin's Blessed Hammer would disappear at times.
Fixed an error where Mercedes could not use Terms and Conditions while using Sylvidia.
Fixed an error where skill transparency did not properly apply to Evan skills in Ursus.
Fixed an error where Angelic Buster's Spotlight skill transparency was wrongly affected by "Other Character's Skill Transparency" option.
Fixed an error where the client would exit abnormally upon changing maps after using Angelic Buster's Spotlight.
Fixed an error where Zero tagging will not activate Assists if used with Cooldown Reduction.
Fixed an error where Illium's Holy Shield incorrectly applied to % HP attacks.
Fixed an error where chairs could be used inside Mu Lung Dojo.
Fixed an error where guild applications would sometimes be cancelled upon switching channels.
Fixed an error where Rune of Akhlys's effect will not proc when the rune is activated while hanging on a rope.
Fixed an error where the mesos in Zero's Weapon UI will appear abnormally if the character is holding more than 9,999,999,999 mesos.