27 Jun 2018
Mapleverse Patch Notes (v177)
Dear Maplers,
Are you ready for an 'out of this world' experience to celebrate MapleStorySEA's 13th Birthday? Well we sure are, with tons of

Table of Contents
1. Pink Bean is Back!2. 13th Anniversary Mapleverse
2.1 13th Anniversary Galaxy Star Shop
2.2 13th Anniversary Achievements
2.3 Maple Galaxy Academy
2.4 Planet Vita: A Star of Blessing
2.5 Planet Minel: Extreme Rail
2.6 Planet M-426: Mission to Space
2.7 Planet Ocean's Thirteen: Battle Reversi
2.8 Planet Ice Cold: Frozen Link
2.9 Planet Petite: Little Maple Planet
2.10 Planet Limbo: A Buzzing House
2.11 13th Anniversary Mega Burning Project
4. Captain Vaga (Available 18 July 2018)
5. System Updates
Pink Bean is Back!
Pink Bean Loves a PARTY!!

What is Pink & bouncy? That's right! Pink Bean is back once again to help celebrate our anniversary! (Maybe we should start giving him cake for his round and cute tummy...)
Event Duration: 27 June 2018 (After Patch) ~ 7 August 2018, 2359hrs
Overview of the Pink Bean Class
• Identified as a Male Explorer Warrior class.
• Primary Stats is Strength (STR).
• Does not gain or require SP for skills, they are unlocked according to Pink Bean's level.
• Skill damage is proportionate to Pink Bean's level - more damage will dealt the higher Pink Bean's level is.
• Pink Bean only comes in one look, no customization options during character creation.
• Only 1 Pink Bean character can be created per Maple ID during this event period.
• Game functions unavailable for the Pink Bean class:
- Normal trade, cash item trade, cash shop, Free Market, item storage, party exp bonus (with non-Pink Bean classes)
• Can receive link skills from other characters, but does not have its own link skill.
• Can join guilds but cannot create one, or be a guild master.
• Contents unavailable for the Pink Bean class:
- Maple Union (will still receive effects), Marriage, Professions, Ursus, Blockbuster Contents (Heroes of Maple, Black Heaven), Beauty/Cosmetic, Maple Auction, Meso Market.
• Mileage can be obtained on Pink Bean, but settlement must be done in the Cash Shop with another character.
• "But I don't have any more character slots!" We heard you! Refer to our System Updates for more information.
• At the end of the Event Duration, kindly note that ALL Pink Bean characters will be removed by Black Bean as his plans were thwarted badly, and Pink Bean will return to his own world!
New Pink Bean Skill!
• Pink Bean has picked up some moves while he was away~ Now you can attack monsters by spinning & dancing!

Pink Bean's Secret Diary
• Complete the Pink Bean's Secret Diary to obtain rewards!
• Complete missions and receive various rewards for Pink Bean and special account rewards for characters of the same world!
• Complete the entire Secret Diary to receive a Holy Pink Beanity Title (All Stats +10, ATT/M.ATT+5, Boss Damage +10%), which is permanent! (Can be accepted on any character ONCE)
• There are a lot more rewards to be obtained, so bean away!

Pink Bean Gift Box
• If you have created and leveled up your Pink Bean to level 100, you will be able to receive a Pink Bean Gift Box!
• However, this Gift Box can only be claimed once per MapleID
• The contents of this Gift Box includes:
- Permanent Pink Bean Transformation Potion
- Pink Bean is My Friend! (medal): All stats +30, MaxHP/MP +2,000 & Att/Matt +10
- Pink Bean EXP Potion
- Pink Beat's Trait Growth Potion
13th Anniversary Mapleverse
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
To celebrate our 13 years of service, we bring you to the stars! Travel beyond the Maple World and discover that we're not 'alone' in the universe!
Duration: 27 June 2018 (After Patch) ~ 7 August 2018, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest [13th Anniversary] Maple in the Universe from the Star Notifier on the left side of the screen or via NPC Kemdi.
Event Mechanics
Stardusts will be automatically converted into Galaxy Stars which you can use in our Galaxy Star Shop for those 'out of this world' items & chairs that you can beautify yourself for our 13th Anniversary!
For every 100 Stardust, it will automatically be converted it to 1 Galaxy Star. However, there is a daily limit of 20,000 Stardust per character. (This applies to all of the Galaxy/Planet events)
13th Anniversary Galaxy Star Shop
May the galaxy be with you..
Season 1 Duration: 27 June 2018 (After Patch) ~ 17 July 2018, 2359hrs
Season 2 Duration: 18 July 2018 (After Maintenance) ~ 7 August 2018, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Click on the Galaxy Star Shop Icon (in the star notifier icon) or click on Galaxy Star Vending Machine in Henesys, Leafre & Nameless Village.
Event Mechanics
The universe is an endless dark sea of vacuum where nothing of value can be found... or can it? Kemdi has certainly found a way to bring exclusive items from the vastness of space as well as other exciting goodies!
Maple Galaxy Achievements
Reach for the stars~
Season 1 Duration: 27 June 2018 (After Patch) ~ 17 July 2018, 2359hrs
Season 2 Duration: 18 July 2018, 0000hrs ~ 7 August 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have accepted [13th Anniversary] Maple in the Universe quest
• (For season 2) Must have accepted the [13th Anniversary]Planet ???: Uninhabited Wasteland Planet quest & have entered the event map
How to Start: Click on the Trophy Icon in the Star Notifier Icon (on the far left side of the screen)
Event Mechanics
Worried that you may run out of things to do while enjoying our 13th Anniversary Galaxy events? Fret not! There will be tasks to be done and goals to be achieved! Take part in not just one, but 2 seasons of achievements lined up this Maple Galaxy Achievements and you can obtain an exclusive Title and a chair!
Season 1
• Receive Galaxy Star Coupons ranging from x50 to x150 Galaxy Stars for each Achievement you complete!
• There are 5 main Achievements available for the 1st Season of Maple Galaxy Achievements:
- Maplecart Madness: Travel 100,000m on the Maplecard Madness Event
- Maple Guardians of the Galaxy: Get 1 million accumulated points in Planet M-426 mini-game
- When Life Turns Upside Down: Enjoy Battle Reversi 20 times
- Icy You Again Next Time: Charge Frozen Link Monsters 10 times
- Sunday is Maplestory: Login 2 times for Sunday Maple
• Complete all 5 Achievements and you will receive an exclusive: Maple in the Universe title! (Abilities lasts 30 days)
- All Stats +50
- Physical & Magic Attack +20
- Boss Damage +30%
- Ignore Defence +30%
- Max HP & MP +2,000
Season 2
• Receive Galaxy Star Coupons ranging from x50 to x200 Galaxy Stars for each Achievement you complete!
• There are 5 main Achievements available for the 2nd season of Maple Galaxy Achievements:
- Complete Planet Petite: Increase Planet Petite to Planet Level 5
- 13 days to celebrate our 13 years together: Visit Planet Petite for 13 days
- Become one with nature!: Create the same environment for all the sectors on Planet Petite
- Like sparkling jewels: Own all environments except wasteland on Planet Petite
- A star with various lifeforms: Plant all kinds of seeds on Planet Petite
• Complete all 5 Achievements and you will receive an exclusive: Planet Petite Chair
Maple Galaxy Academy
Can I shoot lightning out from my fingers now?
Duration: 27 June 2018 (After Patch) ~ 17 July 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have accepted [13th Anniversary] Maple in the Universe quest
How to Start: Talk to NPC Pichu and accept quest [13th Anniversary] May the Power of the Stars Be With You
Kemdi has brought friends from outer space! These 'aliens' have agreed to teach you and all Maplers alike the skill to harvest Stardust from monsters around the Maple World~
Event Mechanics
• Upon accepting the [13th Anniversary] May the Power of the Stars Be With You quest, your character will be given with up to 3 skills depending on your level
• After receiving the skills in the Beginner Tab of your skill tab, you will be able to earn stardust from hunting level range monsters for the duration of the event
- Level Range Monsters are defined as monsters within -20 to +20 levels from the character's level
• The skills obtain (with the exception of the passive) will be able to be 'hotkeyed' or used as a shortcut via the key settings in the games options
• The character that has done the most amount of damage to the monster will have ownership of the stardust obtained.
• Certain monsters will not give out stardust even if it is within your level range. Examples are (but not limited to):
- Story related monsters (Dimensional library, monsters in Seed Tower, Mu Lung Dojo monsters etc..)
- Event monsters (Summoned monsters in Frozen Link)
- Bosses (Zakum, Lucid etc..)
- Monsters in overseas content maps (Singapore, Malaysia, etc..)
Planet Vita: A Star of Blessing
Wheeeeeeeeee spaaaaaace
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have accepted [13th Anniversary] Maple in the Universe quest
• Must have less than 20,000 Stardust collected that day
How to Start: Enter the portal at the 'Galaxy Station'
Ever felt that just 'AFK-ing' in maps is a boring way to gain points? Now you get to do exactly that!...But in spaaaaaaace~ That's right! We're taking the classic 'afk' maps and putting it pretty and way up in space!
However, there is now a little twist! Not only will you earn stardusts from just sitting around in Planet Vita, you can also earn stardust by enhancing your equipment via Star Force in that map to earn stardusts!
Event Mechanics
• Once you have earned 20,000 Stardust in a single day, you will not be able to earn anymore stardusts• For every 10 seconds spent in Planet Vita, you will earn 3 stardusts
• For every 50,000 Mesos spent on Star Force Enhancements, you will earn 1 stardust
• If there is a discount for Star Force Enhancements (e.g. Sunday Maple, MVP Discounts), stardusts awarded will be based on the discounted price
• You will be able to see a special effect if you successfully enhance 15 stars & above
• Restrictions:
- Certain skills cannot be used in the event map
- You will not be able to summon any monsters/dummies in the event map
- You cannot set up mini-games such as Omok
- There is a limit on the amount of players that can enter each map
Planet Minel: Extreme Rail
Next time... I get to drive..
You're overreacti..*boom*..ok you may have a point..
Duration: 27 June 2018 (After Patch) ~ 7 August 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have accepted [13th Anniversary] Maple in the Universe quest
• Must have less than 20,000 Stardust collected that day
How to Start: Enter the Maple Galaxy Map by entering the portal on the left of Planet Vita after entering it through the 'Galaxy Station'
Travel through the deep mines of Planet Minel on a cart while dodging dynamites that will blast your trip to a halt!
Event Mechanics
• There will be 3 rail tracks for the player to ride their cart on. (left, middle & center)• By tapping on the left & right arrow keys, you will be able to switch tracks.
• There are two main obstacles that you will have to avoid: Red Dynamites & Gold Dynamites
• On the way, you will be able to collect sparkly dusts worth 4 Stardusts!
• The longer you survive, the faster the minecart will be moving
• You can also get a title to show off the longest distance you have travelled on the rail by talking to the NPC Ttunbo on Planet Minel

Planet M-426: Mission to Space
E.T want home~Duration:27 June 2018 (After Patch) ~ 7 August 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have accepted [13th Anniversary] Maple in the Universe quest
• Must have less than 20,000 Stardust collected that day
How to Start: Enter the Maple Galaxy Map by entering the portal on the left of Planet Vita after entering it through the 'Galaxy Station'
Oh no! These aliens are stranded on Planet M-426 and need help getting home~ Kemdi has offered his paws to help out, but he needs you to manage the 'evacuation', otherwise it will get messy!
Event Mechanics
• Aliens of different colors will be lining up to 'evacuate' onto the Captain's Ship! Simply help guide them by color into the ship~• Three different arrow keys will represent the 3 colors, which has to be pressed in accordance to the colour of the alien on the platform
• You will only have 1 Minute and 30 seconds to get as many aliens onto the ship while building up your combo to earn more Stardusts
• You will gain 1 stardust for every 200 points & you will earn 90 ~ 100 points for each alien you save
• If you have built up enough combo, you will experience fever time where you will have to tap the Space-bar as fast and as rapidly as you can to earn more Points
• You can also get a title to show off the highest score you have achieved in Planet M-426 by talking to the NPC Footstrong on Planet M-426
Planet Ocean's Thirteen: Battle Reversi
Just because I won doesn't mean I cheated..
Duration: 27 June 2018 (After Patch) ~ 7 August 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have accepted [13th Anniversary] Maple in the Universe quest
• Must have less than 20,000 Stardust collected that day
How to Start: Enter the Maple Galaxy Map by entering the portal on the left of Planet Vita after entering it through the 'Galaxy Station'
Take a break from grinding & questing all the time! Challenge random Maplers (or your friends, if you're lucky(?) enough) in a battle of wits and strategy as you try to out-maneuver your opponent~
Event Mechanics
• While in the event map, simply click on NPC Pwoooo... & the NPC will put you in a match making system• Both players will play as either a Green Slime or a Pink Bean
• The objective of the game is to either reduce your opponents HP to 0 or to have a higher HP than your opponent at the end of the timer, or when the board is full
• You can only place your piece onto the board if you have at least 1 piece between the opponent's and your own
• For every 50 damage dealt to the opponent, you will gain 5 Stardusts
- Each player will only have a short period of time to place a stone to discourage non-participation after matchmaking is complete.
- If you do not make your move before the timer runs out, the game will place one for you at random, and stardusts will not be awarded
- If you missed too many turns, you will be kicked from the current session and will not gain any stardusts regardless of a win or loss
- If you have been kicked from a match too many times, you may be restricted from joining any additional matches for a set amount of time
• For every match you emerge victorious, you will earn 600 Stardusts
• For every match you participate in but did not win, you will earn 300 Stardusts
• If the match results in a tie, both players will earn 400 Stardusts
Planet Ice Cold: Frozen Link
Mooooooobs in spaaaaaace
Duration: 27 June 2018 (After Patch) ~ 17 July 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 100+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have accepted [13th Anniversary] Maple in the Universe quest
How to Start: Enter the Maple Galaxy Map by entering the portal on the left of Planet Vita after entering it through the 'Galaxy Station'
Event Mechanics
• In the hunting map, talk to NPC Tarrentu and summon monsters with Galaxy Stars!• The 1st charge made with this event will be on the house! A Frozen Link Experience Coupon will be given to the player upon talking to the NPC in the event map for the first time
- Note: The coupon is only claimable ONCE per MapleID
• Every subsequent charge will cost 30 Galaxy Stars per charge, and it will spawn 3,000 Monsters within your level range
• In the event that your character levels up and out of the currently spawned monsters level range, you can change the monsters to the appropriate monsters of your level range without having to charge another 3,000 mobs
• Summoned monsters will remain without time limit, disconnections or leaving the map for a short break will not affect the monsters spawned
• Monsters in Planet Ice Cold: Frozen Link will award 120% EXP
• There is no upper limit to the amount of times you can charge monsters, as long as you have enough Galaxy Stars
Planet Petite: Little Maple Planet
1 small step for Maplers... 1 giant leap for MapleStory
Duration: 18 July 2018, 0000hrs ~ 7 August 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have accepted [13th Anniversary] Maple in the Universe quest
How to Start:
• Accept the [13th Anniversary]Planet ???: Uninhabited Wasteland Planet quest from Cassandra
• Enter the Maple Galaxy Map by entering the portal on the left of Planet Vita after entering it through the 'Galaxy Station'
Ever thought how it's like to colonize or terraform your very own planet? Well... now you can with Little Maple Planet! With a twist of course...
Not only can the planet talk, you get to collect seeds and bio-spheres from all over the Maple World to create the planet that you have always wanted!
Event Overview
• After accepting the quest & moving to Planet Petite, there will be a detailed tutorial on the event. Do pay attention to what Planet Petite has to say!• You will be able to change the environment and the vegetation on 'zones' via seeds & environment biospheres that you can get from veins that spawn in monster maps around the Maple World
• You may also 'energize' your zones by using Galaxy Stars and you will get rewards depending on the environment
• However, there is a daily limit based on the level of your planet!
• Upon completing the tutorial, you will receive a passive skill Petite Avatar which will allow you to gain stardusts via certain activities as well as increasing stats
• There activities include: (Max of 20,000 Stardust per day)
- Hunting Level Range Monsters: 10 Stardusts (At a chance)
- Hunting Elite Monsters & Elite Bosses: 10 Stardusts (At a chance)
- Defeating Bosses (except Barlog): 500 Stardusts. Note: Respective boss's daily & weekly limits apply
- Clearing a Party Quest: 500 Stardusts
- Clearing a Monster Park: 500 Stardusts
- Clearing Ghost Park: 1,000 Stardusts
- Clearing Dimensional Invasion: 500 Stardusts
Planet Petite Overview
• The planet consists of a total of 10 zones that and will start out as a 'wasteland' environment• Your planet will start out at level 1 and will reach a maximum of level 5
• As you level up you planet, you will also upgrade the following:
- Increase Daily number of environment zone changes
- Increase Daily number of seeds that can be planted
- Increase Daily number of energies that can be used per zone
• You will be able to see your zone's environment type, level & other useful functions to help you get around Planet Petite easier
Environment & Seeds
• To get Environment 'Biospheres' & seeds, you will need to find Star Veins that spawn all over the Maple World
• To 'open' the veins, simple use a normal attack on the vein a until it cracks open
• There are 6 kinds of environments that can be applied onto empty and/or existing zones on the planet:
- Plains
- Mountain
- Desert
- Snow
- Waterfront
- Sea
• There are 18 different kinds of seeds that will allow you 'grow' vegetation onto the zone that fits different themes depending on where you get them:
- Seeds of Maple World: Henesys
- Seeds of Maple World: Leafre
- Seeds of Maple World: Ereve
- Seeds of Maple World: Eurel
- Seeds of Maple World: Mu Lung
- Seeds of Maple World: Korean Folk Town
- Seeds of Maple World: Ariant
- Seeds of Maple World: Burning Road
- Seeds of Maple World: Sunset Road
- Seeds of Maple World: Rien
- Seeds of Maple World: El Nath
- Seeds of Maple World: Riena
- Seeds of Maple World: Kerning City
- Seeds of Maple World: Ellinel
- Seeds of Maple World: Sleepywood
- Seeds of Maple World: Eastern Water
- Seeds of Maple World: Western Water
- Seeds of Maple World: Deep Sea
• Once you have planted seeds into the zones, you will be able to 'energize it with 1 Galaxy Point per try• By doing this, you will be able to obtain a large variety of rewards depending on the enrionment type
• Examples of these rewards are:
- Plains: Ores, Blade of Chaos, etc...
- Mountain: Suspicious Cubes, Yellow Cubes, Rainbow Resurrection Flame, etc...
- Desert: Mesos
- Snow: Honor EXP
- WaterFront: Trait EXP
- Sea: EXP points, 1.5x EXP Coupons (15 mins), Spirit Pendant Coupons, etc...
Planet Limbo: A Buzzing House
Just keep stackin'~ just keep stackin'~ just keep stackin'.. stackin'.. stackin'~
Duration:18 July 2018, 0000hrs ~ 7 August 2018, 2359hrs
• Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
• Must have accepted [13th Anniversary] Maple in the Universe quest
• Must have less than 20,000 Stardust collected that day
How to Start: Enter the Maple Galaxy Map by entering the portal on the left of Planet Vita after entering it through the 'Galaxy Station'
With all these aliens being evacuated from Planet M-426, they'll need homes to settle down on their new planet~ And as expected and on cue, they have the materials to build them! But... they lack the tools to build them. That's where you come in! Let's see if you can create the tallest tower in the Mapleverse!
Event Mechanics
• Build a tower via floor layers that will move in towards the tower from the left or right of the screen• Time and press the space bar when the floor layers are on top of each other to stack them
• As you go higher, the layers will move faster.
• For every floor layer that is not aligned, the floor layer will get smaller.
• If you run out of time or if the floor layer misses the stack, the game will end.
• For each floor you build, you will earn 3 Stardusts
• If you stack the layers perfectly, you will earn 10 Stardusts
• Every 10 floors built will be mounted with a flag, which you will be able to earn bonus Stardusts from
• You can also get a title to show off the highest number of floors you have stacked by talking to the NPC Koko on Planet Limbo
13th Anniversary Mega Burning Project

Mega Burning Project has returned, once again! But this time, you will be able to burn Cadena & Illium as well!
Enjoy 1+2 Level Up all the way to Level 130!
Note: Illium must complete their story quests up until 2nd Job Advancement before they can earn EXP outside of Asylum
Duration: 4 July 2018, 1000hrs (after maintenance) ~ 24 July 2018, 2359hrs
Requirement: Newly Created Characters, excluding ARK. Character must be selected as the Burning Character upon creation.
Event Mechanics
What is Mega Burning Project?
Burning Project is an event where characters can enjoy leveling at triple the normal amount!
You will also receive various gift boxes on your burning character!
After selecting to burning your character at the character creation screen, accept the quest [13th Anniversary] 1+2 Level up! Mega Burning Project! on the Star Notifier on the left to receive the following:
• Mysterious Secret Box
→ Open it up to receive a Snail Roon Pet!
• Lv. 30 Equipment Box
→ You can open this box once you reach Level 30 to receive relevant equipments for your character!
• Legendary Secret Box
→ This box can only be opened once you reach Level 100, to receive a Level 100 Set Equipment!
• Keep on Burning Title Coupon
→ This coupon can only be opened once you reach Level 130, to receive a Keep On Burning Title, which consist of awesome stats for 14 days!
Stay hot and burn on!
Boss: Commander Will (Hard)
Content will be available from 4 July 2018 (after maintenance)Commander Will's true power is revealed with his mirrors and gimmicks...

Level Requirement: Level 235+
How to Start: Enter via the Mirror Gate NPC located at the Mirrored Throne of Light, or via Boss UI Registration.

• Time Limit: 30 Minutes (shared between all phases)
• Boss Entry Limit: Once per day
• Boss Clear Limit: Once per week (resets every Thursday, 0000hrs)
• Arcane Force Required to break the barrier: 760
Overcome your limits, and show Will who has a stronger will..!!
Captain Vaga
Content will be available from 18 July 2018 (after maintenance)Let's get out of this wasteland...

Pre-Requisites: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept quest [Captain Vaga] The beginning of the story, in to the Stars. from the lightbulb icon on the left side of the screen.

• A mysterious spacecraft offers a job with a lot of benefits, including travelling to other planets. What's there to lose?
• Join Dust and his friend Lapis, as they embark on different missions and partake in battles while unraveling the secrets this ship and company holds!
System Updates
Game Related
- Note: You can obtain a Character Slot Expansion Coupon from the Cash Shop for free.
- Zero
- Kinesis