07 Aug 2018
Monad Event Notes (v178)
Dear Maplers,
With the release of the first episode of our new MONAD adventure, we bring back classic events as well as new events for everyone to enjoy!

Table of Contents
1. MONAD: Boom-up Event!2. Singapore & Malaysia National Day
3. Colorful Maple
4. Western Gunslingers
5. Sweet Race: The Honey 6. Maple World Clubs!
7. Hot Weekend!
MONAD: Boom-up Event!
Let's get reeeeaaaddy!

MONAD isn't the only exciting thing that comes with this patch. We also bring you a relatively simple but engaging event where you can get LIMITED edition goodies and chairs to show off your progress in MONAD!
Event Duration: 8 August 2018 (After Patch) ~ 28th August 2018, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest [MONAD] First Sign Open! Boom Up Event! from the Star Notifier on the left side of the screen
Event Mechanics
• If you complete Act 2 & 3 in MONAD, you can get some sweet rewards from this event.
• Besides that, this event can be separated into 3 major segments:
- Special & limited edition chairs and items sold in the Mania Shop
- Daily login attendance
- x2 Rewards from MONAD content & boss
• Item Sale in Mania Coin Shop:
- Special items will be sold alongside the Mania Coin Shop
- The sale of the items will be sold until Mania Coin Shop ends
• Daily Login Attendance (Find out more in-game)
- This segment only lasts for the 1st Week of MONAD (8th August ~ 14th August)
- You will be required to complete Act 1 & 2 in order to receive the attendance event quest.
- To take part in this segment, you will be required to hold onto Aye-aye's Heart for 30 Minutes
- You can get up to 6 different variations of rewards
• x2 Rewards from MONAD content & Boss
- This segment only lasts till the end of the event (15th August ~ 28th August)
- After completing MONAD acts for the 1st time, you can repeat them.
- During this time you can get rewards from Monad but 2x the rewards during this event.
- Defeating the MONAD Boss during the event can get you x2 reward loot
Singapore & Malaysia National Day Event
Fireworks & Caaaake~
In celebration of Singapore's 53rd Birthday & Malaysia's 61st Birthday, we bring back the classic National Day event for all to enjoy and show off their patriotism!
SG National Day Event Duration: 8 August 2018 (After Patch) ~ 21 August 2018, 2359hrs
MY National Day Event Duration: 22nd August 2018, 0000hrs ~ 3rd September 2018, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Click on the Trophy icon in the Star Notifier on the left side of the screen
SG/MY Boss Slime Hunting

• Enter the SG or MY National Day Map by speaking to NPC Tia or NPC Kok Hua at the Event Map!
• Defeat Boss Slimes and collect Singapore and/or Malaysia Celebration Box!
• Open these boxes to receive 'Patriotic' Rewards!
• From Singapore Celebration Box:
- Onward Singapore Facial Mask
- Onward Singapore Balloon
- Onward Singapore Hat
- Onward Singapore Weapon
- National Smiling Mask
- Recovery Items
- SG National Day Title
• From Malaysia Celebration Box:
- My Country, Malaysia Facial Mask
- My Country, Malaysia Balloon
- My Country, Malaysia Hat
- My Country, Malaysia Weapon
- National Smiling Mask
- Recovery Items
- MY National Day Title
Firecrackers Galore
• Defeat them to obtain Singapore and/or Malaysia Firework Boxes and the SG/MY National Day Box at a small chance!
• The SG & MY National Day Box contains a lot of Firework Boxes and Singapore Celebration Boxes, don't miss out on them!
Gloves of Defense of Singapore
• Collect Singapore Guardian Pieces from Level Range Monsters!
• Exchange 100 Singapore Guardian Pieces through NPC Shalon to receive a Singapore Guardian Box!
• Open them to receive a glove piece. Collect all 4 pieces to receive a [SG] Guardian Gloves.
Gloves of Defense of Malaysia
• Collect Malaysia Guardian Pieces from Level Range Monsters!
• Exchange 100 Malaysia Guardian Pieces from NPC Shalon to receive a Malaysia Guardian Box!
• Open them to receive a glove piece. Collect all 4 pieces to receive a [MY] Guardian Gloves.
SG Independence Day Achievement Check

• Complete each achievement to receive 1.5x EXP Coupon (Expires the next day at 0000hrs)
• There are 5 Achievements available for the SG Independence Day Event.
- Commemoration of Independence Day!: Open the Singapore Celebration Box.
- Protect Singapore!: Complete the Gloves of Defense of Singapore.
- Enjoy Independence Day!: Use the Singapore Firework Box.
- Complete the Black Heaven Act2!: Complete Blockbuster: Black Heaven (Act 2).
- Open the SG National Day Box!: Open the SG National Day Box.
• Complete all 5 achievements, and receive a new medal!
- SG National Day <2018> : All Stats +15, HP/MP +800, WA/MA +5
MY Independence Day Achievement Check

• Complete each achievement to receive 1.5x EXP Coupon (Expires the next day at 0000hrs)
• There are 5 Achievements available for the MY Independence Day Events.
- Commemoration of Independence Day!: Open the Malaysia Celebration Box.
- Protect Malaysia!: Complete the Gloves of Defense of Malaysia.
- Enjoy Independence Day!: Use the Malaysia Firework Box.
- Complete the Black Heaven Act4!: Complete Blockbuster: Black Heaven (Act 4).
- Open the MY National Day Box!: Open the MY National Day Box.
• Complete all 5 achievements, and receive a new medal!
- MY National Day <2018>: All Stats +15, HP/MP +800, WA/MA +5
Colorful Maple
If I had a buff for every color..
Cassandra is at it once again! Her 'previous' excuse was was being convinced that it's now Spring~ Not this time though... Oh no. This time, she just wants to give something back to the Maplers with 4 weeks of benefits!
Event Duration: 22 August 2018, 0000hrs ~ 18th September 2018, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Talk to NPC Cassandra and Accept the Quest [Colorful Maple] Colorful Maple! Join the Event!
Week 1 Benefits
Duration: 22 August 2018, 000hrs ~ 28 August 2018, 2359hrs
• Ghost Park
- 2x EXP in Ghost Park
- Free 2x EXP Coupon (30 Mins) upon clear, obtainable once per day
• Profession
- Free Fatigue Recovery Potions x3, obtainable once per day
- 2x Crafting/Gathering/Mining Mastery Points
- 2x Gathering Empathy
- 2x Mining Insight
Week 2 Benefits
Duration: 29 August 2018, 0000hrs ~ 4th September 2018, 2359hrs
• Monster Collection
- 2x higher chance of registering a monster to your collection
- Exploration Expedition time lowered by half
• Evolving System
- 3x Monster Hunting EXP (inside Evolving System)
- 2x Evolving Coin Drop Rate
- Special Event Items on sale for Evolving Coin Shop
Week 3 Benefits
Duration: 5th September 2018, 0000hrs ~ 11th September 2018, 2359hrs
• Maple Union
- 2x Daily Quest Coin Rewards
- 50% off Union Rank-Up Cost
Note: Bonus Daily Quest Coin rewards do not count towards the weekly Union Coin Rankings.
• Dimensional Invasion
- 2x Monster Hunting EXP (within the instance)
- 2x Loot Box Reward upon clear
Week 4 Benefits
Duration: 12 September 2018, 0000hrs ~ 17th September 2018, 2359hrs
• Mu Lung Dojo
- 2x Dojo Points
- 2x EXP gained in Mu Lung Training Center
- Special Event Items on sale for Mu Lung Points Shop
• Monster Life
- Free monster Life Gem x7 Coupon, obtainable once per day
- 2x Tutorial EXP
- 2x Waru storage & generation rate
- 2x Success rate when combining Special Monsters
- Free Automatic Harvest of Waru
Western Gunslingers
You've gotta ask yourself one question...

Requirements: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Click on the 'Gun' icon from the Star Notifier on the left side of the screen.
Yeehaa! It's time to go back to the wild wild west! This time round, we bring you a multi-player event mini-game where you will have to outsmart your opponent in a game of patience and tolerance as you shoot the platform from under your opponents. Last man standing wins!!
Event Mechanics
• You can participate in this event up to 10 entries per day.
• However, you can reset your daily entry once per day. (2,000 points for a reset)
• Upon entering the map, you will immediately put on the 'cowboy/girl' suit.
• After entering the waiting map, you can click on NPC Jun to start queuing and it will match make you with 3 other players.
- You cannot queue while in a party
- You cannot queue if you have maxed out your daily entry
- You cannot queue if you used a transformation potion
• At the start of the game, all 4 players will start out at the top.
• Each player will have to shoot the tile that the opponent is standing on to make them fall.
• You will get 1 point for each player that falls.
- If you fall together, neither will get points.
• In the case of a 'DRAW', the players will get the lower rank.
- Example: If all 4 players falls at the same time, all 4 players will be ranked 4th
• You will get points according to what place you ranked:
- 1st place: 2,000 Points
- 2nd place: 1,000 Points
- 3rd place: 500 Points
- 4th place: 200 Points
• If the player would leave before the game is over, that player will get zero points
• As you gather more and more points, you will be able to purchase goodies from NPC Jun such as:
- Epic Potential Scrolls
- Core Gemstones
- Storm Growth Potions
- Event chair & Damage skin
- ETC...

(Note: The title stats are permanent but the Medal stats only lasts 30 days)
• Western Sharpshooter (Title): All Stats +3, MaxHP/MP +500, WA/MA +3
• Western Gunslinger (Medal): All Stats +15, MaxHP/MP +1000, WA/MA +10, Movement Spd +15
Sweet Race: The Honey
Call me Pooh, 'cause all I want is you HONEY
Event Duration: 29 August 2018, 0000hrs ~ 11 September 2018, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Find & accept the event quests from the Star Notifier in the left side of the screen
Once again, we bring you a classic event that had people sweet for honey. While this event is short, it almost guarantees that you'll always be playing to get those sweet sweet rewards~
Sweet Honey Benefits
• Elite Monsters will appear more frequently at a faster rate & a *slightly* higher chance
• Runes will give 200% EXP Buff instead of the original 100%
• Sudden Missions will appear more frequently and the daily clear limited has been doubled from 3 to 6 times per day
(Note: Spawn times will still be random over the course of the day)
• Flame Wolf will now award double the amount of EXP
Sweet Attendance Check
Duration: 29 August 2018, 0000hrs ~ 11 September 2018, 2359hrs (Total of 14 days)
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest introduction quest for the attendance and after that click on the 'Calendar' icon from the Star Notifier in the left side of the screen

Sweet Attendance Mechanics
• After accepting the quest, you will be required to defeat 2,000 Level Range Monsters!
(Note: Level Range Monsters refer to monster between -20 and +20 of your characters level)
• Upon completion, click on the Complete button to obtain a stamp on your Attendance Board
• Each reward can only be claimed ONCE per MapleID/account
Sweet Attendance Rewards
• Day 1: Fairy Pendant (7 days)
• Day 2: Special Medal of Honor (7 days)
• Day 3: Spell Trace x2,000
• Day 4: Yellow Cubes x2 (7 days)
• Day 5: Special Medal of Honor (7 days)
• Day 6: Storm Growth Potion (7 days)
• Day 7: Select Tab 8 Slot Coupon (7 days)
• Day 8: Epic Potential Scroll 50% (7 days)
• Day 9: Golden Carving Stamp (7 days)
• Day 10: Purple Cube x2 (7 days)
• Day 11: Honey Flows Medal
- All Stats +30, MaxHP/MP +2000, WA/MA +10, Boss Damage +10%, IED +10%
- Stats will only last 14 days
• Day 12: Save Damage Skin Slot x1 Expansion Coupon (7 days)
• Day 13: Traits Boost Potion (7 days)
• Day 14: Flowing Honey Chair

Maple World Club!
Hey there... You wanna join my club?
Event Duration: 5 September 2018, 0000hrs ~ 11 September 2018, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest [Event] Now Recruiting! Join Clubs! from the Star Notifier on the left side of the screen
Ever wonder, what happened to the clubs that you joined back in Zest & Zeal? Well, they are back for another round of recruitment and this time you get to showcase your strength as you re-join clubs and gain benefits by obtaining 'Closeness' Points! Maybe this time Senpai will notice you c:
Event Mechanics
• Select between 3 clubs and obtain closeness points by completing club activities!
• Each activity will award closeness points with its respective club
• You can unlock skills when you have gained a certain amount of closeness points!
• Maximum closeness points is 8,000 points
The Clubs
• One-two Punch Cat oversees the Occult Club!
- Complete the Occult Club activities to gain more closeness points with them
- Occult Club Activity:
→ Find and defeat 2 invisible ghosts
- Skill Details:
→ Skill Level 1 (2,000 Points): Ignore Monster Defense & Boss Damage +10%
→ Skill Level 2 (5,000 Points): Ignore Monster Defense & Boss Damage +15%
→ Skill Level 3 (8,000 Points): Ignore Monster Defense & Boss Damage +20%
• Iron Rabbit oversees the Muscle Club!
- Complete the Muscle Club activities to gain more closeness points with them
- Muscle Club Activity:
→ Defeat 1 Elite Monster OR 500 Level Range Monsters
- Skill Details:
→ Skill Level 1 (2,000 Points): Attack/Magic Attack & Speed/Jump +10
→ Skill Level 2 (5,000 Points): Attack/Magic Attack & Speed/Jump +20
→ Skill Level 3 (8,000 Points): Attack/Magic Attack & Speed/Jump +30
• Ursun oversees the Runescope Club!
- Complete the Runescope Club activities to gain more closeness points with them
- Runescope Club Activity:
→ Activate 3 Runes
- Skill Details:
→ Skill Level 1 (2,000 Points): Rune EXP Buff Duration +100%
→ Skill Level 2 (5,000 Points): Rune EXP Buff Duration +100% & Rune EXP Buff Bonus +50%
→ Skill Level 3 (8,000 Points): Rune EXP Buff Duration +100% & Rune EXP Buff Bonus +100%
Association Activity Rewards
• You can obtain additional rewards by completing Association quests from NPC Lightning!
• You will be required to complete all 3 club activites to be able to receive a bonus reward from NPC Lightning
• Association activities are released daily but you can still start and complete the activities that were previously started
(i.e you can continue your club quests the next day if you did not complete them the previous day)
• Association Rewards:
- 1st Association Activity (Available from 5th September)
→ Special Medal of Honor
- 2nd Association Activity (Available from 6th September)
→ 2x EXP Coupon (60 Mins)
- 3rd Association Activity (Available from 7th September)
→ Suspicious Cubes x20
- 4th Association Activity (Available from 8th September)
→ Clean Slate scroll 10%
→ Yellow Cube x1
- 5th Association Activity (Available from 9th September)
→ Core Gemstone x5
→ Club Volunteer Title
- 6th Association Activity (Available from 10th September)
→ Purple Cube x2
- 7th Association Activity (Available from 11th September)
→ Storm Growth Potion
→ One of the Three Event Medals
• The Association Activity Medals: (All medals give All Stats +3 & MaxHP/MP +150)
- Rune Historian
- Club Trainer
- Ghost Researcher
Hot Weekend!
So... What do you do during your weekend?
Event Duration:
• 1st Weekend: 25 August 2018, 0000hrs ~ 26 August 2018, 2359hrs
• 2nd Weekend: 15 September 2018, 0000hrs ~ 16th September 2018, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Simply just login during the event period~
We all know how popular and exciting Sunday Maple was but this time round we bring you, Hot Weekend!! Similar to Sunday Maple, all you have to do is login during the event period and enjoy 3 awesome benefits!
Weekend Benefits
• 5/10/12 Star Force enhancement 100% success rate!
- During this period, enhancing from 5 to 6, 10 to 11 & 12 to 13 stars will have a 100% success rate! Road to 25 stars *wink*
• 50% discount on ability reset
- During this period, resetting your inner ability will only cost half of the original cost~
• 5x Chance of obtaining Augmented Souls from Soul Shards