12 Dec 2018
Burning World Leap Event Notice (v182)

Managed to Tera Burn a new addition to your Union Family?
New player finding a new home?
Get ready to pack up and go, as the Burning World will cease operations by 23 January 2019!
Transfer your well-grown character to any of the main worlds, Aquila, Bootes, Cassiopeia or Delphinus during the Burning World Transfer Period from 9 January 2019 onwards!
Transfer Period: 9 January 2019 (After Maintenance) - 22 January 2019, 2359hrs
Do note that characters created within the Transfer Period cannot participate in the transfer.
• Participants must be level 130 and above.
• Characters created after 9 January 2019, 0000hrs (GMT +8) cannot participate.
• When leaping to the merged world D2J, please note that only the main world within the merged world (Delphinus) can be selected
• Up to 3 characters can be transferred out of Burning World.
Before moving your character to a new world, please read the information listed on this page in full and very carefully..

Locate NPC Mr. Move-It and talk to him in-game. After confirming, you will be able to select your destination world.
Please note that this cannot be undone once characters have been transferred. Please read the information provided by the NPC, and the information on this page carefully before proceeding.
NPC Mr. Move-It is available at Henesys, near the portal to Ardentmill.
Burning Leap Detailed Information

• Special medals obtained from NPC Dallier will not be transferred.
• Some character and quest data may be deleted.
P.S. I hope you did read everything on this page. Please, read before you leap. Please?