23 Jan 2019
Black Mage III - Adventures Anew Patch Notes (v183)
Dear Maplers,
The war with the Black Mage is over! Enjoy this great moment of peace, for it seems like someone has foreshadowed something that will happen soon...

1. Max Level Expansion2. Tenebris Expedition Areas
2.1 Moonbridge
2.2 Labyrinth of Suffering
2.3 Limen
2.4 Tenebris Area Bosses
2.4.1 Dusk (Available in Moonbridge)
2.4.2 Heretic Hilla (Available in Labyrinth of Suffering)
2.4.3 Djunkel (Available in Limen)
2.4.3 Black Mage (Available in Limen)
2.5 Genesis Weapon
2.6 Tenebris Daily Quest
3. Existing Skill Adjustments
4. System Updates
Max Level Expansion

• Level cap has increased from 250 to 275
• A new chair, Brilliant Symbol of Honor has been added
• Quest [Lv. 250 Reached] Hope's Light, Shining with Honor has to be completed before obtaining the new chair from quest [Lv.275 Reached] Symbol of Glorious Honor
• Server-wide notification messages for attaining Level 200 has been removed
• Server-wide notification messages will now be displayed upon reaching levels 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, and 275
• New achievements have been added for Level progress above 250
Tenebris Expedition Areas
• All areas from Tenebris unlocked from v180 to v182 have been permanently added to the game
• Level requirements for the different areas are as follows:
→ Moonbridge: Available for characters above Level 245
→ Labyrinth of Suffering: Available for characters above Level 250
→ Limen: Available for characters above Level 255
New medals that can be obtained upon completion of story quests have been added
• Level requirement: 245
• Moonbridge related story quests have been added
• Moonbridge questline can be started by accepting quest [Moonbridge] To Save the World
• Moonbridge area field maps have been added
• Required Arcane Force to break the Arcane Barrier in Moonbridge maps is 670~730
Labyrinth of Suffering

• Level requirement: 250
• Labyrinth of Suffering related story quests have been added
• Labyrinth of Suffering questline can be started by accepting quest [Labyrinth of Suffering] Time of the Expedition
• Labyrinth of Suffering area field maps have been added
• Required Arcane Force to break the Arcane Barrier in Labyrinth of Suffering maps is 760~820
• Level requirement: 255
• Liimen related story quests have been added
• Limen questline can be started by accepting quest [Limen] To the Black Mage
• Limen area field maps have been added
• Required Arcane Force to break the Arcane Barrier in Limen maps is 850~880
Tenebris Area Bosses
• All bosses from Tenebris available from v180 to v182 have been permanently added to the game
• New Souls can now be obtained from the following bosses:
→ Djunkel
→ Heretic Hilla
Boss: Dusk

• Available in Moonbridge, upon completing relevant story quests
• Story mode Dusk can only be accessed while doing relevant story quests
• Dusk can be fought in a party of 1~6 party members
• Dusk has an entry limit of 1 per day and a clear limit of 1 per week
• Required Arcane Force to break the Arcane Barrier in Dusk Boss Battle is 730
Boss: Heretic Hilla

• Available in Labyrinth of Suffering, upon completing relevant story quests
• Story mode Heretic Hilla can only be accessed while doing relevant story quests
• Heretic Hilla can be fought in a party of 1~6 party members
• Heretic Hilla has an entry limit of 1 per day and a clear limit of 1 per week
• Required Arcane Force to break the Arcane Barrier in Heretic Hilla Boss Battle is 900
Boss: Djunkel

• Available in Limen, upon completing relevant story quests
• Story mode Djunkel can only be accessed while doing relevant story quests
• Djunkel can be fought in a party of 1~6 party members
• Djunkel has an entry limit of 1 per day and a clear limit of 1 per week
• Required Arcane Force to break the Arcane Barrier in Djunkel Boss Battle is 850
Boss: Black Mage

• Available in Limen, upon completing relevant story quests
• Story mode Black Mage can only be accessed while doing relevant story quests
• Black Mage can be fought in a party of 1~6 party members
• Black Mage has an entry limit of 1 per day and a clear limit of 1 per month
• Black Mage has an entry requirement of the possession of Shard of Fate
• The Shard of Fate can be crafted by speaking with NPC Lorelei in Limen: Where the World Ends 1-1 by providing the following items
→ 50 Flame of Wishes, can be obtained from Tenebris Daily Quests or by defeating Dusk or Djunkel bosses (Note: Flame of Wishes is tradeable)
→ 1 Energy of Dark Power, can be obtained by defeating Heretic Hilla (Note: Energy of Dark Power is untradeable)
• Required Arcane Force to break the Arcane Barrier in Black Mage Boss Battle is 1320
Genesis Weapon

• New weapons have been added to the game that can be obtained upon the defeat of Black Mage
• Genesis weapons will have their power sealed upon receiving them
• Several quests can be performed to unleash the true power of the Genesis Weapons
Tenebris Daily Quest
• NPC Bellva is available in each area of Tenebris, and daily quests to Investigate Tenebris will be available upon completion of Moonbridge Story Quests
• 1 daily quest will be available per day
• Upon completion of story quests of other areas in Tenebris, more quests will be added (2 quests available upon completion of Labyrinth of Suffering story quests, and a total of 3 quests available after completion of Limen story quests)
• Assigned quests cannot be replaced
• Daily quests will be reset at midnight (0000hrs, GMT+8)
Existing Skill Adjustments
Explorer Magicians
Arcane Aim: Number of hits requirement has been removed, the skill will now stack once whenever a skill hits an enemy once. Stack rate has been changed from 50% to 80% (at max level)
Soul Master
Soul Eclipse: All skill cancellation features have been removed. Solunar Divide can no longer be used while using other skills.
Wild Hunter
Call of the Hunter: Now uses character's skill damage instead of monster's damage. Monster attacks attack enemies at increasing damage according to monster level every 2 seconds. Summon duration has been increased from 20 to 60 seconds. Only one monster can be summoned at any time.
Ultimate-Psychic Bullet: Only 1 Micro Black Hole can be generated at any time
Battle Mage
Grim Reaper: Maximum distance between Grim Reaper and character before it teleports to the character has been increased
All Metal Armor Missile Launch: Cooldown will now be applied upon casting skill
System Updates
Game Related
• New Cash EXP Cards have been added to the game→ Exchange cards of various levels can be obtained from the Cash Shop
→ Exchange cards last for 30 days, and will disappear upon consumption
→ Upon use, you will receive an Active card that will increase your EXP gain by 2X for the stipulated hours
→ The effect of the Active card will run regardless of connection to game server
→ The Exchange card cannot be moved to the Cash Shop Wardrobe
→ The Active card can be moved to the Cash Shop Wardrobe
→ Cards are separated by level tiers. Characters outside of the stipulated level range will not be able to receive effects of the 2X EXP Active Card.
→ Level tiers are: Level 1~199, Level 200~224, Level 225~249
→ There is currently no 2X EXP Card that will affect characters at Level 250 and above
→ When receiving the effect, there will be a buff icon shown on the top right of the screen
→ Exchange cards and Active cards cannot be cash traded to another player
→ Exchange cards and Active cards cannot be placed in the Auction House
→ Exchange cards can be gifted to another player while in the Cash Shop
→ Active card effects stack with item EXP buffs or event EXP bonuses
→ Premium IP Bonus EXP effects will not stack with EXP Card effects
→ Multiple Active cards will not have additional effect
• New achievements have been added to the game. You can refresh achievements on any character by clicking the Refresh Achievements button while in a Town Map.
• Messenger of Darkness will now appear in Maple World upon hunting a certain amount of regular Elite Monsters
→ Higher HP than regular Elite Monsters
→ Gives more EXP compared to regular Elite Monsters
• Essence used to upgrade Lapis and Lazuli, Zero's Weapon, can now be obtained from several bosses:
→ Absolabs Essence can be obtained from Lotus (Hard) and Damien (Hard)
→ Arcaneshade Essence can be obtained from Last Music Box (Lucid (Hard)) and Will (Hard)
• Ambition EXP and Zero Weapon Point acquisition amount from bosses have been adjusted
• Ursus Golden Time will return to run from 2000hrs to 2200hrs when applicable.
• Max slots for V Matrix has been increased
• Non movement skills can now be used in exit maps of Polo and Frito
• EXP obtained from Flame Wolf has been changed to scale with monster EXP (of map entered from) rather than character level
• If use of pet related items is not possible, tooltip explanation will be provided
• Effects of Angelic Buster Cash Items will now apply regardless of which mode it was equipped on
• Maple Guide max level and stamp requirements for Haven, Abandoned Campsite, and Arcane River areas have been adjusted. Acquired stamps will remain.
• Lacheln field maps have been adjusted
Known Fixes
• An issue with the game client creating dump file upon starting the game client has been fixed• An error where transformation potions could be used while casting skills has been fixed
• The effects of certain skills in shared field maps have been adjusted
→ Bishop: Pray, Holy Fountain
→ Demon: Several Character Effects
→ Mir
• An error where Zero will have abnormalities using a Mount effect available from a cape that was equipped on Beta has been fixed
• An error where certain Esfera story quests could not be forfeited has been fixed
• An error where inputting the wrong key commands while harvesting will display an incorrect message has been fixed
Known Skill Fixes
• An error where Heroes could use Combo Force abnormally in maps that disallowed movement skills has been fixed• An error where Blaster could cancel Burning Breaker with the use of certain skills has been fixed
• An error where Kinesis' Psychic Bullet would work incorrectly while Overload Mana was active has been fixed
• An error where usage of certain skills will cause the client to close has been fixed