26 Feb 2019
Spring Update Event Notes (v184)
Dear Maplers,
I want it, you want it, everyone wants it! Let's enjoy the spring breeze with events both old and new alike!
1. Detective Rave's Case Early Bird Event
2. Utah's Bean Chicken Farm
2.1 Utah's Coin Shop
2.2 My Farm Diary
2.3 Mrs. Anna's Golden Field
2.4 Mr. Greed's Cow Ranch
2.5 Extreme Combine
2.6 Pea - Chicken Reversi
2.7 Colorful Sweet Fruits
2.8 Utah's Plentiful Harvest
2.9 Jewel Craft Ring
2.10 Utah's Year of Good Harvest
2.11 Super Lucky Pig
3. Maplehood Watch
4. Lady Blair's Dream Express
5. Insect War
6. Messy April Fools
7. Sunday Maple
Hey, fancy a luxurious tour, FREE OF CHARGE?
OMG yes, yes pls sign me up like right now, while I promptly forget what happened back at Gold Beach Resort because hey, FREE STUFF.
Being the
assistant of Detective Rave does have it's perks.. For instance, this really cool looking event chair!
i want it :c
Event Duration: 27 February 2019 (After Patch) ~ 2 April 2019, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 175+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest
[Detective Rave's Case Record] An early bird gift! via the Star Icon on the left hand side of the screen
Event Mechanics
Upon completing the Detective Rave Theme Dungeon during the event period, players will be eligible to obtain the event chair
This event can be completed once per Maple ID
Who even farms anymore?

It's that time of the year again! Spring harvest! Utah's Bean Chicken Farm is open for business, and Utah is inviting all Maplers to come help out. There will be games, a sweet coin shop and even a place to unwind and relax after a laborious morning! The Utah family could also use some help teaching those pesky wolves a lesson, and maybe some help with rounding up the cattle.. So put on a straw hat, and get a taste of being a farmer, Maplers!
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 2 April 2019, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest
[Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! via the Star Icon on the left hand side of the screen
Event Mechanics
While fruits and vegetables probably just mean a little HP recovery for us Maplers, fresh ones are actually worth way more to Utah! Collect
Utah Points which can obtained from all events in the Utah's Bean Chicken Farm, and receive Utah Coins from them!
Utah Points will automatically convert into
Utah Coins which can be used in the Utah's Coin Shop for utility items and event goodies!
100 Utah Points will automatically be converted into
1 Utah Coin. However, there is a daily limit of
15,000 Utah Points (150 coins) per character. This applies to all events related to Utah's Bean Chicken Farm.
How fresh is this?
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 2 April 2019, 2359hrs
Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Must have accepted the [Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! quest
How to Start: Simply interact with NPC Camila at the event map
Event Mechanics
In every Farmers Market, there will be fruits, animals, flames, cubes, potions & etc.. (At least that seems to be the case in Utah's Bean Chicken Farm...) And so! Maplers can find whatever they need from the Coin Shop gratefully set-up by Utah's friends for the event!

Even before introducing any of the hard laborious work, what about a
place to relax? Well, here it is! Just sit back, relax, and... rake in the points
*terms and conditions apply
* Buy the Forest Shelter Chair to earn Utah points by doing nothing**! 3 different designs available, with the cheapest at a steal of 30 coins ONLY! Buy it NOW!
** Only when using it in the super relaxing Forest Shelter, located on the far right of Utah's Bean Chicken Farm.
Dear Maple Diary~
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 2 April 2019, 2359hrs
Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Must have accepted the [Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! quest
How to Start: Accept the Quest
[Bean - Chicken Farm] My Farm Diary via the Star Icon on the left hand side of the screen

Well... by diary we mean more like achievements! Good ol' achievement styled events~ Here's a quick run through of the staple in any big event!
Event Mechanics
Receive Utah Coin Coupons for each completed achievement
There are 5 Achievements available throughout Utah's Chicken Bean Farm:
Super Pig Lucky: Get 50,000 Utah Points in Super Pig Lucky
Colorful Sweet Fruits: Get 50,000 Utah Points in Colorful Sweet Fruits
Pea - Chicken Reversi: Get 50,000 Utah Points in Pea - Chicken Reversi
Extreme Combine: Get 50,000 Utah Points in Extreme Combine
Mrs. Anna's Golden Fields: Get 50,000 Utah Points in Golden Fields
Complete all 5 achievements and receive an exclusive: Bean Chicken Farm Life title! (Abilities lasts until 16th April)
- ATT/MATT +20
- Damage +20%
- Boss Damage +20%
- Ignore Enemy Defence +20%
- Critical Rate +20%
- Arcane Force +30
Open fields~
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 2 April 2019, 2359hrs
Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Must have accepted the [Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! quest
How to Start: Speak to NPC Mrs. Anna in the event map

Mrs. Anna, pretty as she may be, and her famous golden fields attracts a lot of attention, but unfortunately it always seems to be the wrong type of attention. Bees have invaded her crops and she needs help to get rid of them!
Event Mechanics
In the Golden Fields, Maplers will only be able to earn EXP for 30 minutes a day
- Golden Fields will award 120% EXP
- After 30 minutes, Maplers will not be able to earn EXP via the Golden Fields
Defeating special monsters in the golden field will give Utah Points
- If Maplers reached their daily Utah Point cap, they will no longer receive Utah Points from the fields
- These special mobs will change everyday
Up to 10 players can share the same map, but each player will have their own monsters to hunt
- Players cannot party up in the Golden Fields
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 2 April 2019, 2359hrs
Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Must have accepted the [Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! quest
How to Start: Speak to NPC Mr. Greed in the event map

What are cattles greatest enemies? Wolves of course! Mr. Greed has been herding cattles for awhile but this time he has his hands full with the farm so he needs help! Get rid of the wolves and earn
Utah Coins while you're at it~
Event Mechanics
Maplers can participate in this event once per day per world
Up to 10 players can share the same map but each player will have their own monsters to hunt
- However, players cannot party in the event map
Depending on the characters level, the number of wolves that can be hunted and the coin reward differs
Level 61 to 99: 20 wolves & 10 Utah Coins
Level 100 to 119: 30 wolves & 20 Utah Coins
Level 120 to 139: 40 wolves & 30 Utah Coins
Level 140 to 159: 50 wolves & 40 Utah Coins
Level 160 to 179: 60 wolves & 50 Utah Coins
Level 180 to 199: 70 wolves & 60 Utah Coins
Level 200 to 209: 80 wolves & 70 Utah Coins
Level 210 to 219: 90 wolves & 80 Utah Coins
Level 220 to 224: 100 wolves & 90 Utah Coins
Level 225 to 275: 110 wolves & 100 Utah Coins
Occasionally, a golden bell will appear which will summon the Cow Rush that defeats all mobs on the map
Look Anna, no hands!
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 2 April 2019, 2359hrs
Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Must have accepted the [Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! quest
How to Start: Speak to NPC Comborghini in the event map

Ever wondered how is it like to ride on a combine harvester? Well nobody does... But this one can jump and hop, and I guess that's something?
Event Mechanics
There will be 3 paths the combine harvester can go on. (left, middle & right)
By tapping on the left & right arrow keys, the combine harvester will move towards the different paths
Avoid the scarecrows and get harvesting!
The further the distance traveled, the most Utah Points is collected
The combine harvester will pick up speed as it progresses!
If the daily Utah Point limit is reached, Maplers will not earn anymore Utah Points from the event
Ready for round 2?
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 2 April 2019, 2359hrs
Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Must have accepted the [Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! quest
How to Start: Speak to NPC Bean in the Farmland in the event map

It's back~ Take a break and go on slower (or sometimes faster) pace and enjoy a fun game of reversi with your friends and other Maplers!
Event Mechanics
While in the event map, simply click on NPC Bean in the Farmland & the NPC will start the matchmaking
Both players will play as either a Pea or a Chicken
The object of the game is to either reduce the opponents HP to 0 or to have a higher HP than the opponent at the end of the timer, or when the board is full
A piece can only be played onto the board if the player has at least 1 piece between the opponent's and their own piece
For every 50 damage dealt to the opponent, players will gain Utah Points
- Each player will only have a short period of time to place a stone to discourage non-participation after matchmaking is complete
- Should a move not be made before the timer runs out, a piece will be played automatically at random &
Utah Points will not be awarded
- Should any player miss too many turns, the session will be forfeited and the non-active player will not have any
Utah Points awarded
- Should players be removed from a match due to inactivity, they will be
restricted from joining additional matches for a set amount of time
For every victory, 1,000 Utah Points will be awarded
For every loss, 500 Utah Points will be awarded
In the event of a tie, both sides will receive 750 Utah Points
If your daily Utah Point limit is reached, you will not be able to participate in the Pea - Chicken Reversi
They're so juicy~
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 19 March 2019, 2359hrs
Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Must have accepted the [Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! quest
Must have less than 15,000 Utah Points collected that day
How to Start: Accept the
[Bean - Chicken Farm] Colorful Sweet Fruits via the Star Icon on the left hand side of the screen

Finally! We can finally harvest delicious fruits for the Spring! Collect these fruits and hand them over to the Utah Family and be paid for the hardwork~
Event Mechanics
Upon accepting the quest from NPC Utah, Maplers will be given a Fruit Basket
Each player can only install 1 Fruit Basket at a time
Upon installing the basket, players will be required to collect a certain number of fruits dropped from level range monsters
Players can only obtain a maximum of 15,000 Utah Points per day
Should the Fruit Basket be discarded, another one can be obtained from the Star icon [Bean Chicken Farm] Take Fruit Basket
Daily stuff with little effort? Sign me up!
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 15 March 2019, 2359hrs
Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Must have accepted the [Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! quest
How to Start: Accept the
[Bean Chicken Farm] Utah's Plentiful Harvest via the Star Icon on the left hand side of the screen

Here's a classic one! Everyday can be a a new day for all Maplers~ It's as simple as:
Login > Hunt mobs > Get reward > Repeat
Event Mechanics
After receiving the introduction quest from NPC Utah, players will be able to participate in the event
Players will only be able to complete and collect the rewards once per day per world
From these boxes, players will be able to receive the following:
- 2x EXP Coupon (15 mins)
- Delicious Lunchbox (+30 ATT/MATT for 15 mins)
- x1 Utah Coin Exchage Coupon
Yay! Moon bunny is back~
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 2 April 2019, 2359hrs
Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Must have accepted the [Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! quest
How to Start: Speak to NPC Moon Bunny in the event map
It's back! Our beloved moon bunny is back with the precious jewel rings~ Don't miss this opportunity and let's get crafting~
Event Mechanics
Players may purchase Jewel Craft Ring & Mysterious Jewel Box from the event coinshop
Upon receiving a jewel, players may fuse them via the Magic Mortar next to the Moon Bunny in the event map
Players may receive a fused ring ranging from grade C to S depending on the jewel
However, crafting of the Jewel Item is not 100% success
Players may also earn a Fine Grade Jewel if they bring 2 Jewel of the same grade and fuse them
To get a Grade SS Master Jewel Ring, players will need to bring the Moon Bunny 4 S-Grade Jewel rings of any kind
Everyday new gifts~
Event Duration: 9 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 11 March 2019, 2359hrs
Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Must have accepted the [Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! quest
How to Start: Accept the
[Fluttering Chicken Farm] Utah's Year of Good Harvest Present! via the Star Icon on the left hand side of the screen

Utah is being very generous~ He's giving out daily gifts for all Maplers as long as they login during the event period~ So let's get busy~
Event Mechanics
After accepting the quest, Maplers will receive a Bean Chicken Thanksgiving Box
Inside this box will contain:
- Shoot Chick Coupon
- Egg Vest Coupon
- Bean Chicken Coupon
- An Utah Coin Coupon (x100 coin)
Players will only be able to receive 1 box per world per Maple ID throughout the event
Oink Oink~
Event Duration: 20 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 2 April 2019, 2359hrs
Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
Must have accepted the [Bean Chicken Farm] Visit Utah's Bean Chicken Farm! quest
Must have less than 15,000 Utah Points collected that day
How to Start: Accept the
[Bean - Chicken Farm] Super Pig Lucky via the Star Icon on the left hand side of the screen
Utah has always been lucky.. Of course he has his secrets and it happens to be a Lucky Pig that has been passed down for generations~ So... ever had a pig before?
Event Mechanics
Upon accepting the introduction quest, players will receive a Lucky Pig Summon Skill
- The lucky pig will appear when entering a monster map within the players level range
- Players may also right click on the skill to toggle the summon
While the Lucky Pig is summoned, defeating monsters will charge its power
When the Lucky Pig aura reaches a certain stage, players may use the Lucky Pig skill key to release it's charge
- The charge will defeat monsters around the player
- All monsters defeated this way will give the player
Utah Points
Lucky Pig cannot be summoned upon reaching the daily Utah Point limit
The Lucky Pig cannot be summoned in certain areas
Back into the hood~
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 26 March 2019, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest
[Maplehood Watch] Not in my Neighborhood! via the Star Icon on the left hand side of the screen
Once again, Mr. Bebe is back with the favorite Maplehood Watch event! Protect the neighbourhood and keep watch, hunt monsters, collect junk & get freebies!
Beauty Thursday
Every Thursday, accept the quest
[Maplehood Watch] Beautification Bonanza from Big Headward or from the Star Icon and complete the quest to receive a
Maplehood Watch Hair Coupon and
Maplehood Watch Face Coupon!
You can accept Beautification Bonanza up to
three times per Thursday on each character, within the event period.
Enhancement Saturday
Every Saturday, accept the quest
[Maplehood Watch] New and Enhanced from Mr. Bebe or from the Star Icon and complete the quest to receive a
Maplehood Watch Convenience Box automatically credited to your Cash Inventory! Enter the Cash Shop to open the box.
You can accept New and Enhanced up to
two times per Saturday on each character, within the event period.
Gachapon Tuesday
Every Tuesday, accept the quest
[Maplehood Watch] Gachapon Giveaway from Cassandra or from the Star Icon and complete the quest to receive
5 Maplehood Watch Gachapon in your inventory and
1 Maplehood Watch Avatar Box automatically credited to your Cash Inventory! Enter the Cash Shop to open the box.
You can accept Gachapon Giveaway up to three times per Tuesday on each character, within the event period.
SHE'S BACK! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!
Event Duration: 6 March 2019, 1000hrs (After Maintenance) ~ 12 March 2019, 2359hrs
During the event period, players can freely transfer their Cash Items between different characters/factions in the same world!
Transferring Cash Items
1. Enter the Cash Shop
2. Pick a Cash Item that would like to be transferred, and ensure that it is placed in the Cash Inventory/Wardrobe
3. Right-click on the item and select the
Transfer button
4. Select the recipient of the item from the drop down menu
5. Click on the OK button
The selected item will now appear in the selected character's Cash Inventory/Wardrobe the next time that character is logged in
Cash Item Transfer Limitations
Players can only transfer cash items between characters within the same world
Cash items transferred between two characters of the same faction (e.g Explorer, Resistance etc.) will still result in a successful transfer, although its good to note that they are already able to share items between their Cash Inventory/Wardrobe
There are a few items that cannot be transferred, for example the following:
- Friendship and Couple Effect items
It's a bugs life
Event Duration: 20 March 2019, 0000hrs ~ 2 April 2019, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Accept the quest
[Insect War] Observation via the Star Icon on the left hand side of the screen
Did you know that the
Hercules Beetle can lift up to 850 times its body weight? No? Well, now you can experience it in the Maple World! Join the scientific expedition to search for the biggest and baddest insects that can be found!
Event Mechanics
Upon accepting the event quest, NPC Doctor Ong will explain through a detailed tutorial. So make sure to listen!
All players will start out with a lady bug and can evolve their insect by consuming insects dropped by level range monsters
- Upon picking up insects dropped on the field, your insect can only grow stronger
IF the dropped insect is weaker than your insect
- Picking up insects strong than your own will result the insect growing weaker
Players will be given a booklet to keep track of their insects progress and their evolution options in-accordance to it's requirement
Players may also choose to reset their insect by accepting the quest [Insect War] Retry
NOTE: Doing this will reset the insect back to an
Summoning the insect will give players the following buffs for a limited amount of time:
Ladybug: ATT/MATT +1
Ant: ATT/MATT +2
Bee: ATT/MATT +3
Dragonfly: ATT/MATT +4
Beetle: ATT/MATT +5
Cricket: ATT/MATT +6
Grasshopper: ATT/MATT +7
Stag Beetle: ATT/MATT +8
Fire Ant: ATT/MATT +4
Army Ant: ATT/MATT +5
Bullet Ant: ATT/MATT +6
Wasp: ATT/MATT +5
Giant Hornet: ATT/MATT +6
Rhinoceros Beetle: ATT/MATT +7
Elephant Beetle: ATT/MATT +8
Caucasus Beetle: ATT/MATT +9
Hercules Beetle: ATT/MATT +10
Field Cricket: ATT/MATT +8
Giant Cricket: ATT/MATT +9
Titan Beetle: ATT/MATT +10
If players have evolved their insect all the way to the Titan Beetle or Hercules Beetle, players will earn an exclusive Medal or Title (or both!)
Apex of Transformation Title: ATT/MATT +30 || All stats +30 || HP/MP +3,000 || Boss DMG +30 || Ignore Defense +30
The Strongest Insect Medal: ATT/MATT +10 || All stats +10 || HP/MP +450 || Boss DMG +10 || Ignore Defense +10
Event Duration: 1 April 2019, 0000hrs ~ 1 April 2019, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: You can't opt out. Accept your fate. However, you can check the quest
[Event] Messy April Fool's Day via the Star Icon on the left hand side of the screen for more information!
APRIL FOOLS! Things are so random on this day and Elite Monsters have all been kidnapped and replaced with weird picturesque versions of... what? Let's find out what other fools can we trick today~
Event Mechanics
During this event period, elite monsters will be replaced with Special elite monsters
From these elite monsters, there will be a chance for playes to obtain the following:
- Crappy Experience Coupon (Randomly gives x1 to x2 EXP & randomly for 30 seconds to 3 minutes at a time)
- Damage Skin - Messy
Prank smart, be smart, outprank others, but remember to have fun!
Sunday is discount day Funday!
First Sunday: 3 March 2019
30% discount on all Star Force enhancement costs!
50% discount on all Spell Trace enhancement costs!
50% discount on all Inner Ability resets!
Second Sunday: 10 March 2019
Utah's Family Farm Coin Shop 30% off
2x Utah Farm Points obtained and x2 maximum cap
Third Sunday: 17 March 2019
Monster Park +50% Experience
Union Daily Quest Coin Reward x7
2x Utah Farm Points obtained and x2 maximum cap
Forth Sunday: 24 March 2019
Utah's Family Farm Coin Shop 30% off
2x Utah Farm Points obtained and x2 maximum cap
Fifth Sunday: 31 March 2019
100% Success Rate when Star Force Enhancing at 5/10/15 stars!
2x Utah Farm Points obtained and x2 maximum cap