22 May 2019
Adventure: Event Notes (v186)
Dear Maplers,
What's a huge patch without a dedicated island that contains the pure essence of Adventure and fun? Gear up and train fast, Adventure Island's in sight!
In case you missed it, here's our patch schedule for our fun-filled and exciting Adventure!
22 May 2019 -
5 June 2019 -
10 July 2019 -
Patch Notes for Adventure (v186) can be found
Table of Contents
1. Adventure Pre-Registration Gift Redemption
2. Tera Burning Event
3. Pathfinder Pre-Creation
4. Adventure Island
4.1 Adventure Tier
4.2 Adventure Coin Shop
5. Adventure Drill
6. God of Control
7. Adventure Sugar Time
8. Battle Horizon (Available from 5 June 2019)
9. Adventure Step-up (Available from 5 June 2019)
10. Sky Golden Pig (Available from 12 June 2019)
11. Hidden Catch (Available from 19 June 2019)
12. 14th Anniversary Gift Everyday (Available from 19 June 2019)
13. Burning World (Available from 19 June 2019)
14. Adventure Mini Games
14.1 Battle Reversi
14.2 One Card
14.3 Monsteropoly
14.4 Psychic Yut
15. Adventure Seasonal Invitationals (Event Dates Updated)
15.1 Adventure Bingo
15.2 Adventure RPS
15.3 Adventure Password Cracking
16. Sunday Maple
Event Notes will be updated as the patch progresses
Update as of 18 June 2019: Page has been fully updated. There will be no new updates.
Adventure Pre-Registration Gift Redemption
You registered, you waited, you get gifts!
Adventure is in full swing! Get your rewards and get lucky~
Event Duration: 22 May 2019 (After Patch) ~ 4 June 2019, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 61+ and have participated in
Adventure Pre-Registration event in v185.
How to receive: Select the quest
[Adventure] Receive Adventure Pre-reservation Gifts! from the Star Notifier on the left side of your screen.
You can now obtain the following gifts reserved for pre-registrants:
Adventure Pre-Registration Pet Box
➢ Albatross Pet Package
➢ Other Raffle items, including a Selectable Luna Petite Pet Box, and various other pet packages!
Adventure Pre-Registration Beauty Box
➢ Trendy Royal Hair Coupon
➢ Trendy Royal Cosmetics Coupon
➢ Other Raffle items, including Master Label Hair Coupons and various other styles!
Adventure Pre-Registration Item Box
➢ Adventure Damage Skin Coupon
➢ Adventure Island Chair
➢ Limited Fafnir Weapon Box
➢ 3X EXP Coupon (15 min) x3
➢ Other Raffle items, including Augmented Souls, Double Legendary Arcaneshade Weapon Box, various other Legendary potential Boss Accessories, and a lot more!
Adventure Pre-Registration Money Box
➢ 2,000 Mileage
➢ Other Raffle items, including up to 1 million Maple Points, and up to 10 billion Mesos!
Tera Burning Event
Dial the heat up and start your adventure!
Tera Burning is back once again! Not boring ol' Mega Burning that boosts you to 130, Tera Burning levels you up thrice as fast all the way till Level 200!

Event Duration: 22 May 2019 (After Patch) ~ 18 June 2019, 2359hrs
Requirements: New character created in v186
Event Mechanics
Only newly created characters can be selected as Tera Burning Characters.
The effect of Tera Burning will apply to the character between Level 10 and 200.
When gaining a level, Tera Burning effect will allow the character to gain 2 bonus levels, resulting in a total of 3 levels gained!
The maximum level that can be attained with the effects of Tera Burning is 200.
Zero and Pathfinder characters will not be able to participate in Tera Burning.
Tera Burning characters can obtain several bonuses to blaze on in levels.Upon creation, obtain various gift boxes by accepting the quest Tera Burning Project! Get a Gift!
The Mysterious Secret Box contains a trusty companion sure to aid your journey!
The Lv. 30 Equipment Box contains... Equipment for level 30 and above characters.
The Legendary Secret Box can only be opened at Level 100 and above, and it contains an equipment set for Level 100 characters, along with some Mastery Books.
The Limited-time Root Abyss Set Box can only be opened at Level 150 and above. It contains a 30 day Root Abyss Hat, Top, and Bottom.
The Limited-time Fafnir Weapon Box can only be opened at Level 150 and above. It contains a 30 day Fafnir Weapon.
The Root Abyss Set Armor Box can only be opened at Level 180 and above. It contains a permanent Root Abyss Hat, Top, and Bottom.
The Fafnir Weapon Box can only be opened at Level 180 and above. It contains a permanent Fafnir Weapon.
The Eternal Flame Title Coupon can only be used upon completion of the 5th Job Advancement.
Receive Arcane Symbol bonus rewards for every level gained above 200, up to Level 220! Keep training!
Limited-time Fafnir / Root Abyss equipment restrictions
Cannot be traded.
Effects of Platinum Scissors of Karma will not apply.
Lasts for 30 days.
Fully upgraded with 70% scrolls via Spell trace enhancement.
12 Star Force applied.
Epic Potential, can be reset with normal cubes.
Cannot be used in Todd's Hammer.
Cannot be fused or extracted.
Pathfinder Pre-Creation Event
Be the Pathfinder... first!
Log in and create your Pathfinder from 22 May 2019 onwards to be the first to play Pathfinder when it is released on 5 June 2019!

Read the Pathfinder Patch Notes here!
Event Duration: 22 May 2019 (After Patch) ~ 4 June 2019, 2359hrs
Requirements: Character receiving rewards must be Level 61+
How to Start: Log in to the game, and create a new Pathfinder character
Do note that Pathfinder cannot be played until 5 June 2019, after the Server Maintenance.
This is a pre-creation event, and all rewards will only be credited at a later time. This quest can only be accepted once per Maple ID.
Deleting your created Pathfinder character will cancel your participation in this event.
Pre-Creation Rewards
Select the quest Receive the MapleStory Pathfinder Pre-launch Creation gift! in the Star Notifier on the left side of the screen, after 5 June 2019 Server Maintenance to receive your pre-creation rewards!
Reward Claim Duration: 5 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 18 June 2019, 2359hrs
Obtain the following rewards when you pre-create your Pathfinder in game! Adventure Coin x300
Land Turtle Pet Coupon x1
Land Turtle Pet Equipment Coupon x1
Ancient Relic Coupon x1
Adventure Label Ring Coupon x1
Adventure Quote Ring Coupon x1
Damage Skin - Pathfinder x1
Equip Tab 8 Slot Coupon x1
Use Tab 8 Slot Coupon x1
Set-Up Tab 8 Slot Coupon x1
Etc Tab 8 Slot Coupon x1
2X EXP Coupon (15min) x3

Don't forget, we also have a web Pre-Registration for Pathfinder until 2nd June 2019.
Pre-Register and Pre-Create for Pathfinder now!

Adventure Island
Remember your sunscreen, it's time for a season of fun on the Adventure Island!

There's a lot to explore and a lot to play with on this small island, so pack up and join us!
Event Duration: 22 May 2019 (After Patch) ~ 6 August 2019, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: [Adventure] Full of adventure! in the Star Notifier on the left side of the screen.
Enter Adventure Island from either Henesys, Leafre, or Nameless Village! You can also take Adventure Island Express Tour Bus services from the Star Notifier on the left of your screen to be dropped off on the island from whichever map you were in previously. No fighting it out though. Everyone gets a slice of fun!
In Adventure Island, enter the Dining Hall and experience a serenade of music from music performers while engaging in some fine-dining to gain either Adventure Points or EXP! (it's my favourite place in Adventure Island)
The Adventure Gauge will be used to keep track of Adventure points gain, which will in turn be turned into coins.
Adventure Coins can be earned from various Adventure Events.
Every 100 Adventure Points is 1 Adventure Coin.
Depending on the achieved Adventure Tier, the daily limit of Adventure Coins will differ.

Adventure Tier
Speak to NPC Aven in Adventure Island to manage your Adventure Tier!
There will be 6 Adventure Grades available.
➢ Grade 6: Beginner
➢ Grade 5: Junior
➢ Grade 4: Senior
➢ Grade 3: Veteran
➢ Grade 2: Ace
➢ Grade 1: Master
With every grade increment, there will be higher Adventure Point limits, bonus stats, and easier Adventure Points gain! There will also be weekly rewards obtainable based on Adventure Grades, so get upgrading!
Adventure Tier will be applied to all characters in the same world.
Obtainable Weekly Rewards
Selectable per week, and depending on Adventure Grade, more rewards can be selected. Weekly reward is available from Junior Grade and higher.
2X EXP Coupon (30min) x5 [7 days]
Drop Rate 2x Coupon (15min) x5 [7 days]
Meso Drop x2 Coupon (15min) x5 [7 days]
Core Gemstone x5 [7 days]
Storm Growth Potion x1 [7 days]
Trait Boost Potion x1 [7 days]
Special Medal of Honor x5 [7 days]
Monster Park Reborn Free Admission Ticket x5 [7 days]
Polo and Frito Admission Ticket x5 [7 days]
Monster Life Gem 7-Exchange Ticket x5 [7 days]
Fatigue Recovery Potion x50 [7 days]
Arcane Symbol: Road to Extinction x10
Arcane Symbol: Chew Chew Island x10
Arcane Symbol: Lacheln x10
Arcane Symbol: Arcana x10
Arcane Symbol: Moras x10
Arcane Symbol: Esfera x10
Ranking up Adventure Tier
Spend coins to rank up!
Grade 5: Junior - 500 Coins
➢ Available from 29 May 2019, 1000hrs
➢ Daily Adventure Points limit increased to 25,000
➢ New Adventurer Stats skill!
➢ Get up to 2 weekly rewards!
➢ Access to Junior tier Adventure Coin Shop.
Grade 4: Senior - 1000 Coins
➢ Available from 12 June 2019, 1000hrs
➢ Daily Adventure Points limit increased to 30,000
➢ Upgraded Adventurer Stats skill!
➢ Get up to 4 weekly rewards!
➢ Access to Senior tier Adventure Coin Shop.
Grade 3: Veteran - 1500 Coins
➢ Available from 26 June 2019, 1000hrs
➢ Daily Adventure Points limit increased to 35,000
➢ Upgraded Adventurer Stats skill!
➢ Get up to 6 weekly rewards!
➢ Access to Veteran tier Adventure Coin Shop.
Grade 2: Ace - stay tuned for future updates!
Grade 1: Master - stay tuned for future updates!
Adventure Coin Shop
As with every event, we have Black Bean opening up his Adventure Coin shop! Ready up your coins and buy out his items!
Different parts of the shop will be unlocked upon ranking up Adventure Tier.
Adventure Dining Room Chairs can be purchased from Black Bean.
➢ Adventure Dining Chairs - gain EXP Note: Only Characters above Level 105 can see and purchase Dining Chairs from Black Bean
➢ Adventure Performance Chairs - gain Adventure Points
Adventure Drill
Thought So Gong will let you slack off after JUSTICE Fitness? Nope.

Adventurer... Polo? Oh no, what is he going to make me do now? ...Train with Scarecrow dummies? Oh well I guess I could play Mercedes again-- I get to attack a So Gong dummy? Sign me up.
Event Duration: 22 May 2019 (After Patch) ~ 6 August 2019, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: NPC Adventure Polo in Adventure Island.
Event Mechanics
In the Adventure Drill Hall, scale platforms and kill as many Scarecrow monsters as possible within a single minute! Chop chop!
There are 4 types of Scarecrows in Adventure Drill:
➢ Normal Scarecrow
➢ Wonky Scarecrow - has a DEF value!
➢ Kemdi Scarecrow - higher HP, and is considered a Boss monster
➢ So Gong Scarecrow - has increased levels!
The more scarecrows you defeat in a minute, the more Adventure Coins you obtain!
➢ 1 ~ 4 scarecrows defeated: 10 Adventure Coins
➢ 5 ~ 8 scarecrows defeated: 20 Adventure Coins
➢ 9 ~ 12 scarecrows defeated: 30 Adventure Coins
➢ 13 ~ 16 scarecrows defeated: 40 Adventure Coins
➢ 17 ~ 20 scarecrows defeated: 50 Adventure Coins
➢ 21 ~ 24 scarecrows defeated: 60 Adventure Coins
➢ 25 ~ 28 scarecrows defeated: 70 Adventure Coins
➢ 29 ~ 32 scarecrows defeated: 80 Adventure Coins
➢ 33 ~ 36 scarecrows defeated: 90 Adventure Coins
➢ 37 ~ 40 scarecrows defeated: 100 Adventure Coins
Coins earned from Adventure Drill do not count towards the daily limit for Adventure Points!
Coins can only be obtained from Adventure Drill once per day, per world.
You can retry Adventure Drill as many times as you want until you achieve a kill count that you are satisfied with before obtaining coin rewards. Do your best!
God of Control
They are back... Noooo... Yes.

If you've done this before you know the drill. Run, jump, fly. If you haven't, welcome to a world of fun! Where gravity doesn't make sense but humans flying through the air and jumping through flying pieces of-- never mind.
Event Duration: 22 May 2019 (After Patch) ~ 6 August 2019, 2359hrs
Requirements: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Enter the Portal to the Forest of Endurance located beside NPC Grills in Adventure Island.
Event Mechanics
Speak to One-two Punch Cat in the Forest of Endurance to start God of Control!
There are 40 stages in total, and you can only progress to higher stages upon clearing previous ones.
Collect 3 stars from every stage! The faster you clear the stage, the more stars obtained.

Every week, you can obtain Adventure Coins based on the total amount of stars you have obtained.
The collection of stars will be reset every Wednesday, 1000hrs (GMT +8:00), after which you may collect your Adventure Coins for the week.
Obtain Adventure Coins equivalent to the number of stars you have collected x 10!
Adventure Sugar Time
Sweet, sweet, sugar!
Bring on the timer! I'd smash it in half for my sweet sugary rewards!
Event Day: 1 June 2019
Requirements: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Sugar Time icon in the Event Notifier on the left side of the screen.
Event Mechanics
The Sugar Time will record your play time from 0000hrs to 2359hrs.
Simply stay online to obtain Adventure Coins, 2X EXP Coupons and a chance to win up to 1,000,000 Maple Points or 10 billion Mesos!
Obtain rewards every 30 minutes, for up to 120 minutes.
The timer will continue to run even if rewards were not claimed, until the 120th minute mark.
Participate in Adventure Sugar Time up to 5 times per MapleID.
Obtain your reward with the Get Button on the UI.
30 minutes: Adventure Coin x1 Coupon x10
60 minutes: Adventure Coin x1 Coupon x10 and 1 2X EXP Coupon (15min)
90 minutes: Adventure Coin x1 Coupon x20
120 minutes: Adventure Sugar Box, Adventure Sugar Coin Box, and 2X EXP Coupon (15min)
Sugar Box Contents:Adventure Sugar Box*: Rewards 500 Mileage with a chance to receive jackpot rewards such as up to 1,000,000 Maple Points, or 10 billion Mesos!
Adventure Sugar Coin Box: Rewards more and more Adventure Coins the more it is used!
*Note: If Mileage cannot be obtained directly due to settlement or Maximum Obtained Mileage or various other reasons, Mileage Bundles will be awarded in the form of a Consumable item. 1 USE item slot is required to open the Adventure Sugar Box.
Battle Horizon
Want fight fight properly. Meet me in Battle Horizon fight a.

Climb the ranks and win your places! Battle Horizon is an all-new Horizon for you to Battle your wits out with endless combats for you to bat all your worries away!
Event Duration: 5 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 2 July 2019, 2359hrs
Requirements: V Job Advancement Completed
How to Start: [Adventure] Battle Horizon from the Star Notifier on the left side of the screen
Event Mechanics
There is a very specific set of rules that you have to follow in Battle Horizon.
Deal the most amount of damage to monsters in 3 minutes while in Battle Horizon!
By dealing more damage, you can obtain more points and more SP. Points and SP will be obtained based on damage dealt to all monsters.
Monsters summoned will match the average level of all participants.
Based on your obtained points, your ranking score and ranking will be determined.
With a higher rank, you can obtain better rewards!
The Ancient Warrior Skill can be used with obtained SP to block your competitor or defend yourself from attacks. Use them wisely!
Strike at the Rulers and their minions of Battle Horizon!
Do note that Battle Horizon is a Cross-World Event. As such, you might see players residing in other worlds!
Rewards from Battle Horizon can only be obtained once per Maple ID
Accumulative Rewards
Obtain 200 Adventure Coins just by competing in Battle Horizon 10 times!.
Adventure Coins obtained from this will not be included in the Daily Adventure Points/Coin Limit.
Above rewards can only be obtained once per Maple ID
Daily Rewards
Obtain 2,000 Adventure Points when you participate and complete Battle Horizon daily!
Up to 10,000 Adventure Points can be obtained per day from Daily Battle Horizon Rewards.
Adventure Points can no longer be obtained upon hitting the Adventure Points Limit for your current Adventure Tier
Weekly Rewards
Obtain Adventure Coins based on the highest ranking you have achieved for the week!
Weekly rewards will be reset every Wednesday, 1000hrs (GMT +8:00), after which you may collect your Adventure Coins for the week.
➢ Top 1% ~ 5%: 450 Adventure Coins + 30 Adventure Coins for each percentile obtained higher than the lowest rank in the bracket.
➢ Top 6% ~ 10%: 350 Adventure Coins + 20 Adventure Coins for each percentile obtained higher than the lowest rank in the bracket.
➢ Top 11% ~ 20%: 250 Adventure Coins + 10 Adventure Coins for each percentile obtained higher than the lowest rank in the bracket.
➢ Top 21% ~ 40%: 150 Adventure Coins + 5 Adventure Coins for each percentile obtained higher than the lowest rank in the bracket.
➢ Top 41% ~ 60%: 90 Adventure Coins + 3 Adventure Coins for each percentile obtained higher than the lowest rank in the bracket.
➢ Top 61% ~ 80%: 50 Adventure Coins + 2 Adventure Coins for each percentile obtained higher than the lowest rank in the bracket.
➢ Top 81% ~ 100%: 30 Adventure Coins + 1 Adventure Coins for each percentile obtained higher than the lowest rank in the bracket.
Participants must have participated in Battle Horizon at least 10 times in the week to be eligible to receive weekly rewards.
Adventure Coins obtained from this will not be included in the Daily Adventure Points/Coin Limit.
Above rewards can only be obtained once per Maple ID
Please note that if you have changed your character name, your character has to participate in Battle Horizon again for the Ranking to reflect accurately.
Season Rewards
After Battle Horizon's Event Duration, win a variety of rewards based on your most recent ranking!
Season Ranking rewards can only be obtained once per Maple ID
Please note that if you have changed your character name, your character has to participate in Battle Horizon again for the Ranking to reflect accurately.
1st to 5th Ranking
Battle Horizon Champion (Title)
Damage Skin - Battle Horizon
Pegasus Mount Coupon (Permanent)
Azure Sunset Sword
6th to Top 5% Ranking
Battle Horizon Dominator (Title)
Damage Skin - Battle Horizon
Pegasus Mount Coupon (Permanent)
Azure Sunset Sword
Top 6% ~ 10% Ranking
Battle Horizon Veteran (Title)
Damage Skin - Battle Horizon
Pegasus Mount Coupon (Permanent)
Top 11% ~ 20% Ranking
Battle Horizon Expert (Title)
Damage Skin - Battle Horizon
Top 21% ~ 40% Ranking
Battle Horizon Novice (Title)

Adventure Step-up
Ready to Step Up and take on your true responsibilities as a Maple Pro?

Get your step by step guide to becoming Pro now!
Event Duration: 5 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 6 August 2019, 2359hrs
Requirements: Must be a newly created character in v186 Patch (After 22 May 2019), and Level 33+ to start the first quest. Zero cannot participate.
How to Start: Step Up icon within the Star Notifier on the left side of the screen
Event Mechanics
Obtain various missions as you hit certain levels in Step Up!
Complete missions to receive rewards and unlock the next mission
Only newly created characters can participate in this event
Zero cannot participate
Pre-Created Pathfinder Characters during the Pathfinder Pre-Creation period can participate.
Certain Step Up rewards can only be obtained once per world.
Should those rewards be claimed again, a different reward will be given in its place.
Each mission has a level requirement that the player must reach in order to start.
Missions can vary from Battle, Growth, Equip, Story, and Content related.
Missions must be completed and reward must be obtained in order to proceed on the Step Up board.
Obtain various rewards such as:
Equipment Boxes
Utility items: World Map Teleport Items, Potions, Mastery Books, Slot Coupons, ETC.
Adventure Coins
Upgrade Items and Scrolls: In-game Cubes, Resurrection Flames, ETC.
Upon completion of the board at Level 205, receive the Title - Maple Pro!

Sky Golden Pig
Flying around in the vast blue sky? Yes! A huge golden pig is sleeping and shooting random projectiles at me? What??
Requirements: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Complete Adventure Island Prequest [Adventure] Full of adventure! and wait for invitations.
Every 15th minute and 45th minute of the hour between 1000hrs and 2359hrs, an event invitation will appear over your character's head.
Accept the invitation and out-maneuver your opponents for more Adventure Points!

Event Duration: 12 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 18 June 2019, 2359hrs
Fly and avoid, it's really that simple!
Collect Red Pouches filled with luck, while avoiding projectiles fired by Golden Pig!
Collecting Red Pouches filled with luck will award you points! Check your ranking on the side of the screen.
Your movement might be restricted for a short amount of time if you are hit by projectiles.
3 Rounds will be played every invitation.
Earn rewards every time you finish a Sky Golden Pig Round!
➢ 1st Place: 3,000 Adventure Points
➢ 2nd ~ 5th Place: 2,500 Adventure Points
➢ 6th ~ 10th Place: 2,000 Adventure Points
➢ 11th ~ 20th Place: 1,500 Adventure Points
➢ 21st ~ 30th Place: 1,000 Adventure Points
➢ Unranked: 500 Adventure Points
Please note that you will not be able to earn more points upon reaching Adventure Points daily limit for your current Adventure Tier.
Hidden Catch
I spy with my little eye, your dress is a little off today...
Requirements: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Complete [Event] Hidden Catch with everyone! and wait for invitations.
Every 5th minute and 35th minute of the hour all day long, an event invitation will appear over your character's head.
You can join Hidden Catch 5 times per day.
Accept the invitation and spot as many differences as you can!
Please note that the invitation CANNOT be accepted from the Adventure Island maps.

Event Duration: 19 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 9 July 2019, 2359hrs
Click on differences you spot in images to earn Event Points!
Each stage will last for 2 minutes.
You can earn points for every difference spotted.
Every time a wrong guess is made, a life point will be deducted. You have 2 lives for every stage!
Should all players have depleted their life points, the stage will be failed and all players will be sent to the exit map.
The game will end when 5 rounds have been played, or when players have all lost their life points.
5 Rounds will be played every invitation.
Earn point rewards every time you spot a difference!
➢ Obtain 100 points for every correct answer in Stages 1 to 3.
➢ Obtain 200 points for every correct answer in Stages 4 and 5.
➢ Obtain bonus points upon clearing each stage:
➢ Stage 1: 200 bonus points
➢ Stage 2: 400 bonus points
➢ Stage 3: 600 bonus points
➢ Stage 4: 800 bonus points
➢ Stage 5: 1000 bonus points
Trade in your obtained points for various rewards from Spiegelmann:
Epic Potential Scroll 50% (7 days, Untradeable), can be purchased 1 time per day, 7000 points
2X EXP Coupon (15min) (7 days, Untradeable), can be purchased 3 times per day, 3000 points
Core Gemstone (Inter-Account), can be purchased 3 times per day, 5000 points
Suspicious Additional Cube (Untradeable), can be purchased 10 times per character, 6000 points
Crimson Resurrection Flame (7 days, Untradeable), can be purchased 5 times per character, 5000 points
Magnificent Portrait Chair (Untradeable), can be purchased 1 time per character, 15000 points
Trait Boost Potion (7 days, Untradeable), can be purchased 1 time per character, 15000 points
Storm Growth Potion (7 days, Inter-Account), can be purchased 2 times per character, 15000 points
Select 8 Slot Tab Coupon (7 days, Untradeable), can be purchased 3 times per character, 7000 points
Obtain medal Spotting Master upon participating in Hidden Catch 15 times!
14th Anniversary Gift Everyday
Happy birthday to us Maple, happy birthday to us Maple..
Requirements: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Complete Adventure Island Prequest [Adventure] Full of adventure! , and access Attendance UI Everyday 14th anniversary celebration Gift! from the Star Notifier on the left side of the screen.

Event Duration: 19 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 2 July 2019, 2359hrs
Event Mechanics
Hunt 300 Level Range Monsters daily to obtain Every Day 14th anniversary celebration Gifts!
Obtain more gifts for every day that you have checked your attendance!
Each 14th Anniversary Celebration Gift pouch can be opened to obtain a 2X EXP Coupon (15 min) and 10 Adventure Coin x1 Coupon!
Burning World
Burning World? More like Burning Fingers, with all the training that I have done recently...
Event Duration: 19 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 6 August 2019, 2359hrs
Just by playing in Burning World, you can obtain several great benefits to assist in your training!
➢ 1.5X EXP Gain
➢ +50 Weapon ATT/Magic ATT
➢ +30% damage dealt to normal monsters
➢ +30% damage dealt to boss monsters
➢ +30% Critical Rate
➢ +30% Critical Damage
You can create up to 2 Mega Burning Characters in Burning World. Mega Burning Characters will receive the Burning benefit until Level 130.
Zero and Pathfinder characters will not be receive Mega Burning benefits, but can be created to receive various Burning World benefits and rewards.
Maximum of 4 characters can be created in Burning World.
Several cash shop items cannot be purchased in Burning World, such as Character Slot Expansion Coupon, Storage Expansion Coupons and House Wedding Tickets.
Several in-game functions are also restricted, such as Meso Market, Maple Union, Monster Collection, Monster Life and Link skills.
In addition to the usual equipment rewards obtained from Mega Burning, upon reaching even higher levels, there will be special rewards! Obtain items such as:
➢ BURNING medal
➢ 10th Anniversary White Armor Set Box
➢ World Map Warp Dive
➢ Mysterious Secret Box
➢ Lv. 30 Equipment Box
➢ Legendary Secret Box
➢ Black Armours, Weapon and Secondary Weapon Box
➢ Mastery Box
➢ Keep on Burning Title
➢ ... and many more!
Adventure Mini-Games
You! Me! We duel! Over Mini Games! Yes!

Trust me Kemdi, you'll have fun.
Requirements: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: NPC Kemdi in Adventure Island.
Battle Reversi
Season 1: 22 May 2019 (After Patch) ~ 28 May 2019, 2359hrs
Season 2: 19 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 25 June 2019, 2359hrs
Season 3: 24 July 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 30 July 2019, 2359hrs
Good ol' Reversi.
Reduce your opponents HP and conquer the board!
A piece can only be played on the board if the player has at least 1 piece between the opponent's and their own piece
Should a move not be made before the timer runs out, a piece will be played automatically at random & Adventure Points will not be awarded
Should any player miss too many turns, the session will be forfeited and the non-active player will not have any Adventure Points awarded
Should players be removed from a match due to inactivity or intentionally leaving the match, they will be restricted from joining additional matches for a set amount of time
Earn Adventure Points by playing! Points obtained will be based on time elapsed during the mini game and your final position.
Please note that you will not be able to earn more points upon reaching Adventure Points daily limit for your current Adventure Tier.
One Card
Season 1: 29 May 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 4 June 2019, 2359hrs
Season 2: 26 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 2 July 2019, 2359hrs
Season 3: 31 July 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 6 August 2019, 2359hrs
One mores be like noping your last card.
Players will start with 7 cards.
Play to 0 and win the game!
How to play:
➢ The first card on the board will be placed from the deck
➢ During your turn, play a card that has the same color or number, or other eligible power/special cards
➢ Draw a card from the deck if you are unable to, or do not want to play anything
➢ Each turn ends when a card is played or drawn
Special & Power Cards:
➢ Attack Cards: This card (depicted with weapon logos) launches an attack where the next unfortunate player has to draw extra cards from the deck!
➢ Colour Change: This card allows you to select a desired colour to be played
➢ Reverse: This card reverses the flow of the turn
➢ Skip Cards: This card will cause the next player to skip their turn
➢ Extra Turn: This card (depicted with a +1 logo on it) will allow you to play an additional card in the same turn
➢ Knights of Cygnus: These cards are special cards with special abilities. Watch out!
Earn Adventure Points by playing! Points obtained will be based on time elapsed during the mini game and your final position.
Please note that you will not be able to earn more points upon reaching Adventure Points daily limit for your current Adventure Tier.
Season 1: 5 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 11 June 2019, 2359hrs
Season 2: 17 July 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 23 July 2019, 2359hrs
Tame monsters and make your opponents pay for unauthorized trespass!
Win the game by having the most points and outlive all your opponents.
How to play:
➢ All 3 players will start with a fixed HP amount (depicted by hearts)
➢ During their turns, players will roll the dice and move according to the numbers rolled
➢ Get an extra turn when you roll a double!
➢ Landing on a monster tile will allow you to tame it by using your HP, or take damage if it has already been tamed by other players!
➢ You may choose to conquer and obtain a monster previously owned by another player by enhancing it at a higher cost of your HP. The original owner will be compensated some amount!
➢ You will receive a certain amount of HP upon completing a full round on the board
Special tiles
➢ Potions: Landing on this tile will recover a certain amount of HP
➢ Bomb: Landing on this tile will deal a large amount of damage to your character
➢ Chance: These tiles (depicted with a question mark) will randomly give an action to the player. It will not take effect if another player is already on the tile.
➢ Boss tiles: Special monsters that can only be tamed by one player throughout the entire game, with varied effects depending on the players landing on these tiles!
Earn Adventure Points by playing! Points obtained will be based on time elapsed during the mini game and your final position.
Please note that you will not be able to earn more points upon reaching Adventure Points daily limit for your current Adventure Tier.
Psychic Yut
Season 1: 12 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 18 June 2019, 2359hrs
Season 2: 3 July 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 9 July 2019, 2359hrs
Season 3: 10 July 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 16 July 2019, 2359hrs
Bring all your pieces around the board and back home!
At the start of every round, you will be given 2 Psychic Skills with special abilities that can help you, or hinder your opponent!
Some skills can be used to your disadvantage, so use them wisely.
Landing on a spot where your opponent already has a piece on will send them back to their base.
Earn Adventure Points by playing! Points obtained will be based on time elapsed during the mini game and your final position.
Please note that you will not be able to earn more points upon reaching Adventure Points daily limit for your current Adventure Tier.
Adventure Seasonal Invitationals
Tick tock tick tock, click!
Get clicking and let's have some fun!
Requirements: Level 61+ (Zero classes must complete Story Chapter 2)
How to Start: Complete Adventure Island Prequest [Adventure] Full of adventure! and wait for invitations.
Every 15th minute and 45th minute of the hour between 1000hrs and 2359hrs, an event invitation will appear over your character's head.
Accept the invitation and fight to be the best for more Adventure Points!
Adventure Bingo

Season 1: 22 May 2019 (After Patch) ~ 28 May 2019, 2359hrs
Season 2: 19 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 25 June 2019, 2359hrs
B-I-N-G-O is back!
Kemdi will draw numbers from his magical box of bingo balls twice as fast as usual!
Click the numbers on your given board should they be called by Kemdi.
Attain a straight line of 5 numbers either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, to BINGO!
The game will end when 50 numbers have been drawn or there are 30 winners.
3 Bingo Rounds will be played every invitation.
Earn rewards every time you finish a Bingo Round!
➢ 1st Place: 5,000 Adventure Points
➢ 2nd ~ 5th Place: 4,000 Adventure Points
➢ 6th ~ 10th Place: 3,000 Adventure Points
➢ 11th ~ 20th Place: 1,500 Adventure Points
➢ 21st ~ 30th Place: 1,000 Adventure Points
➢ Unranked: 500 Adventure Points
Please note that you will not be able to earn more points upon reaching Adventure Points daily limit for your current Adventure Tier.
Adventure RPS

Season 1: 29 May 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 4 June 2019, 2359hrs
Season 2: 26 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 2 July 2019, 2359hrs
Simply win Rock Paper Scissors as many times as you can!
There are 6 floors.
Every round you win will move you up a floor. Losing drops you to a lower floor!
You cannot advance past the 6th floor or drop below the 1st floor.
Failure to cast your hand within the time limit will lead to a loss.
9 matches x 3 rounds will be played every invitation.
Earn rewards based on the floor achieved at the end of the 9 rounds!
➢ 1st Floor: 600 Adventure Points
➢ 2nd Floor: 800 Adventure Points
➢ 3rd Floor: 1,000 Adventure Points
➢ 4th Floor: 1,200 Adventure Points
➢ 5th Floor: 1,600 Adventure Points
➢ 6th Floor: 2,000 Adventure Points
Please note that you will not be able to earn more points upon reaching Adventure Points daily limit for your current Adventure Tier.
Adventure Password Cracking

Season 1: 5 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 11 June 2019, 2359hrs
Season 2: 3 July 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 9 July 2019, 2359hrs
Curious little detective, aren't you?
Crack the passcode and receive clues to them as you go!
3 Password Cracking Rounds will be played every invitation.
Earn rewards every time you attempt to crack the password!
➢ 1st: 4,000 Adventure Points
➢ 2nd ~ 5th Place: 3,000 Adventure Points
➢ 6th ~ 10th Place: 2,000 Adventure Points
➢ 11th ~ 20th Place: 1,500 Adventure Points
➢ 21st ~ 30th Place: 1,000 Adventure Points
➢ Unranked: 500 Adventure Points
Please note that you will not be able to earn more points upon reaching Adventure Points daily limit for your current Adventure Tier.
Sunday Maple
I love Sundays!
First Sunday - 26 May 2019
Obtain 1 Crimson Resurrection Flame for every 5 Crimson Resurrection Flame used. (Up to 10 per Maple ID, per world)
Obtain 1 Rainbow Resurrection Flame for every 5 Rainbow Resurrection Flame used. (Up to 10 per Maple ID, per world)
Second Sunday - 2 June 2019
Obtain 50% Additional EXP from Monster Park
Obtain 2x Monster Park reward boxes
Third Sunday - 9 June 2019
50% Honor discount on Ability Reset
5x chance of obtaining Augmented Soul
Fourth Sunday - 16 June 2019
100% success rate when performing Star Force Enhancement at 5/10/15 Star Force
Fifth Sunday - 23 June 2019
30% discount on Star Force Enhancement cost
Sixth Sunday - 30 June 2019
30% discount on Adventure Coin Shop
Seventh Sunday - 7 July 2019
Obtain 1 + 1 Star Force when succeeding in Star Force enhancement below 10 Star Force
50% Spell Trace discount on Spell Trace Enhancement