20 May 2019
Adventure: Pathfinder Patch Notes (v186)
Dear Maplers,
Wield an Ancient Relic accompanied with a curse! Master the curse and utilize various Ancient Arts and use an Ancient Bow imbued with power as we take on a new Adventure! Be the Pathfinder now!
And with that, here's our schedule for a fun-filled and exciting Adventure!
22 May 2019 - Momentum
5 June 2019 - Pathfinder
10 July 2019 - Odyssey
MapleStorySEA Adventure (v186) Patch Notes can be found here!
New Job: Pathfinder
An adventurer with a piqued interest, she encountered an ancient relic during one of her adventures, acquiring the ancient power of archery at the expense of being subjected to the Ancient Relic's Curse.Wielding an Ancient Bow, Pathfinder uses it to combine three different archery techniques, while charging the Relic Gauge to unleash more powerful skills! Draw upon the Ancient powers known to none and tread the path you want!
Pathfinder will be available from 5 June 2019 (after maintenance).
Key Attributes
New Area: Partem

Explore the ruins hidden amidst the lush greenery of Partem and solve the mystery of the Ancient Relic!
Pathfinder Skills
Pathfinder uses a unique Relic Gauge System that is empowered by the different skills used.

Pathfinder can Enhance the following skills with V Enhancement Cores:
Pathfinder can also learn the following Common V Skills:
Pathfinder Pre-Creation Event
Be the Pathfinder... first!Log in and create your Pathfinder from 22 May 2019 onwards to be the first to play Pathfinder when it is released on 5 June 2019!
Event Duration: 22 May 2019 (After Patch) ~ 4 June 2019, 2359hrs
Requirements: Character receiving rewards must be Level 61+
How to Participate: Log in to the game, and create a new Pathfinder character
Note: This is a pre-registration event, and all rewards will only be credited at a later time. This quest can only be completed once per Maple ID.
Pathfinder cannot enter the game until 5 June 2019, after the Server Maintenance.
Pre-Creation Rewards
How to Receive: Access the Star Notifier and select the quest Receive the MapleStory Pathfinder Pre-launch Creation gift!Reward Claim Duration: 5 June 2019 (After Maintenance) ~ 18 June 2019, 2359hrs
Obtain the following rewards when you pre-create your Pathfinder in game!

Don't forget, we also have a web Pre-Registration for Pathfinder until 2 June 2019.
Pre-Register and Pre-Create for Pathfinder now!