09 Jul 2019
Adventure: Odyssey Patch Notes (v187)
Dear Maplers,
Keeping up the Adventurous spirit? Let's go! We have a little icing on the cake for you this patch, with Odyssey!
In case you missed it, here's our patch schedule for our fun-filled and exciting Adventure!
22 May 2019 -
5 June 2019 -
10 July 2019 -
Patch Notes for Adventure (v186) can be found
Event Notes for Adventure: Odyssey (v187) can be found
Table of Contents
1. Theme Dungeon: Ancient Ruins Partem
2. Momentum - ver. Odyssey
3. Known Fixes
What else could go wrong?
Level Requirement: 135+
Initial quest: [Ancient Ruins Partem] Prophecy of Darkness
How to access: Lightbulb on the left side of the screen (Level 30+)
Nineheart's Mysterious Discovery! Could this be a clue to what Black Mage was up to?
Receive a commemorative
Cursed Pot medal upon completing Ancient Ruins Partem quests.
Hyper Teleport Rock functionality can now be used in Singapore and Malaysia Maps
A new hunting dungeon has been added to Singapore - Ghost Ship.
A new mini-game has opened in Malaysia's Fantasy Theme Park
Ghost Ship Dungeon
Level Requirement: 180+
Entry once per day per character
Recommended Levels: 180 ~ 189
Access the new hunting dungeon via Ghost Ship 4.
Monsters will spawn in waves in the dungeon.
Defeat the monsters spawned for EXP rewards!

Fantasy Theme Park Mini-game
Level Requirement: 190+
Recommended Levels: 190 ~ 199
Entry once per day per character
Access the new minigame via Entrance to Water Coaster, after taking the Longest Ride on ByeBye Station!
Get on the Scarlion Train and avoid as many obstacles as you can while you enjoy the ride of your lifetime! Can you last till the end of the ride?
Stay on for as long as you can for EXP rewards!

An issue with Magic Attack % related skills not applying onto characters' actual damage output has been fixed.
An issue where Shadower's Meso Explosion was not correctly applying Physical Attack damage formula has been fixed.
An issue where DJ JM Chat Ring could not be discarded via the Clothes Collector NPC in Henesys Market has been fixed.
An issue where there were no gender selection available when creating Hayato, Kanna, and Zen Jobs has been fixed.
An issue where the Fafnir set description appeared incorrectly in some situations has been fixed.
An issue where the animation for Rainbow Wing Effect would appear abnormally while on a rope/ladder has been fixed.
An issue where an incorrect system message was displayed upon item destruction due to scroll usage has been fixed.
An issue where Step Up's Mission Description for Temple of Time's Mission displayed the incorrect quest to be completed has been fixed.
An issue where Zakum could not be successfully collected in Monster Collection has been fixed.
An issue where the entry count of Easy/Normal Papulatus would be incorrectly used up upon entering Chaos Papulatus has been fixed.
An issue where Chaos Root Abyss bosses would sometimes not provide proper rewards if the player has previously attempted Practice Chaos Root Abyss has been fixed.
An issue where characters could sometimes get stuck in Afterlands upon entering it via Mirror of Dimension has been fixed.
An issue where the naming for Falcon Wing equipment was inconsistent has been fixed.
An issue where the naming for monsters in Monster Life was inconsistent has been fixed.
An issue where several crafting materials displayed incorrect item names in their descriptions has been fixed.
An issue where Robust Ursus Soul had an incorrect name has been fixed.
An issue where Guild Skill For the Guild has incorrect skill description has been fixed.
An issue where Dual Blade's Thorns has incorrect skill description has been fixed.