24 Sep 2019
Autumn Tales Event Notes (v189)
Dear Maplers,
Ah, it's Autumn?
I only know Summer.... but... I guess it's time to rewrite the tale of Summer! Join Pink(?) Bean in a Pink Bean playground and fight to be the best! After that, kick back and relax this Autumn as you take in all of nature's blessings!
1. Pink Bean World
1.1 Pink Bean Mu Lung Dojo
2. The Wandering Minstrel
3. Return of the Toben Hair Warrior (available from 2 October)
4. Monster Encyclopedia (available from 16 October)
5. The Story of Stone and Wind (available from 23 October)
5.1 Stonewind Story Coin Shop
6. Halloween x Haste (available from 30 October)
6.1 Halloween Club
6.2 Halloween Greeting
6.3 Halloween Riding
6.4 Halloween Haste
7. Sunday Maple
Note: This page will be updated with more information as the patch progresses.
Pink Bean World
It's a world of... Pink..? And Green... and blue.... purple... BEANS. Get your beanie on!
Event Duration: 25th September 2019, After Patch ~ 22nd October 2019, 2359hrs
Requirement: Create a Pink Bean Character in
Pink Bean World
How to Start: Enter
Pink Bean World via the World Selection Screen
A mysterious world has appeared within the realm, a place filled with… PINK BEANS. Yeah, you totally did not read it wrong. P-I-N-K B-E-A-Nsssssssssssss. Kyuuuut~
Ohh ohh, I’ve also heard that the Pink Beans are going to have an annual competition something sowothing Mu Lung Dojo and cool rewards are prepared for it too!! I am so tempted to participate in that competition. GIVE ME THAT EXCLUSIVE PINK BEAN UMBRELLA!!
Pink Bean Diary will be making a return.
➢ Maple ID Rewards will be available for characters in the same Maple ID, after the event world has closed.
Certain features will be disabled in Pink Bean World.
Pink Bean will not be able to access on-going events in other worlds.
Server-wide buff will provide the following benefits:
➢ EXP x1.5
➢ ATT, M.ATT +30
➢ Damage to Normal Monsters +30%
➢ Damage to Boss Monsters +30%
All Pink Bean World related rewards will only be redeemable from the 23rd October 2019, 1000hrs till the 5th November 2019, 2359hrs after Pink Bean World has closed.
An additional quest will appear outside of Pink Bean World will be available for reward collection after the event has ended for completed quests only.
All rewards are limited to only ONCE per MapleID.
Pink Bean Diary’s Progression is character bound. However, the prizes can only be claimed ONCE per MapleID.
Some rewards are untradable, so please be sure to redeem them on the correct character.
Pink Bean Mu Lung Dojo
Cream of the beans, assemble!
Expert Bean? Win some cool prizes when scaling Mu Lung Dojo!
Dojo record for Pink Beans will be recorded without any weekly reset taking place.
There are no entry limits to attempting Mu Lung Dojo, but only the first 3 clears of the day will be recorded on the leaderboard.
At the end of the event period, top ranking Pink Beans will receive rewards that can be redeemed within their Maple ID.

The Wandering Minstrel
Hum dee dum hummm~ What a familiar tune~
Event Duration: 25th September 2019, After Patch - 22nd October 2019, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 61+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept the starting quest
[The Minstrel] The Wandering Minstrel from the Star Notifier
Tunes played by the forgotten one...
Wait Eunwol ish that eu? Probably not, Eunwol was involved with the Black Magic cornflake... right? Mingy doesn’t look like a local tho. Well no harm trying to lend people a helping hand.
Psst... A mysterious adventurer approaches you and says, this magical book allows you to play different tunes. SO DOPE. My response was like, wait what... are you for REAL?!! Who cares, as long as I can get my hands on cool things, right?!
Plagiarists, Lip-sync Performers and Rhythm Destroyers will appear randomly while hunting Level Range Monsters.
Upon completion of the 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th quest, players will be rewarded with additional items.
ETC Item Unique Melody will not drop from level range monsters unless the [The Minstrel] Unique Rhythm quest is in progress.
Upon starting your journey to discover each story, you are required to complete 3 daily quests available from Mingy via the Star Notifier to register the selected story into the Minstrel’s Music Score.
Upon selection of the completed story in the Minstrel’s Music Score, the BGM will change accordingly to the selected story.
You may obtain another The Minstrel's Music Score if you have misplaced it. Recovery quest for the The Minstrel’s Music Score is only available ONCE per character.
Song Collection and Quest Completion for The Wandering Minstrel is by character.
Some rewards are untradable, so please be sure to redeem them on the correct character.
5th Song Completion: Spike Mask
10th Song Completion: Party Sunglasses
15th Song Completion: Assemble Music Garden
20th Song Completion: The Legendary Minstrel Chair
Return of the Toben Hair Warrior
Your tutee will always be a tutee.. He will never surpass you. Or will he?
Event Duration: 2nd October 2019, After Maintenance ~ 15th October 2019, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 61+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept the starting quest
[Returned Toben Hair Warrior] Toben Hair Warrior has returned from the Star Notifier
Psst, news has been spreading around mentioning that Toben is now back and geared as ever! Who would have known that your student would be walking around with that kind of gear that soon!! Let’s head out and have a little chatter with Toben, no harm done right? Maybe he’ll have interesting experiences to share.
Ah Toben, what are you-- I just want to hear stories regarding your adventure in Maple World so far! What? A bunch of missions? First of all, why-- oh well, I guess it's back to the classroom. Why do I even have such a student..?
Each lesson will be unlocked as days past by.
➢ Lesson 1 will be unlocked on the 2nd October 2019, 1000hrs (GMT +8)
➢ Lesson 2 will be unlocked on the 3rd October 2019, 1000hrs (GMT +8)
➢ Lesson 3 will be unlocked on the 4th October 2019, 1000hrs (GMT +8)
➢ And so on...
Task will be provided and has to be completed before Toben can share his experiences with you. Guess he needs a bit of memory training more than anything...
Some rewards are untradable, so please be sure to redeem them on the correct character.
Lesson 1: Prepared Spirit Pendant (7 days)
Lesson 2: Toben Hair Warrior's Hat Box
Lesson 3: Carved Golden Seal
Lesson 4: Selective 8 Slot Expansion Coupon
Lesson 5: Special Medal of Honor
Lesson 6: Yellow Cube
Lesson 7: Epic Potential Scroll 50%
Lesson 8: Storm Growth Potion x2
Lesson 9: Rainbow Resurrection Flame
Lesson 10: Memory with Toben Hair Warrior (Chair)
That's not all, more rewards can be obtained even after imparting all your knowledge to Toben! Also, you might chance upon some premium goodies while listening to Toben.
Monster Encyclopedia
A journey towards completion... and buffs??!
Event Duration: 16th October 2019, 1000hrs ~ 12th November 2019, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 61+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept the starting quest
[Monster Encyclopedia] Monster Hunter's Request from the Star Notifier.
A Monster Hunter,
Ga Ji, is on a journey to complete the Monster Encyclopedia left behind by her master. She seems very determined to complete it. But why? Shouldn't you lend her a hand? Maybe it's a hidden treasure trove...
Ga Ji would happily hand over her set of cards to start any new Hunter's collection. These look unusual. What are these cards for??? Bingo?
-Reads scribblings on Mummy Card-: Additional Damage on Boss monsters?!!
-Reads scribblings on Starving Ghost Card-: Additional ATT/MATT?!?!
-Slowly unveil scribblings on other cards-: ..... Item Drop Rate Buffs.... and... and.. what are these DELICIOUS things?? -spits Power Elixir-
Monster Cards will drop while hunting level range monsters.
Each monster card has to be registered into the Monster Encyclopedia via their respective quests, which can be found in the Monster Encyclopedia Event Icon (via the Star Notifier).
Each monster card has their own unique buff bonus and cannot be stacked with other card bonuses.
All monster card buffs can be activated via the quest [Monster Encyclopedia] Card Skill Activation.
Card Exchange can be done via the Quest [Monster Encyclopedia] Card Exchange.
➢ You will require x100 lower grade cards to exchange for x1 higher grade card.
e.g. x100 Zombie Cards will be required to exchange for x1 Jiang Shi Card.
➢ An additional fee will be added in to make the exchange happen.
Cards will only be dropped after the card has been registered into Monster Encyclopedia. (e.g. the Jiang Shi card will not drop from hunting Level Range Monsters until it has been registered to the Monster Encyclopedia)
Higher tier cards have higher buff values compared to the lower tier ones.
Higher tier cards have noticeably lower drop chances.
The Monster Encyclopedia progression is character bound and not account bound.
The Monster Encyclopedia quests are character bound and not account bound.
All quest rewards are recommended to be collected by 12th of November 2019, 2359hrs.
Some rewards are untradable, so please be sure to redeem them on the correct character.
The Story of Stone and Wind
Hey, you. Yes, you. Don't walk past me like I'm some kind of stone. You! Arghhh I got ignored yet again...
Event Duration: 23rd October 2019, After Maintenance - 12th November 2019, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 61+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept the starting quest
[Stonewind Story] Stonewind Story Information from the Star Notifier via the Stonewind Story Event icon
The spirits of Nature are out to seek help from the residents of Maple World. Out of everyone in Maple World, why must it be ME?!?
-Stares at Libby- Oh Libby, paint me like one of your french grills?
The Stonewind Story Gauge will only be activated upon the completion of quest [Stonewind Story] Stonewind Story Information.
Stonewind Story NPCs will be available in Henesys.
Complete a variety of activities to gain Stonewind Story Points usable in the Stonewind Story Coin Shop.
Every 100 Stonewind Story Points collected is equivalent to 1 Stonewind Coin.
Some items available in the Stonewind Story Coin Shop and rewards obtained are untradeable, so please be sure to purchase and or collect them on the correct character.
Stonewind Story Coin Shop
Small change will not be taken for exchange.
With the power of the spirits, Let me buy them items!!
All items are permanent, unless the expiry of it is stated in the item description.
All item tradability and restriction are as stated in the item description.
Items on sale in the Stonewind Story Coin Shop may have different purchase limits; do check before making your purchase. Some items have a quantity purchase limited by World.
The Stonewind Story Coin Shop will only be available until the 12th November 2019, 2359hrs.
Halloween x Haste
Jingle bells, jingle bel-- oh, it's HALLOWEEN SEASON!
Event Duration: 30th October 2019, 1000hrs ~ 12th November 2019, 2359hrs
Halloween Club
Requirement: Level 105+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look out for the
Club Halloween Entrance in Henesys, Leafre or Nameless Village.
Halloween plus Clubbing, anyone ever thought of that? HAH, bet you not. THE HALLOWEEN CLUB IS WHERE ALL THE MONSTERS BELONG!! Dress up as any Halloween Monster by visiting the Club Halloween Stand located outside the
Available in Henesys, Leafre and Nameless Village.
All Club Halloween Chairs are untradeable.
There is a daily EXP obtain limit of 8 hours for usage of the Club Halloween Chairs.
Only characters above Level 105 can obtain purchase the chair and obtain EXP from the chair.
There is a total of 6... I mean 5 Club Halloween Chairs obtainable during the event period. *cough*
Halloween Greeting
Requirement: Level 61+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest [Halloween] Do Halloween greetings from the Star Notifier.
There is no harm greeting people, furthermore you will be rewarded by doing so during this Halloween event. Hallocat wishes to see more people greeting one another in Club Halloween.
There is a daily limit of receiving and giving 5 greetings per character.
Every time you receive and give a greeting, you will obtain 1 Halloween Drink.
The drink will boost one random trait upon consumption.
Special rewards will be given out when you achieve 10 and 50 total greetings.
The special rewards can only be claimed ONCE per world.
Halloween Riding
Money raining down? Sounds like a plan! *thunk* Uhh.. maybe not in the form of Gold Meso Coins...?
Requirement: Level 61+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept the starting quest
[Halloween] Overflowing Meso Skull Riding from the Star Notifier.
For this Halloween, Hallocat has prepared a mount for all to use. It isn’t just about giving out mesos aimlessly. Hallocat has also prepared a special gift for those who are generous with their mesos!!
Psst.. this reward will be handy for another event which is running simultaneously with this event. Just a little hint. Halloween C
lub *cough*.
Available in Henesys, Leafre and Nameless Village.
Only available from 1000hrs to 2200hrs throughout the event period.
Limited to 3 times a day per character.
Upon disconnection, an instance of the rider will appear and continue to drop mesos all over the town.
It cost 300,000,000 mesos to ride the Meso Pang Pang Skull Mount.
Only 200,000,000 mesos will be used as drops while riding the mount.
While holding the [Spacebar] key, the mount will drop 3,000,000 mesos per drop instead of the standard 2,500,000 mesos.
With the mentioned function above, riders will not be able to use the [Spacebar] key to enable high-flying on the mount.
Halloween Haste
Requirement: Level 61+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest [Haste] Hunting Speed Halloween x Haste! from the Star Notifier.
Haste Box is back with the return of Halloween in MapleStorySEA!! Complete a variety of challenges to obtain these limited boxes which contains EXP and plenty of rewards. What’s more exciting would be the event limited items which is obtainable when adventurers are successful at completing the weekly challenges.
Haste Mission Weeks:
➢ Week 1: 30th October 2019, 1000hrs - 5th November 2019, 2359hrs
➢ Week 2: 6th November 2019, 0000hrs - 12th November 2019, 2359hrs
Daily missions can be completed in any order regardless of completion sequence.
Daily missions will last until 2359hrs everyday and the progress will be reset upon midnight.
All unclaimed Haste Mission rewards will also be voided if not collected by 2359hrs.
Complete all 9 daily Haste Missions in a day and a hidden mission will be unlocked.
Daily missions progress and completion will be character-bound.
Weekly hidden missions can only be completed ONCE per world.
Sunday Maple
When Sunday exists, Sunday Maple exists.
First Sunday: 6th October 2019
1x Mysterious Momon for Monster Collection
2x Monster Collection Registration Chance
2 Elite Monsters are summoned during spawning of Elite Monsters
Second Sunday: 13th October 2019
20x Selectable Arcane Symbol Exchange Coupon
1x Storm Growth Potion
Third Sunday: 20th October 2019
30% Discount on Starforce
Fourth Sunday: 27th October 2019
2x Mesos obtained from Ursus
2x Ursus Daily Entry Limit
2x Maple Union Preset Coupons (30 days)
Fifth Sunday: 3rd November 2019
50% off Potential Appraisal cost
50% off Spell Trace Enhancement cost
Sixth Sunday: 10th November 2019
5x chance to obtain Augmented Soul when using Soul Shard
5x Medal of Honor EXP gained from Field Monsters