21 Jan 2020
Emergence Event Notes (v192)
Dear Maplers,
The festivities are going strong, and sleep is for the weak with the night that never ends! Let's party!

1. Corona Festival1.1. Corona: Mileage & Points
1.2. Corona: Grade & Skills
1.3. Corona: Special Benefits
1.4. Corona: Main Events
1.4.1. Corona: Main Event - Corona Surge
1.4.2. Corona: Main Event - Solar Eclipse Zone
1.4.3. Corona: Main Event - Night & Day 1+1
1.5. Corona: Side Events
1.5.1. Corona: Side Event - Fireworks Show
1.5.2. Corona: Side Event - Princess Parade
1.5.3. Corona: Side Event - Spin! Super Wheel of Fortune!
1.5.4. Corona: Side Event - Hot Air Balloon Ride
2. EMERGENCE Tera Burning
3. EMERGENCE Growth Support
4. God of Combo
5. Welcome to Maple World!
6. Sunday Maple
Corona Festival
It's a burning hot festival~! Event Duration: 22nd January 2020 (After Patch) ~ 18th February 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 61+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest.
How to Start: Accept starting quest [Corona] Welcome to the World of the Night! from Corona Icon.
It’s the hottest festival of the year! Celebrating the happening of the solar eclipse, Corona Festival brings unique events that are both beneficial and boosts progression!

The new event map can be accessed via the Corona Icon in the Star nortifier or through the event portal located in Henesys, Leafre & Nameless Village.
Corona: Mileage & Points

Corona: Grade & Skills

➢ Grade 4 (22nd January 2020, After Patch)
★ Must complete all required introduction quests.
➢ Grade 3
★ Must accumulate 600 Corona Mileages or higher.
➢ Grade 2 (29th January 2020, 0000hrs)
★ Must accumulate 1200 Corona Mileages or higher.
➢ Grade 1 (5th February 2020, 0000hrs)
★ Must accumulate 2200 Corona Mileages or higher.
Corona: Special Benefits

Depending on the Corona Grade, the benefits received may differ:
➢ Growth Potion Bundle (7 days & inter-account)
➢ Typhoon Growth Potion x1
➢ Storm Growth Potion x5
➢ Sun and Moon Sanctuary
➢ Shared among all characters within the world.
➢ No item Destruction up to 15 Stars when enhancing in event map.
Equipment Transfer
➢ Transfer one Fafnir, Absolabs Weapon, Secondary Weapon, or Gold Emblem to another character in the same world by extracting it to an Equipment Essence.
➢ Extracting equipment into a Equipment Essence will completely destroy it. You may preview the Equipment Essence as well as its effect on another character before extracting it.
➢ You may then transfer the Equipment Essence to another character via your in-game account storage. You can preview the item before activating the mysterious powers of the extracted Equipment Essence.
➢ The received equipment will be changed in-accordance to the receiving character’s class.
➢ Potential and Additional Potential will be adjusted in-accordance to the receiving character’s class.
➢ Stats and Additional options will be adjusted in-accordance to the receiving character’s class.
➢ Attack options such as ATT% and Magic ATT% will be swapped should the receiving character utilize a different ATT stat. For example, the ATT% and Weapon ATT Additional Options value of a One-handed Axe will be adjusted accordingly to the relevant Magic ATT% and Magic ATT stats on a Staff. However, do note that Magic ATT% values on a One-handed Axe will also be adjusted to an ATT% value on a Staff.
➢ Primary and Secondary stats bonuses obtained on the item will also be adjusted and transferred accordingly.
➢ The transfer system WILL NOT convert Item Potential, Additional Potential, and Additional Options that do not directly affect the receiving character's stats. For example, Boss ATT% Bonuses will remain, as well as miscellaneous options such as reduction of Wearer's minimum level.
➢ Star Force Enhancements applied to the original equipment will be transferred to the new weapon.
➢ Tradability of the original item will be retained after the transfer.

Transfer Restrictions
➢ Equipment can only be extracted into Equipment Essence ONCE per world.
➢ If the Equipment Essence is not claimed before the end of the event, it will disappear and will not be recoverable . Do complete the transfer before Corona Festivities end.
➢ Items that have been extracted into an Equipment Essence cannot be restored by any means. Please be careful when selecting the item to extract. You may preview the item essence before extracting it.
➢ You may not extract currently equipped items.
➢ Special Secondary Equipment items (Princess Nou, Black, etc) cannot be extracted into Essences.
➢ Kaiser and Angelic Buster Emblems cannot be transferred nor receive the power of Equipment Essences.
➢ Wakizashi, Hayato's Secondary Weapon, cannot be transferred nor receive the power of Equipment Essences.
➢ Lapis and Lazuli, Zero's Weapon Spirit, cannot be transferred nor receive the power of Equipment Essences.
➢ Mount Transfer
➢ Transfer one already applied mount skill to another character in the same world.
➢ Class-specific mounts will not be able to be transferred.
NOTE: If the mount is not claimed before the end of the event, it will disappear and will not be recoverable.
➢ Shining Eclipse Title
➢ Receive a Corona Festival Title upon achieving this final benefit.
➢ While the Title is permanent, the stats will only last till 19th March 2020.

Corona: Main Events
Let the Carnival Games Begin! 
Corona: Main Event - Corona Surge

➢ Note: Several skills that are summoned will not contribute to the obtained Surge Energy. This includes skills such as Spider in Mirror, Sengoku Ally, Demon Slayer's Jormungand, Evan's Zodiac Ray, Zero's Throwing Weapon, Xenon's Hologram Graffitti, Kanna's Summon Yaksha and Yuki-onna, and more. Other skills may still be used to earn Surge Energy.
Corona: Main Event - Solar Eclipse Zone

➢ EXP Buff between 110% to 140%
➢ Time limit between 30 to 45 minutes
Corona: Main Event - Night & Day 1+1

Daily Quests and Rewards
➢ Investigate the Road to Extinction
➢ 2x Arcane Symbols obtained.
➢ 5-10 Core Gemstones (Corona Grade 3 or higher)
➢ Erda's Spectrum
➢ 2x Arcane Symbols obtained.
➢ Best Cooking on Chew Chew Island
➢ 2x Arcane Symbols obtained.
➢ Hungry Muto
➢ 2x Arcane Symbols obtained.
➢ Peaceful Night of Lacheln
➢ 2x Arcane Symbols obtained.
➢ Dream Breaker
➢ 2x No. of Dream Coins obtained.
➢ 2x daily limit of Dream Coins.
➢ Peaceful Wind of Arcana
➢ 2x Arcane Symbols obtained.
➢ Spirit Savior
➢ 2x No. of Spirit Coins obtained.
➢ 2x daily limit of Spirit Coins.
➢ For the Stability of Moras
➢ 2x Arcane Symbols obtained.
➢ 5-10 Core Gemstones (Corona Grade 3 or higher)
➢ Esfera Research Orders
➢ 2x Arcane Symbols obtained.
➢ 5-10 Core Gemstones (Corona Grade 3 or higher)
Corona: Side Events
Oh look! More goodies! Corona: Side Events - Fireworks Show

Corona: Side Events - Princess Parade

➢ 30 EXP Orbs per day per character.
➢ 30 Mileage Orbs per day per character. (includes daily Mileage limit)
Corona: Side Events - Spin! Super Wheel of Fortune!

➢ After collecting their Corona Mileage, the Wheel of Fortune cannot be spun for the rest of the day.
Corona: Side Events - Hot Air Balloon Ride

➢ Earn 5 Corona Points every 10 seconds while on the balloon.
➢ Mileage can only be collected up to the daily Corona Mileage limit.
➢ Earn EXP every 10 seconds scaled to the character's level.
➢ Character must be Level 105+ to receive EXP.
➢ EXP can only be earned from the Pink Bean Hot Air Balloon up to 10 hours a day.
EMERGENCE Tera Burning
Revamped classes~ But don’t have one? Fret not!Event Duration: 22nd January 2020 (After Patch) ~ 18th February 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Newly Created Hayato/Kanna/Zen.
How to Start: Accept starting quest <Tera Burning> Project! Gift For You! via the Star Notifier.

With 1 Level Up, gain 2 Levels Bonus limited to Hayato, Kanna and Zen. Yes, limited to only Hayato, Kanna and Zen in celebration of their revamp! Especially for those who think that they may be missing out on the fun~
➢ Limited-time Root Abyss Set Box
NOTE: The Weapons and Armors obtained are enhanced, untradable and is only available for 30 days upon collection from Limited-time Root Abyss Set Box.
EMERGENCE Growth Support
A little more add-ons while you’re at it.Event Duration: 22nd January 2020 (After Patch) ~ 18th February 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 110+, Hayato/Kanna/Zen and have Tera Burning activated.
How to Start: Accept starting quest Recruit Participants in <Growth Support Event> via the Star Notifier.

Paging for all newly enlisted Hayato, Kanna and Zens, remember to get your support gifts from us when pushing through the game. Explore the newly revamped classes!
The rewards are as follows for achieving certain levels.
➢ Trait Boost Potion x1
➢ Trait Boost Potion x1
➢ 500 Mileage Exchange Coupon x1
➢ Selectable Arcane Symbol Exchange Coupon x10 (Inter-Account Transferable)
➢ 1.5x EXP Coupon (30min) x2
➢ Suspicious Additional Cube x20 (Inter-Account Transferable)
➢ Core Gemstone x5 (Inter-Account Transferable)
➢ 3,000 Maple Points Coupon
➢ 1.5x EXP Coupon (30min) x2
➢ Selectable Arcane Symbol Exchange Coupon x20 (Inter-Account Transferable)
➢ 2x EXP Coupon (30min) x2
➢ EXP Core Gemstone x3 (Inter-Account Transferable)
➢ Selectable Damage Skin Box x1 (Inter-Account Transferable)
➢ Save Damage Skin Slot x1 Expansion Coupon (Inter-Account Transferable)
➢ Typhoon Growth Potion (Inter-Account Transferable)
➢ 2x EXP Coupon (30min) x2
➢ Unique Papulatus Mark Coupon (Inter-Account Transferable)
➢ Gaga Coin x3 (Can be sold to merchants for mesos, Permanent)
God of Combo
So is it full or max combo?Event Duration: 19th February 2020, 1000hrs ~ 17th March 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 61+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest [God of Combo] Awakening via the Star Notifier.

The God of Combo has arrived! Praise upon their presence! May their blessings give us special buffs and the opportunity to obtain a set of Golden Armor to show your faith in the God of Combo!
Obtaining the God of Combo Royal Armor Set
➢ Receive Conqueror Buff 30 times.
➢ Receive Butcher Buff 30 times.
➢ Receive Female General Buff 30 times.
➢ Receive Veteran Buff 30 times.
➢ Receive Slayer Buff 30 times.
➢ Receive Asura Buff 30 times.
Welcome to Maple World!
Here we go again...Event Duration: 19th February 2020, 1000hrs ~ 3rd March 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 33+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest.
How to Start: Accept starting quest Welcome to Maple World! via the Star Notifier.

Welcome one, welcome all! Welcome to, and welcome back to Maple World! Simply login to the game daily and get a reward everyday!
➢ 1.5x EXP Coupon (30 Mins) x3
➢ Loot Fountain (20 Mins) x2
➢ 500 Mileage Coupon x1
➢ Core Gemstone x3
➢ Selectable Arcane Symbol Exchange Coupon x2
➢ Advanced Medal of Honor x2
➢ Golden Hammer 70% x2
➢ Rainbow Resurrection Flame x1
➢ Suspicious Additional Cube x1
➢ Purple Cube x1
Sunday Maple
Party every SUNDAAAAY!!!