04 Mar 2020
Blossom Event Notes (v193)
Dear Maplers,
There is a scary bunch of goblins hiding out in the mountains... But boy, do they have the best

1. Goblin Night Market1.1 Kevi's Magic Club
1.2 Dukke's Goblin Club
1.3 Goblin Firecracker
1.4 Overflowing Meso Cloud Goblin
1.5 Zambi's Dream Store
1.6 Goblin Statue's Blessing
1.7 Goblin Coin Shops
1.7.1 Okbi's Jewelry Shop
1.7.2 Klonk's Blacksmith
1.7.3 Seop's Linen Shop
1.7.4 Jaru's General Store
2. Tactical Relay is Here!
3. Fairy Bros' Golden Carriage
4. Blooming Sunny Day
5. Sunday Maple
Goblin Night Market
Come one come all!!
Event Duration: 4th March 2020 (After Patch) ~ 7th April 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest The Full Moon Goblin Night Market is Open! via the Star Notifier Icon

The Goblins of Korean Folk Town may look scary, but in truth... They just love food and goodies like any other Mapler~ Enjoy a variety of events and coin shops prepared by your friendly Goblins from Korean Folk Town!
The event map can be accessed via the event portal located in Henesys, Leafre & Nameless Village. They may also access the map via the Star Notifier Icon.
Kevi's Magic Club
Would you ACTUALLY let someone smash your head with a club?Event Duration: 4th March 2020 (After Patch) ~ 7th April 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest [Goblin Night Market] Kevi's Magic Club via the Star Notifier Icon

Step riiight up! Easy power-ups available here! Kevi is up to some tricks here! Care to get some power-ups in-exchange for them good ol' Goblin Coins!
Dukke's Goblin Club
Rattle for them Goblin Coins!Event Duration: 4th March 2020 (After Patch) ~ 7th April 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest [Goblin Night Market] Dukke's Goblin Club via the Star Notifier Icon

Ever wonder how Goblins actually get their coins? Do they raid the nearby towns or do they pick-pocket unsuspecting Maplers? Well... don't tell anyone, but they just use their clubs! Let Dukke show you the secret behind every goblin's fortune~
Goblin Firecracker
What goes up, must come... never mind, it exploded.Event Duration: 4th March 2020 (After Patch) ~ 7th April 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Complete Full Moon Goblin Night Market is Open! Quest

Firecrackers! Who doesn't like firecrackers? Oh! There are also goodies up for grabs! Looks like some Goblin magic? Let's grab some FIRECRACKER GOODIES!!
➢ 1,000 Goblin Coins
➢ 500 Goblin Coins
➢ 100 Goblin Coins
➢ 50 Goblin Coins
➢ Full Moon’s Magical Aura Buff (ATT/MATT +15 for 15 mins)

Overflowing Meso Cloud Goblin
Caution! Watch your head! Falling mesos spotted in town~Event Duration: 4th March 2020 (After Patch) ~ 7th April 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest [Goblin Night Market] Overflowing Meso Cloud Goblin via the Star Notifier Icon

It's raining... Meso? Again? Who's in charge of the weather forecast?!
Zambi's Dream Store
A pillow that allows you to sleep easier and makes you dream better? Huh.. I'm in... zzz.zzz...zzz..Event Duration: 4th March 2020 (After Patch) ~ 7th April 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest [Goblin Night Market] Zambi's Dream Store via the Star Notifier Icon

Free EXP? Whilst online or offline? Sign me u..Zzzzz
Goblin Statue's Blessing
Talking Statues... WAIT WADEvent Duration: 4th March 2020 (After Patch) ~ 7th April 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Complete Full Moon Goblin Night Market is Open! Quest

These statues can not only talk.. They buff.. A lot.
➢ One-Eyed Goblin
↪ EXP Gain +15%
➢ Two-Eyed Goblin
↪ Maximum HP/MP +1,500
↪ All Stats +15
↪ ATT/MATT +15
↪ Ignore Defense +15%
↪ Boss Damage +15%
Goblin Coin Shops
Hmm.. Yes.. This is coin..Event Duration: 4th March 2020 (After Patch) ~ 12th April 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Complete Full Moon Goblin Night Market is Open! Quest
Look at all of these stores! Look at all of these stuff! LOOK AT ALL OF THE...**THUD!**... -faints-
Okbi's Jewelry Shop

Klonk's Blacksmith

Need help with enhancing your gear? Drop by Klonk's Blacksmith Coin Shop where various cubes, flames and other enhancing items are available!
Seop's Linen Shop

➢ Example: Exchange 10 Full Moon Ticket: Yomiroid to get the Yomiroid exchange Coupon

Jaru's General Store

Tactical Relay is Here!
It's so cool that it's... tacticool~!
Event Duration: 18th March 2020, 1000hrs ~ 31st March 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept [Tactical Relay] Tactical Relay is Here! quest via the Star Notifier.

Hmm.. Now this is a new one. While coming online isn't enough, you will now have to utilize tactics to coordinate various characters and complete missions! Take advantage of different classes and let's get this done! First to the finish line wins!
➢ Mission 1: Defeat 300 level range mobs
➢ Mission 2: Achieve 100 combo kills
➢ Mission 3: Defeat a daily boss
➢ Mission 4: Defeat 300 Star Force mobs
➢ Mission 5: Clear Monster Park 1 time
➢ Mission 6: Activate 1 Rune
➢ Mission 7: Defeat 3 Elite Monsters
➢ Mission 8: Achieve 100 Multi-kills
➢ Mission 9: Defeat 300 Arcane River mobs
➢ Base clear: 50 points
➢ Job type bonus: 10 points
➢ Level bonus: 20 points
➢ Stage 3:
↪ 2x EXP Coupon (15 mins) x2
↪ Trait Boost Vial x1
➢ Stage 6:
↪ 2x EXP Coupon (15 mins) x2
↪ Storm Growth Potion x1
➢ Stage 9:
↪ 2x EXP Coupon (15 mins) x2
↪ Extreme Growth Potion
➢ 1,000 Points:
↪ Mega Burning Booster x1 (Inter-account, 7 days)
↪ Select Tab 8 Slot Coupon x1 (Untradable, 7 days)
➢ 2,000 Points:
↪ EXP Coupon Sack x1 (Untradable, 34 days)
↪ Note: Can only be used up to 4 times & once per week
➢ 3,000 Points:
↪ Tactical Star Prestige (Untradable, Permanent)
➢ 4,000 Points:
↪ Yellow Cube Coupon x1 (Inter-account, 7 days)
↪ Note: Cubes obtained from the coupon only lasts 1 day
➢ 5,000 Points:
↪ Suspicious Additional Cube x10 (Inter-account, 7 days)
➢ 6,000 Points:
↪ Selectable Arcane Symbol Exchange Coupon x30 (Inter-account, 7 days)
↪ Note: You can only receive Arcane Symbols of areas where the initial obtain quest has been completed
➢ 7,000 Points:
↪ Typhoon Growth Potion x1 (Inter-account, 7 days)
➢ 8,000 Points:
↪ Core Gemstone x15 (Inter-account, 7 days)
➢ 9,000 Points:
↪ Rainbow Resurrection Flame x1 (Inter-account, 7 days)
➢ 10,080 Points:
↪ 5,000 Maple Points Gift Certificate x1 (Inter-account, 7 days)
↪ Tactical Relay Grandmaster (Untradable, Perm)

Fairy Bros' Golden Carriage
It's like a princess at midnight~
Event Duration: 25th March 2020, 1000hrs ~ 19th May 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Click on the Fairy Bros Icon via the Star Notifier

They say go big or go home, I think the Fairy Bros have really gone big this time. Not only have they brought us a giant daily login event.. They've also painted it in gold and brought along exciting goodies for all of us!
➢ Accumulate 9 Stamps:
↪ Petite Wonky Pet Coupon (Inter-account, 7 days)
↪ Note: Pet is 90 days & Pet equipment is perm
➢ Accumulate 18 Stamps:
↪ Mysterious Mix Dye Exchange Coupon (Inter-account, 7 days)
➢ Accumulate 27 Stamps:
↪ Wave's Glow-stick Exchange Coupon (Inter-account, 7 days)
↪ Note: Cash weapon obtain is permanent.
➢ Accumulate 36 Stamps:
↪ Caleb Hair Exchange Coupon (Inter-account, 7 days)
↪ Note: Can select either Female or Male Hair coupon.
➢ Accumulate 45 Stamps:
↪ Fairy Bros' Damage Skin Selection Box (Inter-account, 7 days)
↪ Note: Damage skin will be immediately applied upon selection.
➢ Accumulate 54 Stamps:
↪ Thunderbird Mount Exchange Coupon (Inter-account, 7 days)
↪ Note: Mount obtained is permanent.
➢ Accumulate 63 Stamps:
↪ Powdery/Blush Petal Skin Change Coupon (Inter-account, 7 days)

Blooming Sunny Day
How does a Sunny Day... Bloom tho? Stay tuned to find out, only in MapleStory!
Event Duration: 1st April 2020, 1000hrs ~ 21st April 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept [Event]Blooming Sunny Day via Star Notifier

It's.. Blooming! Sunflowers are all over Maple World! Collect points and use them to get rewards.
➢ [1,000] 2x EXP Coupon (30 mins)
➢ [2,000] Monster Park Reborn Free Admission Ticket
➢ [3,000] Polo and Frito Entry Ticket
➢ [4,000] Storm Growth Potion
➢ [5,000]Special Items: (Will change upon completing each set)
↪ 1st, 6th & 11th Set: Trait Boost Potion
↪ 2nd, 7th & 12th Set: Pendant of Spirit (3 days)
↪ 3rd, 8th & 13th Set: Core Gemstone
↪ 4th, 9th & 14th Set: Arcane Symbol
↪ 5th Set: Sunflower Hat
↪ 10th Set: Rainbow Resurrection Flame x2
↪ 15th Set: Spring in Maple World Title (Durational Stats)
➢ Town Sunflower
↪ Town Sunflowers may require 2 or more players to be activated
↪ Maximum player count for Town Sunflower is 3.
↪ Town Sunflower appears only in Henesys, Leafre and Chew Chew Island.
↪ Up to 500 Blooming Points can be obtained via Town Sunflower daily.
↪ A Special Buff will only be provided to the specific town and channel upon activation of a 4 player Town Sunflower.
➢ Level Range Monster Kills
➢ Elite Monster Kills
➢ Rune Usage
➢ Combo Orbs
➢ Multi Kills

Sunday Maple
Yet another Blossoming Sunday~