01 Jul 2020
RISE: Yum Yum Island Event Notes (v196)
Dear Maplers,
As RISE continues, enjoy more events prepared for you while you enjoy Yum Yum Island!
Some events have started since v195 RISE: Adele.
1. Tera BurningA
2. RISE Salon
2.1. RISE Coin Shop
2.2. RISE Fountain
2.3. RISE Royal Shop
2.4. RISE Stamp Shop
2.5. RISE Masterpiece Frame
2.6. RISE Banquet Hall
2.7. RISE Arena of Honor
2.8. Eileen's Sponsoring
2.9. RISE Training
2.10. Daria's Gift
2.11. RISE Coin Express
3. Maple Relay
4. Guardian Angel Event
5. Sunday Maple
Tera BurningA
Grade A burning~!
Event Duration: 20th May 2020, (After Patch) ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Complete required Adele Story Quests
Event Duration: Create an Adele character and accept related quests via the Star Notifier Icon

3 levels with every up? Tera Burning Booster & TWO Mega Burning Boosters? SIGN ME UP!
Mega and Tera Burning Effect can be applied to all classes With the exception of Adele & Zero
Receive the Tera Burning or Mega Burning Boosters upon completion of the following Adele storyline quests:
Hidden Memories 6 (Level 120): Mega Burning Booster x1
Hidden Memories 7 (Level 140): Mega Burning Booster x1
Hidden Memories 8 (Level 160): Tera Burning Booster x1
Tera & Mega Burning’s 1+2 effect will only last until their respective levels and when the event period is over
Players cannot stack Mega & Tera Burning effect on the same character
Aside from the burning effect, Tera Burning characters will also receive the following rewards
↪ Mysterious Secret Box
↪ Lv. 30 Equipment Box
↪ Legendary Secret Box
↪ Limited-time Root Abyss Set Box
↪ Eternal Flame Title Exchange Coupon
Tera Burning characters can also receive additional rewards upon reaching level 200, 205 & 210
Level 200: Core Gemstone x20
Level 205: Core Gemstone x20 & EXP Core Gemstone x2
Level 210: Core Gemstone x50 & EXP Core Gemstone x3
RISE Salon
Event Duration: 20th May 2020, (After Patch) ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Accept starting quest
[RISE] <Salon RISE> Invitation via the Star Notifier Icon

RISE Maplers! RISE… to the salon! Enjoy the artistic nature of the RISE Salon and enjoy various events while playing Adele~!
RISE Point & Coins
The RISE Gauge will be used for players to keep track of their RISE Points that can be earned from various events within the RISE Salon.
RISE Points will automatically be converted into RISE Coins which can be used in the various RISE Coin Shops to purchase goodies.
Every 100 RISE Point is 1 RISE Coin. (100:1)
The daily limit for RISE Point is fixed at 30,000 RISE Points (300 Coins).
↪ Events that reward RISE Coins directly will not contribute to the daily limit
RISE Coin Shop
Goodies! Goodies everywhere!!
Event Duration
Season 2: 17th June 2020, 0000hrs ~ 14th July 2020, 2359hrs
Season 3: 15th July 2020, 0000hrs ~ 9th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Level Adele to level 30/100/150/200
How to Start: Accept starting quest
[RISE] <Salon RISE> Invitation via the Star Notifier Icon

Goodies that “RISE” to the occasion!
Items sold in the Coin Shop will change with each rotating season
Spend RISE Coins obtained from various events in the RISE Salon in the Coin Shop
Items’ duration vary and will be stated in the item description
Item tradability and restrictions are stated in the item description
Items on sale in the Coin Shop may have different purchase limits depending on the item. Limits may be applied on a daily basis, quantity per character, or a limited quantity of purchases per world. Players are advised to check the limits of the items they wish to purchase and purchase them on the correct character
RISE Fountain
Toss a coin to your fountain.. Oh Maplers of plenty~!
Event Duration
Season 2: 17th June 2020, 0000hrs ~ 14th July 2020, 2359hrs
Season 3: 15th July 2020, 0000hrs ~ 9th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Level Adele to level 30/100/150/200
How to Start: Accept starting quest
[RISE] <Salon RISE> Invitation via the Star Notifier Icon

Toss a coin and make a wish.. And hopefully it’ll come true!
RISE Fountain is split into 3 different seasons but the mechanics will remain the same.
Players may only contribute 300 RISE Coins a day.
The amount of RISE Coins contributed is shared among all characters in the same world.
Once the required amount of RISE Coins have been contributed, players will be able to receive the rewards.
Depending on the season, the rewards given will differ.
Season 2: 15 Star Force Enhancement Scroll x1 (4,000 Coins)
Season 3: Mithra’s Resurrection Flame Box x1 (5,000 Coins)
Rewards from previous seasons cannot be obtained once the season has passed.
↪ For Example: You can no longer receive the Typhoon Growth Potion in Season 2 if you did not receive the reward from Season 1.
RISE Royal Shop
A shop fit for a queen!
Event Duration: 20th May 2020, (After Patch) ~ 9th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Accept starting quest
[RISE] <Salon RISE> Invitation via the Star Notifier Icon

All rise for her majesty.. Ade… Just kidding. Enjoy collectibles and goodies fit for Royalty!
Spend RISE Coins obtained from various events in the RISE Salon in the Royal Shop!
Item’s duration vary and will be stated in the item description.
Item tradability and restrictions are stated in the item description.
Items on sale in the Coin Shop may have different purchase limits depending on the item. Limits may be applied on a daily basis, quantity per character, or a limited quantity of purchases per world. Players are advised to check the limits of the items they wish to purchase and purchase them on the correct character.
Buy and collect tickets and exchange them for special goodies!
↪ Example: Exchange
10 RISE Ticket: Laniaroid to get the Laniaroid exchange Coupon.
RISE Society & Admiration Chairs can be purchased from the Royal Shop with Mesos
↪ Possession of these chairs are required to enter the RISE Banquet Hall
RISE Stamp Shop
Who said stamp collecting was boring?
Event Duration: 20th May 2020, (After Patch) ~ 9th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Accept starting quest
[RISE] <Salon RISE> Invitation via the Star Notifier Icon

Stamp collecting is still a thing? Well.. not really but ANYHOW.. NPC Aron has some special goodies up for sale but he will only deal in Stamps. So start collecting~!
Spend RISE Coins obtained from various events in the RISE Salon in the Royal Shop!
Upon reaching the daily limit of RISE Points, players will be able to receive a Salon Stamp.
Players may collect stamps once per day per character.
Items’ duration vary and will be stated in the item description.
Item tradability and restrictions are stated in the item description.
Items on sale in the Coin Shop may have different purchase limits depending on the item. Limits may be applied on a daily basis, quantity per character, or a limited quantity of purchases per world. Players are advised to check the limits of the items they wish to purchase and purchase them on the correct character.
RISE Masterpiece Frame
It’s... Beautiful...
Event Duration: 20th May 2020, (After Patch) ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Accept starting quest
[RISE] <Salon RISE> Invitation via the Star Notifier Icon

Look at this masterpiece… it’s so.. Beautiful.. I can’t help myself but to touc..
Click on the Masterpiece Frame to start the event.
Players may exchange 1 Salon Stamp for one of the following buffs:
↪ 2x EXP Buff (30 mins)
↪ Extreme Buff (30 mins)
↪ Attack Speed +1
↪ ATT/MATT +30
↪ Max. HP/MP +3,000
Upon completing the exchange, the buff will be instantly activated.
The existing buff timer will be refreshed if the same buff is applied.
The existing buff will be overridden if a new buff is applied from the event.
RISE Banquet Hall
Shall we dance?
Event Duration: 20th May 2020, (After Patch) ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Accept starting quest
[RISE] <Salon RISE> via the Star Notifier Icon

Imagine an ensemble of classical music, tea and sharply dressed Maplers all in the same place! Enjoy the classy atmosphere of the RISE Banquet Hall with artistic style and class~
Earn RISE Points or EXP by sitting on the RISE Society or Admiration Chairs while in the event map.
Players may only receive RISE Points as long as their daily limit has not been reached.
Players may only receive EXP for 8 hours per day.
RISE Arena of Honor
Shall we dance?
Event Duration: 20th May 2020, (After Patch) ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Accept starting quest
[RISE] Arena of Honor Quest via the Star Notifier Icon or NPC Daria

Protect your honor by participating in the Arena of Honor! Survive and defeat wave after wave and come out on top as the champion
Upon entering the event map, players will be able to choose either Tournament Mode or Rumble mode.
Tournament Mode: From 20th May 2020 ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
Rumble Mode: From 1st July 2020, 0000hrs ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
In Tournament Mode, there are a total of 10 stages and a small arena.
↪ On each stage, a number of monsters and 1 boss will spawn.
↪ Upon defeating all monsters within the stage, the next stage will begin.
↪ With each passing stage, the difficulty will increase.
Players can receive up to 120 RISE Coins.
Players can only receive the rewards once a day per world.
If players are not satisfied with their score, they may choose to attempt it again before claiming the daily reward.
If players have completed and received their daily reward, they may still attempt the Arena again but they will not be provided with any rewards.
In Rumble mode, there is only 1 stage and a much larger arena with 2 platforms.
↪ All monsters will be summoned at the same time in a fixed position.
↪ Starting from the left, the player will be able to move to the right while hunting monsters/bosses.
↪ The further right they go, the harder it will get.
Eileen's Sponsoring
Thanks for the sponsorship!
Event Duration: 1st July 2020, (After Patch) ~ 14th July 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Accept starting quest
[RISE] Eileen's Sponsoring via the Star Notifier Icon or NPC Daria

Have you met Daria’s Daughter, Eileen? No? Well, now you have! She is sponsoring all attendees of the Salon with... a mission (gotcha!)
Upon accepting the quest, players will be able to see the Eileen Bar when hunting level range monsters.
Upon defeating a required amount of monsters, the Eileen Bar will give players a certain number of RISE Coins.
There is a chance that players will receive bonus coins in addition to the base number of coins received.
↪ Defeat 50 Monsters: 5 Coins (Bonus 5 Coins)
↪ Defeat 100 Monsters: 10 Coins (Bonus 10 Coins)
↪ Defeat 150 Monsters: 20 Coins (Bonus 10 or 20 Coins)
↪ Defeat 200 Monsters: 40 Coins (Bonus 20 or 40 Coins)
The Eileen Bar will not reset daily or if the player logs out.
Upon reaching the daily RISE Point limit, the Eileen Bar will not be visible to the player and the player will not be able to receive any more RISE Points.
RISE Training
Train Train Train!
Event Duration: 1st July 2020, (After Patch) ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
Character created after 20th May 2020, 1000hrs
Character level 130 ~ 200 & level 200 ~ 230
Event Duration: Accept starting quest
[RISE] Participate in RISE Training via the Star Notifier Icon

Need more incentive for training? Look no further! RISE Training is exactly the event for you!
The event is separated into 2 Training types:
↪ Silver Training: Level 130 ~ 200
↪ Gold Training: Level 200 ~ 230
Players can only participate in each Training type once per MapleID
For example: If character A participated in Silver Training, character B cannot participate in Silver Training but can participate in Gold Training & vice versa.
↪ Character A may also participate in Silver Training and reach the level requirement for Gold Training within the same day and participate in both.
Players will receive either Silver or Golden Coins upon leveling up in their respective Training Types.
In the event that players level up multiple times instantly, the number of coins given will be cumulative of the total number of times leveled up.
For example: If you had a Tera Burning character that leveled up, you will receive 3 levels worth of coins.
↪ Coins will be credited upon level up but may not be credited properly if you change maps or logout immediately upon leveling up.
Players may exchange their Silver or Gold Coins in the Training Coin Shop!
Items’ duration vary and will be stated in the item description.
Item tradability and restrictions are stated in the item description.
Daria’s Gift
Free Gifts? WHERE?!
Event Duration: 15th July 2020, 1000hrs ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Accept starting quest
[RISE] Daria’s Gift via the Star Notifier Icon or NPC Daria

After training Arthur, Daria wants to show her gratitude to all Maplers with gifts from her Salon! However, there aren’t any instructions to open those gifts.... WHY?!
Upon accepting the quest, players will receive the Mysterious Magic Pouch skill.
The skill will automatically activate upon entering maps with level range monsters.
Power up the Magic Pouch by hunting level range monsters.
Once the Magic Pouch has been powered up, it will release 4 powerful energy attacks.
Each energy attack will give different amount of RISE Coins:
↪ 1st attack: 1 RISE Coin
↪ 2nd attack: 3 RISE Coin
↪ 3rd attack: 6 RISE Coin
↪ 4th attack: 15 RISE Coin
Upon reaching the daily RISE Point limit, the Mysterious Magic Pouch will not be visible and the player will not be able to receive any more RISE Points.
RISE Coin Express
Have a coin for your troubles..
Event Duration: 22nd July 2020, 1000hrs ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Accept starting quest [RISE] Daria’s Gift via the Star Notifier Icon or NPC Daria

It’s free and easy coins! Just play more and win!
After reaching the daily RISE Point limit, open the event UI and click the “Receive Rewards” button to receive 100 RISE Coins.
You may only participate once per day per world and up to 10 times total per world.
If you have not received the 100 RISE Coins for that day, it will reset the following day.
On the 10th day, you will receive 1,000 RISE Coins.
Maple Relay
If you actually think about it, it's actually…. Time consuming~~ get it? Coz it's deducting the time.… nvm...
Event Duration: 8th July 2020, 0000hrs ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 61+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest,
MVP Bronze and higher
Event Duration: Accept starting quest
[Maple Relay]] Play with Popo and Get Login Rewards! via the Star Notifier Icon

Simply stay online to receive rewards! Because Popo is so kind, Popo allows you to speed up the time with the cost of some effort!
Methods to accelerate Maple Relay progress:
Note: The acceleration can be triggered multiple times but has a daily limit.
↪ Achieving 100 Combo Kills
↪ Defeating 1 Elite Champion
↪ Activating a Rune
↪ Participating in Bounty Hunter portals
↪ Participating in Flame Wolf
↪ Using 3 Core Gemstones
↪ Upgrading of Arcane Symbol
↪ Use 2 Suspicious Additional Cube
↪ Use 2 Yellow Cube
↪ Defeating Daily Bosses
↪ Defeating Weekly Bosses
↪ Defeating Monthly Bosses
Daily rewards can be redeemed with a total accumulated time of 30/60/120/180 minutes daily.
You will be able to obtain exclusive rewards for accumulating daily Maple Relay rewards, along with Popo's sweet items stashed in the vault!
Cumulative Record is shared across the entire Maple Account.
Any form of disconnection will not result in any loss of progress for the day.
Daily progress recorded will only reset at 0000hrs.
The exclusive rewards can only be obtained ONCE.
Guardian Angel Event
With the lips of an angel~~
Event Duration: 15th July 2020, 1000hrs ~ 4th August 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 61+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Duration: Accept starting quest
[Guardian Angel] Guardian Angels of North, South, East and West via the Star Notifier Icon. Up to four different Guardian Angel quests will appear.

Enjoy various buffs that improves your gear enhancement when you summon an angel~
Guardian Angel Lil White Star in the East
Hold the Faded White Star item for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes, the Faded White Star will turn into a Shining White Star after which you can complete the quest.
Completing the quest will grant a 10 minute buff for reducing Star Force destruction chance.
There is no limit on how many times you can complete this quest.
Get a Permanent Cash “White Tiger Stripes” Face Accessory after completing the quest 100 times.
↪ Cash Item stats have a 30 day duration.
The buff cannot be stacked on itself.
The reduction chance will already be applied if the buff is active but will not be shown when Star Forcing.
Guardian Angel Crimson Phoenix in the West
Obtain Sunset Fireworks by achieving Multi Kills.
The drop chance for the Firework will increase as the Multi Kill count gets higher.
Picking up a Sunset Firework will grant a 10 minute buff for increasing Spell Trace success chance.
Complete the quest and receive a Clean Slate Scroll 20%.
↪ Once per Character.
↪ Cannot be traded.
The quest will no longer appear after completing it but the Sunset Fireworks will continue to drop until the end of the event.
Get a Permanent Cash “Flaming Wings” Cape after picking up the Sunset Fireworks 100 times.
↪ Cash Item stats have a 30 day duration.
The buff cannot be stacked on itself.
The increased chance will already be applied if the buff is active but will not be shown when Spell Tracing.
Guardian Angel Ocean Siren's Dragon Horn
Obtain Ocean Siren Water Droplets by collecting Combo Kill orbs.
The drop chance for the buff effect of the Water Droplets will increase as the Combo Kill count gets higher. [Updated as of 15 July, 1100hrs]
Picking up a Water Droplet will grant a 10 minute buff for increasing Potential Tier Upgrade chance.
Complete the quest and receive a Purple Cube.
↪ Once per Character.
↪ Cannot be traded.
The quest will no longer appear after completing it but the Water Droplets will continue to drop until the end of the event.
Get a Permanent Cash “Dragon Horn” Hat after picking up the Ocean Siren Water Droplets for 100 times.
↪ Cash Item stats have a 30 day duration.
The buff cannot be stacked on itself.
The increased chance will already be applied if the buff is active but will not be shown when cubing.
Guardian Angel Polaris in the North
Hunt 1,000 Level Range Monsters and obtain a 10 minutes buff for increasing Star Force success chance.
There is no limit on how many times you can complete this quest.
Get a Permanent Cash “Starry Earrings” Earring after completing the quest 100 times.
↪ Cash Item stats have a 30 day duration.
The buff cannot be stacked on itself.
The increased chance will already be applied if the buff is active but will not be shown when Star Forcing.
Sunday Maple
The Sunday rises...
First Sunday: 5th July 2020
Rune EXP buff effects +100%!
Combo Kill Orb EXP 300% bonus
RISE Point gain limit DOUBLED!
Salon Stamp DOUBLE gain limit!
Second Sunday: 12th July 2020
100% Success Rate for Star Force Enhancement at 5/10/15 Stars!
RISE Point gain limit DOUBLED!
Salon Stamp DOUBLE gain limit!
Third Sunday: 19th July 2020
Ability Reset Cost 50% Off
5x Chance of obtaining Augmented Souls when exchanging Soul Shards!
RISE Point gain limit DOUBLED!
Salon Stamp DOUBLE gain limit!
Fourth Sunday: 26th July 2020
Polo and Frito's bounty hunt EXP DOUBLED!
Defeat Flame Wolf EXP DOUBLED!
RISE Point gain limit DOUBLED!
Salon Stamp DOUBLE gain limit!
Fifth Sunday: 2nd August 2020
Selective Arcane Symbol x30 issued!
Extreme Growth potion x1 issued!
RISE Point gain limit DOUBLED!
Salon Stamp DOUBLE gain limit!