06 Apr 2021
Hotel Maple Patch Notes (v204)
Good day Maplers,
It's the biggest time of the year again for an awesome hotel stay with us but before that, let's get through some inevitable changes first, shall we?

1. Sunsetting of Zen2. Sengoku Quest Improvements
3. Sengoku Era 3 Becomes A Permanent Content
4. Akechi Mitsuhide Normal Mode
5. Silver Wolf & Sengoku Set
6. Ranmaru Hard Mode Revamp
7. Revamp of Gachapon System
Sunsetting of Zen
It's been a long ride with ZEN. Good bye ol' friend.. I will tell you all about it when I see you again~
Zen will be permanently removed from our game content with effect from V204 patch. To properly facilitate this, Zen will be blocked from logging into the game. If you select Zen at the character selection screen, you will be prompted with a message stating that the character is no longer playable.
Sengoku Quest Improvements
Who doesn't like improvements eh? *wink*
Sengoku Era 3 Becomes A Permanent Content
Remember the Sengoku Era 3 events in the past? They are now a permanent content with minor twists~Requirements : Level 200+ characters or Zeroes who've completed Story Chapter 2

Akechi Mitsuhide Normal Mode
Thats Right!! Now that the contents are perm, here comes the new challenger!Note : You must fully complete the story to unlock the Boss Mode.
No. of admissions allowed: Once a day.
No. of clears allowed: Once a week (weekly boss)
You can enter by talking to Akechi Mitsuhide after completing the Sengoku Era 3 content storyline and it is also located in the Boss selection UI.

Silver Wolf & Sengoku Set
and never forget, new boss comes new edgy weapons! and yes, much more, they come with the boss's edgy aura~Currency : Silver Wolf's Mark
Currency Tradability : Untradeable
Obtained from : Akechi Mitsuhide
Cost per weapon : 20 Silver Wolf's Mark

Ranmaru Hard Mode Revamp
It's still not that hard really.
➢ Level 150 Japanese Weapons and Armors (Amaterasu/Ame-no-Uzeme/Oyamatsumi/Tsukuyomi/Susano-o)
➢ Crafting Materials (Blade of Chaos, Powerful Blade of Chaos, Confusion Fragment)

Revamp of Gachapon System

Gachapon has been buffed by Maple Administrator is now Golden and more imba!
Most importantly : Most items have been changed as well and time to time new item updates will still come by as usual so keep an eye out.

How to use Gachapon :
1. Purchase a Gachapon Ticket in Cash Shop using Maple Cash or Maple Points.
2. Open your Item Inventory and go to your Cash Tab.
3. Double click the Gachapon Ticket.
5. Please read the confirmation that you have at least 1 Equip Slot, 2 Use Slots, 1 Setup Slot and 1 ETC Slot.
6. Click OK if you want to use on the selected Class from Step 4.
7. Click OK again if you want to stop using the Gachapon System or repeat from Step 4 to Step 6.
8. Congratulations! You have successfully used the NEW Gachapon System and get a free "Gachapon Ticket Piece".

NEW Gachapon Ticket Piece System: