10 Aug 2021
SUPERSTAR Event Notes (v207)
1. [v.206 Continue] Purrfect Rangers
2. Fairy Bros' Golden Carriage
3. Return of the Relic Hunt
4. Reach for the Stars
5. Yeti wants to make his debut
6. Dynamic Duo Season 3
7. Sunday Maple
Purrfect Rangers
Last chance to pet those kitties~
Event Duration: 28th July 2021, 1000hrs - 17th August 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero classes must complete Chapter 2 of main storyline
How to Start: Event Notifier Icon,
[Purrfect Rangers] A Stray Cat

Accepting [Purrfect Rangers] A Stray Cat will take you to Victoria Tree Platform.
Talk to NPC Ankko and take a minute flight to Singapore by talking to NPC Irene.
There will be 5 event NPCs scattered all around Singapore, Central Way town map.
Help them by gathering food and they will reward you with 1 of 5 Purrfect Ranger Cash Equipment. (Stats are durational for x days, but the cash equipment is Permanent)
You can only help 1 event NPC per day.
Talk to NPC Man in Black, and then to NPC Dr.Mong after helping all 5 event NPCs and be rewarded with Purrfect Rangers Portable Base (Chair).
Note : The Level 170 requirement to enter Singapore: Central Way (Town Map) has been removed but the field maps will still be restricted for Level 170 and above.
Fairy Bros' Golden Carriage
An hour a day keeps the reward coming your way~
Event Duration: 11th August 2021 (After Patch) ~ 16th November 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for [Golden Carriage] The Fairy Bros' Golden Carriage Is Here! quest in Star Notification.
Login everyday for 1 hour and click on the Complete button to receive your stamp.
Receive 2 stamps when logging in on weekends!
Login time will be recorded across the same Maple ID and will only be counted while on characters Level 101 or higher.
The timer will not reset in the event of disconnection or a character change but will reset daily.
A special Golden Pass may also be used at a cost of 3,000 Maple Points to collect previously missed stamps. There is no limit to the amount of Golden Passes that can be used.
Note : Tradeability and Duration are as shown in game.
Players will be able to receive their rewards upon collecting a certain number of stamps.
Rewards can only be claimed once per MapleID.
Return of the Relic Hunt
Pathfinder invites all maplers to join the adventure~
Event Duration: 11th August 2021 (After Patch) ~ 24th August 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for [Return of the Relic Hunt] Join Relic Hunt quest in Star Notification.
Accept the [Return of the Relic Hunt] Finding Ancient Relics daily quest and start hunting level range monsters for relics.
Collect 100 any of the relics and obtain 1x Imperial Expedition Captain's Gift Chest and a Hidden Ruins Map Piece.
Once collected a total of 4 Hidden Ruins Map Pieces, a Hidden Ruins portal will be created in one of the maps shown in the Hidden Ruins Map.
Enter the Hidden Ruin, defeat the Ancient Guard, and grab its chest.
Open the chest and be rewarded anciently.
There are 4 Hidden Ruins Map Pieces for the 1st week Tenus' Altar and another 4 more for the 2nd week Cosat's Altar
[Return of the Relic Hunt] Finding Ancient Relics can only be done once a day and resets midnight.
There are total 8 Hidden Ruins Map Pieces which means 2 Hidden Ruins to be discover throughout the event.
You can check your Hidden Ruins Map Pieces progress through [Return of the Relic Hunt] Relic Hunt Info.
If you have found all 8 Hidden Ruins Map Pieces, you still can proceed with the quest and rewarded with 1x Imperial Expedition Captain's Gift Chest.
If you complete the daily quest on some sunday, 2x Imperial Expedition Captain's Gift Chest will be rewarded instead.
Reach for the Stars
What if we rewrite the stars?
Event Duration: 18th August 2021, 1000hrs - 7th September 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero classes must complete Chapter 2 of main storyline
How to Start: Look for [Reach for the Stars] A Blessing of the Stars! quest in Star Notification.
Click on Open UI to open the quest.
There are 2 rows of quest. Click on any of the empty stars to start the quest.
Complete each top row quest will reward you 1x A Blessing of the Stars Weather Effect and 15 Pure Star Points
Complete each bottom row quest will reward you 1x A Blessing of the Stars Weather Effect and 15 Strike Star Points
Pure Star Points and Strike Star Points can be used to purchase various items.
Complete all 7 top row quest will reward you Damage Skin - Reach for the Stars.
Complete all 7 bottom row quest will reward you Reach for the Stars Title. (Title is Permanent, Stats are 30 days only)
Each quest can only be completed ONCE A DAY.
You can forfeit the current quest anytime by click the Forfeit button and choose other quests.
Completion sequence does not matter so choose as you desire.
Your progress does not reset if it moves over to the next day.
Final Day rewards is once per Maple ID.
Yeti wants to make his debut
Event Duration: 1st September 2021, 1000hrs - 28th September 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero classes must complete Chapter 2 of main storyline
How to Start: Look for [Yeti TV] Yeti wants to make his debut! quest in Star Notification.
Look for [Yeti TV] Assemble the TV quest in Star Notification to open the Yeti UI.
Hunt 1,000
Yeti's Ambition maximum a day.
Yeti's Ambition can be used to purchase a Yeti TV Chair at the beginning, increase Yeti TV Chair's level and change different parts of the Yeti TV Chair.
Changing TV Parts is by random and costs 100 Yeti's Ambition.

Dynamic Duo Season 3
HIT YOU WITH THE 2 2 2 2 2 2 ......it's 2 but 3.... *mind blown*
Event Duration: 1st September 2021, 1000hrs - 28th September 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 10 and above (Zen Zero cannot participate)
How to Start: The UI will popup upon selecting characters in the Character Selection Screen.

Enjoy the benefit of bonus EXP when you play on one character!
You will be able to assign any 2 characters with the Dynamic Duo upon entering the character in the character selection screen.
Assigned characters will be designated as:
➢ Da Jie
➢ Xiao Di

Upon defeating 30 level range monsters on either of the assigned characters, the gauge will be filled up with bonus EXP.
➢ The amount of EXP obtained will be scaled according to the level of the receiving character.
To receive EXP on the tagged character, you will need to login into the character.
Assigned characters cannot receive bonus EXP on themselves.
➢ For Example: Farming on Da Jie will only allow the Xiao Di to receive the bonus EXP and vice versa.
When the gauge is full, that character will no longer be able to accumulate anymore bonus EXP.
The gauge daily limit is not shared between the two assigned characters.
➢ When Da Jie’s gauge has reached its maximum amount of bonus EXP, that character will no longer be able to accumulate anymore EXP for that day.
➢ However, Xiao Di’s gauge will remain unaffected and the character will still be able to accumulate EXP in the gauge.
The gauge will reset at midnight everyday.
You may dismiss an assigned Dynamic Duo character at anytime.
➢ However, you may only reassign a new pair after midnight of that day.
Special Buffs
Special buffs will be given to the assigned characters when the gauge is full
Da Jie buff: ATT/MATT +50, Normal/Boss Mob Damage + 30%, Critical Damage/Rate + 30%
Xiao Di buff: Additional 1.5x EXP when hunting monsters.
Sunday Maple
1st Sunday: 15th August 2021
Return of the Relic Hunt Daily Mission Rewards x2
Rune EXP Buff effect +100%
Combo Kill Orb EXP gain +300%
2nd Sunday: 22nd August 2021
Return of the Relic Hunt Daily Mission Rewards x2
Monster Park Clear EXP +50%
3rd Sunday: 29th August 2021
Monster Collection 'Mysterious Momon' x3 issued (Look for [Sunday Maple] Here's your Sunday Maple Gift! in Star notification)
100% extra chance for new Monster Collection registration
4th Sunday: 5th September 2021
30% off Star Force Enhancement Cost
5th Sunday: 12th September 2021
50% off Spell Trace enhancement cost
6th Sunday: 19th September 2021
Polo and Frito's Bounty Hunt EXP x2
Defeat Flame Wolf EXP x2
7th Sunday: 26th September 2021
Selective Arcane Symbol Exchange Coupon x20 and 3X EXP Coupon (15 mins) x5 issued (Look for [Sunday Maple] Here's your Sunday Maple Gift! in Star notification)
Enjoy your SUPERSTAR journey!
~~~ End of Event Update Notes ~~~