28 Feb 2022
Chew Chew Food Festival Patch Notes (v212)
Feast away with Chew Chew Island's Food Festival!
An update to The Undersea Tower "The Seed", as well as various improvements and updates!
1. [Content Update] Undersea Tower The Seed
2. [New Content] Foggy Forest Training Center
3. Skill Updates
4. System Improvements and Updates
[Content Update] Undersea Tower The Seed
The Undersea Tower has undergone renovation works!

Alicia has renovated her Undersea Tower to make it more pleasant for exploration!
Overall Changes
The entry requirement for Undersea Tower "The Seed" has been changed to characters Level 200 and above and have completed 5th Job Advancement.
➢ Characters that have completed the introduction quest prior to the v212 update can still access the content.
All floors are now instanced and will not be shared among other players, except for rest floors at Undersea 5F, 15F, 25F, 35F, and 45F.
➢ You may now access the Cash Shop or Change Channel in these floors.
Character class riding skills (mounts) will be automatically deactivated upon accessing Undersea 12F, 17F, 22F, 23F, 27F.
Boss HP of monsters on Undersea 10F, 20F and 30F has been increased.
The default time on the Stupid Timer has been increased from 10 to 20 minutes.
You can now unequip Hazy Stones from Hazy Stone slots.
The cost to unlock additional Hazy Stone slots has been adjusted.
➢ 2nd Slot: 4,000 Seed Points + Undersea 10F Clear Record
➢ 3rd Slot: 25,000 Seed Points + Undersea 20F Clear Record
➢ 4th Slot: 40,000 Seed Points + Undersea 30F Clear Record
➢ 5th Slot: 80,000 Seed Points + Undersea 40F Clear Record
New Achievements related to The Seed content has been added.
➢ [The Seed] Novice Ring Collector - Collect all Level 1 Skill Rings from Alicia's Ring Box or Hidden Ring Boxes.
➢ [The Seed] Expert Ring Collector - Collect all Level 2 Skill Rings from Alicia's Ring Box or Hidden Ring Boxes.
➢ [The Seed] Master Ring Collector - Collect all Level 3 Skill Rings from Alicia's Ring Box or Hidden Ring Boxes.
➢ [The Seed] Lord of The Seed - Collect all Level 4 Skill Rings from Alicia's Ring Box or Hidden Ring Boxes.
➢ [The Seed] The Seed Conqueror - Defeat Dorothy 100 Times.
➢ [The Seed] Over the Rainbow - Defeat Dorothy 500 Times.
Individual Floor Changes
➢ The floor clear condition has been changed to Defeat 100 Ancient Slimes OR Defeat 1 Ancient King Slime.
➢ Number 1 cards will no longer drop.
➢ Pets with Automatic Item Pickup Skills will no longer pick up card items even if it is activated.
➢ Monsters in this floor will now have a chance to drop a Golden Turtle Egg. A Golden Turtle Egg will count as 50 Ancient Turtle Eggs.
➢ Wagering of Ancient Turtle Eggs has been removed.
➢ Balance Points has been changed to increase or decrease depending on the location of the monster killed instead of the character's position.
➢ The number of monsters required to change the balance state has been decreased.
➢ Battle Mage can now use Yellow, Drain, Blue, Dark, Debuff, Union Auras as well as Dark Chain skills.
➢ Lara can now use Reading Dragon Vein skill.
➢ King Slime's location will now be displayed on the mini-map when available, denoted by a red dot.
➢ A system message will now appear when the King Slime is summoned.
➢ This floor has been adjusted to a new jump challenge floor.
➢ Navigate the floor and avoid obstacles to get to the top to proceed to the next floor!
➢ The number of platforms on each level has been decreased from 4 to 3. (Yay to lesser RNG!)
➢ If you selected the wrong platform, you will now be moved to one of the 3 platforms on the previous level.
➢ The effect that displays the correct platform has been adjusted for better visibility.
➢ Fixed an intermittent error where if you returned to The Seed Lobby while playing, the screen would remain darkened.
➢ Fixed an intermittent error where the count for Coconuts did not increase accurately when acquiring Coconuts in certain situations.
➢ Overall map layout has been revamped.
➢ Character movement speed and jump will now be fixed at 100%, and movement skills will be restricted (e.g., Flash Jump can no longer be used)
➢ Fleta's movement speed has been increased, but you still have to escort her on this floor, so please be careful!
➢ Eliza's summon condition has been decreased from defeating 300 monsters to 200 monsters.
➢ The number of monsters defeated will now be displayed.
➢ Falling while navigating the floor will now automatically move you to the nearest checkpoint without requiring the use of Alicia's Soul Connector.
➢ The floor will now begin with monster spawn on both sides of the map.
➢ Character movement speed will now be fixed at 160%.
➢ Upon defeating the required amount of either monsters, only the other type of monster will spawn from then.
➢ The number of Sand Crystals required to clear the floor has been simplified and reduced to 1-4.
➢ Fairy's location will now be displayed on the mini-map when available, denoted by a red dot.
➢ A system message will now appear when the Fairy is summoned.
➢ Fixed an issue where Luminous's Reflection skill did not spread across enemies.
➢ 6 of both types of keys will now be provided upon entering the floor.
➢ When using the Alicia's Soul Connector to retry the floor, you will be given 6 of both types of keys again. However, remaining keys in your inventory and any keys dropped on the floor will be removed.
➢ Rope Connect can no longer be used to move between the lower and upper section of the map.
➢ Blink's random teleport function will be disabled, but Blink's floating can still be utilized.
➢ The time it takes between entering codes by hitting monsters has been decreased.
➢ Fixed an intermittent issue where talking to Secreta right after hitting the monster would immediately register an incorrect answer.
➢ The same type of monsters will be summoned within a fixed timeframe after being defeated.
➢ The NPC dialogue option "Let me help you pass this floor." has been changed to be the first option.
➢ Fixed an error where the dark energy would change immediately after talking to the NPC.
➢ Fixed an error where the floor would be cleared if you defeated 1 more monster than the intended number.
➢ The NPC dialogue option "I want to solve quizzes" has been changed to be the first option.
➢ Certain questions and answer choices has been amended.
➢ Questions that were answered before will no longer appear again.
➢ The same type of monsters will be summoned within a fixed timeframe after being defeated.
➢ Battle Mage can now use Yellow, Drain, Blue, Dark, Debuff, Union Auras as well as Dark Chain skills.
➢ Lara can now use Reading Dragon Vein skill.
➢ This floor has been adjusted to a new jump challenge floor.
➢ Challenge Fleta's trial and the door to the next floor will be opened for you!
➢ The location of the display window has been adjusted such that nothing will obstruct the monster's silhouette.
➢ Rydene's Sword (Two-Handed Sword) and Light Seeker (Bow) has been added to the list of items that can be obtained by defeating Dorothy.
The Seed Ring Box Revamp
The rewards obtainable from Alicia's Ring Box has been adjusted according to each box's grade.
The following items will no longer appear in Alicia's Ring Boxes.
➢ Pure Clean Slate Scroll 5%
➢ Rydene's Sword
➢ Light Seeker
Skill Rings will no longer be obtainable from Alicia's Ring Box (Grade 6~10).
Spell Traces obtained from Alicia's Ring Box (Grade 6~9) has been increased.
Spell Trace will no longer be obtainable in Alicia's Ring Box (Grade 1~5).
2X EXP Coupons can now be obtained from Alicia's Ring Box (Grade 1~5).
You can now exchange 100 Broken Box Pieces for a Glowing Ring Box, which guarantees a random Level 3 or Level 4 Skill Ring.
You can now obtain Ultimatum Ring from the Hidden Ring Box.
The Seed Weekly Ranking Reward Revamp
The revamped ranking rewards will be applied from the week of 7th March 2022 onwards.
New rewards and Seed Points has been added as part of the weekly ranking reward.
Rank 1 Rewards
➢ [The Seed] Dorothy Effect (Cash) - Untradable, 7 Days Duration.
➢ Alicia's Blessing x20 (Use) - Untradable, 7 Days Duration.
➢ Seed Points x200,000
Rank 2-10 Rewards
➢ [The Seed] Scarecrow Effect (Cash) - Untradable, 7 Days Duration.
➢ Alicia's Blessing x10 (Use) - Untradable, 7 Days Duration.
➢ Seed Points x100,000
Rank 11-30 Rewards
➢ [The Seed] Cowardly Lion Effect (Cash) - Untradable, 7 Days Duration.
➢ Alicia's Blessing x5 (Use) - Untradable, 7 Days Duration.
➢ Seed Points x50,000
Rank 31-50 Rewards
➢ [The Seed] Tin Woodman Effect (Cash) - Untradable, 7 Days Duration.
➢ Alicia's Blessing x3 (Use) - Untradable, 7 Days Duration.
➢ Seed Points x30,000
The Seed Point Shop Update
The following items has been added to The Seed Point Shop run by Glinda.
➢ 2x EXP Coupon (15 Min) - 10,000 Seed Points (Untradable, 7 Days Duration)
➢ Dorothy Mask Exchange Coupon - 1,000,000 Seed Points
➢ Dorothy Wand Exchange Coupon - 2,000,000 Seed Points
➢ Dorothy Overall Exchange Coupon - 2,000,000 Seed Points
➢ Toto Mount Exchange Coupon - 2,000,000 Seed Points
Note: Exchange Coupons purchased from the shop can only be purchased when there is a clear record of 30F or deeper. The Exchange Coupon is Inter-Account Tradable and lasts for a duration of 7 days. The item exchanged is permanent.
[New Content] Foggy Forest Training Center
For you and your party practice needs!
Mu Gong has opened a new Training Center in the Foggy Forest!
Level Requirement: 200+
Additional Pre-requisite: Character must have a record of clearing Mu Lung Dojo 30th Floor or higher.
How to Access: Talk to So Gong at Mu Lung Dojo Hall > Mu Lung Training Center > Use the Foggy Forest Training Center
A secret training ground hidden deep in the Mu Lung Mountains!
This content can only be entered while in a Party. All party members must be present to enter.
You can enter the Foggy Forest Training Center up to 5 times a day.
There is a time limit of 1 hour.
In the Foggy Forest Training Center, you can control and adjust the monster / map options to your liking.
Monster Settings
➢ Monster Type - Choose between Normal, Boss
➢ Level - 1 to 300
➢ DEF - 1 to 500
➢ Size - Choose between S, M, L
➢ Monster HP setting - 5b / 10b / 30b / 50b / 150b / 500b / Unlimited
➢ Boss HP setting - 100b / 1t / 10t / 100t / 1 qt / Unlimited
Field Settings
➢ Star Force - 1 to 140
➢ Arcane Force - 1 to 1320
➢ Authentic Force - 1 to 200
You can summon up to 10 monsters at once.
Use the 'Dismiss' button to remove the most recently summoned monster. Press 'Dismiss All' to remove all summoned monsters in the map.
Characters will not die while in the Foggy Forest Training Center.
In the Foggy Forest Training Center, you cannot use the following functions:
➢ Enhancements
➢ Mounts
➢ Chairs
➢ Dummy and Monster Summoning Sacks
➢ Maple Union
Skill Updates
Small but bold improvements...
Improved an issue where there was an awkward skill sound effect when Cannon Shooter used Buck Shot.
Soul Master can now use Elemental Shift to jump upwards while charging Soul Cleaving.
When Flame Wizard’s Incarnate's Anger - Fire Lion is activated, the damage will no longer disappear even if the monster disappears.
Battle Mage’s Drain Aura’s recovered MP has been changed from a percentage of the base MP to max MP.
Wild Hunter’s main Jaguar and certain Jaguar skills will no longer be affected by your skill effect transparency.
Xenon’s Instant Shirk's additional avoid rate will now work additively with Dual Breed Defensive‘s additional avoid rate.
Certain Lara skills have been improved.
➢ Eruption, Absorption, and Revelation skills have been improved to prioritize Free Dragon Veins within range.
➢ Waking Up and Elemental Explosion has been improved to prioritize nearby Dragon Veins.
➢ Dragon Vein Traces has been improved so that the minimum distance limit to move to a Dragon Vein has been shortened.
Skills that only reduced either physical defense rate or magic defense rate have been improved to reduce both, and the skill descriptions have been changed to be clearer. The changed skills are as follows.
➢ Penombre (Phantom)
➢ Support Waver: H-EX (Mechanic)
➢ Armor Break (Demon Avenger)
➢ Dooming Light (Ho Young)
When Lara awakens Dragon Veins using Elemental Explosion when there is a boss monster nearby, the search range for an attackable boss monster has been increased by about 87% from before.
When different movement speed reduction effects are applied to a monster, the effect with the highest value will now be applied.
Crest of the Solar's flame pattern has been improved so that characters are not considered to be in-combat whenever it attacks.
Kinesis' Ultimate-Deep Impact has been improved so that it does not cancel movement speed reduction effect and defense reduction effect when it is used.
Lara’s Soaring Spirit has been changed so that you will not take damage even if it hits an enemy using Damage Reflect.
Adjusted the following skills where if used while in Dusk boss fight, they would only move you to the lowest platform:
➢ Eviscerate (Shadower)
➢ Finisher: Hunter's Targeting (Aran)
Fixed an issue with Battle Mage’s Death where it would be deactivated when entering maps that restricted certain movement skills but not attacking skills.
Cadena’s A.D Ordnance has been changed so that it instantly fires when it hits the maximum number of attacks while charging energy. The duration will be increased accordingly if it doesn’t reach the maximum number of hits.
An issue where Hayato's Shimada Heart effect was applied as Final Damage instead of Damage has been fixed.
Xenon's skill damage multiplier has been updated from 3 to 3.5.
The skill damage for Mechanic's Support Waver: H-EX based on the number of summons has been changed.
Fixed an issue where there was an overlap of damage increase for Cadena's Weapon Arts: Shotgun Blaster when Weapon Variation III is learnt.
System Improvements and Updates
64-bit Client
Further optimisation has been made to the 64-bit client introduced prior to this update. Should you still face any unforeseen issues in-game, please provide any relevant information via iBox here.
You can now link achievements in the Chatting window by using the Link menu or by using Hyper Megaphones.
You can click on the linked achievements to see detailed information about them.
➢ Achievement Name
➢ Achievement Date
➢ Achievement Conditions
➢ Achievement Completion Rate
Auction House
When you are purchasing a one-time tradable item, a display warning message will now be displayed.
Soul Weapon related filters has been added to the Weapons category.
When sorting search results, if there are multiple items with the same conditions, they will now be sorted in the order of the listing's remaining time.
Battle Statistics
The Battle Statistics UI will now display the number of Monsters Killed, up to a display length of 10 characters.
Boss Content Improvements
The resurrection logic in certain bosses has been changed from reloading the map to respawning directly for the following:
➢ Von Leon (Easy/Normal/Hard)
➢ Cygnus (Easy/Normal)
➢ Arkarium (Easy/Normal)
➢ Horntail (Easy/Normal/Chaos)
➢ Pierre (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Crimson Queen (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Kawoong (Normal)
➢ Pink Bean (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Magnus (Easy/Normal/Hard)
You will no longer take damage for 2 seconds after resurrecting in the following bosses:
Please note that this effect does not stack with Spirit of Freedom, Resistance's Link Skill.
➢ Zakum (Easy/Normal/Chaos)
➢ Magnus (Easy/Normal/Hard)
➢ Hilla (Normal/Hard)
➢ Kawoong (Normal)
➢ Papulatus (Easy/Normal/Chaos)
➢ Pierre (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Von Bon (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Crimson Queen (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Vellum (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Von Leon (Easy/Normal/Hard)
➢ Arkarium (Easy/Normal)
➢ Pink Bean (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Cygnus (Easy/Normal)
➢ Lotus (Normal/Hard)
➢ Damien (Normal/Hard)
➢ Divine King Slime (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Lucid (Easy/Normal/Hard)
➢ Will (Normal/Hard)
➢ Dusk (Normal/Chaos)
➢ Heretic Hilla (Hard)
➢ Djunkel (Normal/Hard)
➢ Black Mage (Hard)
➢ Chosen Serene (Hard)
Black Mage
➢ Fixed an issue in Black Mage where Buff Freezers could not preserve buffs if you changed phases while dead.
➢ The resurrection logic has changed to move dead characters after reviving instead of being forcibly moved if the characters are dead during a phase change.
Chosen Serene
➢ The difficulty of Mithra's Power pattern in Phase 2 has been simplified such that the safe zones are not created on both sides of the map.
➢ Fixed an intermittent issue where Damien will continue to use attack patterns while affected by bind skills.
Divine King Slime
➢ The guide text has been improved to provide better guidance when entering certain patterns.
➢ While utilizing the NPC Chat/Harvest key to install Arrow Platter, Mascot Sime's skill will no longer be activated.
➢ The situation where if the number of Magma Slimes spawned in the map reached its limit, some Magma Slimes would disappear unintentionally after their creation attack has been improved.
➢ An issue where the Crystal Droplet Install skill took longer to activate when riding Mechanic's Metal Armor or Mercedes' Sylphidia skill has been improved.
➢ Hilla (Hard)’s Death Count has been changed to affect individual characters instead of the death counter being shared with the party.
➢ An intermittent issue where the platforms would not be created during the electricity pattern has been fixed.
➢ An intermittent issue where the platforms in the electricity pattern could not be used at times has been fixed.
➢ An intermittent issue where using bind skills as soon as the platforms were created would cause the electricity pattern to still appear has been fixed.
➢ Upon defeating Black Heaven Core in Phase 1, the remaining lasers will no longer deal damage.
➢ When the dimension collapse pattern happens in Phase 1, a warning system message will now be displayed.
➢ Characters will receive invincibility for a short period of time when there is a force teleport to the other dimension.
➢ When affected by invincibility, you can still obtain the Moonlight Orbs to create a shield.
Guild Content
Noblesse Guild Skills SP distribution from Flag Race and Sharenian Sewers ranking has been adjusted.
The minimum conditions to obtain Noblesse Guild Skill SP weekly is as follows:
➢ Flag Race: Achieve at least 1000 score
➢ Sewers: Achieve at least 500 score
➢ Weekly Missions: Achieve at least 1 Point by participating in Guild Weekly Missions
Inner Ability
The second and third line's rank reset probability has been improved for Unique and Legendary Ability tier.
Critical Rate % lines will now appear when resetting Epic rank ability using Honor Points.
You can now craft 20-slot Coin Purse through the Alchemy profession.
If you are equipped with a MAX Level Arcane Symbol, you can now select whether to receive the Arcane Symbol rewards or not.
When using Black Cubes to reset item potential, you will now be able select your desired stats from the 'Before/After' UI even in the case where you have clicked on 'Use One More Time' but cancelled the confirmation window.
When using Miracle Circulators and Black Circulators, if you disconnect before choosing an option, the UI will now be displayed when you reconnect.
Augmented Soul items’ tooltips have been updated to include ‘The options for Additional Potentials are set at the same rate.'
The description of the Pendant of the Spirit and Special Pendant of the Spirit have been adjusted to be clearer.
For equipment items that cannot have potential or has a fixed potential, the text at the bottom of the item has been changed to ‘This item cannot receive Potential'.
For equipment items that cannot have additional potential or has a fixed additional potential, the text at the bottom of the item has been changed to 'This item cannot receive Additional Potential'.
Item description of the following items has been adjusted to include more details:
➢ Maple Royal Style
➢ Masterpiece/Premium Masterpiece Machine
➢ Wisp's Wonderberry
➢ Luna Crystal
➢ Soul Extractor
➢ Mysterious Mix Dye Coupon
➢ Mysterious Contact Lens Coupon
The following Soul Shards have been added as possible rewards from the Soul Extractor.
➢ Papulatus
➢ Will
➢ Heretic Hilla
➢ Djunkel
➢ Lucid
➢ Damien
An error where Item Pot (Imp) related items were not dropping from Herbs and Veins has been fixed.
In Protect Esfera, classes with transformations and riding skills can now use the turret while transformed or riding their skills.
➢ Sylphidia (Mercedes)
➢ Metal Armor: Human, Metal Armor: Tank (Mechanic)
➢ Final Figuration (Kaiser)
➢ Jaguar Riding (Wild Hunter)
You can now equip pets in Protect Esfera.
In Black Heaven Act 4’s Edelstein Secret Passage map, it has been changed such that when a character dies, Buff Freezers cannot be used, the death penalty will not be given, and all buffs from before dying will be preserved.
The interaction method with the Mirror of Dimension NPCs in towns has been unified to mouse clicks and NPC/Harvest key.
After clearing a stage in Mu Lung Dojo, starting from 5 seconds before the paused timer restarts, there will be an alert informing about the timer restarting every second.
Party creation and invites will no longer be available in Mu Lung Dojo.
Party creation and invites will no longer be available in Monster Park.
Options & UI
Master volume has been added on the Options UI > Sound. You can use this function to adjust all volumes in the game.
There is a new setting available in Graphics options to enable silhouettes when hitting monsters (except for certain boss monsters)
In the Graphics options, the default damage effect has been changed to the ‘Basic Effect’.
In the Equipment window, if you choose a tab other than the Equip tab, the opened Arcane Symbol and Authentic Symbol UIs will be closed automatically.
In Monster Life, the monster’s combination and potential expiry dates will now be shown up to the nearest minute.
When a monster is registered to Monster Collection through hunting, the name of the monster that was registered will now be shown.
The Damage Reflection effect has been improved so that it is shown clearly regardless of any lowered Graphic options.
In the Chatting window, item links have been changed to be displayed in the same colour regardless of which conversation type you are using.
For Lapis/Lazuli, the enhancement results window will now be displayed when Cube items are used on them.
V Matrix
You can now craft Core Gemstones in bulk.
Special Cores will no longer disappear when their duration ends. However, their skill effects will no longer apply after their usage period ends.
Pet Auto Buff skills will no longer be activated while the character is dead.
In Lara, Adele, Ark, and Illium’s tutorial quests, Kaiser and Angelic Buster illustrations have been added.
You can no longer use the Cash Shop, Maple Auction, change channels, or Monster Life while crafting with professions.
The experience and drop rate reduction details have been slightly adjusted:
➢ The experience and drop rate reduction details from Elite Boss’ curses have been changed to be the same as the character death penalty.
➢ When an Elite Boss’ curse is applied, the reduced experience rate will be displayed as a percentage.
➢ When a character dies, if the death penalty and an Elite Boss’ curse are both active, only the one with a higher value will be applied.
A message that states that a user cannot be invited to a party will be displayed when attempting to invite someone who is in a content that does not allow party play:
➢ Mu Lung Dojo
➢ The Seed
➢ Monster Park
To Chew Chew Food Festival EVENT Notes v212!
Dine in with us at the Chew Chew Food Festival!
~~~ End of Patch Update Notes ~~~