22 Aug 2023
ENERGIZE Event Notes (v225)
Night Troupe Nautilus Edition!
1. Night Troupe Nautilus
1.1. Designer Grade
1.2. Treasure Hunt with Spigelmann/Kyrin
1.3. Nautilus Firework Festival
1.4. Blow the Stress Away! Destroy the Wrecked Ship!
1.5. Intoxicated with Fun! Welcome to Spiegella's Potion Bar
1.6. Welcome to Tangyoon's Belly-busting Crazy Food Party!
1.7. Pirate king Vikin's Flex
1.8. Lawless Nautilus Shooting Range
1.9. Find the real Spigelmann!
1.10. Shullinch's Pirate Roulette Game
2. Fairy Bro's Golden Carriage
3. MY Independence Day
4. I've Done Nothing
5. Camila's Autumn Flea Market
5.1 Camila's Costume Shop Popup Store
5.2 Camila's Prop Shop Popup Store
5.3 Camila's Mount Shop Popup Store
6. Spell Trace Fever Time
Night Troupe Nautilus
The return of Night Troupe: Nautilus Edition!
Event Duration: 23rd August 2023, (After Patch) ~ 19th September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero character who has completed Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for the
[Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions quest in the Star Notification
Night Troupe, Night Dope!
Designer Grade : Rank UP using Dream coins to get various benefits.
Treasure Hunt with Spigelmann/Kyrin : Kill from level range monsters to get EXP
Nautilus Firework Festival : Free stats buff at every 30th minutes from 1330hrs to 0130hrs daily
Blow the Stress Away! Destroy the Wrecked Ship! : Beat the wrecked ship and get Dream Coins
Intoxicated with Fun! Welcome to Spiegella's Potion Bar : AFK to get EXP and Dream Points
Welcome to Tangyoon's Belly-busting Crazy Food Party! : AFK to get Trait EXP and Dream Points
Pirate king Vikin's Flex : Spend Mesos/Maple Points to buff everyone in the Event Map
Lawless Nautilus Shooting Range : Shoot the Item board and get the Item
Find the real Spigelmann! : Find the real Spigelmann and get Dream Coins
Shullinch's Pirate Roulette Game : Spin the Wheel and get free items
Currency used for Night Troupe Nautilus:
Dream Coin
To go back to the Night Troupe event map, you can look for [Night Troupe] Go to the Festival Grounds in the Star Notification Event Icon.
Designer Grade
Looking for Designers
Event Duration: 23rd August 2023, (After Patch) ~ 19th September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero character who has completed Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for the [Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions quest in the Star Notification
Currency used :
Dream Coin
Note : Each Festival has its own Dream Coin cost and Grade Requirement so please check the amount before making any transaction. Additionally, Dream Coin limit and progression is shared within characters in the same world.
How to Play
Complete [Night Troupe] Build a Festival Tower! Create Your Own Festival! and look for the
in the Star Notification and select [Night Troupe] Open a Festival Blueprint
(Updated 23 August 2023, 2100hrs (GMT +8))
Reward : [Burning Booster] Tera Burning Booster
Junior ➢ Senior
Dream Coins Req : 2500
Reward : [Transfer Equipment] Transfer Equipment Function open for the event duration
Senior ➢ Veteran
Dream Coins Req : 5000
Reward : [Cash Move] Move Cash Item freely from Cash Wardrobe
Veteran ➢ Master
Dream Coins Req : 7500
Reward : [Move the Mount] Mount Transfer Function open for the event duration
About Tera Burning Booster
Simply click
and receive a Tera Burning Booster item
You can only do this ONCE PER MAPLE ID only so please be careful!
About Equipment Transfer
Simply click
and select your desired equipment to transfer
You can only do this ONCE PER MAPLE ID only so please be careful!
Below are the only list of equipments you can transfer
➢ Absolabs Weapons
➢ Fafnir Weapons
➢ Secondary Weapons
➢ Gold Emblems for each character class
Note :
➢ Special Secondary Equipments items (Princess Nou, Black, etc) cannot be extracted into Essence
➢ Kaiser and Angelic Buster Emblems cannot be transferred nor receive the power of Equipment Essences
➢ Wakizashi, Hayato's Secondary Weapon, cannot be transferred nor receive the power of Equipment Essences
➢ Lapis and Lazuli, Zero's Weapon Spirit, cannot be transferred nor receive the power of Equipment Essences
About Cash Move
Similarly to Lady Blair's Dream Express, right click on the Cash Item in the Cash Wardrobe and select Transfer
There is no limit to the amount of Cash Item you can transfer so transfer away!
About Move the Mount
Simply click
and select your desired mount to transfer
Clicking Confirm will turn the mount into a Mount Skill Transfer Certificate USE item
Just put the item into the storage, take out using the desired character and use the item
You can only do this ONCE PER MAPLE ID only so please be careful!
About Festival Skills
Each Festival unlocks special skill benefits from extra EXP, bonus Arcane Symbols, Boss Damage and more
Junior Designer skills
Combo Kills and Rune Duration: Phase 1 ➢ Combo Kill Orb generation cycle reduced to 45 kills
Increased EXP: Phase 1 ➢ Additional 5% EXP for killing monsters
Increase Arcane Symbol Gain: Phase 1 ➢ Grants 1 additional Arcane Symbol for completing Arcane River Quest
Increase Polo and Frito's Bounty Hunt EXP ➢ Double EXP for using Polo and Frito's Bounty Hunt Portal
Increase Flame Wolf EXP ➢ Double EXP for using Flame Wolf Portal
Senior Designer skills
Combo Kills and Rune Duration: Phase 2 ➢ Increases Rune EXP buff effect by 100%
Increased EXP: Phase 2 ➢ Additional 10% EXP for killing monsters
Increase Arcane Symbol Gain: Phase 2 ➢ Grants 2 additional Arcane Symbol for completing Arcane River Quest
Increase Elite Boss Treasure Box Reward ➢ Double reward from Elite Boss treasure chests
Increase Monster Park Clear EXP ➢ Double EXP for clearing Monster Park
Veteran Designer skills
Combo Kills and Rune Duration: Phase 3 ➢ Combo Kill Orb generation cycle reduced to 40 kills
Increased EXP: Phase 3 ➢ Additional 15% EXP for killing monsters
Increase Arcane Symbol Gain: Phase 3 ➢ Grants 2 additional Arcane Symbol for completing Arcane River Quest
Increase Elite Monster Spawn Count ➢ Spawns 1 extra Elite Monster
Increase Normal Monster Damage ➢ Normal Monster Damage +30%
Increase buff duration ➢ +15% duration of beneficial effects on self
Master Designer skills
Combo Kills and Rune Duration: Phase 4 ➢ Combo Kill Orb EXP gain +100%
Increased EXP: Phase 4 ➢ Additional 25% EXP for killing monsters
Increase Arcane Symbol Gain: Phase 4 ➢ A boss clear reset ticket given every week for following bosses
➢ Cygnus (Easy, Normal)
➢ Magnus (Hard)
➢ Crimson Queen, Pierre, Von Bon, Vellum (Chaos)
Increase Boss Monster ATT ➢ Boss Monster Attack +30%
Increase My Home Furniture Coin Gain ➢ 100% chance to get Furniture Coins when shopping for My Home furniture
About Festival Designer Stats
Depending on your Designer grade, a passive buff will be provided throughout the whole event duration
Junior Designer Grade
➢ All Stats +10
➢ Weapon Attack/Magic Attack +5
➢ Ignore Enemy Defence +6%
➢ Critical Rate +5%
➢ Critical Damage +5%
Senior Designer Grade
➢ All Stats +20
➢ Weapon Attack/Magic Attack +10
➢ Ignore Enemy Defence +12%
➢ Critical Rate +10%
➢ Critical Damage +10%
Veteran Designer Grade
➢ All Stats +30
➢ Weapon Attack/Magic Attack +15
➢ Ignore Enemy Defence +18%
➢ Critical Rate +15%
➢ Critical Damage +15%
Master Designer Grade
➢ All Stats +40
➢ Weapon Attack/Magic Attack +25
➢ Ignore Enemy Defence +30%
➢ Critical Rate +20%
➢ Critical Damage +20%
Treasure Hunt with Spigelmann/Kyrin
Spigelmann or Kyrin? Fixed or Random?
Event Duration: 23rd August 2023, (After Patch) ~ 19th September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero character who has completed Chapter 2 for Story Quest, completed [Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions quest
How to Start: Look for NPC Spigelmann or NPC Kyrin in the event map
Note : Select Spigelmann/Kyrin wisely! You can only change sides next Wednesday at 10:00am
[Night Troupe] Treasure Hunt with Spiegelmann
Night Troupe Pirate Costume (7 days) Coupon will be given
Killing level range monsters now gain Dream Points, 1 Level Range monsters = 10 Dream Points
Upon killing 500 level range monsters, Spiegelmann's Treasure Chest will open with a Fixed huge sum of EXP depending on your level
You can only open Spiegelmann's Treasure Chest 40 times a day, reset daily
Additionally, a 3 minute of Fixed EXP multiplier buff will be given
Depending on your Designer Grade, the EXP obtained will be higher
[Night Troupe] Treasure Hunt with Kyrin
Nautilus Pirate Costume (7 days) Coupon will be given
Killing level range monsters now gain Dream Points, 1 Level Range monsters = 10 Dream Points
Upon killing 500 level range monsters, Kyrin's Treasure Chest will open with a Random huge sum of EXP depending on your level
You can only open Kyrin's Treasure Chest 40 times a day, reset daily
Additionally, a 3 minute of Random EXP multiplier buff will be given
Depending on your Designer Grade, the EXP obtained will be higher
Nautilus Firework Festival
'Cause baby, you're a firework!!
Event Duration: 23rd August 2023, (After Patch) ~ 19th September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero character who has completed Chapter 2 for Story Quest, completed [Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions quest
How to Start: Just be at the event map at the specified time
From 10:30am to 1:30am daily, at every xx:30 Minute a Power up! Fantastic Show will be given to every player in the event map
There will be a banner pop up on screen 1 minute before the buff will be given
Power up! Fantastic Show buff duration is 30 minutes.
Buff stats
➢ All Stats +15
➢ Weapon Attack/Magic Attack +15
➢ Max HP and MP +1500
➢ Damage when attacking boss monsters +15%
➢ Ignore Enemy Defence +15%
Blow the Stress Away! Destroy the Wrecked Ship!
Get Wrecked
Event Duration: 23rd August 2023, (After Patch) ~ 19th September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Requirement: Character who have collected all the 300 daily Dream Coins and achieved at least Junior Designer
How to Start: Talk to NPC Murat in the Night Troupe Nautilus event map
Click Play <Blow the Stress Away! Destroy the Wrecked Ship!> and you will be sent to the event map
Hit the Wrecked Ship as much damage as you can within the time limit of 120 seconds for a maximum obtainable score of 1,500 points
Obtain Dream Coins based on your achieved score!
10 points = 1 Dream Coin
Accumulated points are shared by all your characters in the same world
You can receive the Dream Coins on multiple characters per day as long as the total Dream Coin does not exceed 150 coins
Example: If Character A received 100 coins, Character B can only receive up to 50 coins regardless if the score achieved rewards more than 50 coins
There is no entry limit so keep'em coming!
Intoxicated with Fun! Welcome to Spiegella's Potion Bar
Intoxicated with Fun!
Event Duration: 30th August 2023, 1000hrs ~ 19th September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Requirement: Achieved at least Senior Designer
How to Start: Look for NPC Spiegella in the event map
Talk to NPC Spiegella and receive a
Intoxicated with Fun! Spiegella's Potion Bar Chair
Sit on the chair to receive EXP based on your level every 10 seconds
Only characters Level 105 and above can receive EXP from Spiegella's Potion Bar (Updated 13 September, 1805hrs)
You can also obtain 4 Dream Points per 10 seconds without needing to sit on the chair
Note that the Dream Points can only be obtained up to the maximum daily limit of 300 Dream Coins which is equivalent to 30,000 Dream Points
Welcome to Tangyoon's Belly-busting Crazy Food Party!
Belly-busting Crazy Food Party!
Event Duration: 30th August 2023, 1000hrs ~ 19th September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Requirement: Achieved at least Senior Designer
How to Start: Look for NPC Tangyoon in the event map
Talk to NPC Tangyoon and receive a
Crazy Food Party Chair
Sit on the chair to receive Trait EXP every 10 seconds
To know which traits you will be gaining, use your mouse cursor to hover over the food platform.
You can also obtain 4 Dream Points per 10 seconds without needing to sit on the chair
Note that the Dream Points can only be obtained up to the maximum daily limit of 300 Dream Coins which is equivalent to 30,000 Dream Points
Pirate king Vikin's Flex
Feelin' generous? or for the flex?
Event Duration: 6th September 2023, 1000hrs ~ 19th September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Requirement: Achieved at least Veteran Designer
How to Start: Look for NPC Vikin in the event map
<Pirate King Vikin's Meso Flex>
Spend 200 Million Mesos to give a 30 minutes +50% EXP buff to every player in the map
Buff can be stacked with other existing EXP buffs
However, note that a character can only receive the buff 2 times a day, which reset midnight
<Pirate King Vikin's Maple Point Flex>
Spend 3,000 Maple Points to give 300 Dream Coins to every player in the map
A player is only qualified to receive Dream Coins if the player has missing coins up to the current day
Example: A player has reach the 300 maximum daily coin for the day but is missing 50 coins from the previous day so the player will only receive 50 coins
Additionaly, player can only receive Dream Coins 3 times a day per world, which reset midnight
Lawless Nautilus Shooting Range
It's Highnoon
Event Duration: 6th September 2023, 1000hrs ~ 19th September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Requirement: Reached maximum 300 Dream Coin daily limit and achieved at least Veteran Designer
How to Start: Look for NPC Valerie in the event map
In a First Person mode, use your mouse to shoot down the item board to obtain the rewards!
Each round transition to the next round after around 2 seconds
You only get 1 shot per round so better be quick
Some targets may not contain any reward but some luck, it might have it
However, do note that if you managed to get an Extreme Growth Potion by shooting down one of the target, you can not get the same reward in the whole 10 round
Luckily, just by successfuly completing all 10 rounds will grant you 1x Spigelmann's Extreme Growth Potion
You get only 1 Entry per day
Confirmed Rewards
In the event you completed all 10 rounds
Spiegelmann's Extreme Growth Potion x1
Random Rewards
In the event that you have obtained one of the following boxes, below are the possible rewards that you may get
Treasure Chest (Bronze)
50 Spelltrace Coupon x2
Corn x1
Fruit Candy x1
Tonic x1
All Cure Potion x1
Treasure Chest (Silver)
Power Elixir x100 Coupon x1
Small EXP Accumulation Potion x1
2x EXP Coupon (15 Min) x1
Premium Carrot Juice x1
Premium Hair Wax x1
Premium Cologne x1
Extra-Strength Hand Sanitizer x1
Snake Bone Soup x1
Treasure Chest (Gold)
Small EXP Accumulation Potion x1
2x EXP Coupon (30 Min) x1
Fairy Pendant Coupon (7 Days) x1
Prepared Fairy Pendant Coupon (7 Days) x1
Trait Growth Potion x1
Special Rewards
In the event that you have obtained when the item board is shot, these are the possible items you may get
EXP Accumulation Potion x1
Spiegelmann's Extreme Growth Potion x1
Spiegelmann's Storm Growth Potion x1
Spiegelmann's Growth Potion (200 - 209) x1
Find the real Spigelmann!
Real in the Fake, Fake in the Real
Event Duration: 13th September 2023, 1000hrs ~ 19th September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Requirement: Have NOT reached maximum 300 Dream Coin daily limit and achieved at least Master Designer
How to Start: Look for NPC Cassandra in the event map
Find the real Spigelmann in the 3 Spigelmann look-a-like!
2 is the Fake Spigelmann and 1 is the real Spigelmann
If you win first round, you will get 50 Dream Coins
If you win 2 consecutive round, you will get 100 Dream Coins
If you win 3 consecutive round, you will get 300 Dream Coins
If you lose, your total won Dream Coin will drop to 0 and wait for 15 minutes to try again
You can choose to leave and take the won Dream Coins or continue trying to find the real Spigelmann
You can only obtain the Dream Coins up to the maximum 300 Dream Coin daily limit
Shullinch's Pirate Roulette Game
Event Duration: 13th September 2023, 1000hrs ~ 19th September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
Event Requirement: Reached maximum 300 Dream Coin daily limit and achieved at least Master Designer
How to Start: Look for NPC Shulinch in the event map
Just click the SPIN button and hope for the best!
You can spin up to maximum 3 times a day
Box Rewards
In the event that you have obtained one of the following boxes, below are the possible rewards that you may get
Spell Trace Box
50 Spelltrace Coupon x2
50 Spelltrace Coupon x1
Small Treasure Box
Suspicious Cube x10
Innocence Scroll 60% x1
Epic Potential Scroll 50% x1
Special Medal of Honor x2
Carved Golden Seal x1
Treasure Box
Karma Crimson Resurrection Flame x3
Epic Potential Scroll 100% x1
Suspicious Additional Cube x3
Special Additional Carved Seal x1
Core Gemstone x3
Shiny Treasure Box
Karma Rainbow Resurrection Flame x2
Karma Yellow Cube x2
Golden Hammer 100% x1
Special Additional Potential Scroll x1
Symbol Selector Coupon (Arcane x4/Authentic x1) x2
Wow! Treasure Box
Karma Black Resurrection Flame x2
Karma Purple Cube x3
EXP Core Gemstone x1
Karma Star Force +1 Bonus Enhancement Coupon 10% (+15) x1
Symbol Selector Coupon (Arcane x4/Authentic x1) x2
Level 160 Star Force 100% +18 Enhancement Coupon x1
Fairy Bro's Golden Carriage
Little Fairy
Event Duration: 23rd August 2023, (After Patch) ~ 14th November 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for the [Golden Carriage] The Fairy Bros' Golden Carriage Is Here! quest in the Star Notification
Login every day for 1 hour and click on the Complete button to receive your stamp.
Login time will be recorded across the same Maple ID and will only be counted while on characters Level 101 or higher.
The timer will not reset in the event of disconnection or a character change but will reset daily.
A special Golden Pass may also be used at a cost of 3,000 Maple Points to collect previously missed stamps.
There is no limit to the amount of Golden Passes that can be used.
Players will be able to receive their rewards upon collecting a certain number of stamps.
Rewards can only be claimed once per MapleID.
Note: Tradeability and Duration are as shown in game. Please exercise caution before claiming your rewards.
MY Independence Day
Event Duration: 29th August 2023, 0000hrs ~ 2nd September 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero character who has completed Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for [Independence Day] Gift Loop Everyday quest located in the Star Notification
Event Details
Look for [Independence Day] Today's Gift Loop quest located in the Star Notification or NPC Twinkle Boy in Major Town to receive
Empty Hourglass
Only ONE
Empty Hourglass can exist in inventory at a time
Empty Hourglass and
Full Hourglass will disappear when you log out from the game
Please abandon the quest and start over again to receive a new
Empty Hourglass
After 30 minutes have passed, the
Empty Hourglass will become a
Full Hourglass
Complete [Independence Day] Today's Gift Loop quest located in the Star Notification
First, you can choose to return
Full Hourglass to NPC Twinkle Boy and receive a gift
Second, you can choose to exchange
Full Hourglass to a
Empty Hourglass and wait another 30 minutes to receive the next gift
You may repeat this process up to 10 times per day
Gift Loop's rewards are as follow:
1st 30 minutes:
Carved Golden Seal x1
2nd 30 minutes:
Special Additonal Carved Seal x1
3rd 30 minutes:
Karma Crimson Resurrection Flame x1
4th 30 minutes:
Golden Hammer 100% x1
5th 30 minutes:
Suspicious Additional Cube x1
6th 30 minutes:
Karma Yellow Cube x1
7th 30 minutes:
Karma Rainbow Resurrection Flame x1
8th 30 minutes:
Karma Purple Cube x1
9th 30 minutes:
Karma Black Resurrection Flame x1
10th 30 minutes:
100% Epic Potential Scroll x1 OR
Special Additional Potential Scroll x1
All Gift Loop's rewards are Inter-Account Transactions Only and have Duration of 10 days
Reminder! Please complete the [Independence Day] Party Dress Loop and [Independence Day] Party Accessory Loop quest located in Star Notification everytime the Gift Loop is completed to mark your attendance!
If you did not mark your attendance, you will not be able to receive Luxury Party Outfit Sets and Party Accessories reward!
Daily Gift Loop and attendance marking can be done ONCE per day per MapleID
Everytime you complete the gift loop on Day 2, Day 3, or Day 4 you can choose ONE of the Cash Items from Luxury Party Outfit Set / Pary Accessory
Look for [Independence Day] Party Dress Loop 1, [Independence Day] Party Dress Loop 2, [Independence Day] Party Dress Loop 3, [Independence Day] Party Accessory Loop 1 and [Independence Day] Party Accessory Loop 2 located in the Star Notification
Each quest can be completed ONCE per MapleID
All Cash Items are Untradeable and Permanent but the item stats last for 30 days
All Cash Items can be equipped by both gender
I've Done Nothing
Event Duration: 20th September 2023, 1000hrs ~ 3rd October 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for
[I've Done Nothing] Mysterious EXP Pouch in Star Notification
After accepting [I've Done Nothing] Mysterious EXP Pouch quest, just do nothing.
EXP gained based on character's level.
EXP gained per 10 seconds ONLINE
EXP gained per 20 seconds OFFLINE
EXP gained max capacity 12 hours.
Accumulate a number of hours and earn rewards.
Rewards are ONCE per MAPLE ID
In addition to improve the EXP gain speed, enter the Silent Bushes event map with [I've Done Nothing] Move to Silent Bushes quest
Get a Musician Grasshopper Chair which cost 100,000 Mesos from the NPC Grasshopper in the Silent Bushes event map
Musician Grasshopper Chair can be purchased once per character
Sitting Musician Grasshopper Chair in the Silent Bushes event map will slightly speed up the timer for the Mysterious EXP Pouch
On top the EXP gain speed up, talk to the NPC Ant in the Silent Bushes event map to transform in an Ant temporary
While in the Ant mount state, NPC Star Candy will appear randomly in the event map
Use the NPC/Gather key (Default:N) to collect the Star Candy
Collecting to an amount grants you to your very own Golden Pickaxe...?
Camila's Autumn Flea Market
Autumn Flea Market by Camilla
Event Duration: 20th September 2023, 1000hrs ~ 3rd October 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for the [Autumn Flea Market] Camilla's Autumn Flea Market quest in the Star Notification or NPC Camila in Henesys.
You can collect up to 300
Cosmos Flower Bookmark daily and 600
Cosmos Flower Bookmark on Sundays.
Additional daily attendance rewards will also be given to player who reach the daily 300 Cosmos Flower Bookmark maximum daily limit.
Note: Tradeability and Duration are as shown in game. Please exercise caution before claiming your rewards.
Camila's Costume Shop
Autumn's Fashion
Event Duration: 20th September 2023, 1000hrs ~ 3rd October 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for the [Autumn Flea Market] Visit Camila's Autumn Flea Market and click Clothes category in the Star Notification or NPC Costume Shop in Henesys.
Currency used :
Cosmos Flower Bookmark
➢ Each sale item has its own respective duration, tradability, purchase limit and functionality which can be viewed in the item description. Please exercise caution before making any purchase.
Camila's Accessory Shop
Blinging Autumns
Event Duration: 20th September 2023, 1000hrs ~ 3rd October 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for the [Autumn Flea Market] Visit Camila's Autumn Flea Market and click Accessories category in the Star Notification or NPC Accessory Shop in Henesys.
Currency used :
Cosmos Flower Bookmark
➢ Each sale item has its own respective duration, tradability, purchase limit and functionality which can be viewed in the item description. Please exercise caution before making any purchase.
Camila's Mount Shop
Take my Mount to the old town road~
Event Duration: 20th September 2023, 1000hrs ~ 3rd October 2023, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Look for the [Autumn Flea Market] Visit Camila's Autumn Flea Market and click Mount category in the Star Notification or NPC Mount Shop in Henesys.
Currency used :
Cosmos Flower Bookmark
➢ Each sale item has its own respective duration, tradability, purchase limit and functionality which can be viewed in the item description. Please exercise caution before making any purchase.
Spell Trace Fever Time
Spell Trace Fever Time will be held every Sunday from 0000hrs-2359hrs, throughout v225 ENERGIZE Update
➢ 27th August 2023
➢ 3rd September 2023
➢ 10th September 2023
➢ 17th September 2023
➢ 24th September 2023
➢ 1st October 2023
Spell Trace Fever Time benefits is listed below
➢ Increases the Spell Trace success rates of the following:
Regular Enhancements
» 15% > 25%
» 30% > 45%
» 70% > 95%
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ENERGIZE Patch Notes (v225)
ENERGIZE Patch Notes: General Improvements & Error Fixes (v225)
ENERGIZE Patch Notes: Skill Improvements & Error Fixes (v225)
Hyper Burning Event Highlight (v225-226)
6th Star Event Highlight (v224-226)
ENERGIZER of Maple World
~~~ End of Event Notes ~~~