29 Jan 2024
Bliss Patch Notes (v229)
1. Character Info Revamp
2. Profession Revamp
3. Gate of Future Story Revamp
4. Princess Nou & Hieizan Revamp
5. Carcion Side Story
6. [Update] Dimension Library: Maple Chronicles
Character Info Revamp
Character Info has been upgraded with a brand new look and now able to display more in depth information of your character
Before taking a deeper look at the revamped Character Info, certain functions have their button location changed
Damage Skin has been moved to Equip tab in Equipment Inventory
Pet Info has been moved to Pet tab in Equipment Inventory
Mount has been moved to Skill UI
🍁 New Character Info Features 🍁
Look for
Character Info in Keyboard Shortcuts and dive into the brand new Character Info!
New Customize Background function has been added. Select one of six background to personalize your very own Character Info
Maple Union, Achieved Mu Lung Dojo Floor, Fame, Guild and Alliance can be viewed in the basic Character Info
The following new information has been added to detailed Character Info
↪ Combat Power
↪ Normal Monster Damage
↪ Cooldown Reduction
↪ Cooldown Not Applied
↪ Abnormal Status Additional Damage
↪ Ignore Elemental Resistance
↪ Additional EXP Obtained
↪ Weapon Mastery (Can be viewed in Stat Info)
What is Combat Power? Combat Power is a measure of your character's overall growth, excluding any differences caused by your character's class so that it is easier to compare your growth with other characters
Combat Power reflects your character's basic stat, equipments, traits, abilities, Hyper Stat, Maple Union Attack Unit and Occupying effects, Monster Life and HEXA Stat
Stat increases from all skills, including Link Skill and Guild skills and consumable items are not reflected in Combat Power
Click on the small arrow button at the right side of character's base stats to show currently available Ability Point. Select Auto Distribute to automatically distribute available Ability Points or clicking the up arrow to add one Ability Point to the specific stat
Clicking on each stat now opens Stat Info which shows detail breakdown of all the sources that contributed to the specific stat
When a stat is currently being improved by an external source, it is displayed in yellow colored text with an up arrow indicating stats increment. In case of stats decrement, it is displayed in blue colored text with a down arrow
Double click on other character or use /info IGN command while in the same map as the target character to view their Character Info
Character Stat, Equip, Skill and Cash Equipments can be viewed
Detailed breakdown of each character stat can be viewed in the form of tooltip by hovering the mouse over each stat
Click on Equip to view the character currently equipped Equipments, Arcane Symbols, Authentic Symbols, Totems, Pets, Pet Equipments and Chair
Evan's Dragon equipment, Mechanic's Mech Armor equipment and Kanna's Haku equipment can be viewed by clicking on the arrow button located beside Chair
Hover over an equipment will reveal it's stats and potentials
Click on Skill to view the character's Link Skill, V Matrix and HEXA Matrix
Similar to equipments, hovering the mouse over each skill will show the skill's tooltip
Click on Cash to view the character and android currently equipped Cash equipments
When viewing Angelic Buster or Zero characters, only the current active form/character's Cash Equipments are shown. For example, when Zero Beta is active, the Cash Equipments shown will be based on Zero Beta and Zero Alpha's Cash Equipments cannot be viewed
Same as Equipment and Skill, hovering the mouse over each Cash Equipment to view it's tooltip
Profession Revamp
Grant has improved the profession system so that all five profession skills - Herbalism, Mining, Smithing, Accessory Crafting and Alchemy can be learned at the same time
Due to this improvement, profession skills can no longer be reset
🍁 Crafting Improvements 🍁
The maximum Fatigue has been increased from 200 to 500
Fatigue no longer decrease by 20 after 1 hour
The crafting time for all items that can be crafted with profession skills has been removed
The following items crafting fatigue consumption have been reduced
Item Name
Fatigue Consumption (Before)
Fatigue Consumption (After)
Yellow Cube
Purple Cube
Rainbow Resurrection Flame
Black Resurrection Flame
Crimson Resurrection Flame
Luxury Remedy of Boss Killer
Luxury Remedy of Grand Hero
Luxury Remedy of Penetration
Luxury Remedy of Great Blessing
Remedy of Boss Killer
Remedy of Great Hero
Remedy of Penetration
Remedy of Grand Blessing
🍁 Mastery Improvements 🍁
Smithing, Accessory Crafting and Alchemy mastery no longer decrease. It's time to get those cool Meister effects!
Mastery no longer increase upon reaching Meister rank on Smithing, Accessory Crafting or Alchemy
🍁 Ardentmill Farm Improvements 🍁
The following maps have been changed to an instanced field that can only be entered by one person party
↪ Novice Harvesting Farm
↪ Intermediate Harvesting Farm
↪ Advanced Harvesting Farm
↪ Expert Harvesting Farm
Ardentmill Farms can only be entered by character that has defeated 1,000 monsters within level range for the day
Number of defeated monsters within level range by a character can be checked in profession UI
Number of defeated monsters within level range are per character basis and the limit resets on everyday 0000hrs
The time limit for Ardentmill Farm is 30 minutes and there is no entry limit
When fatigue is fully consumed, the character will automatically transfer out of Ardentmill Farm and can no longer enter Ardentmill Farm
The drop rate of High Spell Essence from defeating monsters has been increased
🍁 Other Improvements 🍁
Up to 10 items can be extracted using Extraction function even if Smithing or Accessory Crafting has been learned
When using the Extraction button in Item Inventory while being in Ardentmill, it has been changed to extract items based on the highest level profession skill. However if Alchemy level is Meister, extraction will be done based on Alchemy level
Gold Flower, Heartstone, Mysterious Herb Pile, Mysterious Mine, Mysterious Legendary Herb Pile and Mysterious Legendary Mine can be mine/harvest if the character has defeated 1,000 or more monsters within level for the day
The drop rate of Confusion Fragment from Easy/Normal Arkarium has been increased
When harvesting Purple Herb Pile, there is a low chance to obtain Essence of Twilight and A Brilliant Essence of Twilight
The following recipes that require Juniper Berry Seed Oil have been changed to use Juniper Berry Flower Oil
↪ Strength Potion X Recipe
↪ Intelligence Potion X Recipe
The following profession quests have been changed to be performable at Craftsman and Meister level
↪ Master Craftsman of Equipment Production
↪ Master Craftsman of Accessory Production
↪ Master Craftsman of Alchemy
↪ Meister of Equipment Production
↪ Meister of Accessory Production
↪ Meister of Alchemy
Gate of Future Story Revamp
Henesys Ruins, Knight Stronghold and Perion in Twilight story quests have been improved
The starting conditions and dialogues of some quests have been improved and cutscenes have been added
The following quests have been added to Gate of Future story quest
↪ [Knight Stronghold] The Truth of the Future
↪ [Perion in Twilight] The Back of the Dream
↪ [Perion in Twilight] Finding the Mist of Oblivion
↪ [Perion in Twilight] Magic Refining 1
↪ [Perion in Twilight] Magic Refining 2
↪ [Perion in Twilight] Beyond the Dream
↪ [Perion in Twilight] The End of the Dream
The following Gate of Future quests' title have been changed
↪ [Henesys Ruins] Exploring the Future to
[Henesys Ruins] The One from the Past
↪ [Knight Stronghold] Alex's Promise to
[Knight Stronghold] The End Is Near
The following maps have been added
↪ Behind the Dream
↪ Magical Refinery of the Alchemist
The following NPC has been added
↪ The Rememberer
Quest exclusive boss battle has been added where player will face against the corrupted Cygnus
Princess Nou & Hieizan Revamp
🍁 Story Quest and Hieizan Improvements 🍁
Story quest's difficulty has been reduced
Princess Nou boss entry requirement has been simplified
↪ Once the story quest has been cleared at least once in the World, [Princess Nou] Five Wills of Five Stars quest can be found in Quest Light Bulb on characters that have not unlock Princess Nou
↪ [Princess Nou] Five Wills of Five Stars quest has been improved to provide specialized skill immediately and Princess Nou boss entry is unlocked
Completing Princess Nou story quest now gives Hayato's Treasure, Kanna's Treasure and Ayame's Treasure
Experience points obtained from quests related to Hieizan dungeon have been increased
Fixed the issue where the common story quest category was [Momiji Hill]
🍁 Princess Nou Improvements 🍁
Potion usage cooldown of 5 seconds has been added
Auto resurrection during boss battles has been added
Fixed the issue where the monsters level was incorrectly
Cooldown has been added for each bosses' attack patterns
Experience points obtained from defeating certain monsters have been removed
The number of hits required to defeat Mikagami have been reduced
Mikagami's teleport attack now only apply when the character is being attacked by Mikagami rather than when attacking Mikagami
Damage against Oda Swordsmans that are not the same job as the attacking character is fixed at 500
Damage against Oda Swordsmans that are the same job as the attacking character is fixed at 10
Damage against Shogun's Summons that are not the same job as the attacking character is fixed at 500
Damage against Shogun's Summons that are the same job as the attacking character is fixed at 100
Oura Shogun's spear throwing attack has been changed to a super knockback attack that lasts for a certain period of time
Oura Shogun's lightning attack has been changed to be avoided by crouching

Binds and Origin skills now affects Princess Nou and Miroku
Miroku's attack patterns have been improved
Princess Nou's attack patterns have been improved
The character no longer take damage when in contact with Princess Nou
The frequency of Damage Reflection being used by Princess Nou has been reduced
Carcion Side Story
The following quests have been added to Carcion area
↪ New Mission
↪ Secure the Contagions
↪ Investigate the Laboratory
↪ What We're Left With
↪ Secret Request
↪ Pinjar Specialty
↪ The Turtle's Goodwill
↪ How to Quell Her Vengeful Spirit
↪ The Path of Unity
↪ For a New Beginning
↪ Memorial Service Preparations
↪ Warriors, Rest in Peace
↪ Carcion Public Works 1
↪ Carcion Public Works 2
↪ Legends that Live Forever
The following NPCs have been added to Carcion area
↪ Zino
↪ Marona
↪ Puana
↪ Rami
↪ Rufamo
↪ Dan
↪ Bamon
[Update] Dimension Library: Maple Chronicles
'Cradle of Life: Carcion' has been added to Book of Grandis
'Cradle of Life: Carcion' automatically unlocked if at least one character in the MapleID that has obtained 'Restarting Cycle of Life' achievement
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Bliss Patch Notes: Improvements and Error Fixes (v229)
Bliss Event Notes (v229)
~~~ End of Bliss Patch Notes ~~~