
10 Mar 2025

MapleStorySEA x Demon Slayer Anime: Tanjiro Highlight Notes (v240)


Tanjiro Class Training Event

Event Period: 12th March 2025, After v240 ~ 22nd April 2025, 2359hrs


During the event period, Tanjiro Kamado will be available as a playable class for a limited time!
Max character slot has been increased from 54 to 55.
To start, select Create Character to go to the character creation screen.


Select Tanjiro Kamado to create a [Tanjiro] class character.


Enter your desired character name and start experiencing Tanjiro Kamado in the Maple World!

  • Only one [Tanjiro] class character can be created per World. If the current [Tanjiro] class character is deleted, you can create another one.
  • After the end of the event, the [Tanjiro] class character will automatically change to the Explorer class "Hero" at the same level.
  •   ↪ Level 10 ~ 29: Swordsman
      ↪ Level 30 ~ 59: Fighter
      ↪ Level 60 ~ 99: Crusader
      ↪ Level 100+: Hero
  • During the event period, the following restrictions apply to the [Tanjiro] class character:
  •   ↪ When using the Cash Shop with a [Tanjiro] class character, previews will not be displayed.
      ↪ The [Tanjiro] class character's appearance is locked to [Tanjiro], and any equipped beauty, avatar, or equipment items will not be visible.
      ↪ The use of certain chairs and mounts on [Tanjiro] class character will be restricted.
      ↪ [Tanjiro] class characters cannot use any chair or bed in My Home and Guild Castle content.
      ↪ Mega Burning Booster, Tera Burning Booster and Hyper Burning Booster cannot be used on [Tanjiro] class character.

    Tanjiro Class Scenario Quests

    Upon reaching a certain level as a [Tanjiro] class character, scenario quests are available.
    Scenario quests can be found in the image event list at the left side of the screen.

    Level Quests
    On character creation [Demon Slayer] Another World
    100 [Demon Slayer] Ellin Forest, A Place Frozen In Time
    150 [Demon Slayer] Temple of Time, Where All Times Converge
    200 [Demon Slayer] Pursuing Erda on the Road to Extinction
    260 [Demon Slayer] Returning to that Place

  • Road to Extinction can be accessed after completing [Demon Slayer] Pursuing Erda on the Road to Extinction quest.
  • Completed scenario quests can be viewed again by talking to NPC Parchment at Nameless Mansion, which can be accessed by selecting [Demon Slayer] Travel to the Nameless Mansion in the event list.
  • The [Tanjiro] class character cannot perform Genesis Weapon related quests.

  • Tanjiro Class Character Skills

    Water Breathing Second Form: Water Wheel
    Spins the entire body like a watermill to deliver slashes.
    Beast Breathing Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting
    Inosuke periodically appears, levitating in the air and slashing enemies in all directions.
    Water Breathing Fourth Form: Striking Tide
    Crushes the target as if struck by a giant crashing wave, sealing their movement.
    Water Breathing Sixth Form: Whirlpool
    Twists the body powerfully to spin like a whirlwind and strike the target.
    Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash
    Zenitsu appears, rushing toward the target at lightning speed and delivering a decisive slash.
    Water Breathing Eight Form: Waterfall Basin
    Brings down the blade with full force from above, delivering a slash as powerful as a waterfall.
    Hinokami Kagura: Dancing Flash
    A technique that combines the circular slashes of Hinokami Kagura's Dance and the lightning-fast charge of Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash.

    Level Skill Type
    On character creation image Basic Swordsmanship Active
    image Adaptation Training Passive
    image Combat Stance Passive
    image Leap Active
    image High-Speed Movement Active
    20 image Water Breathing Second Form: Water Wheel Active
    image Total Concentration Breathing Passive
    30 image Beginner Physical Training Passive
    image Weapon Mastery Enhancement Passive
    50 image Beast Breathing Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting Active
    60 image Beginner Combat Training Passive
    85 image Water Breathing Fourth Form: Striking Tide Active
    100 image Water Breathing Sixth Form: Whirlpool Active
    image Demon Slayer Corps Warrior Active
    image Will of the Demon Slayer Corps Active
    120 image Intermediate Physical Training Passive
    140 image Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash Active
    165 image Combined Training I Passive
    180 image Intermediate Combat Training Passive
    200 image Water Breathing Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin Active
    image Advanced Physical Training Passive
    210 image Advanced Combat Training Passive
    220 image Total Concentration: Constant Passive
    230 image Combined Training II Passive
    240 image Hinokami Kagura: Dancing Flash Active
    250 image Increases Body Temperature Passive

  • [Tanjiro] class characters do not undergo Job Advancement and SP is not required to unlock skills. Each skill is unlocked automatically upon reaching the required level.
  • [Tanjiro] class characters' attack skills can only be performed when a two-handed sword is equipped.
  • [Tanjiro] class characters can use Link Management but do not have any Link Skills to be shared with other characters.

  • Tanjiro's Adventure Journal

    Event Period: 12th March 2025, After v240 ~ 22nd April 2025, 2359hrs

    Available to [Tanjiro] class characters only.

    To start, create a [Tanjiro] class character. Click here for more details!
    On a [Tanjiro] class character, look for [Demon Slayer] Tanjiro's Adventure Journal in the image event list at the left side of the screen.

    Growth Journal


    A total of 24 missions that revolves around [Tanjiro]'s growth are available in Growth Journal.


    Once the mission's complete condition is met, the respective reward(s) can be received by selecting the 'Claim' button.
    Important! the next mission will only unlock after the previous mission's reward(s) has been claimed.

  • If the next mission's complete condition is met before the previous mission's reward(s) has been claimed, it will be automatically completed upon unlocking.
  • If another character within the same World has completed Arcane River related story quests, the story quest skip function will be available. Relevant mission in the Growth Journal can be completed even if the story quests are skipped.
  • If the [Tanjiro] class character does not possess a Monster Park Free Admission Ticket after entering the Monster Park, the [Tanjiro] class character can still enter Monster Park to complete Growth Journal missions. In this case, EXP cannot be obtained.

  • Growth Journal Missions & Rewards

    No. Mission/Reward Quantity Duration Tradeability
    1 Mission: Training Begins
    image Basic Training Package 1 14 days Untradeable
    ↪ Mysterious Secret Box 1 30 days
    ↪ World Map Teleport 1 30 days
    ↪ Lv. 30 Equipment Box 1 22/04, 2359hrs
    ↪ Legendary Secret Box 1 22/04, 2359hrs
    ↪ Select Tab 8 Slot Coupon 10 30 days
    ↪ Prepared Pendant of the Spirit 1 30 days
    ↪ Trait Boost Potion 3 30 days
    ↪ Mithra's 3x EXP Coupon Box 1 22/04, 2359hrs
    ↪ Power Elixir 2,000 Permanent
    ↪ 3x EXP Coupon (30 min) 20 30 days Inter-Account Transactions Only
    2 Mission: Reach Lv. 60
    image Tera Burning Booster 1 14 days Inter-Account Transactions Only
    3 Mission: Use a Rune Once
    image Special Medal of Honor 50 14 days Untradeable
    4 Mission: Reach Lv. 100
    image Boss Accessory Box 1 14 days Untradeable
    ↪ Aqua Letter Eye Decoration 1 Permanent
    ↪ Condensed Strength Crystalline 1
    ↪ Dea Sidus Earrings 1
    ↪ Silver Blossom Ring 1
    ↪ Golden Clover Belt 1
    ↪ Crystal Ventus Badge 1
    5 Mission: Reach Lv. 140
    image Extreme Growth Potion 20 14 days Untradeable
    6 Mission: Achieve 100 Cumulative Star Force Levels
    image Monster Park Free Admission Ticket Coupon x1 5 14 days Inter-Account Transactions Only
    7 Mission: Reach Lv. 170
    image Limited-time 15-stars Root Abyss Set Box 1 14 days Untradeable
    8 Mission: Complete the Road to Extinction Scenario
    image Hyper Burning Booster 1 30 days Inter-Account Transactions Only
    9 Mission: Get past Mu Lung Dojo 10th Floor
    image Absolabs Weapon/Dominator Pendant Selection Box 1 14 days Untradeable
    10 Mission: Clear Road to Extinction Monster Park Once
    image Arcane Symbol: Road to Extinction Lv. 7 1 Permanent Untradeable
    11 Mission: Achieve a Unique Ability
    image Growth Potion Coupon 1 14 days Untradeable
    12 Mission: Complete the Chew Chew Island Scenario
    image 17-Star Karma Star Force Enhancement Coupon 1 14 days Inter-Account Transactions Only
    13 Mission: Clear Chew Chew Island Monster Park Once
    image Arcane Symbol: Chew Chew Island Lv. 7 1 Permanent Untradeable
    14 Mission: Complete the Lacheln Scenario
    image Karma Unique Potential Scroll 100% 1 14 days Untradeable
    15 Mission: Clear Lacheln Monster Park Once
    image Arcane Symbol: Lacheln Lv. 7 1 Permanent Untradeable
    16 Mission: Reach 160 Arcane Force
    image Karma Black Resurrection Flame 200 14 days Inter-Account Transactions Only
    17 Mission: Complete the Arcana Scenario
    image Arcane Symbol: Arcana Lv. 7 1 Permanent Untradeable
    18 Mission: Complete the Moras Scenario
    image Arcane Symbol: Moras Lv. 7 1 Permanent Untradeable
    19 Mission: Complete the Esfera Scenario
    image Arcane Symbol: Esfera Lv. 7 1 Permanent Untradeable
    20 Mission: Complete the Moonbridge Scenario
    image Sol Erda Fragment Coupon 100 14 days Inter-Account Transactions Only
    21 Mission: Reach Lv. 250
    image Arcaneshade Weapon Box 1 14 days Untradeable
    22 Mission: Clear Labyrinth of Suffering Monster Park Once
    image Event Ring Selection Coupon (Legendary) 1 14 days Untradeable
    23 Mission: Reach Lv. 255
    image Legendary Emblem Box 1 14 days Untradeable
    24 Mission: Reach Lv. 260
    image Give it all you've got, Tanjiro! Medal Coupon 1 14 days Inter-Account Transactions Only

    Give it all you've got, Tanjiro! Medal

  • Growth Journal rewards can be received ONCE per MapleID.
  • Basic Training Package can only be used by [Tanjiro] class character.
  • Tera Burning Booster and Hyper Burning Booster cannot be used by [Tanjiro] class character.
  • When Give it all you've got, Tanjiro! Medal Coupon is used, Permanent and Untradeable Give it all you've got, Tanjiro! medal can be obtained.
  • Sol Erda Fragment Coupon can only be used by characters who are Level 260 or above and completed 6th Job Advancement.

  • Challenge Journal


    Challenge your [Tanjiro] class character against powerful bosses and obtain limited collaboration rewards!
    A new set of bosses becomes available to challenge each week, for a total of four weeks.
    Important! Challenge Journal's mission can only be performed solo.

    Mission Release Date Mission Details
    12th March 2025, After v240 Defeat Hard Hilla
    Defeat Normal Cygnus
    Defeat Chaos Zakum
    Defeat Chaos Pink Bean
    20th March 2025, 0000hrs Defeat Chaos Crimson Queen
    Defeat Chaos Pierre
    Defeat Chaos Von Bon
    27th March 2025, 0000hrs Defeat Chaos Vellum
    Defeat Hard Magnus
    Defeat Chaos Papulatus
    3rd April 2025, 0000hrs Defeat Lotus at Normal or higher difficulty
    Defeat Damien at Normal or higher difficulty


    Once the mission's complete condition is met, the respective reward(s) can be received by selecting the 'Claim' button.

  • Boss kill record will not be counted if it is defeated by a party of two or more players.
  • Boss kill will be counted if it is defeated in Practice Mode.

  • Challenge Journal Rewards

    Week Reward Quantity Duration Tradeability
    1 image Sakonji Mask Coupon 1 14 days Inter-Account Transactions Only
    2 image Tanjiro Label/Quote Ring Coupon 1 14 days Inter-Account Transactions Only
    ↪ Tanjiro Label Ring 1 Permanent Untradeable
    ↪ Tanjiro Quote Ring 1
    3 image Training with Inosuke Chair 1 Permanent Inter-Account Transactions Only
    4 image Nezukoroid Coupon 1 14 days Inter-Account Transactions Only
    ↪ Nezukoroid 1 Permanent
    ↪ Lidium Heart 1 Untradeable

    Sakonji Mask
    Tanjiro Label/Quote Ring
    Training with Inosuke Chair

  • Challenge Journal rewards can be received ONCE per MapleID.
  • Nezukoroid's hair cannot be changed.

  • Navigate to others...

    MapleStorySEA x Demon Slayer Highlight Notes (v240)
    MapleStorySEA x Demon Slayer Patch Notes (v240)
    Pharaoh's Treasure Maple Expedition Highlight Notes I (v240)
    Pharaoh's Treasure Maple Expedition Highlight Notes II (v240)
    Dave the Diver 2nd Season Event Notes (v240)

    ~~~ End of v240 MapleStorySEA x Demon Slayer: Tanjiro Highlight Notes ~~~