
10 Mar 2025

Pharaoh's Treasure Maple Expedition Highlight Notes II (v240)



New Events
 ↪1.3 [Pharaoh's Treasure] Chapters, Stages and Modes
 ↪1.4 [Pharaoh's Treasure] Characters Information
 ↪1.5 [Pharaoh's Treasure] Artifacts

[Pharaoh's Treasure] Chapters, Stages and Modes

Note: All rewards can only be received once per world.


Chapter Mission Rewards
Chapter 1
Pyramid Stone Chamber

Date Open:
12th March 2025
(After Maintenance)

Eternal Stone Max Daily Limit:
100 Eternal Stone
(10,000 Eternal Points)

Royal Hair Coupon Exchange Ticket
(Quantity: 5)
Refer to the 19th February 2025 Cash Shop Update for Hair Styles

Karma Purple Cube
(Quantity: 10)

Daily EXP from NPC Polyon when you achieve the Eternal Stone max limit

Chapter 1 Clear Eternal Stone Reward
↪Normal Mode: 50
↪Hardcore Mode: 100
Chapter 2
Deep in the Pyramid Stone Chamber

Date Open:
15th March 2025, 0000hrs

Eternal Stone Max Daily Limit:
200 Eternal Stone
(20,000 Eternal Points)

Royal Face Coupon Exchange Ticket
(Quantity: 5)
Refer to 19th February 2025 Cash Shop Update for Face Looks

Extreme Growth Potion
(Quantity: 5)

Karma Purple Cube
(Quantity: 5)

Daily EXP from NPC Polyon when you achieve the Eternal Stone max limit

Chapter 2 Clear Eternal Stone Reward
↪Normal Mode: 100
↪Hardcore Mode: 200
Chapter 3
Magma Dungeon

Date Open:
19th March 2025
(After Maintenance)

Eternal Stone Max Daily Limit:
300 Eternal Stone
(30,000 Eternal Points)

Mix Dye Exchange Coupon
(Quantity: 10)

Karma Regular Cube
(Quantity: 10)

Daily EXP from NPC Polyon when you achieve the Eternal Stone max limit

Chapter 3 Clear Eternal Stone Reward
↪Normal Mode: 150
↪Hardcore Mode: 300
Chapter 4
Deep in the Magma Dungeon

Date Open:
22nd March 2025, 0000hrs

Eternal Stone Max Daily Limit:
400 Eternal Stone
(40,000 Eternal Points)

Mix Color Lens Exchange Coupon
(Quantity: 10)

Extreme Growth Potion
(Quantity: 10)

Karma Regular Cube
(Quantity: 10)

Daily EXP from NPC Polyon when you achieve the Eternal Stone max limit

Chapter 4 Clear Eternal Stone Reward
↪Normal Mode: 200
↪Hardcore Mode: 400
Chapter 5
King's Chambers

Date Open:
26th March 2025
(After Maintenance)

Eternal Stone Max Daily Limit:
500 Eternal Stone
(50,000 Eternal Points)

Karma Purple Cube
(Quantity: 20)

Karma Regular Additional Cube
(Quantity: 10)

Maple Expedition Growth Potion V
(Quantity: 2)

Wielder of Ancient Power (Medal)
(Quantity: 1)

Daily EXP from NPC Polyon when you achieve the Eternal Stone max limit

Chapter 5 Clear Eternal Stone Reward
↪Normal Mode: 250
↪Hardcore Mode: 500
Challenge Mode

Date Open:
26th March 2025 (After Maintenance)

Eternal Stone Max Daily Limit:
600 Eternal Stone
(60,000 Eternal Points)

Daily EXP from NPC Polyon when you achieve the Eternal Stone max limit
Challenge Mode Stage Clear Eternal Stone Reward
↪Stage 4, 12, 20, 28, 36: 90
↪Stage 8, 16, 24, 32: 40: 150


Stage Info
  • 1 Gameplay map = 1 Stage.
  • 1 Chapter = 20 Stages.
  • Challenge mode = 40 Stages.
  • In each chapter, random stages may appear when certain conditions are met.
  • Once a Stage is cleared, move to the next Stage by using the portal on the right side of the map.
  • If your HP reaches 0 in a Stage or the time has ran out, you will automatically exit and move back to the event map.

    Types of Stages
  • Normal Stage
      ↪Normal stage that takes up the majority of every chapter.
      ↪Contains complicated terrain and traps.
      ↪Monsters will constantly spawn in multiple phases. (e.g. once all phase 1 monsters are killed, phase 2 monsters will start to spawn)
      ↪Killing all monsters in all phases will clear the stage, and allow you to claim the reward and move to the next stage.
      ↪Time limit per stage: 3~5 minutes.

  • Elite Stage
      ↪Small map with simple terrain, Mid Boss stage where Elite monsters will appear.
      ↪Elite Monsters have high health and use complicated attack patterns.
      ↪Stage clear reward will always include "Eternal Stone".
      ↪Killing all monsters will clear the stage.
      ↪Time limit per stage: 3~5 minutes.

  • Boss Stage
      ↪Last stage of each Chapter where a Boss will appear.
      ↪Will appear on Stage 20 of Normal mode and Hardcore mode
      ↪Will appear every 8 stages on Challenge Mode
      ↪Boss Monsters have high health and use multiple attack patterns.
      ↪No separate reward on clear (reward given together with entire Chapter reward exclusive stage)
      ↪Killing all monsters will clear the stage.

  • Survival Stage
      ↪If the next map would be a Normal Stage, there is a chance that a Survival stage will appear instead of a Normal stage.
      ↪In a small map about 1 screen wide, large amounts of monsters will continuously spawn, and you only clear the stage when you survive for a set period of time.
      ↪On entering a Survival Stage, a warning message and player popup dialogue will appear.
      ↪When the timer runs out, all monsters in the map will vanish and you will be able to move onto the next Stage.

  • Destroy the target Stage
      ↪Uses the same map as Normal stages, and a warning message and player popup dialogue will appear.
      ↪Clear condition is changed from killing all monsters to killing the elite monster while protecting the altar.
      ↪Large amount of monsters will continuously spawn.
      ↪1 Elite Monster will be spawned at the Altar, but will have slightly lowered health and attack power based on the difficulty level.
      ↪Once the Elite Monster is defeated, all monsters will vanish and you will clear the stage.

  • Preparation Stage (Stage 0)
      ↪The "Fountain of Life" will appear and restore a set percentage of your max health.
      ↪No monsters.
      ↪Stage will appear randomly when player is progressing through the stages.
      ↪Not included in stage count. (stage number does not increase)

  • Shop Stage
      ↪3 random rewards will be offered, and can be bought with "Pyramid Coins".
      ↪After confirming the price under the rewards, click your desired item to buy.
      ↪No monsters.
      ↪Appears in a set order within the stages. (at a certain stage number)


    Normal Modes
  • Contains 20 stages.
  • Can only proceed to next chapter when you complete the previous chapter at least once.
  • The 10th stage is a Mini Boss.
  • The 20th stage is the Main Boss.
  • Monsters will also have a small chance to drop Eternal Stone Points when eliminated.

    Hardcore Modes
  • Contains 20 stages.
  • Unlock by completing the Normal Mode at least once.
  • The 10th stage is a Mini Boss.
  • The 20th stage is the Main Boss.
  • Monsters will also have a small chance to drop Eternal Stone Points when eliminated.
  • You will obtain double Eternal Stone points upon completing a Hardcore Mode.

    Challenge Modes
  • Unlocks after chapter 5 is completed and chapter 5 rewards are claimed.
  • Total of 40 stages.
  • Every 4th stage is a Mini Boss.
  • Every 8th stage is a Main Boss.
  • Monsters will also have a small chance to drop Eternal Stone Points when eliminated.

    [Pharaoh's Treasure] Characters Information

    Upon entering the stage, you will be assigned to a Character Category depending on your job.

    Character Category Job
    Warrior Adele | Aran | Soul Master | Mihile | Blaster | Demon Avenger |
    Demon Slayer | Hero | Paladin | Dark Knight | Kaiser | Zero | Hayato
    Magician Lara | Illium | Evan | Luminous | Flame Wizard | Battle Mage |
    Arch Mage(I/L) | Arch Mage(F/P) | Bishop | Kinesis | Kanna
    Bowman Kaine | Pathfinder | Mercedes | Wind Breaker | Wild Hunter | Bowmaster | Crossbow Master
    Thief Khali | Ho Young | Cadena | Phantom | Night Walker | Xenon |
    Night Lord | Shadower | Dual Blade
    Pirate Ark | Eunwol | Stiker | Mechanic | Captain | Viper | Cannon Shooter | Angelic Buster



    Icon Description
    image Health Points
    image ATT Attack
    image DEF Defense
    image Critical Rate Critical Rate
    image DEX Stage 1 Movement Speed
    Jump Height
    image Attack Speed Attack Speed
    image Evasion Evasion

    As the character progresses through the stage, skills can be upgraded and new skills can be learned.
    The Main Skill assigned to Left CTRL by default cannot be removed.
    The Main Skill can be rebound to A S or D by dragging and dropping.

    Main Skill Description

    Two-Handed Sword Chain Slash
    For Warrior
    The slashing attack attacks 5 enemies at 400% of ATT 1 times.
    The additional slashing attack attacks 5 enemies at 600% of ATT 1 times.

    Magic Orb
    For Magician
    Fires a magic orb that attacks up to 4 enemies at 350% of ATT 1 times.
    Key down to enhance Damage to 1200% of ATT.
    When enhanced to max, the magic orb attacks all enemies in a broader area at 1200% Damage 1 times.

    Mystical Arrow
    For Bowman
    Key down to continuously shoot mystical arrows that each pierce 2 enemies and attack them at 100% of ATT 2 times.
    You can move and change directions while attacking.

    Dagger Slash
    For Thief
    Attacks up to 3 enemies at 250% of ATT 3 times.

    Shotgun Fire
    For Pirate
    The slashing attacks 6 enemies at 460% of ATT 2 times.
    The additional shot attacks 6 enemies at 520% of ATT 2 times.

    Eternal Force
    Earn Eternal Points by participating and clearing stages.
    100 Eternal Points = 1 Eternal Stone
    Eternal Stone can be used to enhance your character stats during missions.
    The cost to upgrade will increase with skill level.
    Look for NPC Sonia, click Talk to Sonia and select Show me the stats I can enhance with <Eternal Points>.



    Stats Description

    Enhance Max HP
    For All
    Max Level: 10

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 100 / +50
    Lv.1 to 2: 150 / +100
    Lv.2 to 3: 200 / +150
    Lv.3 to 4: 250 / +200
    Lv.4 to 5: 300 / +250
    Lv.5 to 6: 500 / +300
    Lv.6 to 7: 1,000 / +350
    Lv.7 to 8: 1,000 / +400
    Lv.8 to 9: 2,000 / +450
    Lv.9 to 10: 3,000 / +500

    Enhance Attack
    For All
    Max Level: 25

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 100 / +100
    Lv.1 to 2: 150 / +250
    Lv.2 to 3: 200 / +450
    Lv.3 to 4: 250 / +700
    Lv.4 to 5: 300 / +1,000
    Lv.5 to 6: 350 / +1,350
    Lv.6 to 7: 400 / +1,750
    Lv.7 to 8: 450 / +2,200
    Lv.8 to 9: 500 / +2,700
    Lv.9 to 10: 600 / +3,300
    Lv.10 to 11: 700 / +4,000
    Lv.11 to 12: 800 / +4,500
    Lv.12 to 13: 900 / +5,500
    Lv.13 to 14: 1,000 / +6,500
    Lv.14 to 15: 1,200 / +7,500
    Lv.15 to 16: 1,400 / +8,500
    Lv.16 to 17: 1,600 / +10,000
    Lv.17 to 18: 1,800 / +12,000
    Lv.18 to 19: 2,000 / +14,000
    Lv.19 to 20: 2,500 / +16,000
    Lv.20 to 21: 3,000 / +18,000
    Lv.21 to 22: 3,500 / +20,000
    Lv.22 to 23: 4,000 / +23,000
    Lv.23 to 24: 4,500 / +26,000
    Lv.24 to 25: 5,000 / +30,000


    Enhance Critical Rate
    For All
    Max Level: 5

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 100 / +5%
    Lv.1 to 2: 250 / +10%
    Lv.2 to 3: 500 / +15%
    Lv.3 to 4: 750 / +20%
    Lv.4 to 5: 1,000 / +25%


    Enhance Attack Speed
    For All
    Max Level: 4

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 300 / +1
    Lv.1 to 2: 500 / +2
    Lv.2 to 3: 1,000 / +3
    Lv.3 to 4: 2,000 / +4


    Enhance DEF
    For All
    Max Level: 5

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 200 / +4%
    Lv.1 to 2: 500 / +8%
    Lv.2 to 3: 700 / +12%
    Lv.3 to 4: 1,000 / +16%
    Lv.4 to 5: 2,000 / +20%


    Enhance DEX
    For All
    Max Level: 5

    Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1:
    100 / Speed +15, Jump +3, Double/Upward Jump level +1
    Lv.1 to 2:
    300 / Speed +30, Jump +6, Double/Upward Jump level +2
    Lv.2 to 3:
    500 / Speed +45, Jump +9, Double/Upward Jump level +3
    Lv.3 to 4:
    1,000 / Speed +60, Jump +12, Double/Upward Jump level +4
    Lv.4 to 5:
    2,000 / Speed +75, Jump +15, Double/Upward Jump level +5


    Enhance Evasion
    For All
    Max Level: 5

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 200 / +3%
    Lv.1 to 2: 500 / +6%
    Lv.2 to 3: 700 / +9%
    Lv.3 to 4: 1,000 / +12%
    Lv.4 to 5: 2,000 / +15%


    Indomitable Spirit
    For All
    Max Level: 5

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 100 / HP +5 on stage clear
    Lv.1 to 2: 200 / HP +10 on stage clear
    Lv.2 to 3: 500 / HP +15 on stage clear
    Lv.3 to 4: 1,000 / HP +20 on stage clear
    Lv.4 to 5: 2,000 / HP +25 on stage clear


    For All
    Max Level: 5

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 100 / HP Recovery Spring/Blessed Sanctuary recovery +10%
    Lv.1 to 2: 200 / HP Recovery Spring/Blessed Sanctuary recovery +20%
    Lv.2 to 3: 300 / HP Recovery Spring/Blessed Sanctuary recovery +30%
    Lv.3 to 4: 400 / HP Recovery Spring/Blessed Sanctuary recovery +40%
    Lv.4 to 5: 500 / HP Recovery Spring/Blessed Sanctuary recovery +50%


    For All
    Max Level: 5

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 100 / 100 Pyramid Coins at the start
    Lv.1 to 2: 300 / 200 Pyramid Coins at the start
    Lv.2 to 3: 500 / 300 Pyramid Coins at the start
    Lv.3 to 4: 700 / 400 Pyramid Coins at the start
    Lv.4 to 5: 1,000 / 500 Pyramid Coins at the start


    Gold Tracker
    For All
    Max Level: 5

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 100 / Pyramid Coin Gain +5%
    Lv.1 to 2: 200 / Pyramid Coin Gain +10%
    Lv.2 to 3: 500 / Pyramid Coin Gain +15%
    Lv.3 to 4: 1,000 / Pyramid Coin Gain +20%
    Lv.4 to 5: 2,000 / Pyramid Coin Gain +25%


    Blessed Start
    For All
    Max Level: 3

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 1,000 / Preparation stage altar count +1
    Lv.1 to 2: 2,000 / Preparation stage altar count +2


    Enhance Two-Handed Sword
    For Warrior
    Max Level: 1

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 1,000 /
    Two-Handed Sword characters can auto-learn Two-Handed Sword Slash Lv.2


    Enhance Wand
    For Mage
    Max Level: 1

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 1,000 /
    Wand characters can auto-learn Magic Orb Lv.2


    Bow Enhancement
    For Bowman
    Max Level: 1

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 1,000 /
    Bow characters can auto-learn Mystical Arrow Lv.2


    Enhance Dagger
    For Thief
    Max Level: 1

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 1,000 /
    Dagger characters can auto-learn Dagger Slash Lv.2


    Enhance Shotgun
    For Pirate
    Max Level: 1

    Level: Eternal Stone Cost / Stats Increase
    Lv.0 to 1: 1,000 /
    Shotgun characters can auto-learn Shotgun Fire Lv.2

    [Pharaoh's Treasure] Artifacts

    Obtain artifacts when you clear stages.
    Total of 6 equip slots for artifacts and 15 storage slots for artifacts provided in your inventory.
    Can be obtained from Monster Drops or Artifact Altar
    New artifacts can be crafted by combining 2 you already have.


    Artifact types
  • Passive Stats Artifact : Basic artifact which increases various stats of your character.
  • Special Effect Artifact : Artifact with various special effects.

    Artifact rarity
  • Low class Artifacts
      ↪ Shows up in monster drops, artifact altar, most places where artifacts can be obtained.
  • Middle class Artifacts
      ↪ Obtain using artifact combinations.
      ↪ Can get from Stage clear (Artifact Altar) or shop at a low probability.
  • High class Artifacts
      ↪ Can only be obtained by crafting artifacts.

    Artifact Crafting


  • While the artifact crafting UI is open, drag and drop or double click Artifacts in the inventory to place them in the artifact crafting UI, and click combine button to attempt crafting


  • After completing Artifact crafting, placing another Artifact in the crafting UI will reset the crafting results, and you can try a new combination without closing the UI


  • When 2 artifacts in your possession are combined, a random artifact will appear.
  • Special combinations can be used to guarantee a certain artifact.

    Special Combination (fixed combination) Recipe


  • Once you succeed in crafting using a fixed recipe, it will be stored in the recipe book.
      ↪ recorded in 3 phases
      ↪ 1st success: 1 ingredient is revealed.
      ↪ 2nd success: 2 ingredients revealed.
      ↪ 3rd success: 2 ingredients and the results are revealed.
  • You can check currently revealed recipes by pressing the ? button in the crafting UI.

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    ~~~ End of v240 Pharaoh's Treasure Maple Expedition Highlight II Notes ~~~