10 Jun 2014
R.E.D. : Zero - Child of the Goddess Patch Notes

Rhinne, the Goddess of time, anticipated the day that she would be imprisoned by the Black Mage so in a last resort, she forged a child named Zero. The Black Mage knew of the dangers Zero would bring so he ordered his commanders to split the child into two separate beings, one boy and one girl and to be banished into the Mirror World.
The boy, named Nine, would serve under the Shadow Knights, an organization built to fend off the evils terrorizing the Umbra Temple outside of their hometown of Shadowvale. As time grew by, Nine grew suspicious of the Knights and what was inside the temple. His suspicions were truly confirmed when he realized that the Knights were guarding a young woman; which he discovered later was his female counterpart, named Beta. The Knights grew wise of Nine’s actions and attempted to stop him from releasing Beta, but to no avail.

Beta escapes the temple with Alpha and the two teams up to know the Knights’ true intentions and where they had really came from.
Zero brings a couple of special features not available to any other classes. For starters, Zero boasts a “two-in-one” mechanic in which allows you to either switch from Beta to Alpha or to have the two available in unison at the same time. Each character gives a different feel during gameplay and each have their own role.
Unlike the other classes, Zero starts immediately at level 100 instead of level 10 or 1. While this appears to be too good of a fact, Zero is only able to perform quests and level up in Mirror World until level 180. Although they are able to travel to Maple World whenever they want, they will not be able to take quests, gain EXP or fight monsters or bosses that are in Maple World until their storyline quests are finished, which is at level 180.
The Zero class, like the Demon, Kanna and Angelic Buster, does not use MP but instead uses their own energy source called Time Force. Much like Demon Fury, Time Force can be obtained by attacking your enemies and can recharge over time.
As for equipment, Alpha and Beta shares the same armor and accessories. However because you play as both genders, they are unable to equip gender specific equipment, except Cash Equipments as they do not share the same Cash inventory. They are also able to have their hair, skin and face changed independently as well.
The Basics

All characters come with a fixed customized look. At this point you will not be able to choose any face or hair for your Zero.
Your storyline quest progression will be accessible by clicking on the

The Quest icons on NPCs in the Mirror World also receives an upgrade.

Both Alpha and Beta can share the same Cash Equipment, or you can have different Cash Items for each character as shown in the image above.
The Mirror World

The Mirror World was constructed by the Black Mage with the goddess Rhinne’s power to imprison Zero and control the source of their power. It is only a shard of Maple World, copied but not reproduced. It is an unstable, incomplete shadow. The Mirror World is broken up into hub towns that mirror certain locations from Maple World, such as Leafre and Henesys. Each location will have a set of premium dungeons to quest and train in. Dungeons can be started solo or in a group.
Zero’s Temple

Alpha and Beta will not be alone in their struggle to break free from Mirror World. Devout priests of the Transcendence of Time will help guide and train them for the journey ahead.
Zero’s Temple will be home of a number of priests that will offer useful services such as a Beautician, Storage Keeper, and Quartermaster.
Dello will offer to train Zero in any profession. And for a fee and some fatigue, Dello will also give lessons to increase mastery over a selected profession. Dello’s lessons will only bring professions up to Lv. 10.
Next to Dello is a book shelf. Zero will be able to read from this book shelf 3 times a day to raise a random trait.
Cello, the quartermaster will sell a number of useful items, equipment, and crafting material. Besides the crafting material, Cello will only accept Timic Coins for his wares, which can be obtained while running the dungeons in Mirror World.
As mentioned above, Zero allows you to play as either Alpha or Beta, each having their own roles in combat. The common mechanics they share is their ability to link their attacks. You start off Zero with only few skills in your disposal. The class does not have any job branches or advancements, instead new skills are given to the player at intervals of 5 or 10 levels up to level 200. Zero does not possess any Hyper Skills, either.

Alpha’s gameplay focus primarily on delivering rapid-fast multi-hit attacks on enemy mobs while being as mobile as possible. His weapon of choice is the Tachi, a Long Sword. It’s governed by Lazuli, the spirit inside his weapon. See skill list here.

Beta’s gameplay focus primarily on heavy defenses and delivering singular, slow but hard-hitting attacks towards her enemies. Her skillset gives her a prominent edge over boss enemies. Her weapon of choice is the Broad Sword, a well-endowed weapon. It’s governed by Lapis, the spirit inside her weapon. See skill list here.

Zero will utilize a combination combo system that will allow them to perform powerful and spectacular combos by just pressing one attack key. Each attack will belong in a preset combination and by repeatedly pressing the key for the first attack in the combination, the follow up attacks will be performed. For example by just using the skill Moon Strike, the first attack will be Moon Strike, followed by Piercing Thrust, and ending with Shadow Strike.

Zero can battle monsters by Tagging or Assisting via Dual Combat. When using a different skill, Tagging allows Alpha or Beta to alternate, and the switched out character will continue to Assist for a short while, causing the switched out character to deal more damage.

Along with the combination attacks, Zero will also be able to tag team to fight their enemies. By using an attack of the character on standby, both characters attack together for the next 3 seconds. Each attack will have a corresponding assist skill that the other character will perform.

Instead of using Mana, Zero uses Time Force (TF). Time Force replenishes very quickly (approximately 5 points per second), allowing continuous use of skills. Alpha and Beta do not share their HP and TF, meaning that if Alpha is running low on HP/TF, he can switch out with Beta, and vice versa. Potions are also not shared, and only affect the selected character. When switched out, the character on standby regenerates their HP and TF extremely fast.
Zero uses a unique evolving weapon that grows with them. Alpha wields the long sword Lazuli, while Beta wields the broad sword Lapis. These weapons upgrade every 10 levels up to level 170.

After completing Chapter 1 of the main story, Lapis and Lazuli can only be enhanced through a special weapon UI accessible from the weapon button on the bottom left of the equipment inventory window.
Only 1 scroll or enhancement item is needed to upgrade both weapons. When the weapon evolves, you will have the option to carry over all enhancements or to reset the weapon. If the weapon is destroyed, the weapon can be repurchased without any enhancements.
By defeating enemies and completing dungeons in Mirror World, Zero will also accumulate WP (Weapon Point), which, with a small meso fee, can be used to reset and possible upgrade both Lapis and Lazuli’s potential.
Because Zero is unable to unequip their weapons, Lucky Item Order Forms have been added to turn Lapis and Lazuli into a piece for another equipment set. These scrolls will not change the stats of the weapons but will instead count the weapons towards the set bonus of the scroll used. Visit Cello in Zero’s Temple to obtain a few of these Lucky Item Scrolls.
Zero’s skills are divided into two skill sets: one for Alpha and one for Beta. Both sets receive 3 SP every time they level, but their points cannot be distributed in the other tab (e.g. Alpha’s SP cannot be added into Beta’s skills, and vice versa). Zero only has one Job Advancement, and begins at level 100. Transcendent and shared skills are unlocked as Zero levels up, similar to Hyper Skills. Alpha specializes in movement attacks and critical attacks, enabling him to attack much faster, while Beta specializes in defensive skills and heavy attacking, therefore attacking slower than Alpha skills.
• Information on Patch Schedule and Cash Shop Update for 10th June 2014 can be found here.
• Manual patch can be downloaded from this link. Please note that you can only run the client after the server check has ended on 11th June 2014.
– MapleSEA Administrator
Edited at 1032hrs 11 June 2014 : Corrected information on weapon spirits.