Equipment Upgrading Tips

There are various ways you can upgrade your equipments in MapleStorySEA!
There are 5 main ways on upgrading your equipment as follows:
1. Scroll Enhancement
2. Additional Options
3. Star Force Enhancement
4. Potential System
5. Soul Weapon
Scroll Enhancement
You can upgrade your equipment using the Spell Trace enhancement system or various types of scrolls.
The Spell Trace required for enhancement depends on your equipment level.
Each scroll used will reduce your upgradable slots by 1.
2 additional upgrade slots can be unlocked by using 1 Golden Hammer (obtainable through hunting contents) and 1 Vicious Hammer (Cash Shop).
Failed an upgrade slot? Don't fret!
You can use Innocent Scrolls and Clean Slate scrolls to recover your failed upgrade slots, obtainable through field hunting rewards and event shops.
➢ Innocent Scroll: Recover equipment to the clean state of it. All upgraded slots and star force enhancement will be reset.
➢ Clean Slate Scroll: Recovers failed upgrade slot.
Alternatively, you can also use the Spell Trace enhancement system to recover upgrade slots, with 3 options available.
➢ Clean Slate Scroll 5% (2000 Spell Traces)
➢ Innocence Scroll 30% (5000 Spell Traces)
➢ Ark Innocence Scroll 30% (10000 Spell Traces)
Ark Innocence Scroll is a special scroll that resets only the upgraded slots, the star force enhancements will not be reset.
Additional Options
Most equipment in the game obtained through monster drops will come with additional options, which grants additional stats, which is shown in green fonts.
Certain accessories cannot receive additional options (E.g. Rings)
These stats can be reset with the use of a Resurrection Flame, obtainable through contents and events.
Resurrection Flame can also be obtained via Fairy Bro Daily Gift (Day 11/25)
Equipment denoted with a white dot on the top left corner of the equipment image can only use Crimson, Rainbow and Obsidian Resurrection Flame to reset.
(E.g. You cannot use a Resurrection Flame Level 150 on these type of equipment)
Equipment that has no white dot has no Resurrection Flame restrictions.
Star Force Enhancement
After using up all upgrade slots available on your equipment on the Scroll Enhancement section, you can further enhance your equipment with the Star Force Enhancement system.
Access the Star Force Enhancement system by pressing default key “O” or by pressing the bottom right corner enhance button on the item inventory.
The maximum number of stars an equipment can go depends on the tier of the equipment, which is denoted by the Level Req to equip it.
The higher the star force, the higher the meso cost, as well as the chance of failure.
Destroy rate begins from attempting 12* enhancement (5* for Superior Equipments).
You can pay double the meso cost to protect your equipment from 12*-->17* enhancement. This does not apply to Superior Equipment.
Destroyed your equipment? No worries!
You’ll receive equipment traces, where you can recover your destroyed equipment stats on the same type of equipment.
Transfers up to 12* enhancement. (Does not apply for Superior equipments)
All potentials, additional potentials and soul weapon stats from the equipment trace are transferred over.
Potential System
There are 2 types of potential system: Potential and Additional Potential.
There are 4 tiers of potential grade: Rare, Epic, Unique, Legendary.
You can use a Potential Scroll or Additional Potential Scroll to add potential / additional potentials on your equipment.
Potential can have up to 3 lines of stats. If you have an item that has 2 lines of stats, you can use a Stamp to expand it to 3 lines.
The stats can be rerolled via Cube items.
Cubes can be obtained through Monster Collection system, Cube Crafting, Fairy Bro Daily gifts, hunting bosses as well as events.
Each type of cubes has a maximum tier grade and unique function.
List of cubes available in-game:
Soul Weapon
Imbue a boss soul on your weapon to receive more power!
Receive a special skill based on the Boss Soul, and additional stats boost!
To imbue a soul on your weapon, you must use a Soul Enchanter to enchant the weapon before unlocking the slot for soul imbuing.
Soul Enchanter can be obtained from hunting, bosses as well as events.
Alternatively, you can purchase a Soul Enchanter Voucher @ 2,000 Cash in the Cash Shop.
Soul shards of bosses are dropped by chance.
Collect 10 to combine them to a Boss Soul.
Drag and drop the Boss Soul to imbue it's soul to your enchanted weapon!
Tip: Augmented Souls grants more powerful and unique stats!